Vaadin 7 : RPC call from Server to Client - vaadin

I would like to create custom image component .So I followed step by step from Integrating with Server-side. For basic or first-step , I created for the test Server to Client RPC call as following steps.
public class MyComponentWidget extends HTML {
public MyComponentWidget() {
getElement().setAttribute("class", "thumbnail");
public final void createCustomImage(final String url) {
getElement().setInnerHTML("<div class='delete-block'></div><img src=" + url + " />");
public class MyComponentState extends AbstractComponentState {
private String url;
private String html;
public final String getUrl() {
return url;
public final void setUrl(final String url) {
this.url = url;
public final String getHtml() {
return html;
public final void setHtml(final String html) {
this.html = html;
public class MyComponentConnector extends AbstractComponentConnector {
public MyComponentConnector() {
registerRpc(MyComponentClientRpc.class, new MyComponentClientRpc() {
public void getMessage() {
// never reach to this place
System.err.println("Reach Here !");
public final MyComponentWidget getWidget() {
return (MyComponentWidget) super.getWidget();
public final MyComponentState getState() {
return (MyComponentState) super.getState();
final void updateText() {
import com.vaadin.shared.communication.ClientRpc;
public interface MyComponentClientRpc extends ClientRpc {
void getMessage();
public class MyComponent extends AbstractComponent {
public MyComponent(final String url) {
public final MyComponentState getState() {
return (MyComponentState) super.getState();
public final String getHTML() {
return getState().getHtml();
and call as
MyComponent image = new MyComponent("myImageUrl");
My problem is why I always get null value at my console ? I can see the image at browser but System.out.println(image.getHTML()); produces null. What am I missing ?

To make a rpc call from client to server, you must extend the ServerRpc interface, for example:
package com.example.client.MyServerRpc
public interface MyServerRpc extends com.vaadin.shared.communication.ServerRpc {
void sendHTML(String html);
In your connector your register the rpc:
private MyServerRpc rpc = RpcProxy.create(MyServerRpc.class, this);
And then you can send a value by using the registered rpc in your connector:
To receive the value on your component's or extension's server-side class, you must create an instance of the rpc interface:
private MyServerRpc rpc = new MyServerRpc() {
public void sendHTML(String html) {
// this method will be called!
and register that in the constructor:
After these steps RPC from client to server should work.


Vaadin23 pass data between View and Layout

This is my view with ComponentEvent defined:
#Route(value = "jobs/recommended", layout = JobsLayout.class)
public class RecommendedJobsView extends VerticalLayout implements HasUrlParameter<String> {
public static class JobableInfo {
private final Long profileId;
private final Long recommendedJobsCount;
public JobableInfo(Long profileId, Long recommendedJobsCount) {
this.profileId = profileId;
this.recommendedJobsCount = recommendedJobsCount;
public Long getProfileId() {
return profileId;
public Long getRecommendedJobsCount() {
return recommendedJobsCount;
public String toString() {
return "JobableInfo{" +
"profileId=" + profileId +
", recommendedJobsCount=" + recommendedJobsCount +
public static class ProfileRecommendedJobsEvent extends ComponentEvent<RecommendedJobsView> {
private final JobableInfo jobableInfo;
public ProfileRecommendedJobsEvent(RecommendedJobsView source, JobableInfo jobableInfo) {
super(source, false);
this.jobableInfo = jobableInfo;
public JobableInfo getJobableInfo() {
return jobableInfo;
this is Layout:
public class JobsLayout extends VerticalLayout implements RouterLayout, LocaleChangeObserver, BeforeEnterObserver {
public JobsLayout() {
addListener(RecommendedJobsView.ProfileRecommendedJobsEvent.class, event -> {
In RecommendedJobsView I fire an event in the following way:
fireEvent(new ProfileRecommendedJobsEvent(this, new JobableInfo(profileId, jobPage.getTotalElements())));
but nothing happens in the JobsLayout. The listener doesn't react. What am I doing wrong and how to correctly send data from RecommendedJobsView to JobsLayout ?

