Applying distinct on specific field in CloudSearch query - search-engine

I am examining AWS CloudSearch for system's new searching engine.
Assume that there are articles and some comments written on each articles. The search API should return articles that are matching or having any matching comments. So is there any possible way to retrieve DISTINCT values(in this case, unique ID of the article) from CloudSearch with single query execution? If not, what would be the nice solution to resolve this feature's requirement with CloudSearch?
I know there's text-array type for document field in CloudSearch but it seems expensive to update documents since N of comments on single article can be more than thousands.

I faced similar problem, putting comments is not an option in your case as array elements cannot be more than 1000 in cloudsearch. I will make two search domains, articles and comments. I will issue search query to both of them in parallel (async or multithreaded depending upon the language), articles will always generate non duplicate ids but on the results of comments query you have to apply the logic to an article id only once and always pick the top one, as results are sorted by matching score.


Can graph database query "nodes that a given node has no relationship with"?

I am working on a dating app where users can "like" or "dislike" other users and get matched.
As you can imagine the most important query of the app would be:
Give me a stack of nearby user profiles that I have NOT liked/disliked before.
I tried to work on this with a document database (Firestore) and figured it's simply not suitable for such kind of application and hence landed in the graph database world which is new and fascinating to me.
I understand that by nature a graph database retrieves data by tracing through the relationships and make relationships first-class citizens. My question now is that what if the nodes that I am trying to get are those with no relationship from the given node? What would the query look like? Can anyone provide an example query?
- added nearby criteria to the query statement
This is definitely possible, here is a query example :
MATCH (me:Profile {name: "Chris"})
MATCH (other:Profile) WHERE NOT (other)-[:LIKES]->(me)
As stated in the comments of your original question, on a large dataset it might not scale well, that said it is pretty uncommon that you would use only one criteria for matching, for example, the list of possible profiles to match from can be grouped by :
profiles in depth 2 ( who is liking me, then find who other people they like, do those people like me ? )
shared interests
age group
skin color

Approaches to tagging in Neo4j

I'm pretty new to Neo4j; I've only gotten as far as writing a hello world. Before I proceed, I want to make sure I have the right idea about how Neo4j works and what it can do for me.
As an example, say you wanted to write a Neo4j back end for a site like this. Questions would be nodes. Naïvely, tags would be represented by an array property on the question node. If you wanted to find questions with a certain tag, you'd have to scan every question in the database.
I think a better approach would to represent tags as nodes. If you wanted to find all questions with a certain tag, you'd start at the tag node and follow the relationships to the questions. If you wanted to find questions with all of a set of tags, you'd start at one of the tag nodes (preferably the least common/most specific one, if you know which one that is), follow its relationships to questions, and then select the questions with relationships to the other tags. I don't know how to express that in Cypher yet, but is that the right idea?
In my real application, I'm going to have entities with a potentially long list of tags, and I'm going to want to find entities that have all of the requested tags. Is this something where Neo4j would have significant advantages over SQL?
Kevin, correct.
You'd do it like that.
I even created a model some time ago for stackoverflow that does this.
For Cypher you can imagine queries like these
Find the User who was most active
MATCH (u:User)
RETURN u,count(*)
ORDER BY count(*) DESC
Find co-used Tags
MATCH (t:Tag)
OPTIONAL MATCH (t)<-[:TAGGED]-(question)-[:TAGGED]->(t2)
RETURN,,count(distinct question) as questions
ORDER BY questions DESC
MATCH (t:Tag)<-[r:TAGGED]->(question)
RETURN t,r,question

Solr join and non-Join queries give different results

I am trying to link two types of documents in my Solr index. The parent is named "house" and the child is named "available". So, I want to return a list of houses that have available documents with some filtering. However, the following query gives me around 18 documents, which is wrong. It should return 0 documents.
&fq={!join from=house_id_fk to=house_id}doctype:available AND discount:[1 TO *] AND start_date:[NOW/DAY TO NOW/DAY%2B21DAYS]
&fq={!join from=house_id_fk to=house_id}doctype:available AND sd_year:2014 AND sd_month:11
To debug it, I tried first to check whether there is any available documents with the given filter queries. So, I tried the following query:
&fq=doctype:available AND discount:[1 TO *] AND start_date:[NOW/DAY TO NOW/DAY%2B21DAYS]
&fq=doctype:available AND sd_year:2014 AND sd_month:11
The query gives 0 results, which is correct. So as you can see both queries are the same, the different is using the join query parser. I am a bit confused, why the first query gives results. My understanding is that this should not happen because the second query shows that there is no any available documents that satisfy the given filter queries.
I have figured it out.
The reason is simply the type of join in Solr. It is an outer join. Since both filter queries are executed separately, a house that has available documents with discount > 1 or (sd_year:2014 AND sd_month:11) will be returned even though my intention was applying bother conditions at the same time.
However, in the second case, both conditions are applied at same time to find available documents, then houses based on the matching available documents are returned. Since there is no any available document that satisfies both conditions, then there is no any matching house which gives zero results.
It really took sometime to figure this out, I hope this will help someone else.

