I am a newbie to Docker. I created a docker image with JAVA and MySQL installed in it. I tried running a normal Java application by copying it into the docker image, it ran successfully with the expected result. After that i tried to run a Java based application using mysql database. i created a database and tried executing the program, it ran successfully and i got the expected output.
But, when i closed that container and again tried to run it, it requires me to again create a new database with same name and my already existing data is lost. so, every time it opens a new mysql and i need to run it and create new database and table to store the data. Is there anyway to save my data in the image, so that every other time when i RUN the docker image, it should have the previous data stored in the same database?
If you're just starting out with docker, I would recommend mounting a local directory in your container for the database data. This assumes you'll only be running your application on a single machine, but it is easier than creating separate containers for your data. To do this, you would do something like this:
# Add VOLUMEs to allow backup of config and databases
VOLUME ["/etc/mysql", "/var/lib/mysql"]
and do
$ docker run -v /path/to/local/etc:/etc/mysql -v /path/to/local/db:/var/lib/mysql your-image
That said, running mysql in docker is a decidedly non-trivial first step in the docker world. This is a good example:
There is a difference between image and container.
If you want to save the change you make in your container to a new image you should use
docker commit <container name or id> <optionnal image name>
If you just want to relaunch your container for more modification before commiting use:
docker start <container name or id>
docker attach <container name or id>
How to see list of all container
docker ps -a
You have two ways to managing data in containers:
Data volumes: A data volume is a specially-designated directory within one or more containers that bypasses the Union File System to provide several useful features for persistent or shared data
Data volume containers: If you have some persistent data that you want to share between containers, or want to use from non-persistent containers, it's best to create a named Data Volume Container, and then to mount the data from it.
For more info see official user guide: https://docs.docker.com/userguide/dockervolumes/
I am trying to execute ubuntu in docker. I use this command docker run -it ubuntu, and I want to install some packages and store some files. I know about volumes, but I have used it only in docker-compose. Is it possible to store all the container's data or how can I do that properly?
when you run a container, Docker creates a namespace and loads the image filesystem in that namespace. any changes you apply in a running container including installing some packages only remains during the lifetime of the container if you remove the container and rerun it they're gone.
if you want to your changes be permanent you have to commit the running container and actually create an image for that using this command:
As David pointed out in the comments
You should pretty much never run docker commit. It leads to images that can't be reproduced, and you'll be in trouble if there's a security fix you're required to take a year down the road.
sudo docker commit [CONTAINER_ID] [new_image_name]
if you have an app inside the container like MySQL and wants the data stored in that app be permanent you should map a volume from the host like this:
docker run -d -v /home/username/mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql --name mysql mysql
Assuming that I have a MongoDb or Sql Server container with a lotta data, and all of a sudden (which is very probable) I need to change the port! Maybe due to a sudden security issue! And I need to stop the container and start it up again running on a different port. Why doesn't docker allow me to do that, if I run the image again a new container will be created with no data inside and that causes a lot of mess.
Is there a proper built-in solution? By proper I mean a solution that does not require me to back up databases, move them to out the container volume and restore them again. Something logical such as a command that can allow me to change the forwarded port, for example -p 1433:1234 to 27017:1234.
BLUF: Start your MongoDB container with a volume mapped in to keep the data persistant using this format: docker run --name some-mongo -v /my/own/datadir:/data/db -d mongo
While I agree, it would be great if Docker had the ability to switch port numbers in a running container. As others said, each container is a process, and I do not know a way of changing a port on a running process.
You do not need to import your data if you have set up your volumes properly. I do this all the time for MySQL databases. The MyQSL image is just the database engine separate from the database if you map in your volumes correctly. That's how Docker is designed.
In looking at the section "Where to store data", it gives an example of mounting a volume to a folder on the host to keep your data. This should allow you to start a new container using the same data without having to re-import. But I'm not as familiar with MongoDB which is a NoSQL.
