Clustering of news articles - machine-learning

My scenario is pretty straightforwrd: I have a bunch of news articles (~1k at the moment) for which I know that some cover the same story/topic. I now would like to group these articles based on shared story/topic, i.e., based on their similarity.
What I did so far is to apply basic NLP techniques including stopword removal and stemming. I also calculated the tf-idf vector for each article, and with this can also calculate the, e.g., cosine similarity based on these tf-idf-vectors. But now with the grouping of the articles I struggles a bit. I see two principle ways -- probably related -- to do it:
1) Machine Learning / Clustering: I already played a bit with existing clustering libraries, with more or less success; see here. On the one hand, algorithms such as k-means require the number of clusters as input, which I don't know. Other algorithms require parameters that are also not intuitive to specify (for me that is).
2) Graph algorithms: I can represent my data as a graph with the articles being the nodes and weighted adges representing the pairwise (cosine) similarity between the articles. With that, for example, I can first remove all edges that fall below a certain threshold and then might apply graph algorithms to look for strongly-connected subgraphs.
In short, I'm not sure where best to go from here -- I'm still pretty new in this area. I wonder if there some best practices for that, or some kind of guidelines which methods / algorithms can (not) be applied in certain scenarios.
(EDIT: forgot to link to related question of mine)

Try the class of Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering HAC algorithms with Single and Complete linkage.
These algorithms do not need the number of clusters as input.
The basic principle is similar to growing a minimal spanning tree across a given set of data points and then stop based on a threshold criteria. A closely related class is the Divisive clustering algorithms which first builds up the minimal spanning tree and then prunes off a branch of the tree based on inter-cluster similarity ratios.

You can also try a canopy variation on k-means to create a relatively quick estimate for the number of clusters (k).
Will you be recomputing over time or do you only care about a static set of news? I ask because your k may change a bit over time.

Since you can model your dataset as a graph you could apply stochastic clustering based on markov models. Here are link for resources on MCL algorithm:
Official thesis description and code base
Gephi plugin for MCL (to experiment and evaluate the method)


Find the best set of features to separate 2 known group of data

I need some point of view to know if what I am doing is good or wrong or if there is better way to do it.
I have 10 000 elements. For each of them I have like 500 features.
I am looking to measure the separability between 2 sets of those elements. (I already know those 2 groups I don't try to find them)
For now I am using svm. I train the svm on 2000 of those elements, then I look at how good the score is when I test on the 8000 other elements.
Now I would like to now which features maximize this separation.
My first approach was to test each combination of feature with the svm and follow the score given by the svm. If the score is good those features are relevant to separate those 2 sets of data.
But this takes too much time. 500! possibility.
The second approach was to remove one feature and see how much the score is impacted. If the score changes a lot that feature is relevant. This is faster, but I am not sure if it is right. When there is 500 feature removing just one feature don't change a lot the final score.
Is this a correct way to do it?
Have you tried any other method ? Maybe you can try decision tree or random forest, it would give out your best features based on entropy gain. Can i assume all the features are independent of each other. if not please remove those as well.
Also for Support vectors , you can try to check out this paper:
But it's based more on linear SVM.
You can do statistical analysis on the features to get indications of which terms best separate the data. I like Information Gain, but there are others.
I found this paper (Fabrizio Sebastiani, Machine Learning in Automated Text Categorization, ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 34, No.1, pp.1-47, 2002) to be a good theoretical treatment of text classification, including feature reduction by a variety of methods from the simple (Term Frequency) to the complex (Information-Theoretic).
These functions try to capture the intuition that the best terms for ci are the
ones distributed most differently in the sets of positive and negative examples of
ci. However, interpretations of this principle vary across different functions. For instance, in the experimental sciences χ2 is used to measure how the results of an observation differ (i.e., are independent) from the results expected according to an initial hypothesis (lower values indicate lower dependence). In DR we measure how independent tk and ci are. The terms tk with the lowest value for χ2(tk, ci) are thus the most independent from ci; since we are interested in the terms which are not, we select the terms for which χ2(tk, ci) is highest.
These techniques help you choose terms that are most useful in separating the training documents into the given classes; the terms with the highest predictive value for your problem. The features with the highest Information Gain are likely to best separate your data.
I've been successful using Information Gain for feature reduction and found this paper (Entropy based feature selection for text categorization Largeron, Christine and Moulin, Christophe and Géry, Mathias - SAC - Pages 924-928 2011) to be a very good practical guide.
Here the authors present a simple formulation of entropy-based feature selection that's useful for implementation in code:
Given a term tj and a category ck, ECCD(tj , ck) can be
computed from a contingency table. Let A be the number
of documents in the category containing tj ; B, the number
of documents in the other categories containing tj ; C, the
number of documents of ck which do not contain tj and D,
the number of documents in the other categories which do
not contain tj (with N = A + B + C + D):
Using this contingency table, Information Gain can be estimated by:
This approach is easy to implement and provides very good Information-Theoretic feature reduction.
You needn't use a single technique either; you can combine them. Term-Frequency is simple, but can also be effective. I've combined the Information Gain approach with Term Frequency to do feature selection successfully. You should experiment with your data to see which technique or techniques work most effectively.
If you want a single feature to discriminate your data, use a decision tree, and look at the root node.
SVM by design looks at combinations of all features.
Have you thought about Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)?
LDA aims at discovering a linear combination of features that maximizes the separability. The algorithm works by projecting your data in a space where the variance within classes is minimum and the one between classes is maximum.
You can use it reduce the number of dimensions required to classify, and also use it as a linear classifier.
However with this technique you would lose the original features with their meaning, and you may want to avoid that.
If you want more details I found this article to be a good introduction.

