Highstock Area chart: multiple series navigator issue - highcharts

when i add multiple series in single chart in highstock area chart,
it'll display only first series in navigator panel.
please refer fiddle

You need to use series oejct in navigator and place all points from first and second series.
Second solution is using a addSeries for navigator like here: http://jsfiddle.net/6fFwM/
name : "",
xAxis: 0,
yAxis: 1,
type: "line",
enableMouseTracking: false,
data : new_data,


Highcharts - series order on stacked charts

I'm trying to create the powerpoint chart below in highcharts however as you can see the order of the series do not match. The legend and the categories match but I'm not sure how to make the series order match?
This is what my highcharts replica looks like (link to jsfiddle: (https://jsfiddle.net/6qxukd74/1/)
How can I make the highcharts look exactly like the powerpoint chart?
Add to the yAxis the reversedStacks property
yAxis: {
min: 0,
reversedStacks: false

How to add extra tears(ticks) in highcharts?

In addition to this question, I would like to ask another question here in this thread.
How to add extra tears(ticks), in such a way, the green bar dataLabel, does stay inside plotting area, rather, going out of plotting area or made hidden. JSFIDDLE
There are lots of ways to do this. But quickest one is adding a max value to yAxis with using yAxis.max.
yAxis: {
allowDecimals: false,
max: 6000
Here is the working example: jsFiddle.
You can use the combination of yAxis.tickAmount and yAxis.tickInterval like this;
yAxis: {
allowDecimals: false,
tickAmount: 10,
tickInterval: 1000
Here is the working example: jsFiddle.
Besides setting a new max property or trying a different combination of ticks, you can simply set overflow property with 'none' value and crop with false. This way you can display data labels outside the plot area.
API Reference:

In HighStock, linking secondary yAxis to master yAxis can cause secondary values to be cropped outside the chart

Simplifying my story, consider 2 series where I link their yAxes. In other words on the second yAxis there is a property linkedTo: 0
So the first yAxis is the master, hence sets extremes for both series.
However sometimes the second series has high values which are too high to be plotted in the visible area and so they get cropped.
To make matters worse, when the yAxes are linked to each other, the legend doesn't play ball: clicking on the master series name in the legend will hide both series. Clicking on the secondary series name will hide none.
Check out this JSFiddle - values on the right are cropped, legend functionality is broken.
What am I missing? How can I get both series to scale together and be all visible? How do I get the legend to work as expected? (click on series name should toggle it)
EDIT: As it turns out, if I remove yAxis.id (JSFiddle here) the chart and legend work as expected. However linking series to yAxis based on position in the array (I think?) instead of by some ID (string) sounds less than ideal.
Why you are trying assigning second series to axis which is just copy of proper one? I advice to set both series to master yAxis, and second yAxis use just as extra info on the right side of a chart.
Otherwise I don't understand the purpose of linking second axis to get THE SAME extremes as master yAxis, and then expecting to scale that yAxis according to series you have attached to that yAxis.
Something like this I think is better approach, see: http://jsfiddle.net/zYpcm/15/
series: [{
name: 'master',
data: self.masterData,
yAxis: 'master'
}, {
name: 'secondary',
data: self.secondaryData,
//yAxis: 'secondary'
yAxis: [{
id: 'master'
}, {
id: 'secondary',
opposite: true,
linkedTo: 0

HighStock: One navigator to control two xAxis?

I have created two xAxis one at top and another at bottom (with opposite: true) in my highstock chart. But the problem is that navigator is controlling only the bottom xAxis. Changing the navigator only affects the bottom xAxis not the top one.
Can we control two xAxis with one navigator in highstock?
Here is my sample code:
navigator: {
xAxis: {
type: datetime
xAxis: [{
type: datetime,
}, {
type: datetime,
opposite: true
You can catch aftersetExtremes() function http://api.highcharts.com/highstock#xAxis.events.afterSetExtremes and call setExtremes on second axis with defined ranges.
This fairly simple example from the official Highstock demos does it just fine:
If it's not working for you, post a minimal version of your code on jsFiddle.

Prevent xAxis of column highchart taking negative labels on hiding one of other series(on legendItemClick event)

On hiding both the series using legends, and then clicking one of the series shows xAxis starting from '-1', when ideally it should show only not null categories.
Using 'ignoreHiddenSeries: false' solves the purpose but again on hiding both the series using legend and then enabling other series tends to overlap both the series. Although on window resize event, series get aligned properly.
chart: {
type: 'column'
// ignoreHiddenSeries: false
Example for reference: http://jsfiddle.net/t88rc/
You can simply set for xAxis min:0, see: http://jsfiddle.net/t88rc/2/
Grouped column charts work best with equal number of data points per series.
Best solution I have found for this is to fill any missing data points with null values:
data: [49.9, 71.5,null,null,null,null,null,null]
