I've built a volunteer tracking application with a phone-text user interface using the Twilio API. I don't need a view so my controller contains this code:
class TwilioController < ApplicationController
include TwilioHelper
def sms_receive
user = User.find_or_create_by(phone_number: params[:From])
text = Text.create(user_id: user.id, body: params[:Body].capitalize, date: DateTime.now)
activity_log = ActivityLog.new(user_id: user.id, phone_number: "xxx-xxx-#{user.last_four_digits}", text_id: text.id)
args = {user: user, text: text, activity_log: activity_log, options: params}
volunteer_manager = VolunteerHandler.new(args)
replies = volunteer_manager.process
replies.each {|reply| text_response(reply, args[:options])}
def text_response(reply, args)
account_sid = ENV['ACCOUNT_SID']
auth_token = ENV['AUTH_TOKEN']
client = Twilio::REST::Client.new account_sid, auth_token
client.account.messages.create(:body => reply, :to => args[:From], :from => args[:To])
render nothing: true and return
A user will send a multi command string (i.e. 'In with American Red Cross'). In this case two commands will execute 'In' and 'with American Red Cross'. These commands return an array of strings such as ['Thank you for volunteering', 'Would you like the American Red Cross to keep in contact with you for future volunteering opportunities?']. This array is what local variable replies points to.
If I take off the render nothing:true and return code then I get the error: ActionView::MissingTemplate Missing template twilio/sms_receive
I can create the unnecessary view and solve my problem, but this doesn't seem like the best solution.
Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
As replies is an array which is iterating over text_response its executing render nothing: true and return multiple times, which is cause of error you are facing.
Try getting render statement out of the loop.
class TwilioController < ApplicationController
include TwilioHelper
def sms_receive
user = User.find_or_create_by(phone_number: params[:From])
text = Text.create(user_id: user.id, body: params[:Body].capitalize, date: DateTime.now)
activity_log = ActivityLog.new(user_id: user.id, phone_number: "xxx-xxx-#{user.last_four_digits}", text_id: text.id)
args = {user: user, text: text, activity_log: activity_log, options: params}
volunteer_manager = VolunteerHandler.new(args)
replies = volunteer_manager.process
replies.each {|reply| text_response(reply, args[:options])}
render nothing: true and return
def text_response(reply, args)
account_sid = ENV['ACCOUNT_SID']
auth_token = ENV['AUTH_TOKEN']
client = Twilio::REST::Client.new account_sid, auth_token
client.account.messages.create(:body => reply, :to => args[:From], :from => args[:To])
I'm working on authentication (using Knock) for my rails API and I can't hit my POST route to create a new user using a react client. I am able to hit this route in Postman and it successfully creates a new user. I can see I hit the route in postman from the terminal, but when I try it on my client I don't get any response in the terminal.
Things I've tried
Ensured client and server are running on different ports
I have my client on localhost:3000 and my server on localhost:3001
Made sure I have CORS set up
I am using the gem 'rack-cors' and have a cors initializer setup according to the docs for Rails 5. (I can include this file if you believe its needed)
I also have enabled CORS on my chrome web browser
Try another POST route
I am able to successfully log in on the client side (using a user's email/password I created in postman) and generate a JWT token using a POST route to my api
Made sure I am getting to the action creator from my container
I put a debugger in the action creator to make sure I am hitting it when I submit the form. I hit it and have all the relevant info I need (first name, last name, email, and password) to complete the request.
I think the problem lies somewhere in my userSignUpFetch action creator or in my user Controller.
Action creator that handle process of sending new user object to rails
export const userSignUpFetch = (user) => {
const newUser = user
return dispatch => {
return fetch(`http://localhost:3001/api/users`, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
body: JSON.stringify({user: user})
.then(response => response.json())
.then(jresp => {
first_name: newUser.first_name,
last_name: newUser.last_name,
email: newUser.email,
password: newUser.password})
.catch((errors) => {
My current Routes for auth in Rails
api_users GET /api/users(.:format) api/users#index
POST /api/users(.:format) api/users#create
api_user GET /api/users/:id(.:format) api/users#show
PATCH /api/users/:id(.:format) api/users#update
PUT /api/users/:id(.:format) api/users#update
DELETE /api/users/:id(.:format) api/users#destroy
api_user_token POST /api/user_token(.:format) api/user_token#create
api_find_user POST /api/find_user(.:format) api/users#find
My Rails User Controller
class Api::UsersController < ApplicationController
before_action :set_user, only: [:show, :update]
def index
#users = User.all
render json: #users
def create
#user = User.create(user_params)
if #user.valid? && #user.save
render json: #user
render json: #user.errors, status: 400
def show
render json: #user
def update
if #user.update(user_params)
render json: #user
render json: #user.errors, status: 400
def destroy
def find
#user = User.find_by(email: params[:user][:email])
if #user
render json: #user
#errors = #user.errors.full_messages
render json: #errors
def set_user
#user = User.find_by(id: params[:id])
def user_params
params.require(:user).permit(:first_name, :last_name, :email, :password)
I'm expecting to see something like
Started POST "/api/users" for ::1 at 2019-05-28 17:56:41 -0500
in my terminal, but when I hit that action creator I don't get any response from my terminal running the server. I'm wondering if anybody has any suggestions on what to look for. Thanks.