Machine learning: Which algorithm is used to identify relevant features in a training set?

I've got a problem where I've potentially got a huge number of features. Essentially a mountain of data points (for discussion let's say it's in the millions of features). I don't know what data points are useful and what are irrelevant to a given outcome (I guess 1% are relevant and 99% are irrelevant).
I do have the data points and the final outcome (a binary result). I'm interested in reducing the feature set so that I can identify the most useful set of data points to collect to train future classification algorithms.
My current data set is huge, and I can't generate as many training examples with the mountain of data as I could if I were to identify the relevant features, cut down how many data points I collect, and increase the number of training examples. I expect that I would get better classifiers with more training examples given fewer feature data points (while maintaining the relevant ones).
What machine learning algorithms should I focus on to, first,
identify the features that are relevant to the outcome?
From some reading I've done it seems like SVM provides weighting per feature that I can use to identify the most highly scored features. Can anyone confirm this? Expand on the explanation? Or should I be thinking along another line?
Feature weights in a linear model (logistic regression, naive Bayes, etc) can be thought of as measures of importance, provided your features are all on the same scale.
Your model can be combined with a regularizer for learning that penalises certain kinds of feature vectors (essentially folding feature selection into the classification problem). L1 regularized logistic regression sounds like it would be perfect for what you want.
Maybe you can use PCA or Maximum entropy algorithm in order to reduce the data set...
You can go for Chi-Square tests or Entropy depending on your data type. Supervized discretization highly reduces the size of your data in a smart way (take a look into Recursive Minimal Entropy Partitioning algorithm proposed by Fayyad & Irani).
If you work in R, the SIS package has a function that will do this for you.
If you want to do things the hard way, what you want to do is feature screening, a massive preliminary dimension reduction before you do feature selection and model selection from a sane-sized set of features. Figuring out what is the sane-size can be tricky, and I don't have a magic answer for that, but you can prioritize what order you'd want to include the features by
1) for each feature, split the data in two groups by the binary response
2) find the Komogorov-Smirnov statistic comparing the two sets
The features with the highest KS statistic are most useful in modeling.
There's a paper "out there" titled "A selctive overview of feature screening for ultrahigh-dimensional data" by Liu, Zhong, and Li, I'm sure a free copy is floating around the web somewhere.
4 years later I'm now halfway through a PhD in this field and I want to add that the definition of a feature is not always simple. In the case that your features are a single column in your dataset, the answers here apply quite well.
However, take the case of an image being processed by a convolutional neural network, for example, a feature is not one pixel of the input, rather it's much more conceptual than that. Here's a nice discussion for the case of images:

More accurate approach than k-mean clustering

In Radial Basis Function Network (RBF Network), all the prototypes (center vectors of the RBF functions) in the hidden layer are chosen. This step can be performed in several ways:
Centers can be randomly sampled from some set of examples.
Or, they can be determined using k-mean clustering.
One of the approaches for making an intelligent selection of prototypes is to perform k-mean clustering on our training set and to use the cluster centers as the prototypes.
All we know that k-mean clustering is caracterized by its simplicity (it is fast) but not very accurate.
That is why I would like know what is the other approach that can be more accurate than k-mean clustering?
Any help will be very appreciated.
Several k-means variations exist: k-medians, Partitioning Around Medoids, Fuzzy C-Means Clustering, Gaussian mixture models trained with expectation-maximization algorithm, k-means++, etc.
I use PAM (Partitioning around Medoid) in order to be more accurate when my dataset contain some "outliers" (noise with value which are very different to the others values) and I don't want the centers to be influenced by this data. In the case of PAM a center is called a Medoid.
There is a more statistical approach to cluster analysis, called the Expectation-Maximization Algorithm. It uses statistical analysis to determine clusters. This is probably a better approach when you have a lot of data regarding your cluster centroids and training data.
This link also lists several other clustering algorithms out there in the wild. Obviously, some are better than others, depending on the amount of data you have and/or the type of data you have.
There is a wonderful course on Udacity, Intro to Artificial Intelligence, where one lesson is dedicated to unsupervised learning, and Professor Thrun explains some clustering algorithms in very great detail. I highly recommend that course!
I hope this helps,
In terms of K-Means, you can run it on your sample a number of times (say, 100) and then choose the clustering (and by consequence the centroids) that has the smallest K-Means criterion output (the sum of the square Euclidean distances between each entity and its respective centroid).
You can also use some initialization algorithms (the intelligent K-Means comes to mind, but you can also google for K-Means++). You can find a very good review of K-Means in a paper by AK Jain called Data clustering: 50 years beyond K-means.
You can also check hierarchical methods, such as the Ward method.

