Is it a good practice to write helper functions in controller itself -

I am new to Microsoft ASP.NET MVC framework. I am working on MVC project where I have a controller. It has various ActionResult methods. Also, it needs several helper functions. Can I write them in controller itself? Please guide me.

No, it's not best practice.As helper function needs to be define/implemented in static class. So it is better to to have standalone seprate helper class.

The answer is: it depends. First of all it is not clear what do you mean with helper functions.
if you are talking about ASP.NET MVC HTML Helpers, it is better to move them to separate class. Tutorial how to create and use them.
if you are talking about general helper functions that evaluate something, of course you may leave them in controller, move to the base controller or move to separate class or library (depeneds on context). You may check implementation of standard System.Web.Mvc.Controller, there are a lot of methods and properties in it.

I think there's no specific rule regarding this.
you're going to reuse the helper function, abstract/separate it to another class.
put it in the same class for better code cohesion and readability.


ASP.NET MVC3 first time questions

I am building my first mvc3 app. A few questions I have are:
1) the razor view engine lets me embed code into the views. Is this not what we were once trying to get away? ie keep code out of the aspx.
2) Do models need to implement an interface?
3) Do models need to have methods? Or just properties?
Pretty vague question, but I'll give you my 5c worth:
True, but the code we put in the Razor views are usually only to generate Html-controls.. the helper methods in MVC3 utilizes data attributes from your Viewmodels and generates validation etc.
When that is said, it's completely optional how much code you wish to put in your views.
Viewmodels should be as stupid (POCO) as possible, and business logic method should be put on your domain models, as the good DDD developer you are ;)
The code that you put in the view is supposed to be rendering code only. Simple for loops for repetition, calls to EditorFor or DisplayFor or stuff like using (Html.BeginForm()). The main business logic should never be placed in the View layer.
No, just properties. You can add really simple helper methods, but the important stuff is the properties, so even the helper stuff should be implemented as readonly properties.
Actually, the first part is true for the aspx engine and WebForms as well. And Php, and classic ASP, and...
1) It may seem a bit like that, but really it depends what the code is. IMHO You should really avoid any logic or code in the view, other than that directly related to rendering the view. For this code though, Razor gives a lovely clean way of coding in the view.
2) No - any class can be a model.
3) There is nothing to stop you putting methods on the model - but really they should be very simple data tranfer objects - they just "carry" data around. So more often than not, stick to properties.
1) the razor view engine lets me embed code into the views. Is this not what we were once trying to get away? ie keep code out of the aspx.
No, we were once trying to get the logic out of the view. This gives a bit more control over the view, but should not be used as a method of implementing logic.
2) Do models need to implement an interface?
3) Do models need to have methods? Or just properties?
Models are just classes. They define the structure of your class.

What are good candidates for base controller class in ASP.NET MVC?

I've seen a lot of people talk about using base controllers in their ASP.NET MVC projects. The typical examples I've seen do this for logging or maybe CRUD scaffolding. What are some other good uses of a base controller class?
There are no good uses of a base controller class.
Now hear me out.
Asp.Net MVC, especially MVC 3 has tons of extensibility hooks that provide a more decoupled way to add functionality to all controllers. Since your controllers classes are very important and central to an application its really important to keep them light, agile and loosely coupled to everything else.
Logging infrastructure belongs in a
constructor and should be injected
via a DI framework.
CRUD scaffolding should be handled by
code generation or a custom
ModelMetadata provider.
Global exception handling should be
handled by an custom ActionInvoker.
Global view data and authorization
should be handled by action filters.
Even easier with Global action filters
in MVC3.
Constants can go in another class/file called ApplicationConstants or something.
Base Controllers are usually used by inexperienced MVC devs who don't know all the different extensibility pieces of MVC. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not judging and work with people who use them for all the wrong reasons. Its just experience that provides you with more tools to solve common problems.
I'm almost positive there isn't a single problem you can't solve with another extensibility hook than a base controller class. Don't take on the the tightest form of coupling ( inheritance ) unless there is a significant productivity reason and you don't violate Liskov. I'd much rather take the < 1 second to type out a property 20 times across my controllers like public ILogger Logger { get; set; } than introduce a tight coupling which affects the application in much more significant ways.
Even something like a userId or a multitenant key can go in a ControllerFactory instead of a base controller. The coupling cost of a base controller class is just not worth it.
I like to use base controller for the authorization.
Instead of decorating each action with "Authorize" attribute, I do authorization in the base controller. Authorized actions list is fetched from database for the logged in user.
please read below link for more information about authorization.
Good practice to do common authorization in a custom controller factory?
I use it for accessing the session, application data etc.
I also have an application object which holds things like the app name etc and i access that from the base class
Essentially i use it for things i repeat a lot
Oh, i should mention i don't use it for buisiness logic or database access. Constants are a pretty good bet for a base class too i guess.
I have used base controller in many of my projects and worked fantastic. I mostly used for
Exception logging
Notification (success, error, adding..)
Invoking HTTP404 error handling
From my experience most of the logic you'd want to put in a base controller would ideally go into an action filter. Action Filter's can only be initialized with constants, so in some cases you just can't do that. In some cases you need the action to apply to every action method in the system, in which case it may just make more sense to put your logic in a base as opposed to annotating every action method with a new actionFilter attribute.
I've also found it helpful to put properties referencing services (which are otherwise decoupled from the controller) into the base, making them easy to access and initialized consistently.
What i did was to use a generic controller base class to handle:
I created BaseCRUDController<Key,Model> which required a ICRUDService<TModel> object as constructor parameter so the base class will handle Create / Edit / Delete. and sure in virtual mode to handle in custom situations
The ICRUDService<TModel> has methods like Save / Update / Delete / Find / ResetChache /... and i implement it for each repository I create so i can add more functionality to it.
using this structure i could add some general functionality like PagedList / AutoComplete / ResetCache / IncOrder&DecOrder (if the model is IOrderable)
Error / Notification messages handling: a part in Layout with #TempData["MHError"] code and a Property in base Controller like
public Notification Error
set { TempData["MHError"] = value; }
get { return (Notification) TempData.Peek("MHError"); }
With this Abstract classes i could easily handle methods i had to write each time or create with Code Generator.
But this approach has it's weakness too.
We use the BaseController for two things:
Attributes that should be applied to all Controllers.
An override of Redirect, which protects against open redirection attacks by checking that the redirect URL is a local URL. That way all Controllers that call Redirect are protected.
I'm using a base controller now for internationalization using the i18N library. It provides a method I can use to localize any strings within the controller.
Filter is not thread safe, the condition of database accessing and dependency injection, database connections might be closed by other thread when using it.
We used base controller:
to override the .User property because we use our own User object that should have our own custom properties.
to add global OnActionExecuted logic and add some global action-filters