I believe it is something with my dispatch.
This below works, up until jresp.loginUserFetch
export const userSignUpFetch = user => {
//Fetch request info
const newUser = JSON.stringify({user: user})
const userAuth = JSON.stringify({user})
const options = {
method: 'post',
headers: {
'Content-type': 'application/json'
body: newUser
const fetchURL = `${API_URL}/users`
return fetch(fetchURL, options)
.then(resp => resp.json())
.then(jresp => jresp.loginUserFetch({
first_name: userAuth.first_name,
last_name: userAuth.last_name,
email: userAuth.email,
password: userAuth.password}))
.catch( err => {
console.log('Request Failed:', err)
Update 2- Got it To work
I imported fetch from cross fetch as well as cleaned it up a little, but it works as attended now which makes me believe I needed cross-fetch in the file.
export const userSignUpFetch = user => {
//Fetch request info
const newUser = JSON.stringify({user: user})
const options = {
method: 'post',
headers: {
'Content-type': 'application/json'
body: newUser
const fetchURL = `${API_URL}/users`
return dispatch => {
return fetch(fetchURL, options)
.then(resp => resp.json())
.then(jresp => { dispatch(loginUserFetch({
first_name: user.first_name,
last_name: user.last_name,
email: user.email,
password: user.password})
.catch( err => {
console.log('Request Failed:', err)
I am using Zapier to search some information in google sheets. I used Webhocks to send a GET to his server with a JSON information. The response of GET is an "OK" and I can't custom this.
So, they will execute a task, find what a I want and return a value, but the response must be a GET in my server, and I don't know how to intercept this response in my route.
I'm trying to study Rails Rack to intercept de request in my app, but I don't know how to send the response to the event that sent the first GET.
How is my middleware:
class DeltaLogger
def initialize app
#app = app
def call env
Rails.logger.debug "#{env['QUERY_STRING']}"
#status, #headers, #response = #app.call(env)
[#status, #headers, #response]
So, to get the value returned from Zapier, I created two routes and a global class cache.
class Zapier
require 'httparty'
def initialize
#answer = ""
#id = 0
def request(uri, task)
last_event = Event.last
puts last_event.inspect
if last_event.nil?
last_id = 0
last_id = last_event.event_id
event_id = last_id + 1
Event.find_or_create_by(event_id: event_id)
result = HTTParty.post(uri.to_str,
:body => {id: event_id, task: task}.to_json,
:headers => {'content-Type' => 'application/json'})
#answer = ""
#id = event_id
def response(event_id, value)
if event_id != #id
#answer = ""
#answer = value
def get_answer
And my controller:
class ZapierEventsController < ApplicationController
require 'zapier_class'
before_action :get_task, only: [:get]
before_action :get_response, only: [:set]
##zapier ||= Zapier.new
def get
sleep 10 #Wait for response
#value = ##zapier.get_answer
render json: { 'value': #value }, status:
def set
##zapier.response(#id, #value)
render json: { 'status': 'ok' }, status: 200
def get_task
#task = params["task"]
def get_response
#id = Integer(params["id"])
#value = params["value"]
Now i have to make a Task Mananger
I would know how define a params in a variable to use it in another method
In my controller i have result page and contact page, i want store the search params from result page in variables and get them in my contact page method to not duplicate form fields
My result page
def result
if params[:room_type].present? && params[:location].present? && params[:nb_piece].present?
