Once again: Not convertible to UInt8 - ios

I like Swift, but its number type conversion quirks are starting to drive me mad...
Why ist the following code resulting in a LogLevel is not convertible to UInt8 error (in the if statement)?
import Foundation;
enum LogLevel : Int
case System = 0;
case Trace = 1;
case Debug = 2;
case Info = 3;
case Notice = 4;
case Warn = 5;
case Error = 6;
case Fatal = 7;
class Log
struct Static
static var enabled:Bool = true;
static var filterLevel:LogLevel = LogLevel.System;
public class func trace(data:AnyObject!)
if (Static.filterLevel > LogLevel.Trace) {return;}
LogLevel of type Int should after all be equal to LogLevel of type Int.

“Enumerations in Swift are first-class types in their own right. ”
Excerpt From: Apple Inc. “The Swift Programming Language.” iBooks.
So, an enumeration is not an int and it doesn't make sense to perform mathematical comparisons on it. You have associated raw values with your enumeration values so you need to use the toRaw and fromRaw functions to access the raw values.
public class func trace(data:AnyObject!)
if (Static.filterLevel.toRaw() > LogLevel.Trace.toRaw()) {return;}

From the Swift book:
Use the toRaw and fromRaw functions to convert between the raw value
and the enumeration value.
In your case:
if Static.filterLevel.toRaw() > LogLevel.Trace.toRaw() {


Dart explicit operators like C#?

In C# you can do an explicit operator as a static function in a class so that if you know how to convert from one type to another that normally wouldn't work you can have your class do it and it just works anywhere it expects the other type you can just put in the first type.
Does Dart have this?
This is not the same but you can implement it if you need it.
Errors can only be detected at runtime.
void main() {
final str1 = '123';
final int i = str1.castTo();
final str2 = 'true';
final bool b = str2.castTo();
extension Cast on String {
T castTo<T>() {
switch (T) {
case int:
return int.parse(this) as T;
case bool:
switch (this) {
case 'false':
return false as T;
case 'true':
return true as T;
throw StateError('Unable to convert to type: $T');

Error message when defining struct

I am writing a struct in Swift:
struct LevelDictionary {
let kNumberOfSegments: Int = 10
static func loadLevelData() -> NSDictionary {
for var segmentNumber = 0; segmentNumber < kNumberOfSegments; ++segmentNumber {
//My code here
return dictionary
For some reason I get an error on compiling: Instance member 'kNumberOfSegments' cannot be used on type 'LevelDictionary'. What am I missing? I get the same error when I set up LevelDictionary as a Class.
loadLevelData() is a static function which is called on "class" level
To use kNumberOfSegments in the static function it must be static as well
static let kNumberOfSegments: Int = 10
The direct answer to your question is that you can't use a property in class scope.
A different answer is that you seem to want a static function that returns a dictionary after doing something a certain number of times; which is why you have kNumberOfSegments in the first place. But do you really need to have a variable for something that you aren't going to use again. Another way to do this is to have a default variable in your class method:
struct LevelDictionary {
static func loadLevelData(numberOfSegments: Int = 10) -> NSDictionary {
for segment in 0 ..< numberOfSegments {
// your code here
return dictionary
Now you can call the method without an argument to use the default
let dictionary = LevelDictionary.loadLevelData() // Will use 10 segments
Or you can use a parameter to override the default
let dictianary = LevelDictionary.loadLevelData(20) // Will use 20 segments
You can't use instance member variables/constants inside the static function. (In terms of Objective C you can't use instance member objects inside class function)
Either you should declare the kNumberOfSegments as static or make that function as non-static. I prefer the first option,
struct LevelDictionary
static let kNumberOfSegments: Int = 10
static func loadLevelData() -> NSDictionary
for var segmentNumber = 0; segmentNumber < kNumberOfSegments; ++segmentNumber
//My code here
return dictionary