Is It Okay to use helpers in views?

Simple question about best-practice. I'm using Kohana... is it okay to use helpers in views? For example, to use URL::site(). I could pass it from controller, you know. I assume it's okay, because there are helpers like HTML that is meant to be used in views, right?
The way you're currently doing it is ok, altough the whole practice of having any logics in views is questionable, but it's how Kohana is currently recommending.
When you get to use ViewModel pattern (with Kostache?), you'll separate all logics from templates. Until then, it's ok to use methods that don't do anything that should be done in the controller / model (echo, conditions and loops are "considered allowed").

ASP.NET MVC: When to use HTML helpers in views - Tidying up the code!

I am trying to refactor my views a bit and up til now i have been using the built HTML helpers but i thought i would create my own - they're extension methods right?
I wonder if anyone can confirm or give advise when an HTML is needed? I think i once saw a document that said if you use 1 IF statement in your views encapsulate it into a html helper - would anyone agree with that?
With regards to creating html helpers, would it be better to create my own class rather than add extension methods to the HTML class that ships with MVC? Any body have ideas on this?
Or possible i shouldn't bother with HTML helpers and just use the built in ones and continue to use my IF statements within views.
Thanks in advance
Use HTML helpers when you want to encapsulate the output of a piece of HTML markup that can take varying values.
I'd recommend creating them as extension methods to HtmlHelper rather than creating your own class, as your own class won't be available inside of the default ViewPage without either instantiating a new instance inside of the View or subclassing ViewPage and using this in the View (or passing in on the model, but that's just wrong!).
HTML Helpers are extension methods. I can confirm as well that I too use the 'if' rule when it comes to views. Any view logic coded should, IMO, be in a helper.
You can use helper to render custom markup, or control which markup(ie existing view) is displayed.
Not too sure about the ease of this, but it does lend itself to more unit testing (please comment on this aspect if someone has more info).
With regards to creating html helpers, would it be better to create my own class rather than add extension methods to the HTML class that ships with MVC? Any body have ideas on this?
If I understand correctly, in this respect my suggestion would to separate your helpers into their own classes. The reasoning behind this for me would be that you easily know when looking at your views what are standard helpers vs the ones you've created. I think this will improve maintainability.
i shouldn't bother with HTML helpers and just use the built in ones and continue to use my IF statements within views.
I'd say No! (or it depends). One of the benefits of using a helper would be to reuse the same view logic in multiple views as opposed to re-coding the same if statements. This means your code is more DRY, which is always better. In the event you need to debug some weirdness error, you only need to look in one place, the newly created helper.

ControllerFactory : Entity Framework

I recently followed Stephen Walther through creating a generic repository for your data models using the Entity Framework with the following link,
In this blog he briefly talks about creating a generic repository and why it's suggested to do so (to be clear of friction). The blog itself doesn't go into great detail on how to inject the GenericRepository into your project for that you'll need to download his source code of Common Code. However, once I finally understood the importance of the Repository pattern, and how it makes a difference in the data models I create in ASP.Net MVC I was wondering if I could do something similar to my Controllers and Views?
Can I create a ControllerRepository or ControllerFactory(as I've Bing'd it) and create a generic controller with 5 ActionResults and depending on what I inject into my GenericRepository datamodel (i.e. I have DellXPSComputers, GateWayComputers, HPComputers as a single db datamodel)
And actually have only one controller besides the Generic one I create that will go and grab the right datamodel, and view?
If so, what is the best way to implement this?
You could create a generic controller factory, but I don't see many scenarios why you'd ever want to. Except in your tests and redirects, you'd never be calling a controller method directly (vs. a repository method which you're calling in many places).
Yes! You absolutely can!
I've done it in the past with great success. The result is that you end up with a web application layer surfacing your repos with almost no code (just what's necessary to provide CRUD services for your entities).
Ultimately, you'll end up with something like this in your implementation of CreateController:
Type controllerType = controllerbase.MakeGenericType(entityType, datacontextType);
var controller = Activator.CreateInstance(controllerType) as IController;
return controller;
Wiser men than me would use a IOC framework to inject the types, I'm using plain old reflection and reading the type names out of the route values in URLs like:
Good luck!
