UITableView Not Scrolling - ios

I have a tableview which will not budge when touched. It is very confusing to me. It is the most recently added subview (I checked - it is the last entry in my view's subviews array) and for some reason it just won't scroll up or down. If I tap multiple fingers wildly on the tableview it will one in a while highlight the cell under one of my fingers, but it will not scroll even a little. I have set the number of rows to 100 (many more than are visible on screen) and I have set the 'bounces', 'scrollEnabled', and 'userInteractionEnabled' properties to YES.
I know that I have not provided much to go on here, but if anyone could at least give some tips on how to go about debugging this I would be very grateful. Can I log from within the tableView gestureRecognizer handling method? Can I test where my touches are going?
Please help!

A TableView is basically a specialized ScrollView. If it's not scrolling, it seems to me it could be one of two things. Either something is on top of the TableView and is capturing the gesture events before the TableView can get them, or You have set the bounds and contentSize incorrectly. For a TableView or ScrollView, the bounds of the view should be the visible area, and the contentSize (should be handled by the TableView without you needing to do anything) is the size of all the cells in the Table.
So I would check the bounds of the table view and make sure you are setting that to the contentSize, since that would cause it nor to scroll.
Just to make sure it's on the top, try calling
[view bringSubviewToFront:tableView];

In my case tableview "User Interaction" was disabled. I just enabled it & works.

In my case, tableView "canCancelContentTouches" was not enabled. I set it to true in the storyboard.

Can you check the frame of the parent on which the tableview is added? Make sure the parent view have correct frame to include the table view. I have faced this issue sometime back my table view was not responding to touches and there was some problem with frame size. Also do check the bounds and frames of your tableview

Please check tableview scroll is enabled.
I just hate XIB and Storyboard. After 30 mins of debugging it come to know that scroll was not enable in XIB.

Basically, Table view is just a kind of scrollview. So in case it is not scrolling You should be sure that if the frame size of your table view is less than the contentSize of your table view. For this just log the frame and content size of tableView's scroll view. If you found that frame size is greater or equal to your content size, just correct your layout constrain of your view. And I hope it will work.


Nested UIScrollviews behaving strangely

I have the following autolayout-driven setup:
Main viewController, with a scrollview inside it. Scrollview pinned to superview edges. This one scrolls up and down.
A few normal, fixed size views at the top of the scrollview
Another scrollview. This one scrolls left and right. The second scrollview contains a couple of tableviews, side by side. The idea is that the user can switch between them. They both contain a handful of cells, all the same width as the screen and 72pts tall.
The problem I'm trying to solve is that the tableview contents are not the same size. The left one has say, 6 cells, and the right one has 3.
My first approach was to dynamically change the second scrollview height to match which ever tableview was currently visible. What ended up happening was that switching between the two tableviews (by doing setContentOffset:animated:) went extremely wrong if animated was set to true - it would adjust the content offset so everything was offscreen. In fact it would set the content offset to and then as I switched, about a dozen times, then it'd reset. It was weird, I gave up.
Now I'm trying to just adjust the content inset of the main scrollview to offset the gap in the content of the current tableview, and it's also being weird. When I set the bottom content inset in viewDidLoad, it works fine. When I set it at the time the tableview becomes current, it does nothing.
What gives? What scenarios would lead to these view interactions not behaving properly?
Use different tableViewController for each table.
Embed them in pageViewController.
Add those few normal, fixed size views at the top of the pageViewControllers view.
Conform scrollViewDelegate in pageViewController.
Pass scrollViewDidScroll from tableViews to pageViewController.
Set tableViews inset to match those fixed size views at top.
Change height according to the scroll.
This is the way you can achieve the functionality you want.
I hope it helps.

