Showing dates in Year,Qtr format in Acumatica Generic Inquiries - erp

In Acumatica Cloud ERP, How can I create a calculated column that shows a date field formatted as Year, Quarter. i.e. Dec 21, 2014 to show "2014, Q4"

Inside your Generic Inquiry, just add a field to your field list use the expression editor in the “Data Field” and put in something like below. In this example I am formatting the Invoice Date field (ARInvoice.DocDate), so replace this with the date field you want to format.
=CStr(Year([ARInvoice.DocDate]))+', Q'+
CStr(Switch( month([ARInvoice.DocDate])>0 and month([ARInvoice.DocDate])<4,1,
month([ARInvoice.DocDate]) >3 and month([ARInvoice.DocDate])<7,2 ,
month([ARInvoice.DocDate])>6 and month([ARInvoice.DocDate])<10,3,1=1,4))


Date format issues in Google sheet

Data coming my sheet through automation date coming like April 01, 2022 at 01:52PM
Now i have to convert it standard date time formats like ddmmyyy hhmmss etc how can do this without creating new column for same like any app script do automatic when new row update
Now i have to convert it standard date time formats like ddmmyyy hhmmss etc how can do this without creating new column for same like any app script do automatic when new row update
If you do a Find an Replace with "at" substituting it with "", it will automatically change to a date format. And then you can set your custom format as you wish.
Second row there is just A2+1 to show you now it became a value you can format!

I need to define a custom work week in MS access

I am trying to create a custom function on a form to define a week Number.
I have created a table that defines the week number.
Example WeekNo, StartDay, End Day
example: WeekNo 1 StartDay = 3/29/2020, End Day 4/4/2020
I have a Date box on my form if I enter a date of 3/29/2020
I would like 1 to be populated in my week number box.
On my form in the row source I have designed a Dlookup query
=DLookup("[WeekNumber]", "tblWeekNumber", "[Startdate] >= " & frmSearchNew.dt_Date & "") & [EndDate] <= frmSearchNew.dtDate
When I change to from view I get the error the record source specified on this form does not exist.
The table tblWeekNumber has the fields ID, WeekNo, StartDay and EndDay.
Where am I going wrong? any help is appreciated.
There are quite a few issues with the DLookup that you have put together.
Firstly, the field that you are looking for and the fields that you are using as criteria do not appear to match those in the table - WeekNumber/WeekNo, StartDate/StartDay, EndDate/EndDay;
Next, the logic for the lookup is wrong. You are trying to find a the week number that has a start date that is greater than the entered date, and an end date that is less than the entered date. What you should be looking for is a start date before the entered date, and an end date after the entered date.
Finally, dates are a bit funny in Access. You need to wrap them in '#' so that Access knows they are dates, and you should also take care to disambiguate them - 03/04/2020 could be either 3rd April or 4th March depending on you nationality.
Putting it all together, the final control source should look like:
=DLookUp("WeekNo","tblWeekNumber","StartDay<=#" & Format([dt_Date],"dd-mmm-yyyy") & "# AND EndDay>=#" & Format([dt_Date],"dd-mmm-yy") & "#")

How to format multiple Date type columns in dd/mm/yyyy using Google Sheets Api in Ruby?

I have multiple date type columns like "User Joining Date", "Birthdate", "Arrival Date" etc. These dates are already in dd/mm/yyyy format.
But the issue is gsheet interprets date like 02/01/2019 as 1st February 2019 but interprets 13/01/2019 as 13th January 2019 which causes formatting issue.
02/01/2019 is left aligned whereas 13/01/2019 is right aligned. Moreover, this also causes sorting issues.
I've tried changing the locale and language of the spreadsheet but nothing helped.
You can always deliver the date in the way Google Sheets expects, in your case mm/dd/yyyy.
You can transform a Time, Date or DateTime instances into any format you want by using #strftime. This outputs a string in the provided format. Have a look at for the different options and a live demo.
Alternatively you can use the localize functionality of Ruby on Rails. This can be done by calling:
I18n.l your_time_variable, format: :default

Is format also used to parse input string?

I'm using the datepicker popup with format='dd.MM.yyyy'. However, if the user is not using the datepicker, but instead enters the date by himself, the date is parsed as MM.dd.yyyy, i.e. month and day are mixed up.
The same thing can be done in the official demo page:
Scroll down to datepicker
Select dd.MM.yyyy as format in the format drop down
Enter 01.02.2014 in the "popup" field above - the resulting date will be Jan 2nd, not Feb 1st.
Is there any way to get the right behavior? Or is this a bug?

It is possible to change or disable Date validator in jira

I change calendar javascript to Hijri, But another problem comes up. It seems that a class (DueDateValidator.class) try to validate input date, while the number of days in month is different to georgian calendar. for example we have 31 days in second month of year but in georgian (february) it is 28 or 29.
I don't think there is an out-of-the-box option to cancel Jira's date validation. You could overwrite Jira's date validation, but I think it will be easier to use a Free Text Field custom field that will hold the date as a string. Then, add to the field js code that will hide this field and copy it's date to the date field.
To keep the right order when searching for issues, you can either use date mapping to keep the georgian calendar up to date, or store the dates in a sortable way (for example YYYY/MM/DD/HH/MM - 201302161334) and order the results according to this field.
Simple example for Jira version 5.2.6, this will copy the text from field id customfield_10001 to the created field:
To search easily keep another text field and save the date in the following format :
year month day hour minute
All in digits. for example, today's Gregorian date would be:
2013 02 267 10 26
than, when searching for issues, for example to find issues created after today's date:
custom_filed > "2013 02 267 10 26"
that sorting will work since it will sort issues first by year, than month, day, hour, minute.
I stored date in text field by creating new custom field in system-customfieldtypes-plugin.xml filed but In search it only accept exact text not > or <
custom_filed ~ "2013 02 267 10 26" It is acceptable but
custom_filed > "2013 02 267 10 26" shows jQL error.