Injecting HttpService into a Mule 4 Custom Configuration Properties Provider

I'm working on making a custom properties provider to load the contents of a Spring cloud config server at startup. I need to make a single call at the initialization of the provider to fetch these properties, and would like to use the Mule HttpService in order to make the http client for this call, instead of creating my own. Unfortunately, whenever I try this, it seems the HttpService hasn't been created yet and so throws an NPE once it's referenced.
public class CustomConfigurationPropertiesProviderFactory implements ConfigurationPropertiesProviderFactory {
public static final String EXTENSION_NAMESPACE = "custom-properties";
public static final String CONFIGURATION_PROPERTIES_ELEMENT = "config";
public static final ComponentIdentifier CUSTOM_CONFIGURATION_PROPERTIES =
HttpService httpService;
public ComponentIdentifier getSupportedComponentIdentifier() {
public ConfigurationPropertiesProvider createProvider(ConfigurationParameters parameters,
ResourceProvider externalResourceProvider) {
String url = parameters.getStringParameter("url");
return new CustomConfigurationPropertiesProvider(url, httpService);
public class CustomConfigurationPropertiesProvider implements ConfigurationPropertiesProvider {
private final static String PREFIX = "custom::";
private Properties properties = null;
public CustomConfigurationPropertiesProvider(String url, HttpService httpService) {
HttpClientConfiguration.Builder builder = new HttpClientConfiguration.Builder();
HttpClient client = httpService.getClientFactory().create(; //NPE here
// proceed to create and execute request, then load into properties
public Optional<ConfigurationProperty> getConfigurationProperty(String configurationAttributeKey) {
if (configurationAttributeKey.startsWith(PREFIX)) {
String effectiveKey = configurationAttributeKey.substring(PREFIX.length());
if (properties != null && !properties.isEmpty()) {
return Optional.of(new ConfigurationProperty() {
public Object getSource() {...}
public Object getRawValue() { return properties.getProperty(effectiveKey); }
public String getKey() { return effectiveKey; }
return Optional.empty();
What do I need to change to properly inject this service?
I've been following the advice from these two bits of documentation, for reference:

Jersy2 inject slf4j Logger

I'm trying to understand Jersey 2 development and context-dependency injection.
I don't understand how to inject into a resource an object that needs initialization parameters in the constructor.
For example: I'd like to #Inject slf4j Logger, built using LoggerFactory.
My resource class is:
public class MyResource {
private Logger log;
public Answer status() {"STATUS");
return new Answer(200, "Server up and running # "+;
My Resource config is:
public class MyAppextends ResourceConfig {
public MyApp() {
register(new MyBinder());
packages(true, "my.packages");
public class MyBinder extends AbstractBinder {
protected void configure() {
Finally, the Factory is:
public class MyLoggerFactory implements Factory<Logger> {
public Logger provide() {
return LoggerFactory.getLogger(TYPE_FOR_LOGGING.class);
public void dispose(Logger logger) {
How can I specify TYPE_FOR_LOGGING as argument, in order to Inject the correctly initialized Logger in every resource I want?
What you are looking for is called the InstantiationService. You can inject it into Factories to find out who is calling the factory inside of the provide method.
Below find a code sample from the hk2 tests that illustrate the use of the InstantiationService.
public class CorrelationFactory implements Factory<PerLookupServiceWithName> {
private final static PerLookupServiceWithName NULL_SERVICE = new PerLookupServiceWithName() {
public String getName() {
return null;
private InstantiationService instantiationService;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* #see org.glassfish.hk2.api.Factory#provide()
#Override #PerLookup
public PerLookupServiceWithName provide() {
InstantiationData data = instantiationService.getInstantiationData();
if (data == null) {
Injectee parent = data.getParentInjectee();
if (parent == null) {
Class<?> parentClass = parent.getInjecteeClass();
if (parentClass == null) {
Correlator correlator = parentClass.getAnnotation(Correlator.class);
if (correlator == null) {
final String fName = correlator.value();
return new PerLookupServiceWithName() {
public String getName() {
return fName;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* #see org.glassfish.hk2.api.Factory#dispose(java.lang.Object)
public void dispose(PerLookupServiceWithName instance) {
// DO nothing

