Twitter API get tweets based on the user's email - twitter

I was wondering.
I want to access the tweets by using email address of the people, I already have the email addresses and then I want to search via API some statistics about the people's tweets.
Is this possible?
Any help or workaround will be appreciated, thanks.

The email addresses of Twitter users are not accessible through the API. This is a deliberate design decision by the Twitter development team for security and privacy.
The users in question would need to provide you with their email address and Twitter username. this would let you perform the sort of search you are describing.


Restricting google Oauth2 to show(sort) to show only corporate email accounts

I tried searching multiple forums and documentation but didn't get the answer. I am posting here so that you all fantastic people can answer my question.
I am using google OAuth to signup for my application. So when google oAuth opens the email selection screen, I want to enforce or nudge the user to use corporate email instead of using personal email ids (Personal email ids I mean mail ids).
Is there a way (or workaround) I can achieve this?

Twitter sign in/login button implementation on web app? How to integrate if Twitter does not provide user email?

I'm trying to implement a "sign in with twitter" button on my web application. Upon authentication I receive the users' credentials which do not include a user email address. Twitter does not provide user email addresses and so I've heard people use the twitter unique id to identify distinct users.
My application allows a traditional mode of registration (user creates an account with us) as well as sign in with facebook. In order to determine in my database whether the user already exists we use the email address provided under these two sign in methods, but twitter does not allow for that.
Sure, I could ask for their email address the first time they sign in with twitter but this poses a number of security concerns, for example, the user may provide another person's email address.
The question is, how can I, with the unique twitter id or other information provided by twitter, determine, short of asking for their email address, if the user already exists in my database?
I've seen people puzzled over the fact that twitter sign in credentials do not include email address?
I appreciate any ideas on how to solve this.
Thank you.

Can a Twitter app obtain user's email

I'm interested to know, is there a way I can obtain an email from a Twitter user, with legal means?
Create an app, that will pull a user's ID, email etc. Does Twitter API provide that information?
No, you cannot get the user's email address through the API. This is a deliberate design decision by the Twitter API team.

Using OAuth with Twitter in ASP.NET

I am using Twitter as an OAuth provider for ASP.NET MVC 4 web site. I would like to be able to follow up with a registered user at a later date, either by email or via a tweet. Outside of having the user follow me on Twitter, do I have any other options to communicate with the user?
Here is what I unsuccessfully considered:
It appears that there is no way to get access to the email address since Twitter OAuth API does not return it.
It appears I cannot send a direct message unless a user
follows me on Twitter.
"Read/Write/DirectMessage" permissions seem
too intrusive -- all I want to do is send a user a message that a
new product is released -- I don't need any of the write
capabilities that this level of permissions provides.
To recap, if a user used Twitter to sign in to my website, what are my options to contact that user at a later date?
Twitter's solution for this sort of person-to-person communication is the Direct Message, however, Twitter has (rightfully) decided that both parties need to consent to this channel being available. This decision is intended to reduce the amount of spam in the Twitter ecosystem.
Posting public tweets that mention the username will get your users' attention, but it is also broadcasting their relationship with your company to the entire Twitter ecosystem. You will, essentially, be advertising their relationship with your company without their permission. This approach will bring you headaches sooner or later.
Email is probably a better choice for the sort of announcement to existing customers.

is there a way to search the twitter API by someones email address?

I see sites like where you add a bunch of emails and they tell you what services a person uses and rates the persons usages. I have a list of emails for a new site and I'd like to see who is a twitter user or not in my admin panel by calling the twitter API. However, I can't seem to find any documentation on how to search for a twitter user by their email address. Is this possible?
Short answer: No. This functionality was offered at one point, but was abused by spammers and was removed.
Long answer: Twitter API: search people by email
