I am facing this problem consistently for over 3 months. I have searched a lot and read related docs and visited many forums but couldn't find working solution. I am getting typical NSManagedObject error while deleting objects. An NSManagedObjectContext cannot delete objects in other contexts.
I tried to go around and tried to delete object using its NSManagedObject ID but to no avail.
NSManagedObjectID *findingsSurveyDataItemApiId = [findingsSurveyDataItemApi objectID];
[self.managedObjectContext deleteObject:[self.managedObjectContext objectWithID:findingsSurveyDataItemApiId]];
Can anyone tell why is above solution still not working?
PS: I have two managed object context in the app.
I guess it might be a misleading error message from Core Data. If the object you want to delete has not yet been saved to the persistent store, objectWithID will not return a valid object, according to the docs:
The data in the persistent store represented by objectID is assumed to exist—if it does not, the returned object throws an exception when you access any property (that is, when the fault is fired).
Use existingObjectWithID:error: instead and check if it returns a non-nil object before trying to delete it.
I'm using CoreData to persist a list of messages in a conversation.
Conversation is a managedObject that has an array of Messages.
In one scenario, I'm trying to delete all the messages in a conversation.
for (UQMessage * message in self.tempConversation.chatMessages){
[self.tempConversation.managedObjectContext deleteObject:message];
error = nil;
[self.tempConversation.managedObjectContext.persistentStoreCoordinator lock];
if (![self.tempConversation.managedObjectContext save:&error]) {
NSLog(#"Can't Delete! %# %#", error, [error localizedDescription]);
[self.tempConversation.managedObjectContext.persistentStoreCoordinator unlock];
When I check for
Nothing changes.
Everything works perfectly well when I try to add messages, and when I delete the conversation itself. But I can't seem to delete a single message.
Is it even possible to do since I'm not trying to delete the managed object itself but another object inside it?
If not, Anyway around it?
Messages is an NSOrderedSet inside Conversation.
I've found this works (taken from this thread):
NSMutableOrderedSet *mutableItems = (NSMutableOrderedSet *)items.mutableCopy;
[mutableItems addObject:anItem];
items = (NSOrderedSet *)mutableItems.copy;
though I'm not sure if this is the way to go.
First, about the answer by Matt S., you are not modifying self.tempConversation so you don't have to worry about mutating the array while iterating.
On the other hand, if your problem is that self.tempConversation.chatMessages.count doesn't change. That is normal. You are deleting objects from the NSManagedObjectContext. But the array is not modified. So, the array still have the managed object BUT that managed object is deleted. Is that easy. It is a zombie managed object because it has been deleted from the MOC. Nevertheless the object has not been removed from the array. So you have a managed object with the property deleted set to YES. And it is not part of the MOC any more.
You should never, ever mutate the array you're iterating over. Per the fast enumeration docs: "It is not safe to remove, replace, or add to a mutable collection’s elements while enumerating through it. If you need to modify a collection during enumeration, you can either make a copy of the collection and enumerate using the copy or collect the information you require during the enumeration and apply the changes afterwards."
The result of mutating an array during enumeration is undefined, and my guess is core data might be just tossing up its hands and not doing anything. The reason why the mutable copy works is because you're working on a copy, not the set you're enumerating over.
I would rewrite your logic to follow the guidelines laid down in the enumeration docs, and make your changes outside of the loop.
EDIT: Additional Thoughts
Why are you locking & unlocking the persistent store? It handles that itself.
You can probably call delete safely inside the for in (but I wouldn't) and then call save outside, since save is what actually does the deletion.
More Thoughts
(Transcribing from a comment) - After thinking about this for a few days and then coming back, my guess is the reason you're not outright crashing is fast enumeration is doing a deep copy on the relationship array you're working on, because calling save on a MOC is going to increment an internal version, and then should return all existing managed objected to a faulted object to be re-fetched on next access. Really this code you've got here is actually quite dangerous from an "application health" perspective.