NestedSlot presenter with own url- how to setup url for NestedSlot presenters

I have parent presenter: UsersListPresenter that contains nested presenter: UserPresenter in NestedSlot.
public class UsersListPresenter extends ApplicationPresenter<UsersListPresenter.MyView, UsersListPresenter.MyProxy> implements UsersListUiHandlers,
OpenWindowEvent.OpenModaHandler, UserAddedEvent.UserAddedHandler {
public interface MyProxy extends TabContentProxyPlace<UsersListPresenter> {}
#TabInfo(container = AppPresenter.class)
static TabData getTabLabel(IsUserLoggedGatekeeper adminGatekeeper) {
return new MenuEntryGatekeeper(ClientRouting.Label.users, 1, adminGatekeeper);
public interface MyView extends View, HasUiHandlers<UsersListUiHandlers> {
void setUsers(List<UserDto> users);
void addUser(UserDto user);
public static final NestedSlot SLOT_USER_WINDOW = new NestedSlot();
//interface Driver extends SimpleBeanEditorDriver<UserDto, UserEditor> {}
private static final UserService userService = GWT.create(UserService.class);
private AppPresenter appPresenter;
private UserTestPresenter userPresenter;
UsersListPresenter(EventBus eventBus, MyView view, MyProxy proxy, AppPresenter appPresenter, UserTestPresenter userPresenter) {
super(eventBus, view, proxy, appPresenter, AppPresenter.SLOT_TAB_CONTENT);
this.appPresenter = appPresenter;
this.userPresenter = userPresenter;
protected void onBind() {
setInSlot(SLOT_USER_WINDOW, userPresenter);
addRegisteredHandler(OpenWindowEvent.getType(), this);
protected void onReveal() {
public void onOpenModal(OpenWindowEvent event) {
public void openModal(UserDto user) {
public class UsersListView extends ViewWithUiHandlers<UsersListUiHandlers> implements UsersListPresenter.MyView {
interface Binder extends UiBinder<Widget, UsersListView> {}
SimplePanel windowSlot;
UsersListView(Binder uiBinder) {
public void setInSlot(Object slot, IsWidget content) {
if (slot == UsersListPresenter.SLOT_USER_WINDOW) {
public class UserTestPresenter extends Presenter<UserTestPresenter.MyView, UserTestPresenter.MyProxy> implements UserTestUiHandlers {
public interface MyView extends View, HasUiHandlers<UserTestUiHandlers> {
void openModal(UserDto user);
public interface MyProxy extends ProxyPlace<UserTestPresenter> {
private PlaceManager placeManager;
public UserTestPresenter(EventBus eventBus, MyView view, MyProxy proxy, PlaceManager placeManager) {
super(eventBus, view, proxy, UsersListPresenter.SLOT_USER_WINDOW);
this.placeManager = placeManager;
public void prepareFromRequest(PlaceRequest request) {
GWT.log("Prepare from request " + request.getNameToken());
protected void onReveal() {
public void openModal(UserDto user) {
public void onSave(UserDto user) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
MaterialToast.fireToast("onSaveClick in new presenter for " + user.toString());
public void onClose() {
PlaceRequest placeRequest = new PlaceRequest.Builder().nameToken("/users/{userid}").with("userid", "list").build();
public class UserTestView extends ViewWithUiHandlers<UserTestUiHandlers> implements UserTestPresenter.MyView {
interface Binder extends UiBinder<Widget, UserTestView> {}
MaterialRow main;
MaterialWindow window;
MaterialLabel userName, userFullName;
MaterialButton saveButton;
private HandlerRegistration saveButtonClickHandler;
UserTestView(Binder uiBinder) {
// adding default click handler
saveButtonClickHandler = saveButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {}
public void openModal(final UserDto user) {
userFullName.setText(user.getId() + " " + user.getEmail());
saveButtonClickHandler = saveButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
when user from list is clicked the window with clicked users is opened. At this moment url should change from http://localhost:8080/cms/#/users/list to http://localhost:8080/cms/#/user/3
for better understanding below is screencast from that code:
and now some job done, but still not ideal:
here is my gwtp configuration:
public class ClientModule extends AbstractPresenterModule {
protected void configure() {
install(new Builder()//
install(new AppModule());
install(new GinFactoryModuleBuilder().build(AssistedInjectionFactory.class));
As You can see I use tokenFormatter(RouteTokenFormatter.class)
how it can be achieved with gwtp framework?
One way to achieve this is to change the URL of your UserListPresenter to support passing in the user id as an optional parameter:
public interface MyProxy extends ProxyPlace<UserListPresenter> {
You need to override the prepareFromRequest method of your UserListPresenter and there you check if the userid is set and open your modal window if it is.
public void prepareFromRequest(PlaceRequest request) {
String userid = request.getParameter("userid", "list");
if (userid != "list") {
# open modal
else {
# close modal
You also need to change the logic when you click your on a user in your list:
public void onOpenModal(OpenWindowEvent event) {
PlaceRequest placeRequest = new PlaceRequest.Builder()
.with("userid", event.getUser().getId())
This will change the URL and open the modal.

