How to programmatically scroll UIPageViewController? - ios

I have implemented to a page to display multiple Viewcontroller via UIPageViewController. User can scroll horizontally to view a different ViewController (And I have dynamic number of VCs, depending on the data loaded from server) .
The problem is most of the user does not know that they can scroll horizontally . I would like to show to user when they come to my app first time that the page is horizontally scrollable. Just like the screenshot below
The easiest way is to show them the half-page scroll first so they realize that this page is scrollable. But I have searched through SO and found none of the solution. If I add gesture programmatically, the app might got rejected from appstore. So are there any easy way to do this?


iOS Swift: Expandable/Collapsable View that contains a Horizontally Scrolling List

Im am relatively new to Swift/iOS and i have a quite complex task to Accomplish, and i want to know the best way for doing that.
I need to have a Custom View. This View displays some content, e.g. a news-article. If the user taps on the View, it expands and shows a more detailed version of the news article. Also, the user cann scroll horizontally (in the expanded or collapsed state) to get to the next article.
A Visual explanation
I searched for each problem individually. For scrolling, i found that i can use a scrollview with paging enabled, so that each swipe will lead to the next article. But im not sure if that is the best solution for my problem.
For expanding/Collapsing a view, i only have the idea to programmatically set the size of the view to fill the screen, so that auto layout would no longer display everything that is located beneath our custom view. Would that be possible? And is there any better solution?

WKInterfaceTable add scroll bar "flash' and remove scroll bar from non-scrolling view

I have two questions regarding WatchKit:
1) I have an app that uses [WKInterfaceTable]. One of the interfaces is scrollable.As such, when the user scrolls, the scroll bar appears in the top right corner of the watch interface.
How do I get the scroll bar to temporary flash the scroll bar when the user opens the app. A good example of this functionality is the Calendar app in Apple watch.
I've combed the net and WatchKit catalog ( but was not able to find a solution.
2) I have another interface that only shows one row on the watch and therefore does not need to scroll. How do I remove the scroll view in this case?
I am using WatchKit 2.0 and writing the app in Objective-C.
I wonder if you could get the desired effect by scrolling to the top programmatically after the view has loaded?
If that didn't work, then perhaps (again after load) scroll to the second row and then back to the first to cause the bar to display?
I haven't tried this, but I have programmatically traveled to rows in a WKInterface table and I believe you do get the scroll bar.

How to make auto expandable home page banner like

I have used the separate banner image and scroll view for category sections and tableview for records.
Need to make all things scrollable to topside and when the scroll position reached the top position category section would fixed at top position and the table view records would continue scrolling and once the scroll down all the object would displayed to their original position back to back well which is normally happen in android apps and whatsapp profile page.
Please share your answer if you have done like this.
Here is the link for DTParallaxTableView
This Library same you want MXSegmentedPager
May this helps lot.

When scrolling in a UIPageViewController, where does the preview image get generated?

In iOS 8, We have a UIPageViewController which scrolls between different xViewControllers. Similar to what you see on several news sites, where you can scroll between headlines. When you start pushing one page off the screen, the next hugs it, and you can see the next page scroll from offscreen and into place
In the viewDidLoad Method of XviewController, we change the constraints of the image that is visible on the scrollable pages.
However when we scroll and see a preview of sorts, The preview doesn't have the formatting present in viewDidLoad, but will eventually call viewDidLoad and the formatting will snap into place once the image has settled in the center of the screen.
So what I'm curious of, is where is the preview ( image that scrolls into place ) generated? It's not generated by either of the UIPageViewDataSource methods
The code is privately owned, so I can't really share it.

Simple Picture based App

I'm developing a iPad app which is just a series of pictures, and I'm stuck. I've managed to link up a Tab Bar Contoller to the 6 View Controllers and all seems to work well. But I'd like to be able swipe to the next View Controller once the user has selected the button. How do I do this? The swipe gestures don't work for me. Here's a snapshot:
I think you are looking for UIPageController. This is the control that is used in the iPhone Weather app to allow you to swipe from city to city. Go here to see the full documentation on the control.
That's not usually how Tab Bars work in iOS, but…
What it sounds like you're after is either a UIScrollView with paging enabled (keep in mind you'll have to set the scroll view's ContentSize) or a UIPageViewController (if you don't want to deal with sizing explicitly and you're OK making a new UIViewController to house each image). I'd recommend the first option. The process would go something like:
Add the UIScrollView as a subview of your main view (remember, ensure to set pagingEnabled to YES
Add each image to the scroll view
Set the scroll view's content size to the total width of all images
Thanks for the clarification!
