Why is this RegExp taking 16 minutes to process on Rails? - ruby-on-rails

I've written a function to remove email addresses from my data using gsub. The code is below. The problem is that it takes a total of 27 minutes to execute the function on a set of 10,000 records. (16 minutes for the first pattern, 11 minutes for the second). Elsewhere in the code I process about 20 other RegExp's using a similar flow (iterating through data.each) and they all finish in less than a second. (BTW, I recognize that my RegExp's aren't perfect and may catch some strings that aren't email addresses.)
Is there something about these two RegExp's that is causing the processing time to be so high? I've tried it on seven different data sources all with the same result, so the problem isn't peculiar to my data set.
def remove_email_addresses!(data)
email_patterns = [
/[[:graph:]]+ +at +[^ ][ [[:graph:]]]{0,40} +dot +com/i
data.each do |row|
email_patterns.each do |pattern|
row[:title].gsub!(pattern,"") unless row[:title].blank?
row[:description].gsub!(pattern,"") unless row[:description].blank?

Check that your faster code isn't just doing var =~ /blah/ matching, rather than replacement: that is several orders of magnitude faster.
In addition to reducing backtracking and replacing + and * with ranges for safety, as follows...
email_patterns = [
/\b[-_.\w]{1,128} {1,10}at {1,10}[^ ][-_.\w ]{0,40} {1,10}dot {1,10}com/i
... you could also try "unrolling your loop", though this is unlikely to cause any issues unless there is some kind of interaction between the iterators (which there shouldn't be, but...). That is:
data.each do |row|
row[:title].gsub!(patterns[0],"") unless row[:title].blank?
row[:description].gsub!(patterns[0],"") unless row[:description].blank?
row[:title].gsub!(patterns[1],"") unless row[:title].blank?
row[:description].gsub!(patterns[1],"") unless row[:description].blank?
Finally, if this causes little to no speedup, consider profiling with something like ruby-prof to find out whether the regexes themselves are the issue, or whether there's a problem in the do iterator or the unless clauses instead.
Could it be that the data is large enough that it causes issues with paging once read in? If so, might it be faster to read the data in and parse it in chunks of N entries, rather than process the whole lot at once?


Rails batch convert one object to another object

I am looking for the most efficient way (in speed) to converts a huge number of objects (1M instances) to another object type.
Unfortunately I don't have the choice of what I am getting as an input (the million object).
So far I've tried with each_slice but it does not show much improvement when it comes to speed!
It looks like this:
expected_objects_of_type_2 = []
huge_array.each_slice(3000) do |batch|
batch.each do |object_type_1|
expected_objects_of_type_2 << NewType2.new(object_type_1)
Any idea?
I did a quick test with a few different methods of looping the array and measured the timings:
huge_array = Array.new(10000000){rand(1..1000)}
a = Time.now
string_array = huge_array.map{|x| x.to_s}
b = Time.now
puts b-a
Same with:
sa = []
huge_array.each do |x|
sa << x.to_s
sa = []
huge_array.each_slice(3000) do |batch|
batch.each do |x|
sa << x.to_s
No idea what you are converting so I did a bit of simple int to string.
Map: 1.7
Each: 2.3
Slice: 3.2
So apparently your slice overhead makes things slower. Map seems to be the fastest (which is internally just a for loop but with a non-dynamic length array as output). The << seems to slow things down a bit.
So if each object needs an individual converting you are stuck with O(n) complexity and can't speed things up by a lot. Just avaid overhead.
Depending on your data, sorting and exploiting caching effects might help or avoiding duplicates if you have a lot of identical data but we have no way to know if we don't know your actual conversions.
I would treat each slice in its own thread:
huge_array.each_slice(3000) do |batch|
Thread.new do
batch.each do |object_type_1|
expected_objects_of_type_2 << NewType2.new(object_type_1)
Then you have to wait for the threads to terminate using join. They should be accumulated in an array and joined.

spaCy: optimizing tokenization

I'm currently trying to tokenize a text file where each line is the body text of a tweet:
"According to data reported to FINRA, short volume percent for $SALT clocked in at 39.19% on 12-29-17 http://www.volumebot.com/?s=SALT"
"#Good2go #krueb The chart I posted definitely supports ng going lower. Gobstopper' 2.12, might even be conservative."
"#Crypt0Fortune Its not dumping as bad as it used to...."
"$XVG.X LOL. Someone just triggered a cascade of stop-loss orders and scooped up morons' coins. Oldest trick in the stock trader's book."
The file is 59,397 lines long (a day's worth of data) and I'm using spaCy for pre-processing/tokenization. It's currently taking me around 8.5 minutes and I was wondering if there were any way of optimising the following code to be quicker as 8.5 minutes seems awfully long for this process:
def token_loop(path):
store = []
files = [f for f in listdir(path) if isfile(join(path, f))]
start_time = time.monotonic()
for filename in files:
with open("./data/"+filename) as f:
for line in f:
tokens = nlp(line.lower())
tokens = [token.lemma_ for token in tokens if not token.orth_.isspace() and token.is_alpha and not token.is_stop and len(token.orth_) != 1]
end_time = time.monotonic()
print("Time taken to tokenize:",timedelta(seconds=end_time - start_time))
return store
Although it says files, it's currently only looping over 1 file.
Just to note, I only need this to tokenize the content; I don't need any extra tagging etc.
It sounds like you haven't optimised the pipeline yet. You'll get a significant speed up from disabling the pipeline components you don't need, like so:
nlp = spacy.load('en', disable=['parser', 'tagger', 'ner'])
This should get you down to about the two-minute mark, or better, on its own.
If you need a further speed up, you can look at multi-threading using nlp.pipe. Docs for multi-threading are here:
You can use nlp.pipe(all_lines) instead of nlp(line) for a faster processing
see Spacy's documentation - https://spacy.io/usage/processing-pipelines