If you look at the documentation for core data relationships, I think you'll find the easier thing to do is just set the relationship delete rule for the relationship to "Cascade". This will remove all the messages for you when you delete the conversation. Here's the reference: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/CoreData/Articles/cdRelationships.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40001857-SW1
I have a Core Data layer with several thousand entities, constantly syncing to a server. The sync process uses fetch requests to check for deleted_at for the purposes of soft-deletion. There is a single context performing save operations in a performBlockAndWait call. The relationship mapping is handled by the RestKit library.
The CoreDataEntity class is a subclass of NSManagedObject, and it is also the superclass for all our different core data object classes. It has some attributes that are inherited by all our entities, such as deleted_at, entity_id, and all the boilerplate fetch and sync methods.
My issue is some fetch requests seem to return inconsistent results after modifications to the objects. For example after deleting an object (setting deleted_at to the current date):
[CoreDataEntity fetchEntitiesWithPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"deleted_at==nil"]];
Returns results with deleted_at == [NSDate today]
I have successfully worked around this behavior by additionally looping through the results and removing the entities with deleted_at set, however I cannot fix the converse issue:
[CoreDataEntity fetchEntitiesWithPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"deleted_at!=nil"]];
Is returning an empty array in the same conditions, preventing a server sync from succeeding.
I have confirmed deleted_at is set on the object, and the context save was successful. I just don't understand where to reset whatever cache is causing the outdated results?
Thanks for any help!
Edit: Adding a little more information, it appears that once one of these objects becomes corrupted, the only way get it to register is modifying the value again. Could this be some sort of Core Data index not updating when a value is modified?
Update: It appears to be a problem with RestKit https://github.com/RestKit/RestKit/issues/2218
You are apparently using some sintactic sugar extension to Core Data. I suppose that in your case it is a SheepData, right?
fetchEntitiesWithPredicate: there implemented as follows:
+ (NSArray*)fetchEntitiesWithPredicate:(NSPredicate*)aPredicate
return [self fetchEntitiesWithPredicate:aPredicate inContext:[SheepDataManager sharedInstance].managedObjectContext];
Are you sure that [SheepDataManager sharedInstance].managedObjectContext receives all the changes that you are making to your objects? Is it receives notifications of saves, or is it child context of your save context?
Try to replace your fetch one-liner with this:
[<your saving context> performBlockAndWait:^{
NSFetchRequest *request = [NSFetchRequest fetchRequestWithEntityName:#"CoreDataEntity"];
request.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"deleted_at==nil"];
NSArray *results = [<your saving context> executeFetchRequest:request error:NULL];
First, after a save have you looked in the store to make sure your changes are there? Without seeing your entire Core Data stack it is difficult to get a solid understanding what might be going wrong. If you are saving and you see the changes in the store then the question comes into your contexts. How are they built and when. If you are dealing with sibling contexts that could be causing your issue.
More detail is required as to how your core data stack looks.
Yes, the changes are there. As I mentioned in the question, I can loop through my results and remove all those with deleted_at set successfully
That wasn't my question. There is a difference between looking at objects in memory and looking at them in the SQLite file on disk. The questions I have about this behavior are:
Are the changes being persisted to disk before you query for them again
Are you working with multiple contexts and potentially trying to fetch from a stale sibling.
Thus my questions about on disk changes and what your core data stack looks like.
If you are using one context, are you using more than one thread in your app? If so, are you using that context on more than one thread?
I can see a situation where if you are violating the thread confinement rules you can be corrupting data like this.
Try adding an extra attribute deleted that is a bool with a default of false. Then the attribute is always set and you can look for entities that are either true or false depending on your needs at the moment. If the value is true then you can look at deleted_at to find out when.
Alternatively try setting the deleted_at attribute to some old date (like perhaps 1 Jan 1980), then anything that isn't deleted will have a fixed date that is too old to have been set by the user.
Edit: There is likely some issue with deleted_at having never been touched on some entities that is confusing the system. It is also possible that you have set the fetch request to return results in the dictionary style in which case recent changes will not be reflected in the fetch results.
I have multiple NSPersistentStoreCoordinator instances that have just one NSPersistentStore each, all pointing to the same sqlite file. And in my testing passing NSManagedObjectID objects between them, and then calling
- (NSManagedObject *)existingObjectWithID:(NSManagedObjectID
*)objectID error:(NSError **)error
on NSManagedObjectContext seems to work fine, but I have yet to come across any documentation from apple that confirms that this is supposed to work fine.