How do database indices make search faster

I was reading through rails tutorial ( but confused about the explanation of database indicies, basically the author proposes that rather then searching O(n) time through the a list of emails (for login) its much faster to create an index, giving the following example:
To understand a database index, it’s helpful to consider the analogy
of a book index. In a book, to find all the occurrences of a given
string, say “foobar”, you would have to scan each page for “foobar”.
With a book index, on the other hand, you can just look up “foobar” in
the index to see all the pages containing “foobar”.
So what I understand from that example is that words can be repeated in text, so the "index page" consists of unique entries. However, in the railstutorial site, the login is set such that each email address is unique to an account, so how does having an index make it faster when we can have at most one occurrence of each email?
Indexing isn't (much) about duplicates. It's about order.
When you do a search, you want to have some kind of order that lets you (for example) do a binary search to find the data in logarithmic time instead of searching through every record to find the one(s) you care about (that's not the only type of index, but it's probably the most common).
Unfortunately, you can only arrange the records themselves in a single order.
An index contains just the data (or a subset of it) that you're going to use to search on, and pointers (or some sort) to the records containing the actual data. This allows you to (for example) do searches based on as many different fields as you care about, and still be able to do binary searching on all of them, because each index is arranged in order by that field.
Because the index in the DB and in the given example is sorted alphabetically. The raw table / book is not. Then think: How do you search an index knowing it is sorted? I guess you don't start reading at "A" up to the point of your interest. Instead you skip roughly to the POI and start searching from there. Basically a DB can to the same with an index.
It is faster because the index contains only values from the column in question, so it is spread across a smaller number of pages than the full table. Also, indexes usually include additional optimizations such as hash tables to limit the number of reads required.

Building a (simple) twitter-clone with CouchDB

I'm trying to build a (simple) twitter-clone which uses CouchDB as Database-Backend.
Because of its reduced feature set, I'm almost finished with coding, but there's one thing left I can't solve with CouchDB - the per user timeline.
As with twitter, the per user timeline should show the tweets of all people I'm following, in a chronological order. With SQL it's a quite simple Select-Statement, but I don't know how to reproduce this with CouchDBs Map/Reduce.
Here's the SQL-Statement I would use with an RDBMS:
SELECT * FROM tweets WHERE user_id IN [1,5,20,33,...] ORDER BY created_at DESC;
CouchDB schema details
"text":"Sample Text",
"created_at":"2011-10-17 10:21:36 +000"
With view collations it's quite simple to query CouchDB for a list of "all tweets with user_id = 1 ordered chronologically".
But how do I retrieve a list of "all tweets which belongs to the users with the ID 1,2,3,... ordered chronologically"? Do I need another schema for my application?
The best way of doing this would be to save the created_at as a timestamp and then create a view, and map all tweets to the user_id:
if(doc.type == 'tweet'){
emit(doc.user_id, doc);
Then query the view with the user id's as keys, and in your application sort them however you want(most have a sort method for arrays).
Edited one last time - Was trying to make it all in couchDB... see revisions :)
Is that a CouchDB-only app? Or do you use something in between for additional buisness logic. In the latter case, you could achieve this by running multiple queries.
This might include merging different views. Another approach would be to add a list of "private readers" for each tweet. It allows user-specific (partial) views, but also introduces the complexity of adding the list of readers for each new tweet, or even updating the list in case of new followers or unfollow operations.
It's important to think of possible operations and their frequencies. So when you're mostly generating lists of tweets, it's better to shift the complexity into the way how to integrate the reader information into your documents (i.e. integrating the readers into your tweet doc) and then easily build efficient view indices.
If you have many changes to your data, it's better to design your database not to update too many existing documents at the same time. Instead, try to add data by adding new documents and aggregate via complex views.
But you have shown an edge case where the simple (1-dimensional) list-based index is not enough. You'd actually need secondary indices to filter by time and user-ids (given that fact that you also need partial ranges for both). But this not possible in CouchDB, so you need to work around by shifting "query" data into your docs and use them when building the view.