#biens = Bien.near(params[:location], 1, units: :km).where(room_type: params[:room_type], nb_piece: params[:nb_piece])
#users = User.where(id: #biens.reorder(:user_id).pluck(:user_id), payer: true) || User.where(id: #biens.reorder(:user_id).pluck(:user_id), subscribed: true)
I want store this params in my other method,like that i will need to ask only email and phone in my form
def contact
wufoo(params[:location], params[:room_type], params[:nb_piece], params[:email], params[:phone])
My wufoo
def wufoo(adresse, type, pieces, email, phone)
require "net/http"
require "uri"
require "json"
base_url = 'https://wako94.wufoo.com/api/v3/'
username = 'N5WI-FJ6V-WWCG-STQJ'
password = 'footastic'
uri = URI.parse(base_url+"forms/m1gs60wo1q24qsh/entries.json")
request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.request_uri)
request.basic_auth(username, password)
'Field7' => adresse,
'Field9' => type,
'Field12' => email,
'Field11' => phone,
'Field8' => pieces
response = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port, :use_ssl => uri.scheme =='https'){
puts JSON.pretty_generate(JSON[response.body])
It depends on how a user goes from search to contact. I assume that the contact form is linked off the search, and that they want to contact you regarding the information in the last search.
A simple method here would be to store the last search within the session, and just reference that.
def search
# .. your search logic here
def contact
last_search = session[:last_search]
if last_search.blank?
# .. some error handling if no search is available
wufoo(last_search[:location], #.. you get the idea
def store_params_in_session
session[:last_search] = {
location: params[:location],
# .. more params here
Some reason my hget is not finding or returning a hash I set in a public method. I can't figure out why.
This is all in one controller that inherits from ApplicationController, which is where I define my redis initializer:
def redis
Thread.current[:redis] ||= Redis.new
Then in my controller I do this to set the hash:
def return_customer
email = params["email"]
customer = Customer.find_by(email: email)
credit_amount = customer.credit_amount.to_f
customer_data = {email: email, customer_id: customer.id, credit_amount: credit_amount}
redis.hset("shop:#{customer.shop.id}:customer", customer_data, customer_data.inspect)
render json: customer
Then finally I have this private method I use in other methods in the same controller, this is the part that's not working:
def get_customer_from_redis
shop = Shop.find_by(shopify_domain: params["shop"])
customer_info = redis.hget("shop:#{shop.id}:customer", customer_data)
This is the error that's returned
TypeError (no implicit conversion of nil into String):
I'd recommend you rather than using .inspect use .to_json like this:
def return_customer
email = params["email"]
customer = Customer.find_by(email: email)
credit_amount = customer.credit_amount.to_f
customer_data = {email: email, customer_id: customer.id, credit_amount: credit_amount}
redis.set("shop:#{customer.shop.id}:customer", customer_data.to_json)
render json: customer
And then in your private method
def get_customer_from_redis
shop = Shop.find_by(shopify_domain: params["shop"])
customer_info = redis.get("shop:#{shop.id}:customer", customer_data)
JSON.parse(customer_info) if customer_info
I am building a worker for a controller action, but sidekiq will not boot due to me calling params in the perform method. Any ideas on how to get this to work?
def call_warrants_with_date_range
redirect_to call_logs_path, notice: 'Calls were successfully made.'
class CallLogWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
def perform(params[:call_log])
start_date = params[:call_log][:warrant_start_date]
end_date = params[:call_log][:warrant_end_date]
query = "SELECT people.id, warrants.warn_type, warrants.warn_date_issued, phone_numbers.phone_number
FROM people
LEFT OUTER JOIN warrants ON people.id = warrants.person_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN phone_numbers ON people.id = phone_numbers.person_id
WHERE warrants.warn_date_issued BETWEEN ? AND ? AND warrants.warn_type = 'AW'"
#numbers = CallLog.find_by_sql(["#{query}", start_date, end_date])
#numbers.each do |dial|
call = client.account.calls.create(
:to => dial.phone_number,
:url => 'http://twimlets.com/echo?Twiml=hello%20this%20is%20a%20test%20call%20please%20hang%20up&'
CallLog.create!({ phone: dial.phone_number, status: call.status,
warrant_start_date: start_date, warrant_end_date: end_date, person_id: dial.id})
Note.create!({ body: call.status, person_id: dial.id })
rescue Exception => e
CallLog.create!({ phone: dial.phone_number, status: call.status, exception: e.to_s,
warrant_start_date: start_date, warrantend_date: end_date, person_id: dial.id})
Note.create!({ body: e.to_s, person_id: dial.id })
In your worker:
def perform(params)
start_date = params[:call_log][:warrant_start_date]
end_date = params[:call_log][:warrant_end_date]
And then in your controller:
So you're parsing the hash params into the worker from the controller and then referring to it in your worker.
It's generally considered good practice to keep the data you pass into Sidekiq jobs as small as possible - see here for best practices. So you could go further and have:
In your worker:
def perform(start_date, end_date)
...job content
And in your controller: