Creating a Static Library in Xcode 5 - ios

Hi guys I'm having a bit of trouble creating a static library in xcode 5. Most of the tutorials out there are done in xcode 4 and thanks to apples incredibly easy to use gui, that makes it so easy for users to transition from one program to another, so I haven't been able to make one and use it.
So I get that the first step is to make the cocoa ios static library project and then to add the header and implementation files (.h and .m) that you want in your library.
Next you supposed to set the header files that you want to be accessible by the user. Is it possible to set up the library in such a way that importing one header file also imports all of the other header files? Do the other header files need to be public to do this?
My main problem is how do I actually set the classes which I want to be public/private and finally how do I implement this library into one of my applications?
A HelloWorldLibrary example would be great!
After using the link:
I am now having a problem with the locating of the Framework:
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/Users/Harry/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SampleFramework-efznryzmlxnimoaaazjfbqjirzxq/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos'
ld: framework not found SampleSubproject

There are steps to create static library.
I have not created in xCode 5, but have created in 4.x..
Create new project and select Cocoa touch static library under iOS.
Add Class files/Resources to your created project.
Set Installation Build Products Location to $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)
Copy headers in Build Phases
Set headers to Public in Target Membership
Build for Archiving/Profiling
got it from derived data (Release iphonesimulator, Release-iphoneos)
now merge both .a files using
lipo command from terminal like lipo -create libForDevice.a
libForSimulator.a -output UniversalLib.a
Now copy this lib to your main xCode project and include your perticular class.
You can find more details from here


Is it possible to create a standalone distributed Swift Framework?

I have a scenario where I need to package some common code into a Swift only framework. I have found many tutorials on how to do this but all involve creating a framework within an iOS app. My goal is to:
Create a seperate Framework project
Build and produce a .framework file
Copy that single file(without all the source files) into some iOS app project, add it under "Linked Libraries" and use it.
Question: Is this possible or do I have to include all of the Classes that are part of the framework?
I have added a framework project to an iOS app and had success using it because all the source code was in the Framework project. I tried to copy that .framework file alone to a new project and use it but when trying to access the classes or instantiate the contents of the framework I couldn't even-though whatever needed to be declared as public was.
Appreciate any help...

Import a static library as a subproject

I watch this video to know how to create a static library, I just watched until the 4:05 minute video (which have already been enough to learn how to create a static library).
But I learned that there's another way to import a static library for the project called subproject, for this I open my iphone project and add my library project (MuitosAlertas.xcodeproj), Then I added two references to my library inside the tab Target Dependencies and Link Binary with libraries as you can see below:
When I compile and run, Xcode give me the problem
Lexical or preprocessor issue 'MuitosAlertas.h' file not found
I try to put inside Other linker flags the code -ObjC but without results, how can I solve this problem
You must add Header Search Path to your target. In build setting search "Header Search Path" and add relative link to your static library project. How to add relative path read more here
You may need to search path with recursive option.
Once you have created your Library then make a build from the target added separately for the Universal support and then by right clicking on to the .a file from bundle navigate to folder and look for Universal and copy Include folder and your StaticLibrary.a file, then where you want to use it paste in that project and add reference to it and in bundle setting you need to set the HeaderSearchPath of the library where it is kept and the OtherLinkerFlag to -ObjC.
Then import the headers of your library and use your methods.

Any way to make bundle xcode project to include a static library xcode project?

I have a static library xcode project (.a) and a bundle xcode project (.bundle)
I added the (.a) as a sub project of (.bundle) and added to [Target Dependencies] and [Link Binary With Libraries].
After run the bulid the (.bundle) still not contain any binary file inside (.bundle).
It's work if I add the .c and .h files to under (.bundle) directly, but that make me need to handle two project files. Any way can make (.bundle) just build with the (.a) ?
This question same as what I asked, I tried to follow his 11 steps without the step 10 because he said lastly no need that step. But the generated (.bundle) still without contain any binary
Finally, I make it work.
The step 10 still important and below is corrected step 10.
create a dummy.c under (.bundle) project and the dummy.c can just totally empty. remove the setting for the library you want to link inside Link Binary With Libraries instead use -Wl,-force_load,$(CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR)/libYourLib.a or -all_load to Other Linker Flags
PS: And also can use sub-project instead of workspace. and use Target Dependencies instead of Edit Scheme to achieve the same effect.
The testing project

How to make XCode add the linked project headers and implementaion files to the static library and framework