Implement opApply with nogc and inferred parameters

Note: I initially posted an over-simplified version of my problem. A more
accurate description follows:
I have the following struct:
struct Thing(T) {
T[3] values;
int opApply(scope int delegate(size_t, ref T) dg) {
int res = 0;
foreach(idx, ref val; values) {
res = dg(idx, val);
if (res) break;
return res;
Foreach can be used like so:
unittest {
Thing!(size_t[]) thing;
foreach(i, ref val ; thing) val ~= i;
However, it is not #nogc friendly:
#nogc unittest {
Thing!size_t thing;
foreach(i, ref val ; thing) val = i;
If I change the signature to
int opApply(scope int delegate(size_t, ref T) #nogc dg) { ... }
It works for the #nogc case, but fails to compile for non-#nogc cases.
The solutions I have tried are:
Cast the delegate
int opApply(scope int delegate(size_t, ref T) dg) {
auto callme = cast(int delegate(size_t, ref T) #nogc) dg;
// use callme instead of dg to support nogc
This seems wrong as I am willfully casting a #nogc attribute even onto
functions that do may not support it.
Use opSlice instead of opApply:
I'm not sure how to return an (index, ref value) tuple from my range. Even if
I could, I think it would have to contain a pointer to my static array, which
could have a shorter lifetime than the returned range.
Use a templated opApply:
All attempts to work with this have failed to automatically determine the
foreach argument types. For example, I needed to specify:
foreach(size_t idx, ref int value ; thing)
Which I see as a significant hindrance to the API.
Sorry for underspecifying my problem before. For total transparency,
Enumap is the "real-world" example. It
currently uses opSlice, which does not support ref access to values. My
attempts to support 'foreach with ref' while maintaining #nogc support is what
prompted this question.
Instead of overloading the opApplyoperator you can implement an input range for your type. Input ranges work automatically as the agregate argument in foreach statements:
struct Thing(K,V) {
import std.typecons;
#nogc bool empty(){return true;}
#nogc auto front(){return tuple(K.init, V.init);}
#nogc void popFront(){}
unittest {
Thing!(int, int) w;
foreach(val ; w) {
int[] i = [1,2,3]; // spurious allocation
#nogc unittest {
Thing!(int, int) w;
foreach(idx, val ; w) { assert(idx == val); }
This solves the problem caused by the allocation of the delegate used in foreach.
Note that the example is shitty (the range doesn't work at all, and usually ranges are provided via opSlice, etc) but you should get the idea.

How to read in 8 bytes of data from a DataInputStream and interpreted it as double in Vala

I looking for the equivalent of
java.io.DataInputStream.readDouble() for Vala.
Is it even possible?
Currently I have :
public double data;
public override void load (DataInputStream dis) throws IOError {
data = dis.read_int64 ();
But it just converting a int64 to a double which is not what I want.
I've tried all sort of casting and de-referencing, but nothing seems to work.
This worked for me:
int main()
int64 foo = 0; // Whatever value you have
double data = *(double*)(&foo); // This is where the "magic" happens
stdout.printf("%f", data);
return 0;
Mind you, you may have to set the correct byte order for the conversion to succeed.