The options for the first step of document clustering

I checked several document clustering algorithms, such as LSA, pLSA, LDA, etc. It seems they all require to represent the documents to be clustered as a document-word matrix, where the rows stand for document and the columns stand for words appearing in the document. And the matrix is often very sparse.
I am wondering, is there any other options to represent documents besides using the document-word matrix? Because I believe the way we express a problem has a significant influence on how well we can solve it.
As #ffriend pointed out, you cannot really avoid using the term-document-matrix (TDM) paradigm. Clustering methods operates on points in a vector space, and this is exactly what the TDM encodes. However, within that conceptual framework there are many things you can do to improve the quality of the TDM:
feature selection and re-weighting attempt to remove or weight down features (words) that do not contribute useful information (in the sense that your chosen algorithm does just as well or better without these features, or if their counts are decremented). You might want to read more about Mutual Information (and its many variants) and TF-IDF.
dimensionality reduction is about encoding the information as accurately as possible in the TDM using less columns. Singular Value Decomposition (the basis of LSA) and Non-Negative Tensor Factorisation are popular in the NLP community. A desirable side effect is that the TDM becomes considerably less sparse.
feature engineering attempts to build a TDM where the choice of columns is motivated by linguistic knowledge. For instance, you may want to use bigrams instead of words, or only use nouns (requires a part-of-speech tagger), or only use nouns with their associated adjectival modifier (e.g. big cat, requires a dependency parser). This is a very empirical line of work and involves a lot of experimentation, but often yield improved results.
the distributional hypothesis makes if possible to get a vector representing the meaning of each word in a document. There has been work on trying to build up a representation of an entire document from the representations of the words it contains (composition). Here is a shameless link to my own post describing the idea.
There is a massive body of work on formal and logical semantics that I am not intimately familiar with. A document can be encoded as a set of predicates instead of a set of words, i.e. the columns of the TDM can be predicates. In that framework you can do inference and composition, but lexical semantics (the meaning if individual words) is hard to deal with.
For a really detailed overview, I recommend Turney and Pantel's "From Frequency to Meaning : Vector Space Models of Semantics".
You question says you want document clustering, not term clustering or dimensionality reduction. Therefore I'd suggest you steer clear of the LSA family of methods, since they're a preprocessing step.
Define a feature-based representation of your documents (which can be, or include, term counts but needn't be), and then apply a standard clustering method. I'd suggest starting with k-means as it's extremely easy and there are many, many implementations of it.
OK, this is quite a very general question, and many answers are possible, none is definitive
because it's an ongoing research area. So far, the answers I have read mainly concern so-called "Vector-Space models", and your question is termed in a way that suggests such "statistical" approaches. Yet, if you want to avoid manipulating explicit term-document matrices, you might want to have a closer look at the Bayesian paradigm, which relies on
the same distributional hypothesis, but exploits a different theoretical framework: you don't manipulate any more raw distances, but rather probability distributions and, which is the most important, you can do inference based on them.
You mentioned LDA, I guess you mean Latent Dirichlet Allocation, which is the most well-known such Bayesian model to do document clustering. It is an alternative paradigm to vector space models, and a winning one: it has been proven to give very good results, which justifies its current success. Of course, one can argue that you still use kinds of term-document matrices through the multinomial parameters, but it's clearly not the most important aspect, and Bayesian researchers do rarely (if ever) use this term.
Because of its success, there are many software that implements LDA on the net. Here is one, but there are many others:

What is the state-of-the-art in unsupervised learning on temporal data?

I'm looking for an overview of the state-of-the-art methods that
find temporal patterns (of arbitrary length) in temporal data
and are unsupervised (no labels).
In other words, given a steam/sequence of (potentially high-dimensional) data, how do you find those common subsequences that best capture the structure in the
Any pointers to recent developments or papers (that go beyond HMMs, hopefully) are welcome!
Is this problem maybe well-understood
in a more specific application domain, like
motion capture
speech processing
natural language processing
game action sequences
stock market prediction?
In addition, are some of these methods general enough to deal with
highly noisy data
hierarchical structure
irregularly spacing on time axis
(I'm not interested in detecting known patterns, nor in classifying or segmenting the sequences.)
There has been a lot of recent emphasis on non-parametric HMMs, extensions to infinite state spaces, as well as factorial models, explaining an observation using a set of factors rather than a single mixture component.
Here are some interesting papers to start with (just google the paper names):
"Beam Sampling for the Infinite Hidden Markov Model"
"The Infinite Factorial Hidden Markov Model"
"Bayesian Nonparametric Inference of Switching Dynamic Linear Models"
"Sharing features among dynamical systems with beta processes"
The experiments sections these papers discuss applications in text modeling, speaker diarization, and motion capture, among other things.
I don't know the kind of data you are analysing, but I would suggest(from a dynamical systems analysis point of view), to take a look at:
Recurrence plots (easily found googling it)
Time-delay embedding (may unfold potential relationships between the different dimensions of the data) + distance matrix(study neighborhood patterns maybe?)
Note that this is just another way to represent your data, and analyse it based on this new representation. Just a suggestion!