UITableview frame changes after scrolling thanks to Autolayout

I'm working on a application where I have a UITableView inside a UIScrollview.
The TableView will display current games players are in, its inside a UIScrollView. I dynamically add cells to the UITableView for each game, but when I scroll the UIScrollView, the tableview inside it snaps back to its size set in the storybuilder.
This is because of autolayout, when I disable it, it doesn't happen anymore. However I do like autolayout for other views in my app. So my question is, how can I fix this problem?
Maybe someone can help me get on the right track.
I think I must explain my situation more, I will use an image where I can display what is happening
Before and after scrolling.
As you can see I use the scrollview because there can be many games, so you'll have to scroll down to see them all. The TableView is just to hold the data, scrolling is disabled on that. After scrolling the TableView that says "JOUW BEURT" snaps back to its size set in the Storybuilder. This is because of auto layout like I said, but I don't know how to fix this.
You shouldn't put a tableview inside a scrollview as a tableview itself contains a scrollview and causes issues just like you are seeing when you have a scrollview inside a scrollview.
Remove the scrollview and this should fix your issue. If you are wanting to put content above the tableview or where you scroll down to view the tableview cells etc, consider adding a tableview header view that is added above the tableview.
Why did you place UITableView inside UIScrollView?
Check below
Check your constraints of UITableView and UIScrollView
Placing UITableView inside UIScrollView is somewhat strange
You will just need to remove the scrollview and enable scrolling feature of the tableview. that will fix it
UITableView is already a subclass of

How to use scrollview to a viewcontroller with UILabels and TableViews

My TableView rows varies in size. I want to scroll it down.. But I don't know how to use a scrollview.. I've added a scrollview below the other content views.. I also assigned an IBOutlet, but i don't know what to code or something.. Also it works but it bounces back to the viewable screen only, I need to hold the screen to steady the view.. How do I fix this?

Sticky UITableView, unnecessary horizontal bar is visible, and I can't scroll to the bottom of the table

I've created a UITableVIew and it is a subview of a UIView. There are three issues that i'm having and it is only occurring on iOS 4 devices:
1) The table doesn't bounce when the view hits either the top or bottom of the table while scrolling. The vertical bar doesn't shrink either, it feels sticky and it is very much acting like an Android table view. I've tried enabling the bounce property but that doesn't make any difference.
2) The horizontal scroll bar appears when the view is scrolled down to the bottom of the table. This shouldn't appear since the table view's contentSize has been set correctly. It does eventually disappear when the contentSize is set 20 pixels less than what it should be.
3) I can't scroll to the bottom of the footer view, and only half the footer view is visible.
I've added a UITableView as a subview to other views throughout my project and this has never occurred, and so i've copied the way that I create other UITableViews, but still no luck.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I worked out the problem. The problem is a little strange, although i had a feeling that the way i was coding was a little messy.
I am subclassing a View, and the parent view has a layoutSubview method, which is only calculating and setting the frame for a table view subview. In the subclass, i had to override layoutSubview for the same reason as the values for the table view's frame need to be different. This means that the table view's frame was being laid out twice, once by the parent class and a second time by the subclass. It seems that iOS 4 doesn't like this, and i should only set the frame once per subview per layoutSubview call.
Now i've created a layoutTableView method, which is called from the parents layoutSubview, and i've overridden layoutTableView in the subclass. Therefore the table view's frame is only being set once.

UITableView will not resize after UITextField becomes first responder

I have two Scenes in my Storyboard that are nearly identical. Both are UITableViewControllers. Both have header and footer views. The header views have a UISearchBar and the footer views have a UIView that contains a UITextField. Each have only one prototype cell. One is prototyped as a "Basic" cell and the other is prototyped as "Right Detail" cell.
Here's the problem. When I click the UITextField in the footer view on the first scene, the table resizes automatically so that the bottom of the table is at the top of the keyboard. This allows me to scroll the table up so the footer view shows and the user is able to see what they're typing. The other scene will not automatically resize the UITableView so the UITableView cannot scroll the footer view to where it can be seen and the UITextField is hidden under the keyboard. I can't even manually scroll the table far enough since the footer is always at the bottom of the UITableView.
A little added info. The scene that works has many rows of data while the one that doesn't work only has a couple. I tried adding a number of rows until the table had enough to enable scrolling and it doesn't fix the problem.
I have checked everything I can think of and I can't see anything that would allow one of the views to let the UITableView to automatically resize to work with the keyboard and the other not. I must have overlooked something but I can't seem to find it.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
I thought this problem was caused by copy-and-pasting from one view to another, but I had the same problem once I'd (in theory) fixed it.
The answer for me turned out to be simple: I hadn't called [super viewWillAppear:animated] in my UITableViewController subclass' viewWillAppear: implementation. Make sure you've got a call to the superclass' method and hopefully the problem will go away.
I am guessing the frame of the tableview is not being resized to the smaller size in the second case.
Print out the frame and content sizes in both the cases once its loaded, that should help you see if there is an issue.