Read data from csv file with foreach function

I have been reading data from csv, if there is a large csv file, for avoid this time-out(rack 12 sec timeout) i have read only 25 rows from csv after 25 rows it return and again make a request so this will continue until read all the rows.
def read_csv(offset)
r_count = 1
CSV.foreach(file.tempfile, options) do |row|
if r_count > offset.to_i
r_count += 1
But here it is creating a new issue, let say first read 25 rows then when the next request comes offset is 25 that time it will read upto first 25 rows then it will start read from 26 and do process, so how can i skip this rows which already read?, i tried this if next to skip iteration but that fails, or is there any other efficient way to do this?
def read_csv(fileName)
lines = (`wc -l #{fileName}`).to_i + 1
lines_processed = 0
open(fileName) do |csv|
csv.each_line do |line|
lines_processed += 1
Pure Ruby - SLOWER
def read_csv(fileName)
lines = open("sample.csv").count
lines_processed = 0
open(fileName) do |csv|
csv.each_line do |line|
lines_processed += 1
I ran a new benchmark comparing your original method provided and my own. I also included the test file information.
"File Information"
Lines: 1172319
Size: 126M
"django's original method"
Time: 18.58 secs
Memory: 0.45 MB
"OneNeptune's method"
Time: 0.58 secs
Memory: 2.18 MB
"Pure Ruby method"
Time: 0.96
Memory: 2.06 MB
NOTE: I added a pure ruby method, since using wc is sort of cheating, and not portable. In most cases it's important to use pure language solutions.
You can use this method to process a very large CSV file.
~2MB memory I feel is pretty optimal considering the file size, it's a bit of an increase of memory usage, but the time savings seems to be a fair trade, and this will prevent timeouts.
I did modify the method to take a fileName, but this was just because I was testing many different CSV files to make sure they all worked correctly. You can remove this if you'd like, but it'll likely be helpful.
I also removed the concept of an offset, since you stated you originally included it to try to optimize the parsing yourself, but this is no longer necessary.
Also, I keep track of how many lines are in the file, and how many were processed since you needed to use that information. Note, that lines only works on unix based systems, and it's a trick to avoid loading the entire file into memory, it counts the new lines, and I add 1 to account for the last line. If you're not going to count headers as line though, you could remove the +1 and change lines to "rows" to be more accurate.
Another logistical problem you may run into is the need to figure how to handle if the CSV file has headers.
You could use lazy reading to speed this up, the whole of the file wouldn't be read, just from the beginning of the file until the chunk you use.
See http://engineering.continuity.net/csv-tricks/ and https://reinteractive.com/posts/154-improving-csv-processing-code-with-laziness for examples.
You could also use SmarterCSV to work in chunks like this.
SmarterCSV.process(file_path, {:chunk_size => 1000}) do |chunk|
chunk.each do |row|
# Do your processing
enter code here
The way I did this was by streaming the result to the user, if you see what is happening it doesn't bother that much you have to wait. The timeout you mention won't happen here.
I'm not a Rails user so I give an example from Sinatra, this can be done with Rails also. See eg http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionController/Streaming.html
require 'sinatra'
get '/' do
line = 0
stream :keep_open do |out|
1.upto(100) do |line| # this would be your CSV file opened
out << "processing line #{line}<br>"
# process line
sleep 1 # for simulating the delay
A still better but somewhat complicated solution would be to use websockets, the browser would receive the results from the server once the processing is finished. You will need some javascript in the client also to handle this. See https://github.com/websocket-rails/websocket-rails

luajit copy table is slow

Within a larger lua-script, I have to copy several tables dt:
for i=1,dt:nrow() do
local r = {}
for j=1,dt:ncol() do
r[j] = dt[i][j]
The tables are about 50,000 lines x 25 cols, containing mainly doubles. luajit takes about 10 times as long as "standard" lua. On all other calculations/operations I do before, luajit is faster (1.5 to 3 times).
As silly as this may sound, try pre-allocating the r table with 25 values:
local r = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
Unfortunately Lua API doesn't allow pre-allocation of tables, so this is the only way to avoid re-allocations caused by array assignment in the inner loop. My tests show noticeable improvement, but not close to 10x (although I don't use your methods, so your results may vary).

Ruby File IO - Failed to allocate memory

Below is a method which inserts records into the devices database. I am having a problem where I get a 'failed to allocate memory' error.
It is being run on a Windows Mobile device with quite limited memory.
There are 10 models, one is reasonably large with 108,000 records.
The error occurs when executing this line (f.readlines().each do |line|) but it occurs after the largest model has already been inserted.
Is the memory not being released by the block that is iterating through the lines? Or is there something else happening?
Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated!
def insertRecordsIntoRhom(models)
updateAmount = 45 / models.length
models.each_with_index do |model,i|
csvColumns = Array.new
db = ::Rho::RHO.get_src_db(model)
f = File.new("#{model}.csv")
f.readlines().each do |line|
#extract columns from header line of csv
if j==0
csvColumns = getCsvFieldFromHeader(line)
eval(models[i] + ".create(#{csvPutIntoHash(line,csvColumns)})")
IO#readlines returns an Array, i.e. it reads the whole file and returns a list of all the lines. No line can be garbage collected until you are completely done iterating that list.
Since you only need one line at a time, you should use IO#each_line instead. This will read only a little bit at a time and pass you lines one by one. Once you are done with a line, it can be garbage collected while the rest of the file is being processed.
Finally, note that Ruby comes bundled with a good CSV library, you probably want to use that if you can instead of rolling your own.
