How to pop Nth item in the stack [Befunge-93] - stack

If you have the befunge program 321&,how would you access the first item (3) without throwing out the second two items?
The instruction \ allows one to switch the first two items, but that doesn't get me any closer to the last one...
The current method I'm using is to use the p command to write the entire stack to the program memory in order to get to the last item. For example,
However, I feel that this isn't as elegant as it could be... There's no technique to pop the first item on the stack as N, pop the Nth item from the stack and push it to the top?
(No is a perfectly acceptable answer)

Not really.
Your code could be shortened to
But if you wanted a more general result, something like the following might work. Below, I am using Befunge as it was meant to be used (at least in my opinion): as a functional programming language with each function getting its own set of rows and columns. Pointers are created using directionals and storing 1's and 0's determine where the function was called. One thing I would point out though is that the stack is not meant for storage in nearly any language. Just write the stack to storage. Note that 987 overflows off a stack of length 10.
v >>>>>>>>>>>12p:10p11pv
1 0 v<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
v >210gp10g1-10p^
v >210g1+g10g1+10p^
v g21g41<
v _ v
>98765432102^>. 2^>.#
The above code writes up to and including the n-1th item on the stack to 'memory', writes the nth item somewhere else, reads the 'memory', then pushes the nth item onto the stack.
The function is called twice by the bottom line of this program.

I propose a simpler solution:
013p 321 01g #
It "stores" 3 in the program at position ☺ (0, 1) (013p), removing it from the stack, and then puts things on the stack, and gets back ☺ on top of the stack (01g). The # ensures that the programs finishes.


What do the square brackets and numbers mean in Lua's documentation?

What does the [x, y, z] section mean in the Lua docs? You see it on every C function.
For example, lua_gettop says:
int lua_gettop (lua_State *L);
[-0, +0, –]
Returns the index of the top element in the stack. Because indices start at 1, this result is equal to the number of elements in the stack; in particular, 0 means an empty stack.
What does [-0, +0, –] mean?
The [-0, +0, –] section tells you how that function manipulates the Lua argument stack. There's an explanation in the Functions and Types section, but their wall of text is a bit hard to parse. I'll summarize.
[-o, +p, x]
Those elements mean:
o: how many elements the function pops from the stack.
mnemonic: - because it reduces the size of the stack.
-0 means it pops nothing.
p: how many elements the function pushes onto the stack.
mnemonic: + because it increases the size of the stack.
+0 means it pushes nothing.
Any function always pushes its results after popping its arguments.
the form x|y means the function can push or pop x or y elements, depending on the situation;
? means that we cannot know how many elements the function pops/pushes by looking only at its arguments. (For instance, they may depend on what is in the stack.)
x: whether the function may raise errors:
- means the function never raises any error;
m means the function may raise only out-of-memory errors;
v means the function may raise the errors explained in the text;
e means the function can run arbitrary Lua code, either directly or through metamethods, and therefore may raise any errors.

