New In-App Purchase - Causing app to crash - ios

I have recently released a version of my App that allows in App-Purchases.
I neglected to submit the In-App purchase with my App, so there was no In-App purchase associated with it (in itunes connect).
Now, when opening the App and attempting to open settings (which requires the In-App purchases function to be queried), the App Crashes. I have since submitted the In-App purchases, and want to know if this will resolve my issues?
Below is a crash log, which I really don't know how to interpret sorry!
Any help would be great!

If the InApp Purchase is not working it can break your app. It really depend on the code, but I suppose you didn't take any precaution for that problem (why you should do that).
You can ask Apple to do an Expedited App Review for your InApp Purchase explaining it is causing serious problem with your App and they will push you up to the review queue.
Follow the link on this page: App Review.


Rejected reason: We are not able to continue because we cannot locate the in-app purchases within your app

I have a project in flutter. I submitted to the appstore. It reject showing the error as:
We have started the review of your app, but we are not able to continue because we cannot locate the in-app purchases within your app.
Then I removed all the subscriptions code from the project and from the itunes too and submitted to the appstore. And again it rejected saying same error as:
We have started the review of your app, but we are not able to continue because we cannot locate the in-app purchases within your app.
Now I have all deleted subscriptions from the project and itunes too.
Can anyone help to solve this problem? The solutions in stackoverflow couldn't solve my problem.
They are not asking you to remove the IAP. They are asking you to tell them how to reach the interface that offers the user the IAP. They don’t see it and they don’t have time to explore. They need instructions. Leave the IAP in, and give them instructions.

App rejected for in-app purchase in Apple Review

I had app in App store in which I have in-app purchase to unlock some features. But in the current versions of the I thought of removing all the in-app purchase within the app and give all features for free.
But Apple has reject my app for the following reason :
From Apple
Information Needed
We have begun the review of your app but aren't able to continue because we can't locate the In-App Purchase(s) within your app.
At your earliest opportunity, please reply to this message providing the steps for locating the In-App Purchase(s) in your app.
Please let me whether should I inform apple review team about this in review notes or should I remove all in-app purchase from sale.
I fear removing in-app purchase from will affect the existing user using older version of the app.
Any help is appreciated.
You can submit the app by adding an explanation in review notes section. This will accepted by Apple. Also your app will get approved.

Can't submit app with in-app purchases

I try to submit app with in-app purchases but apple-people reject it.
Thank you for submitting the new binary.
However, we still found that while you have submitted In App Purchase
products for your app, the In App Purchase functionality is not
present in your binary. Please see the attached screenshot/s for more
If you would like to utilize In App Purchase in your app, you will
need to upload a new binary that incorporates the In App Purchase API
to enable users to make a purchase.
Once you revise and resubmit your binary, you will also need to
resubmit your In App Purchases for review since they are in the state
Developer Action Required. For each IAP product submitted, please be
sure to edit the detail information or cancel the request to change
the detail information for the In App Purchases using iTunes Connect.
For more information on how to implement In App Purchase in your
application, please refer to the In-App Purchase Programming Guide.
You can learn more about submitting In App Purchases for review in the
In-App Purchase Configuration Guide for iTunes Connect.
They show the screenshot without products.
But we tested on test user account and no errors found.
Can anybody know why in-app products not presented on screenshots of reviewers?
And what is the "Developer Action Needed"?
Do you use Apple's In App Purchases API? Because they seem to say that you don't. Most probably they run some automatic tests which detects if such functionality/framework is present/used or not. If you do and it seems confusing, you better contact them.

App is live but InApp Purchase is not submitted

My app is currently live. During the submission i didn't checked the inapp purchases and didn't submitted for review. Now the app is live but i am unable to submit the inapp purchases the but button is disabled. How to submit the inapp purchases again without reuploading new version.
Can any one please help me in this. Is there any way to do this.
I don't think you can do this. You would need to submit app again and include that in-app purchase with it.
You can also try and send an email to Apple support, but I think by the time you get any resolution on that - regular way (re-submitting the app) would have worked.
Yes you have to re-submit application.
Please make sure you select the In-App purchase from your application version detail page other wise you will again face the same issue.

In-App Purchase not displaying on App Store

I have recently develop one app with In-App purchase.
App is also approved by apple.
But the issue is:
My app is displaying on App Store. But there is no "In-App" displaying in app store.
So user doesn't know that, my app has In-App purchase for full version.
I have tested app with In-App.
Is there like that, after some time of app approval, In-App will be displayed on App Store. Because my app is just approved.
Please help me if there is any other setting or I miss any other thing.
Thanks in advance.
We have an app with in-app purchase as well. I'm pretty sure the "Top In-App Purchases" started showing up the day after someone actually purchased it.
Regardless, if you want users to know you have an in-app purchase, you should use your description and screenshots to get that across.