You may need backup your database using this dump command:
docker exec some-mongo sh -c 'exec mongodump -d <database_name> --archive' > /some/path/on/your/host/all-collections.archive
Start a new container with the volume mapped and restore the data.
docker run --name some-mongo -v /my/own/datadir:/data/db -v /some/path/on/your/host/all-collections.archive:/data/db/collections.archive -d mongo
You'll need to restore that backup.
docker exec some-mongo sh -c 'exec mongorestore --db <database_name> --archive=/data/db/collections.archive
From that point on you should be able to simply stop and start a new container with the volumes mapped in. Your data should remain persistent. You should not need to dump and restore any more (well, obviously for normal backup purposes).
Container is the instantiation of a image.
The port number is the instantiation state of a container, so it can only be changed while creating a container.
You can change the port mapping by directly editing the hostconfig.json file at /var/lib/docker/containers/[hash_of_the_container]/hostconfig.json
You can determine the [hash_of_the_container] via the docker inspect command and the value of the "Id" field is the hash.
1) stop the container
2) change the file
3) restart your docker engine (to flush/clear config caches)
4) start the container
Reference: How do I assign a port mapping to an existing Docker container?
Let's say you are trying to dockerise a database (couchdb for example).
Then there are at least two assets you consider volumes for:
database files
log files
Let's further say you want to keep the db-files private but want to expose the log-files for later processing.
As far as I undestand the documentation, you have two options:
First option
define managed volumes for both, log- and db-files within the db-image
import these in a second container (you will get both) and work with the logs
Second option
create data container with a managed volume for the logs
create the db-image with a managed volume for the db-files only
import logs-volume from data container when running db-image
Two questions:
Are both options realy valid/ possible?
What is the better way to do it?
br volker
The answer to question 1 is that, yes both are valid and possible.
My answer to question 2 is that I would consider a different approach entirely and which one to choose depends on whether or not this is a mission critical system and that data loss must be avoided.
Mission critical
If you absolutely cannot lose your data, then I would recommend that you bind mount a reliable disk into your database container. Bind mounting is essentially mounting a part of the Docker Host filesystem into the container.
So taking the database files as an example, you could image these steps:
Create a reliable disk e.g. NFS that is backed-up on a regular basis
Attach this disk to your Docker host
Bind mount this disk into my database container which then writes database files to this disk.
So following the above example, lets say I have created a reliable disk that is shared over NFS and mounted on my Docker Host at /reliable/disk. To use that with my database I would run the following Docker command:
docker run -d -v /reliable/disk:/data/db my-database-image
This way I know that the database files are written to reliable storage. Even if I lose my Docker Host, I will still have the database files and can easily recover by running my database container on another host that can access the NFS share.
You can do exactly the same thing for the database logs:
docker run -d -v /reliable/disk/data/db:/data/db -v /reliable/disk/logs/db:/logs/db my-database-image
Additionally you can easily bind mount these volumes into other containers for separate tasks. You may want to consider bind mounting them as read-only into other containers to protect your data:
docker run -d -v /reliable/disk/logs/db:/logs/db:ro my-log-processor
This would be my recommended approach if this is a mission critical system.
Not mission critical
If the system is not mission critical and you can tolerate a higher potential for data loss, then I would look at Docker Volume API which is used precisely for what you want to do: managing and creating volumes for data that should live beyond the lifecycle of a container.
The nice thing about the docker volume command is that it lets you created named volumes and if you name them well it can be quite obvious to people what they are used for:
docker volume create db-data
docker volume create db-logs
You can then mount these volumes into your container from the command line:
docker run -d -v db-data:/db/data -v db-logs:/logs/db my-database-image
These volumes will survive beyond the lifecycle of your container and are stored on the filesystem if your Docker host. You can use:
docker volume inspect db-data
To find out where the data is being stored and back-up that location if you want to.
You may also want to look at something like Docker Compose which will allow you to declare all of this in one file and then create your entire environment through a single command.