Is there a reason why this code is not outputting a worth

Hello, StackOverflow community! I am working on this Lua game, and I was testing to see if it would change the text on my TextLabel to the Bitcoins current worth, I was utterly disappointed when nothing showed up.
I have tried to do research on Google, and my code seems to be just right.
Change = false
updated = false
while Change[true] do --While change = true do
worth = math.random(1,4500) --Pick random number
print('Working!') --Say its working
Updated = true --Change the updated local var.
end --Ending while loop
script.Parent.TextLabel.Text.Text = 'Bitcoin is currently worth: ' .. worth
--Going to the Text, and changing in to a New worth.
while Updated[false] do --While updated = false do
wait(180) --Wait
Change = true --After waits 3 minutes it makes an event trigger
end -- Ending while loop
wait(180) --Wait
Updated = false --Reseting Script.
I expect the output on the Label to be a random number.
I can't really speak to roblox, but there are a couple of obvious problems with your code:
You have confusion between capitalized ("Updated", "Change") and lowercase ("updated", "change" [in commented while statement]), which will fail. See, for example:
bj#bj-lt:~$ lua
Lua 5.2.4 Copyright (C) 1994-2015, PUC-Rio
> Updated = true
> print(Updated)
> print(updated)
So be super-careful about what identifiers you capitalize. In general, most programmers leave variables like that in all-lowercase (or sometimes things like camelCase). I suppose there might be some oddball lua runtime out there that is case-insensitive, but I don't know of one.
Type misuse.
Updated is a boolean (a true/false value), so the syntax:
while Change[true] do invalid. See:
> if Updated[true] then
>> print("foo")
>> end
stdin:1: attempt to index global 'Updated' (a boolean value)
stack traceback:
stdin:1: in main chunk
[C]: in ?
Note also that the "While change == true do" is also wrong because of case ("While" is not valid lua, but "while" is).
Lack of threading.
You have basically two different things that you're trying to do at once, namely randomly change the "worth" variable as fast as possible (it's in a loop) and see a set a label to match it (it looks like you probably want it to change constantly). This requires two threads of operation (one to change worth and another to read it and stick it on the label). You've written this like you're assuming you have a spreadsheet or something and that. What your code is actually doing is:
Setting some variables
Updating worth indefinitely, printing 'Working!' a bunch, and...
Never stopping
The rest of the code never runs, because the rest of the code isn't in a background thread (basically the first bit monopolizes the runtime and never yields to everything else).
Lastly, even if the top code was running in the background, you only set the Text label one-time to exactly "Bitcoin is currently worth: 3456" (or some similar number) one time. The way this is written there won't be any updates thereafter (and, if it runs once before the other thread has warmed up, it might not be set to anything useful at all).
My guess is that your runtime is spitting out errors left and right due to the identifier problems and/or is running in a tight infinite loop and never actually getting to the label refresh logic.
BJ Black has given an excellent description of the issues with the syntax, so I'll try to cover the Roblox piece of this. In order for this kind of thing to work properly in a Roblox game, here are some assumptions to double check :
Since we are working with a TextLabel, is it inside a ScreenGui? Or a SurfaceGui?
If it's in a ScreenGui, make sure that ScreenGui is in StarterGui, and is this code in a LocalScript
If it's in a SurfaceGui, make sure that SurfaceGui is adorning a Part and this code
is in a Script
After you checked all those pieces, maybe this is closer to what you were thinking :
-- define the variables we're working with
local textLabel = script.Parent.TextLabel
local worth = 0
-- create an infinite loop
while true do
--Pick random number
worth = math.random(1,4500)
-- update the text of the label with the new worth
textLabel.Text = string.format("Bitcoin is currently worth: %d", worth)
-- wait for 3 minutes, then loop
I removed Updated and Changed because all they were doing was deciding whether or not to change the value. The flow of your loop was:
do nothing and display an undefined number. Wait 3 minutes
update the number, display it, wait 6 minutes
repeat 1 and 2.
So hopefully this is a little clearer and closer to what you were thinking.

Can't modify loop-variable in lua [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Lua for loop reduce i? Weird behavior [duplicate]
(3 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
im trying this in lua:
for i = 1, 10,1 do
i = i+2
I would expect the following output:
However, it seems like i is getting not affected, so it gives me:
Can someone tell my a bit about the background concept and what is the right way to modify the counter variable?
As Colonel Thirty Two said, there is no way to modify a loop variable in Lua. Or rather more to the point, the loop counter in Lua is hidden from you. The variable i in your case is merely a copy of the counter's current value. So changing it does nothing; it will be overwritten by the actual hidden counter every time the loop cycles.
When you write a for loop in Lua, it always means exactly what it says. This is good, since it makes it abundantly clear when you're doing looping over a fixed sequence (whether a count or a set of data) and when you're doing something more complicated.
for is for fixed loops; if you want dynamic looping, you must use a while loop. That way, the reader of the code is aware that looping is not fixed; that it's under your control.
When using a Numeric for loop, you can change the increment by the third value, in your example you set it to 1.
To see what I mean:
for i = 1,10,3 do
However this isn't always a practical solution, because often times you'll only want to modify the loop variable under specific conditions. When you wish to do this, you can use a while loop (or if you want your code to run at least once, a repeat loop):
local i = 1
while i < 10 do
i = i + 1
Using a while loop you have full control over the condition, and any variables (be they global or upvalues).
All answers / comments so far only suggested while loops; here's two more ways of working around this problem:
If you always have the same step size, which just isn't 1, you can explicitly give the step size as in for i =start,end,stepdo … end, e.g. for i = 1, 10, 3 do … or for i = 10, 1, -1 do …. If you need varying step sizes, that won't work.
A "problem" with while-loops is that you always have to manually increment your counter and forgetting this in a sub-branch easily leads to infinite loops. I've seen the following pattern a few times:
local diff = 0
for i = 1, n do
i = i+diff
if i > n then break end
-- code here
-- and to change i for the next round, do something like
if some_condition then
diff = diff + 1 -- skip 1 forward
This way, you cannot forget incrementing i, and you still have the adjusted i available in your code. The deltas are also kept in a separate variable, so scanning this for bugs is relatively easy. (i autoincrements so must work, any assignment to i below the loop body's first line is an error, check whether you are/n't assigning diff, check branches, …)

Newbie rails logic & syntax questions

I am learning rails and have come across the following code which I would like to use. The code in question is the answer by John F Miller (first answer) in the following link:
How to render all records from a nested set into a real html tree
def tree_from_set(set) #set must be in order
buf = START_TAG(set[0])
stack = []
stack.push set[0]
set[1..-1].each do |node|
if stack.last.lft < node.lft < stack.last.rgt
if node.leaf? #(node.rgt - node.lft == 1)
buf << NODE_TAG(node)
buf << START_TAG(node)
buf << END_TAG
buf <<END_TAG
def START_TAG(node) #for example
def NODE_TAG(node)
I am unsure of the following and would appreciate any guidance.
I see this will cycle through "set" assigning each item to the object "node" however I cannot determine what [1..-1] does.
set[1..-1].each do |node|
Following the logic I cannot understand the purpose of removing the last item from the array "stack"
It appears this command in this context is no longer supported in ruby after 1.9. I believe the intention was to return to the start of the loop and repeat.
A "subarray" with all but zeroth element.
Negative array indices -x in Ruby are shorthands for length-x. That is, -1'st element is the last. Range 1..-1 is "first to last", but since arrays are zero-indexed in Ruby, that means "all but zeroth element".
The stack holds "how deep you are", more precisely, which elements are you currently in. When examining the next element, if you "went out", you should close the list you left (possibly multiple times!) before adding the current item.
As for retry: I think it should be redo. If you stepped outside, you have to make sure you close every list you have to: once per iteration you pop from the stack, close the closest list and loop this until you are inside the top element on the stack, in the context for the current node to be inserted.
Actually, thus code assumes you only have one tree with set[0] its root. By adding to line 6 a check (with ||) if the stack is empty you eliminate this flaw, need for pushing set[0] manually, and thus exclusion of it from the loop. Because if the stack is empty, you are in hyperspace that contains everything, so you shouldn't bother comparing anything. This gives you the possibility of rendering multiple element trees (possibly without common root) from one list.
I believe the clean solution to this is a recursive one, replacing "home-made stack" with Ruby's call stack. I can't come up with a solution too quickly on this though.

Return stack operations generate "invalid memory address" in Gforth 0.7

I'm learning Forth here, and I've got onto return stack operations.
So using the console on Ubuntu 11.04 x64 I am trying to get the TOS onto the return stack but this happens:
1 2 3 4 5 ok
:36: Invalid memory address
What am I doing wrong here?
>r is itself a word and needs to return to the interpreter. When >r is executed as in the question it adds a new return address, an invalid one.
Instead use >r inside a (new) word. Note that the items added to the return stack must be removed before that word ends - the return stack must be in the same state as when the word started executing.
Loops are actually an example of an application of the return stack inside words (and thus your own use of the return stack must also be balanced within loops just as it must be balanced within a word).
What you are trying to to do doesn't really make much sense. A forth machine executes a series of words, the address of the next word in line to be executed is stored in a special register called NEXT (think of it like the instruction pointer of a CPU).
A return stack is needed because, if a call is made to a word that is itself a threaded list of words, then you would end up scrubbing the original address in NEXT register - to stop this from happening, the current contents of the NEXT register are pushed into the return stack.
If I understand correctly >r pushes the top element of the data stuck onto the return stack; in this case, '5' is not valid, because, there are no instructions at the address '5'.
As someone else has pointed out you don't need to be concerned about the return stack, unless you are implementing new control constructs.
You can use the return stack in Gforth in the command line (that's a non-standard feature), with one limitation: It has to be balanced within one line. At the end of the line, the line interpreter is going to return, and therefore, the return stack must contain the expected return address.
So try something like
1 2 3 4 5 >r + r> .s
which should give you
1 2 7 5
