Demistifying iOS device CPU usage - ios

My app use CPU so it drain battery really quick.
I'm trying to detect what is using CPU with instruments.
I'm running counters and i/o events but can't understand information I recieved. In counters I see only dispatch_mgr_thread at the first place. I'm hiding system libraries and have [UIApplication run] -> method from app in call three.
Is that method the reason of CPU usage?
UPD: I've also checked app with time profiler and here is the result:
And I don't understant what is this "_dispatch_mgr_thread" or "_dispatch_worker_thread3" that works the mostly in my app even while I don't push any bottons - just start app and it does nothing.


What amount of memory should I target for my iOS app?

I am currently showing that my app is using a maximum of 200MB when it is running. Is there a way to tell if this is going to trigger a low memory warning? So far I have not had any issues with the simulator or actuall devices.
We must avoid spiking the memory. For example loading images from disk or cache in loop. This will create a memory spike and it is at this point iOS starts to throw low memory warnings. The exact amount of memory is not specified by Apple. In many applications I have observed that as the memory grows gradually iOS is comfortable and app works properly. But if memory spike occurs low memory warning is thrown.
Apps can use 200 MB of memory these days easily, how ever it is important to simulate and handle low memory warnings in order to be on the safe side.
If you want to trigger low memory warning using simulator, there is a option of doing so in the Menu->Debug of Simulator (Cmd+Shift+M). In device you may load some big images in a for loop. You may also call a private method.
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] performSelector:#selector(_performMemoryWarning)];
Just be sure that this code does not go to production as Apple will reject the binary as private method is being used.

How to make an iOS app not be killed by iOS system in background?

Subtitle: How to make an iOS app launch so fast from background to foreground state?
I just reviewed the App Life Cycle page and make some conclusions.
Checked out the excellent apps like Apple Reminders and Spark mail, their app's launch screen just occurs in the first launch time mostly, after that, no matter how soon it's launched, the main screen will show quickly in my iPhone 6 device. (1G RAM, with lots of app installed.)
Here is my guess, the main cause is on data management when receiving memory warnings, it just releases all the retained data (array) of view controllers and other reusable objects. The app keep a low-level memory usage all the time, especially in the background state, when iOS system get the low-level usable memory to run the active app, it sends the memory warnings to all the un-active apps, especially for the background apps, if someone keeps a high-level memory usage after receiving memory warnings, iOS will try to kill it absolutely, or it's allowed for background apps to keep a low-level memory usage.
If so, how many/percent used memory for iOS app is allowed? What's the threshold? Any documents for that?
I did a lot of search with no luck, please point it for me, great thanks!

How to detect an OS forced App Shutdown

I am working on a iOS Application for >=iOS8 Devices. My app is memory intensive which becomes a problem since the app can crash. I have CrashLoggers in place that report crashes on the app during the next start. However there are certain scenarios when the app may consume higher than usual memory and the OS may terminate it. Is there any delegate that I could use to detect an OS forced app termination?
I tried [AppDelegate applicationWillTerminate:] and [AppDelegate applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning:] but they are going to give me false positives for the most part. The problem is that this is not a exception, but a system signal raised by OS to kill the app that I am trying to detect within the scope of the event.
I am a new programmer. Let me know if I am understanding things incorrectly or I am making impractical assumptions.
I have read the following links:
Is there any method in appDelegate which is called when application crashes?
I understand that preventing the problem is better than cure. But here I am trying to detect if there's going to be a problem. It's not like the app always crashes. There may be some edge case scenarios or users on very old devices like iPhone 4s/iPad Air 1 for which the app can run (possibly) into problems. So, I need a logging mechanism around this.
The runtime of the app is ~120MB worst case which is high but well under the range of too high. While the app has a lot of features, Image processing in the app is difficult to perform while maintaining the quality and also to profile in terms of memory(spikes depend on size, quality of image, lighting, etc.). So my app is well within the boundary line, and I am asking for way to detect if the app crosses this boundary when used by the user.
I totally agree with optimization(or fixing the crash) suggestion that you gave, and I would try my best to optimize(or de-bug) the app.
When app crashes or is killed by the system, there is no signal that you can catch meaningfully.
What makes you think applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning: is giving you false warnings?
Receiving a memory warning and then not being killed is not a false positive. That just means your app didn't increase memory allocations enough to cross the threshold.
When you receive a memory warning, log if you want, but also decrease memory usage.
How do you know that the maximum runtime allocation footprint is 120MB? Depending on device, you'll have anywhere from around 125MB (iPad 1) to well over 1GB of memory available on modern devices (more on iPad Pro).
You should be getting your applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning: called when the system is under memory pressure. This can be simulated by selecting the Simulate Memory Warning menu item in the Hardware menu.
If you actually go over your memory limit on device, you'll get jetsamed (SIGKILLed). You can't detect that.
If you want to simulate the jetsam, just send your process a SIGKILL (kill -9 <pid>)

iOS - applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning - Why?

I'm working with a Unity project that is running on my iOS devices via Xcode, and I'm currently getting the error:
Every second. Yet my memory usage is around 40Mbs, which is 4% of my memory. So how am I getting a memory error? It's also the only app running. There are no other apps running in the background.
Please advise?
I've seen situations where allocated a lot of memory at once (or a lot of small amounts of memory quickly) will cause the app to receive memory warnings. Not sure why that's the case as you'd think it would be ok until you started using too much in total but maybe iOS doesn't like it as it could affect performance of other apps or the OS itself.

How to find the cause of a 100% CPU usage on an iPhone App

I've diagnosed a strange behavior in an app : after 10 minutes or so, the CPU usage goes to 100%. There's no leak in the app, and it happens while the app is doing nothing.
I can profile this with instruments using the "Time Profiler", but is there a way to find what the actual cause is ?
When profiling with Instruments (Time Profiler), look to see what method is using the majority of CPU time. Trace the calls back to see why.