So, my question is, if anyone knows if this is supposed to work (a link to some apple documentation confirming it would be awesome!), of if anybody knows that this is not usually supposed to work, and that I should not be doing this, that would be awesome too!
It's always safe to call that method. Whether it returns an object is another story.
When using an object ID from a different context, you'll only get a non-nil result if the object is already accessible to the context you call this method on. That implies that the object already exists in the persistent store, meaning it has already been saved on its original managed object context.
Or in other words, you'll only get a non-nil result if you've already saved the object with the ID, and if you're using the object's permanent (post-save) ID.
I've researched tons of questions and documents about CoreData returning faults instead of actual values:
Relationship 'whiskers' fault on managed object (0xb7abab0)
This happens when I'm trying to get the count for the number of whiskers, such as:
self.numWhiskersLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", cat.whiskers.count];
Even if I try to log the whiskers set directly I still get a fault:
NSLog(#"whiskers: %#", cat.whiskers);
I understand that "Core data will not return full object until there is a need to access the actual value of that object. Each of your returned objects will be a 'fault' until this point." That's great, but there is a need to access the actual value at this point. I need the value right now! So how do I get out of this oxymoron? How can accessing the count of a Set not be considered needing the value?
I didn't get any feedback from my comment so I'm just going to assume whiskers is a set of NSManagedObjects
The set wont be loaded initially because internally it's coming from another table in the db. When you access .whiskers.count it still doesn't need to go and get the data yet, because all you're wanting is the number of whiskers in the set.
When you pull a whisker out of the set, then it will be faulted, try doing
NSLog(#"whiskers: %#", [cat.whiskers.anyObject anyProperty]);
That should give you a loaded NSManagedObject.
This is an error condition. Something is wrong with that NSManagedObject instance. Either it was deleted before you accessed it or you are trying to touch it from the wrong thread.
Please edit your question and show the code that is accessing that NSManagedObject.
Also, what happens when, in the debugger, you just do a po cat? Do you see the full Cat object or is that giving a fault error as well?
The doc says:
If the object is not registered in the context, it may be fetched or
returned as a fault. This method always returns an object. The data in
the persistent store represented by objectID is assumed to exist—if it
does not, the returned object throws an exception when you access any
property (that is, when the fault is fired). The benefit of this
behavior is that it allows you to create and use faults, then create
the underlying data later or in a separate context.
I'm thinking about the last sentence:
The benefit of this behavior is that it allows you to create and use faults, then create the underlying data later or in a separate context.
Does it mean I can use objectWithID: with an arbitrary ID to get a fault handle of an non-existing object first then later create the object with ID? But how can I assign an arbitrary ID to the new object?
In general, Yes you can get a handle to a non existing item an later create that item.
But, since you don't know what ID will be assigned to the item these is not very useful in that case.
You could use obtainPermanentIDsForObjects:error: to obtain the object final ID, but, this is a trip to the store, and will have a performance penalty.
You can use objectWithID: to "warm up" the coordinator cache. in this manner you may fetch objects in the background, and use this method in another context then access these items without hitting the store (much better performance).
Since every NSManagedObjectID must initially come from a fulfilled NSManagedObject and there is no way to create one from scratch, the only possible way to "create the underlying data later" is meaningless, as follows:
NSManagedObjectID *objID = object.objectID;
[moc deleteObject:object];
object = [moc objectWithID:objID]; // Deleted so non-existing
[moc insertObject:object]; // Kinda of resurrecting the deleted object, but not really since the data are gone only ID is left. So it is creating a new object with the old ID. But what's the point?
// Fill data into object
[moc save:NULL];
If you use -objectWithID:, it will return a fault if the object is not already registered in the managed object context (ie. only if the object hasn't already been fetched and hasn't been faulted in). In the case that it does return a fault, you do not need to do anything to "create the object". Simply accessing the attributes of the object will automatically fire the fault and let you access its data. There is no additional work needed on your part to create additional objects.