Default width of iOS 7 views - ios

When I add a UIViewController to a storyboard in the latest xCode its view is defaults to 600x600 in size. This means centred items appear off to the right and the view extends off the bottom of the screen. Why is this?
Many thanks,

in Xcode 6 the interface builder works with AutoLayout. So you need to set constraints to your views to be in the right place. See here how thats works: Click me
But you also can disable the size class to work in the exact ViewController like this:
If you turn size classes off you see an window like this:
Just select the size class you want (iPhone for example) and you can work like you want it.
But I would recommend to work with AutoLayout due to the fact that there are a lot of different device types (iPhone 4(S), iPhone 5(S), iPad).


How do I install and uninstall a UIButton based on size class?

I need a button to be installed in portrait orientation while another button is uninstalled in portrait orientation (any width, any height), while the reverse should occur in landscape orientation (any width, compact height). One of these buttons is part of a UIStackView and the other is part of a UIView.
When in portrait the button in the UIStackView should be installed, but the button inside the UIView should be uninstalled, with the reverse occurring as I mentioned earlier in landscape. Currently I'm checking the userInterfaceIdiom in my view controller for the storyboard, but would like to rely entirely on Interface Builder if possible.
When removing my code (that actually makes it behave correctly), and simply relying on Interface Builder for installing/uninstalling the buttons based on size class, the button installed for landscape orientation always lays out correctly, but when rotating back to portrait, the other button that should now be installed is completely misplaced, out of it's original UIStackView, and that UIStackView that it should stay in, but hasn't, is now expanded to fill in the missing space where that button should have been. When this is happening, there are no warnings or errors from UIKit in the log, and my storyboard shows no conflicts. I'm thoroughly stumped!
At first glance this seems like an easy solution. Simply check/uncheck the install box for size classes of a UI element. Although, even after reading Apple docs and tutorials this is proving to be more difficult and obscure than I expected.
To clarify, I do not have constraints set for the button installed for portrait orientation since it is inside a UIStackView. On the other hand, I do have a few constraints set for the landscape orientation button. Although, the button in the UIStackView is the only one giving me trouble.
The view debugger is not working either in Xcode 7, and I'm receiving the error: warning: could not load any Objective-C class information from the dyld shared cache. This will significantly reduce the quality of type information available. when attempting to use it.
I believe this may be a bug and related to this post: UIStackView properties according to size classes
Your help is greatly appreciated! Thanks.
If you want a component to appear just in a specific size class this is what you do:
Add the constraints to you component using the size class you want it to appear in (wCompact hRegular for all iPhone in portrait and wAny hCompact for all iPhones in landscape). Next make sure that only that size class is ticked in the Attribute Inspector.
Leaving Installed ticked will make the component appear in any size class. You can change the size class of a view controller in a storyboard file by clicking on the option in the center bottom of the screen (see the blue bar at the bottom of the screen, where it says wAny hCompact in the image above).
I hope this helps!
Make sure that the constraints of the components are also set for the correct size class.
From the Document Outline select the constraints of the component and check the size class of the constraint in the Size Inspector. Usually, when you add constraints to a component with a specific Size Class selected in the story board, the constraints will automatically be added for that size class.

iOS8 Size-Classes and Popover Views

I had an issue with Popover on an iPad app I was working on recently...going to just post it here as I think it may help others.
I'm using Xcode 6 and iOS 8 and Size Classes and the Popover View was built in a Storyboard.
As my iPad App is in Regular/Regular Size Class all the time I built the Popover view in R/R too.
No matter what I did with Constraints though, the popover just never looked right, it was a mess. So what was wrong??
After some time the penny dropped to check the Any/Any Size class constraints.... These were matching the erronous constraints that I was spitting out in the logs. So I designed the Popover view in the A/A size class and it worked fine!
This might seem obvious to some but I thought that because my App was R/R that my Popover constraints should be in R/R. However it looks like that if you are using a VC as a Popover that the constraints need to be made in the A/A Size Class.
For me, setting size to Any-Any then re-setting to Regular-Regualr fixed it.

Default size classes seem to only work for iPad (XCode 6)

I am trying to wrap my head around the new size classes in iOS8 and XCode6. I am attempting to create a nib, without a storyboard, and do something really simple--center a UIView on the screen.
Starting with a nib in the default size: w:Regular h:Regular, I place a 200x200 UIView onto the parent view and center it, then add contraints to pin it. In my preview pane, the UIView only shows up on the iPad view.
I need for this view to show up on iPads in lanscape and iPhones in portrait. I suppose some day i will understand why Apple thinks this is so much easier, but at the moment I'm bewildered.
When I switch my design view to any of the iPhone supported modes, the UIView disappears.
Even when I unpin the UIView and move it around in the design view, it never shows up in the iPhone view. In other words, I've tried everything to get this view to appear on an iPhone and nothing works.
Here is my UIView and settings:
Obviously there is something I'm missing, but I'm getting really frustrated trying to figure it out. Can anyone offer a clue? Thanks!
It's because you defined your view only for the size classes Regular & Regular. For them to show up on the iPhone you will have to configure the view also for the appropriate size classes, which in case of the iPhone is Regular & Compact where (<height> & <width>).
The views generally only show up in the size classes for which they are configured. You currently have Regular & Regular selected, this can be seen from your screenshot. This means you defined it only for the devices with size classes Regular & Regular, which is the iPad in both orientations.
You need to add the views also in the size class that you are targeting, which are the size classes of the iPhone.

