Highcharts: Hide legend shape and show name - highcharts

how can i display title for dynamically added series and added y-Axis ? can i use legend and hide shapes from legend? what is better approach between legend and renderer
chart.renderer.text(text, 10, 10)
fontSize: '9px'


How to provide styles on X axis gantt high chart

I want some customization in the Gantt chart as follows:
display some text/html on the top left section (interaction of x and y-axis)
show x Axis (header) with black color in the background and some other customization in styles but got nothing in documentation.
Please refer attached image.
You can render text via SVG renderer, set position from the plot area. What interaction section do you mean, could you show screenshot?
Gantt chart is draw by line, and draw automatically, you can't find background options for axis in our documentation.
Possibility to make this is draw rectangle by SVG renderer and set them under draw line.
chart: {
events: {
render: function() {
var chart = this,
series = chart.series,
plotLeft = chart.plotLeft,
plotTop = chart.plotTop,
plotWidth = chart.plotWidth;
if (chart.myBackground) {
chart.myBackground = chart.renderer.rect(plotLeft, plotTop, plotWidth, 50, 0)
'stroke-width': 2,
stroke: 'red',
fill: 'yellow',
opacity: 0.5,
zIndex: -1
Live demo:

highchart legend symbol is not appearing, for holo column

I wanted to show Bar(column) chart using HighChart, but bar chart should show holo columns(transparent column with borders). For this purpose I set color and borderColor as follows
plotOptions: {
series: {
color: Highcharts.Color('#000000').setOpacity(0).get('rgba'),//'#000000'
borderColor: '#000000'
but it is not showing series symbol in legends, as shown in this jsFiddle. Is there anyway to show series symbol in Legends, keeping columns(bars) to appear holo(transparent with visible borders).
I am using ideas from Style by CSS from highcharts to customize the label
Fiddle link
.highcharts-legend-item * { /*for default case*/
fill: black !important;
.highcharts-legend-item-hidden * { /*when clicked*/
fill: gray !important;
The legend symbol is not showing because it's color has the opacity 0, the same as the serie.
Couldn't find anything that would allow you to set the color of the marker, but i have a workaround.
You can format the legend label with the symbol, here you can find some of those symbols http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/block/geometric_shapes/list.htm
Here is the code to hide the legend symbol when it's hidden and format it's label.
legend: {
symbolPadding: 0,
symbolWidth: 0.001,
symbolHeight: 0.001,
symbolRadius: 0,
labelFormatter: function () {
return "◼ " + this.name;
full fiddle here http://jsfiddle.net/hfuuocdw/2/
I fixed it by setting color and border color of each series, and then adding a css style for "fill" to be transparent, as shown in this fiddle.
.highcharts-series-group .highcharts-point {
fill: rgba(0,0,0,0)

Highstock padding/margin with range selector

For the following jsFiddle,I want to use the rangeSelector (but do not want to show them on chart) because I want the chart always show the data for 3 months, which means I cannot disable the range selector.
To hide the range selector I have used:
buttonTheme: {
visibility: 'hidden'
labelStyle: {
visibility: 'hidden'
Now on top of chart there is a space/blank area. I want to hide it. The reason is I want to show the chart in a small box. And this blank area because of range selector looks awkward in layout. I am thinking is there a way to add negative margin below range selector buttons?
You can set chart's margin, spacing top to negative value.
chart: {
renderTo: 'container',
spacingTop: 0,
marginTop: -35
Or better, set the range selector's height to 0.
rangeSelector: {
height: 0,
example: http://jsfiddle.net/cpvLzLso/34/

Align Legend with x-Axis Title in HighCharts

The default behavior of the x-axis title alignment is within the bounds of the x-axis. However, the legend alignment is within the bounds of the entire chart. Thus, if you align both center, they have a slight offset. How can I get the legend to base its position off of the x-axis bounds instead? My graph options are dynamic, so I would need to do it dynamically.
Sample JS Fiddle
legend: { margin:5, padding:0 },
Thanks in advance!
Example for you: http://jsfiddle.net/xqag5e72/2/
In short, you can change translation for legend to be similar to xAxis' title:
function moveLegend(e) {
var legend = this.legend,
x = this.plotLeft + (this.xAxis[0].width / 2) - legend.group.getBBox().width / 2,
y = legend.group.translateY;
transform: 'translate(' + x + ',' + y +')'
Note: I'm using load and redraw events, to translate legend after first initialization and later to make this legend responsive.

Can I plot a diagonal plotline in highcharts?

Is it possible to have a diagonal plotline in highcharts?
I have a line chart which tracks weightloss (y axis = weight, x axis = time), and I need a plotline which starts at the initial weight, and plots diagonally to the time when the user should have lost the weight by.
I can plot a simply flat plotline like this:
plotLines: [{
value: 0.696,
width: 3,
color: 'red',
dashStyle: 'dash',
label: {
text: 'Latest value',
align: 'right',
y: 5,
x: 0
but, that's just a simple flat line.
Any ideas?
Easiest way is to simply use a separate line series.
Plot just your first and last point. You can disable markers, turn off mousetracking, and hide from the legend if you want it to behave just like a plotLine.
Plotlines can be horizontal or vertical, but you can use renderer to add custom line (like diagonal) in the chart: http://api.highcharts.com/highcharts#Renderer.path()