I have a Python app using a SQLite database (it's a data collector that runs daily by cron). I want to deploy it, probably on AWS or Google Container Engine, using Docker. I see three main steps:
1. Containerize and test the app locally.
2. Deploy and run the app on AWS or GCE.
3. Backup the DB periodically and download back to a local archive.
Recent posts (on Docker, StackOverflow and elsewhere) say that since 1.9, Volumes are now the recommended way to handle persisted data, rather than the "data container" pattern. For future compatibility, I always like to use the preferred, idiomatic method, however Volumes seem to be much more of a challenge than data containers. Am I missing something??
Following the "data container" pattern, I can easily:
Build a base image with all the static program and config files.
From that image create a data container image and copy my DB and backup directory into it (simple COPY in the Dockerfile).
Push both images to Docker Hub.
Pull them down to AWS.
Run the data and base images, using "--volume-from" to refer to the data.
Using "docker volume create":
I'm unclear how to copy my DB into the volume.
I'm very unclear how to get that volume (containing the DB) up to AWS or GCE... you can't PUSH/PULL a volume.
Am I missing something regarding Volumes?
Is there a good overview of using Volumes to do what I want to do?
Is there a recommended, idiomatic way to backup and download data (either using the data container pattern or volumes) as per my step 3?
When you first use an empty named volume, it will receive a copy of the image's volume data where it's first used (unlike a host based volume that completely overlays the mount point with the host directory). So you can initialize the volume contents in your main image as a volume, upload that image to your registry and pull that image down to your target host, create a named volume on that host, point your image to that named volume (using docker-compose makes the last two steps easy, it's really 2 commands at most docker volume create <vol-name> and docker run -v <vol-name>:/mnt <image>), and it will be populated with your initial data.
Retrieving the data from a container based volume or a named volume is an identical process, you need to mount the volume in a container and run an export/backup to your outside location. The only difference is in the command line, instead of --volumes-from <container-id> you have -v <vol-name>:/mnt. You can use this same process to import data into the volume as well, removing the need to initialize the app image with data in it's volume.
The biggest advantage of the new process is that it clearly separates data from containers. You can purge all the containers on the system without fear of losing data, and any volumes listed on the system are clear in their name, rather than a randomly assigned name. Lastly, named volumes can be mounted anywhere on the target, and you can pick and choose which of the volumes you'd like to mount if you have multiple data sources (e.g. config files vs databases).
There is something I'm missing in many docker examples and that is persistent data. Am I right if I conclude that every container that is stopped will lose it's data?
I got this Prestashop image running with it's internal database:
You just run docker run -ti --name some-prestashop -p 8080:80 -d prestashop/prestashop
Well you got your demo then, but not very practical.
First of all I need to hook an external MySQL container, but that one will also lose all it's data if for example my server reboots.
And what about all the modules and themes that are going to be added to the prestashop container?
It has to do with Volumes, but it is not clear to my how all the the host volumes needs to be mapped correctly and what path to the host is normally chosen. /opt/prestashop er something?
First of all, I don't have any experience with PrestaShop. This is an example which you can use for every docker container (from which you want to persist the data).
With the new version of docker (1.11) it's pretty easy to 'persist' your data.
First create your named volume:
docker volume create --name prestashop-volume
You will see this volume in /var/lib/docker/volumes:
After you've created your named volume container you can connect your container with the volume container:
docker run -ti --name some-prestashop -p 8080:80 -d -v prestashop-volume:/path/to/what/you/want/to/persist :prestashop/prestashop
(when you really want to persist everything, I think you can use the path :/ )
Now you can do what you want on your database.
When your container goes down or you delete your container, the named volume will still be there and you're able to reconnect your container with the named-volume.
To make it even more easy you can create a cron-job which creates a .tar of the content of /var/lib/docker/volumes/prestashop-volume/
When really everything is gone you can restore your volume by recreating the named-volume and untar your .tar-file in it.