I have a static library project and in that project I linked a .xcodeproj to the source code so I can update easily actually and to not copy and paste files in the static library project for easy update.
The purpose thought it's to embed this .xcodeproj with my code into the result static library or .framework that I will build using a script.
Although I can see that there is nothing added in the compile sources or the copy header files which I added. If I try to add with drag and drop files from the linked project to my static library build phases copy header section it copies the file to my project again, but I don't want this.
And if I add a header file #import to one of my public headers and try to use the static library to the client project it complains that the header is not found!
So, in the end, what I want is the whole linked project files to be copied in the resulting static library or .framework with the scripts and target I have.
Is this possible to achieve, I think I miss some project setting that I'm not aware about that will see and copy all header and implementation files to my result static library or .framework?
Is my approach overall correct? I don't think that there is no option to use a linked project in a static library and embed it when the build is happening since I am using it in my project!
I could add the .framework of the third party component too and merge to my static library. I have created this question earlier today. Is it possible to include a .framework in a .framework and how?
Not sure if your #import-not-found issue is a linker issue, but...
Make sure to use the -ObjC flag in "Other Linker Flags" in the library's Build Settings. This gets the linker to build everything in the library.
Mentioned here:
And also make sure you link in the library in the build settings for the project that needs it.

How can I create static library and can add just .a file on any project in ios

How can I create static library and can add just .a file on any project in ios.
I tried doing this but couldn't do it.
Thanks in advance
if you want create static lib mean refer the link
Step 1 : Create a New Project, Named it "Logger"
Step 2 : Create Classes
You can create as many classes you wants, In our tutorial we will create one class named "Logger".
So, now two files should be in our resource.
1. Logger.h
2. Logger.m
Step 3 : Put some useful code into Classes
Step 4 : Create New Target
Create New Target from File Menu.
New Target
Select Cocoa Touch Static Library
Step 5 : Add files to Compile Resource
Select "Logger" Target of Static Library
Go to Build Phases
In Complied Sources section, Add all the .m and .mm files.
In Copy Files section, Add all the .h files and resource files.
Build Phases
Step 6 : Compile Project with Static Library Target
Compile Project for iOS Device
Compile Project for Simulator
You can find two different .a files generated in build folders.
Find .a file
Step 7: Make Static Library Universal
You can find two different library now, one is for simulator and one is for iOS devices.
Create a New Folder and name it LoggerMerge.
Copy libLogger.a file of Debug-iphoneos folder to "LoggerMerge" rename it to libLogger_device.a
Copy libLogger.a file of Debug-iphonesimulator folder to "LoggerMerge" rename it to libLogger_simulator.a
Open LoggerMerge folder with Terminal
Fire below command
lipo -create "libLogger_simulator.a" "libLogger_device.a" -output "libLogger.a"
Now, you can find libLogger.a in LoggerMerge folder, this is Universal static library file.
Now, Just one thing you need is headers, See above screenshot there is folder called include in both build folder. Just copy header file from this folder.
Step 8 : Test Static Library
Create New Project, name it TestLogger
Import libLogger.a and header files
Import header file "Logger.h" anywhere you want to use
Now, Use this Logger class as default practice.
In our case, [Logger log:#"Test String"];
Run Project in Simulator and Device both
That's it!! You have your own static Library!!
Step 1: Starting a New Static Library Project
Open XCode and start a new project. Under iOS, select Library and “Cocoa Touch Static Library” say it as "staticlibrary". This will create a nice new project for us that builds a .a file.
Step 2: Code your static library
First we need to add some files. Add a new NSObject subclass to your project and name it StaticClass.Then Write some useful code in those files.
Step 3: Building And Distributing Your Library
Once you are happy with your library, simply build it in XCode. Obviously, don’t do build and run as you can’t run it (again unless you have a test suite). Now, look under the Products group in XCode and you should see a file called lib(libraryName).a. In our case, it’s libstaticlibrary.a.
Right click on that file and select “Reveal In Finder”. Drag this file into a new folder that you create where you will be bundling all of your library files.Now, do the same with all of the .h files. In our case, just copy StaticClass.h into this new directory. Your directory structure should now look like:
|- libstaticlibrary.a
|- StaticClass.h
Now you can zip this folder and sell it to would-be iOS developers for millions!
Step 4: Linking Your Library In A New Project
So now that you have built your shiny new static library, it’s time to test it out in another application.
Create a new View-Based project (or whatever it doesn’t really matter). Name it as Test.
Now, just drag this folder into the project and XCode will set up all of the linking automatically. When prompted to copy, I usually say yes, but you can do whatever you want depending on how you intend on using the library. Sometimes just linking and not copying is far more beneficial if you have multiple projects sharing a single library. It ensures that they all use the most up to date version.
You should now see the .a file along with the header files in the new project.
Step 5: Using The Static Library Code
Now that all of the linking is set up, you just use your library like any other class.
For Further clarifications hope this tutorial helps for you.
Objective-C consumer -> Objective-C static library
Xcode version 10.2.1
1. Create Objective-C static library
Follow section 1. Create Objective-C static library
2. Objective-C consumer with Objective-C static library
Follow section 2. Swift consumer with Objective-C static library
3. Consume Objective-C static library from Objective-C
Import module to the Objective-C client code[module_name]
#import module_name;
//or umbrella or public header
#import <module_name/module_name.h>
[More examples]