interface builder : make the view the same size as the iphone, to know exactly what constraints to add?

is there a way to have the view from interface builder in Xcode, be the same size as the iphone we use to test the app? The size of the viewcontroller seems to be 600*600. So when I move a UILabel somewhere to the left for example, it will be placed as if it was on the right on my iphone. Which is not easy to set the right constraints.
Do you have some tips to manipulate the items and place them easily? For now, I just align the item with the center point, and move it little by little.
The reason this happens is because of Apple's emphasis of size classes. It looks like a rectangle because whenever you are adding constraints and views, they'll be applied to every size class (i.e. horizontal/compact, vertical/compact, etc).
In english, it means it's applying those changes to run as such on any device.
To create constraints and views for just one size, you'll want to edit the size class you are working with. At the bottom of Xcode where it says "wAny hAny", click that and you can set what device you want to work with:
The whole idea of this is adaptive design, and I've got a post explaining it in more detail here.
The thing is that there is no one correct size for the iphone screen because there are so many different screen sizes. You can set the view size to anything you want in interface builder by clicking on the view and going to simulated metrics -> size but what you really want is autolayout so that your views fit properly on every device.

Xcode 6 Storyboard the wrong size?

Built a new project from scratch in Swift in Xcode 6 (Beta 1) and have seen some strange behaviour with Storyboards and the output that I am viewing.
I have built a simple interface (as shown below) - with properties of View Controller included.
When I run this in the simulator I would expect 'Hello, World' to be central in the user interface - however it seems that this 'Square' is simply being fit into the iPhone screen and thus the wrong view is being shown (see below).
My question is: has anyone else seen this behaviour and how did they fix it?
Do the following steps to resolve the issue
In Storyboard, select any view, then go to the File inspector. Uncheck the "Use Size Classes", you will ask to keep size class data for: iPhone/iPad. And then Click the "Disable Size Classes" button.
Doing this will make the storyboard's view size with selected device.
While Asif Bilal's answer is a simpler solution that doesn't involve Size Classes (which were introduced in iOS 8.) it is strongly recommended you to get used to size classes as they are the future, and you will eventually jump in anyway at some point."
You probably haven't added the layout constraints.
Select your label, tap the layout constraints button on the bottom:
On that menu add width and height (it should NOT be the same as mine) by checking their checkbox and click add constraints. Then Control-drag your label to your main view, and then when you de-click, you should have the options to center horizontally and vertically in container. Add both, and you should be set up.
If you are using Xcode 6 and designing for iOS 8, none of these solutions are correct. To get your iPhone-only views to be sized correctly, don't turn off size classes, don't turn off inferred metrics, and don't set constraints (yet). Instead, use the size class control, which is an easy to miss text button at the bottom of Interface Builder that initially reads "wAny hAny".
Click the button, and choose Compact Width, Regular Height. This resize your views and cover all iPhone portrait orientations.
Apple's docs here: or search on "Selecting a Size Class in Interface Builder"
In Storyboard, select your ViewController and go to Atribute Inspector. At the very top, under Simulated Metrics you have Size and Orientation properties which are set to Inferred. Change them to desired values.
In order for an application to display properly on another screen size, you also have to setup constraints, as described by Can Poyrazoğlu in the first post.
I had this issue in xcode 6 and there is a way to resolve the resize conflicts. If you select your view, at the bottom you will see an icon that looks like |-Δ-|. If you click on it, you're project will resize for different devices.
Go to Attributes Inspector(right top corner) In the Simulated Metrics, which has Size, Orientation, Status Bar, Top Bar, Bottom Bar properties. For SIZE, change Inferred --> Freeform.
On your storyboard page, go to File Inspector and uncheck 'Use Size Classes'. This should shrink your view controller to regular IPhone size you were familiar with. Note that using 'size classes' will let you design your project across many devices. Once you uncheck this the Xcode will give you a warning dialogue as follows. This should be self-explainatory.
"Disabling size classes will limit this document to storing data for a single device family. The data for the size class best representing the targeted device will be retained, and all other data will be removed. In addition, segues will be converted to their non-adaptive equivalents."
For anyone using XCode 7, it's very easy to design for a specific device size (instead of the default square-ish canvas).
In Interface Builder, select your ViewController or Scene from the left menu. Then under Show the Attributes Inspector, go to the Simulated Metrics, and pick the desired Size from the dropdown menu.
You shall probably use the "Resolve Auto Layout Issues" (bottom right - triangle icon in the storyboard view) to add/reset to suggested constraints (Xcode 6.0.1).
