How to implement non-scrollable UICollectionView inside UIScrollView? - ios

In shorts, my desired screen layout is basically a user profile (iOS 7 + Xcode 5). I used UIScrollView as the top level view. The reason is that I want all its subviews to scroll (user info view - the view with a profile image and some buttons you see on the screen, and the photos collection view - the one with black background) when it is scrolled.
The region with black background will show user photos. I'm wondering if I could use a UICollectionView here, or there's a better way to implement it. The UICollectionView in this case shouldn't be able to scroll itself, it just shows all cells, while the scrolling work is handled by the outermost UIScrollView.
I read following posts:
UICollectionView inside of UIScrollView
UICollectionView in UIScrollView -> Scroll Order
iOS 7 Collection View inside Scroll View
Some said it's not possible (or at least, weird) implemeting UICollectionView inside UIScrollView because UIScrollView is UICollectionView's superclass which leads to unexpected behaviour. Some said it should be implemented in another way (but I didn't see a clear suggestion).

Yes, you can put a UICollectionView inside a UIScrollView. iOS has fully supported nested scroll views since iOS 3.0, and UICollectionView is a subclass of UIScrollView. For example, check out the App Store app on your iOS device. The screen scrolls vertically - it's either a UIScrollView or a UITableView (which is itself a subclass of UIScrollView). And each row of icons scrolls horizontally - each row is a UICollectionView.
However, it's not clear why you need to put a collection view inside a scroll view. It sounds like you only want the photos view to scroll, so just make the photos view be a collection view. Why do you need to put the collection view inside a scroll view?
Just use a collection view. Set the header of section 0 to the profile info view. You don't need a scroll view.
If you put all the photos in one section, you can set up the header in your storyboard with no code. If you use multiple sections, you'll need to implement collectionView:layout:referenceSizeForHeaderInSection: in your delegate and collectionView:viewForSupplementaryElementOfKind:atIndexPath: in your data source.


Multipage UICollectionView with View

I am trying to create a collection view layout similar to the one used by Twitter and Product Hunt. I want to have a horizontal collection view to tab between data while also maintaining vertical scrolling in the tab I am in. I do not want to just change the datasource that is loaded into the UICollectionView. I have tried several different layouts but none of them have been successful.
Right now, I have a UIViewController with a UICollectionView & UIImageView object inside of it. The UIImageView's size is (3/8) of the UIViewController's frame and begins at (0,0). The UICollectionView's frame is equal to the UIViewController's frame but the cv is offset to be below UIImageView & its size is equal to the size of the UIViewController's view. The (1) cell inside the UICollectionView has a UICollectionView inside of it -- this can be configured with the data you want (multiple cells). This layout works fine for a single datasource.
However, when you want to have multiple datasources accessed by scrolling horizontally the layout breaks down. You have to change the flow layout of the outermost UICollectionView to horizontal. When you do this, you get a layout error because the size of the collection view is larger than than the view and you cannot scroll vertically.
If you reference the image I provided, I think you can infer what the desired layout should behave like. You should be able to access the other datasource by horizontal scrolling but also be able to scroll the current collection view full screen and not have it fixed to the bottom of the UIImageView. I tried adding logic to the scrollview delegate methods but that didn't work either. Thanks]2

UICollectionView inside UITableViewCell scroll behaviour

I'm trying to implement something similar to iTunes Store UI.
As you can see from the picture, there are two directions of scrolling possible. But I would like to prioritise scrolling of UICollectionView which is to the left or right because currently scroll down and scroll left/right are conflicting and causing weird behaviour.
Way to duplicate:
Scroll Down UITableView and then quickly try to swipe right or left on UICollectionView. UITableView will continue to scroll.
How can I do so? Do I need to use GestureRecognizer?
I always avoid collection view as it provides less flexibility to work with auto layout compared to a table view, however not against collection view every time. You should try the adding collection view inside a table view
There is a number of tutorials available for the same. eg (ios 8 Swift - TableView with embedded CollectionView)

Two UIViews & one UICollectionView inside UIScrollView (or better approach)

I need to have iOS app with screen like this:
The idea is when user start to scroll down the first UIView to move up until the second UIView reach the top where it will stick and only UICollectionView will continue to move up.
Currently I'm using this structure
UIScrollView (main scroll)
UIView (some banners)
UIView (UISegmentedControl)
UICollectionView (grid with items, scroll is disabled, main scroll is used)
I manage to do it, but I needed to set UICollectionView height constraint manually in the code (calculated based on all items in grid) in order to appear in UIScrollView (everything else is handled by AutoLayout in Storyboard). The problem with this is that UICollectionView think all cells are visible and load them, so the whole recycling & reusing thing does not work. It's even worst because I use willDisplayCell method on UICollectionView to load more data when last cell is displayed, but now it load all pages at once.
My question (actually they are 2)
How can I fix the issue above?
What is the right way to achieve this functionality? Maybe my whole approach is conceptually wrong?
Collection view is a scroll view itself. So maybe you could have same functionality only with Collection view with sections or even custom layout?

UIScrollView behavior is different in iOS8

I have the following layout
So it's basically a scroll view that occupies whole screen. Content size is set to triple-width and same height. Inside the scroll view - there is container view and three table views - one per page. Only middle table view is visible initially.
This allows me to use scroll view horizontal scrolling to navigate between the tables and vertical scrolling inside the middle table.
I know that Apple doesn't really recommend putting UITableView inside UIScrollView, but in this particular case I don't know how to implement it differently, and until iOS8 everything was working fine.
UIScrollView would not recognize any vertical scrolling (since content height was equal to scroll view height) and these gestures were passed directly to UITableView.
But starting in iOS8 - this getting broken. UIScrollView would allow some vertical scrolling and basically intercept scrolling gestures sent to UITableView.
I created a simple project that works fine in iOS7 but is broken in iOS8. Anybody has any idea how to fix this problem?
Link to the project:
I haven't been able to solve this and as I mentioned in comments had to re-write logic using built-in UIPageViewController class.
If I change the Class of your ScrollView in Interface Builder to UIScrollView, it fixes part of the problem. Now just the UITableView goes up and down, and I go left-and-right, but haven't gotten rid of the space at the top.

Scrolling up UICollectionView don't move a UIView above it

I am working in a profile ViewController. This profile has a main image in a UIView subclass and a CollectionView gallery with some images. I would like to be able to scroll up the UICollectionView and move the UIView too, and if I scroll down, I want to watch again the UIView when the collectionView first item is showed again.
I have tried to do this adding the collectionView and the UIView to a ScrollView, but the UIView only scroll up if I touch it.
In this picture you can see my problem
Thank you in advance
You need to make the view at the top a Header View of the collection view.
Essentially it needs to be an actual part of the collection view if you want this action. (That's the easiest way anyway).
So the collection view will take up the whole screen but it will have a header view. Then when you scroll the collection view the header will move out of view and then come back in when you scroll down again.