Best way to enum NSString

Im digging for ways to enum objc object such as NSString, I remember there a new feature in a version of Xcode4+ which offering a new way to enum , but not clearly. Anyone know that?
OK, I answered myself. Guess I make a mistake.
This is the new feature I mentioned above:
typedef enum Language : NSUInteger{
It's just a new syntax for enum in Xcode 4.4, but I'm so foolish to think we can exchange "NSUInteger" to "NSString".
So here is the way I found that works:
// Place this in your .h file, outside the #interface block
typedef enum {
} kImageType;
#define kImageTypeArray #"JPEG", #"PNG", #"GIF", #"PowerVR", nil
// Place this in the .m file, inside the #implementation block
// A method to convert an enum to string
-(NSString*) imageTypeEnumToString:(kImageType)enumVal
NSArray *imageTypeArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:kImageTypeArray];
return [imageTypeArray objectAtIndex:enumVal];
// A method to retrieve the int value from the NSArray of NSStrings
-(kImageType) imageTypeStringToEnum:(NSString*)strVal
NSArray *imageTypeArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:kImageTypeArray];
NSUInteger n = [imageTypeArray indexOfObject:strVal];
if(n < 1) n = JPG;
return (kImageType) n;
FYI. The original author of the second example code created a category for enum handling. Just the thing for adding to your very own NSArray class definition.
#interface NSArray (EnumExtensions)
- (NSString*) stringWithEnum: (NSUInteger) enumVal;
- (NSUInteger) enumFromString: (NSString*) strVal default: (NSUInteger) def;
- (NSUInteger) enumFromString: (NSString*) strVal;
#implementation NSArray (EnumExtensions)
- (NSString*) stringWithEnum: (NSUInteger) enumVal
return [self objectAtIndex:enumVal];
- (NSUInteger) enumFromString: (NSString*) strVal default: (NSUInteger) def
NSUInteger n = [self indexOfObject:strVal];
if(n == NSNotFound) n = def;
return n;
- (NSUInteger) enumFromString: (NSString*) strVal
return [self enumFromString:strVal default:0];
Alternative way to use struct:
extern const struct AMPlayerStateReadable
__unsafe_unretained NSString *ready;
__unsafe_unretained NSString *completed;
__unsafe_unretained NSString *playing;
__unsafe_unretained NSString *paused;
__unsafe_unretained NSString *broken;
} AMPlayerState;
const struct AMPlayerStateReadable AMPlayerState =
.ready = #"READY",
.completed = #"COMPLETE",
.playing = #"PLAYING",
.paused = #"PAUSED",
.broken = #"BROKEN"
Then you can use like this:
NSString *status = AMPlayerState.ready;
Easy to use, readable.
Would be nice if someone update/edit answer with advantages/disadvantages of this approach.
Recommended way from apple docs:
You use the NS_TYPED_ENUM to group constants with a raw value type that you specify. Use NS_TYPED_ENUM for sets of constants that can't logically have values added in a Swift extension, and use NS_TYPED_EXTENSIBLE_ENUM for sets of constants that can be expanded in an extension.
Apple docs
typedef NSString *MyEnum NS_TYPED_ENUM;
extern MyEnum const MyEnumFirstValue;
extern MyEnum const MyEnumSecondValue;
extern MyEnum const MyEnumThirdValue;
in the .h file. Define your strings in the .m file
MyEnum const MyEnumFirstValue = #"MyEnumFirstValue"
MyEnum const MyEnumSecondValue = #"MyEnumSecondValue";
MyEnum const MyEnumThirdValue = #"MyEnumThirdValue";
Works as expected in both Objective-C
- (void)methodWithMyEnum:(MyEnum)myEnum { }
and Swift
func method(_ myEnum: MyEnum) { }
This will be validated by compiler, so you won't mix up indices accidentally.
NSDictionary *stateStrings =
#(MCSessionStateNotConnected) : #"MCSessionStateNotConnected",
#(MCSessionStateConnecting) : #"MCSessionStateConnecting",
#(MCSessionStateConnected) : #"MCSessionStateConnected",
NSString *stateString = [stateStrings objectForKey:#(state)];
var stateStrings: [MCSessionState: String] = [
MCSessionState.NotConnected : "MCSessionState.NotConnected",
MCSessionState.Connecting : "MCSessionState.Connecting",
MCSessionState.Connected : "MCSessionState.Connected"
var stateString = stateStrings[MCSessionState.Connected]
UPDATE: A more Swifty way is to extend the enum with CustomStringConvertible conformance. Also, this way the compiler will safeguard to implement every new addition to the underlying enum (whereas using arrays does not), as switch statements must be exhaustive.
extension MCSessionState: CustomStringConvertible {
public var description: String {
switch self {
case .notConnected:
return "MCSessionState.notConnected"
case .connecting:
return "MCSessionState.connecting"
case .connected:
return "MCSessionState.connected"
#unknown default:
return "Unknown"
// You can use it like this.
var stateString = MCSessionState.connected.description
// Or this.
var stateString = "\(MCSessionState.connected)"
Update in 2017
Recent down votes drew my attention, and I'd like to add that enum is really easy to work with String now:
enum HTTPMethod: String {
HTTPMethod.GET.rawValue == "GET" // it's true
Original Answer
Unfortunately I ended up using:
#define HLCSRestMethodGet #"GET"
#define HLCSRestMethodPost #"POST"
#define HLCSRestMethodPut #"PUT"
#define HLCSRestMethodDelete #"DELETE"
typedef NSString* HLCSRestMethod;
I know this is not what OP asked, but writing actual code to implement enum seems to be an overkill to me. I would consider enum as a language feature (from C) and if I have to write code, I would come up with some better classes that does more than enum does.
Swift version seems to be prettier, although the performance can never be as good.
struct LRest {
enum HTTPMethod: String {
case Get = "GET"
case Put = "PUT"
case Post = "POST"
case Delete = "DELETE"
struct method {
static let get = HTTPMethod.Get
static let put = HTTPMethod.Put
static let post = HTTPMethod.Post
static let delete = HTTPMethod.Delete
I think you are looking for the inline array function. eg
if not, i'm not sure you can enum objects.
you could however have a static array of strings and have the enum reference object at index.
This is how I do it, although it's not perfect. I feel the switch mechanism could be improved... also not positive about hash-collision resistance, don't know what apple uses under the hood.
#define ElementProperty NSString *
#define __ElementPropertiesList #[#"backgroundColor", #"scale", #"alpha"]
#define epBackgroundColor __ElementPropertiesList[0]
#define epScale __ElementPropertiesList[1]
#define epAlpha __ElementPropertiesList[2]
#define switchElementProperty(__ep) switch(__ep.hash)
#define caseElementProperty(__ep) case(__ep.hash)
-(void)setValue:(id)value forElementProperty:(ElementProperty)ep;
[self setValue:#(1.5) forElementProperty:epScale];
//Compiler unfortunately won't warn you if you are missing a case
switchElementProperty(myProperty) {