Basic Authentication service called By Zuul

I'm Zuul as edge server. so all request pass by this edge server.
I have a micro-service A. all web services of A are protected by Basic Authentication.
How can we call the services of A b passing by Zuul proxy?
Should I add header for messages?
This is my Zuul filter:
public class BasicAuthorizationHeaderFilter extends ZuulFilter {
public String filterType() {
return "pre";
public int filterOrder() {
return 10;
public boolean shouldFilter() {
return true;
public Object run() {
RequestContext ctx = RequestContext.getCurrentContext();
ctx.addZuulRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + Utils.getBase64Credentials("user", "Token"));
return null;
Ideally the requester would have the token in the request.
If you want to have Zuul add the authentication token then you can create a ZuulFilter and use:
context.addZuulRequestHeader("Authorization", "base64encodedTokenHere");
Doing this would give open access to the services - which may not be wise.
public class PreFilter extends ZuulFilter {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PreFilter.class);
public String filterType() {
return "pre";
public int filterOrder() {
return 1;
public boolean shouldFilter() {
return true;
public Object run() {
RequestContext ctx = RequestContext.getCurrentContext();
HttpServletRequest request = ctx.getRequest();
ctx.addZuulRequestHeader("Authorization", request.getHeader("Authorization"));"Parametres : {}", request.getParameterMap()
.map(e -> e.getKey() + "=" + Stream.of(e.getValue()).collect(Collectors.toList()))
.collect(Collectors.toList()));"Headers : {}", "Authorization" + "=" + request.getHeader("Authorization"));"%s request to %s", request.getMethod(), request.getRequestURL().toString()));
return null;
You can call (through Zuul) your service A like this :
but firslty allow AUTHORIZATION header through Zuul for this specific service (route) with the property sensitiveHeaders in your properties file :
or let it empty if you want to pass the Cookie headers too.
Here more informations about headers through Zuul
Use zuul's sensitive header property with the blank value,
Above property will do the trick but if you want to have filters for Cookie headers
you can use that property with values,
This change is little tricky.
public int filterOrder() {
return 1; // change the return value to more than 5 the above code will work.
try with the final code below:
public class PreFilter extends ZuulFilter {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PreFilter.class);
public String filterType() {
return "pre";
public int filterOrder() {
return 10;
public boolean shouldFilter() {
return true;
public Object run() {
RequestContext ctx = RequestContext.getCurrentContext();
HttpServletRequest request = ctx.getRequest();
ctx.addZuulRequestHeader("Authorization", request.getHeader("Authorization"));
return null;
