Passing array in dbus-glib server - glib

I have some writing a server exporting and interface over dbus, using dbus-glib.
I'm trying write a method that takes an array of bytes as an input, but I'm having difficulty working out what types to use in my method arguments.
For example, if I have a method that looks like this in the XML definition:
<method name="SetData">
<arg type="ay" name="data" direction="in" />
I would have expected that I would need a method like this:
gboolean set_data(MyObj *obj, GArray *arr, GError **error);
If I have a look at the generated marshalling code that directly calls the method though, it's expecting a function signature like this:
typedef gboolean (*GMarshalFunc_BOOLEAN__BOXED_POINTER) (gpointer data1,
gpointer arg_1,
gpointer arg_2,
gpointer data2)
The data1 and data2 match the *obj and the **error, and so arg_1 and arg_2 presumably between them relate to the array. This is presumably a length and value, but in which case why are they both pointers? Or is it a GArray and some type information or something?
I'm aware I should probably be using GDBus instead, but this is what I'm stuck with at the moment.

It would appear that the marshalling code is a red herring and I was overthinking it.
Experimentation has shown that a simple GArray* is the expected type for passing an array.


Find function/method body explicit dependency types using Dart analyzer package

I would like to understand how can I analyze methods / functions body to find types that are explicitly referenced from it. I have success analyzing method declaration (return type, parameter types, etc..), however I have no idea how to do that for body.
Assuming following function:
String someFunction(int param) {
final list = <String>['a', 'b', 'c']; // -> DartTypes: String, List<String>
final myClass = MyClass<Arg>(); // -> DartTypes: Arg, MyClass<Arg>
final functionCall = anotherFunction<FunctionArg<Arg>>(); // -> DartTypes: Arg, FunctionArg<Arg>
return 'result';
// At is point I would like to know that my function depends on
// String, List<String>, Arg, MyClass<Arg>, FunctionArg<Arg>
// in term of DartType instances with proper typeArguments.
I tried getting AstNode for method element described here:
However I could not get elements from nodes to figure out their types. Their declaredElement values are always null. So I can not get back to Element API from AST API.
If you've used the exact snippet from the answer you've referenced, the problem is likely in getParsedLibraryByElement(). This method only parses the referenced library - meaning that you'll get an AST that doesn't necessarily have semantic references (like the declaredElement of AST nodes) set.
Instead, you'll want to use getResolvedLibraryByElement. The AST returned by that method will have its types and references fully resolved.
With the resolved AST, you could visit the body of the method with a custom visitor to find type references. Your definition of "referenced types" isn't really exact - but perhaps you can collect types in visitNamedType for type references and visitVariableDeclaration to collect the types of variables.

Clang AST matching method call on class, derived class or typedef to either

I have a matcher that works perfectly for matching operator() calls on instances of a class or classes derived from that class. For example, it matches the final line of:
class MyBase { void operator()(...) {} };
MyBase b;
using a matcher like:
const auto MyBaseExpr =
TK_AsIs, cxxOperatorCallExpr(
hasArgument(0, anyOf(MyBaseExpr, MyOtherBaseExpr)),
But I'd also like to be able to match such calls on instances of typedefs for the base or derived types like in the last line below:
typedef MyBase MyTypedef;
MyTypedef t;
and I can't seem to fathom the correct way to specify this match. Attempting to use hasUnqualifiedDesugaredType rather than hasType doesn't work since it works on a type rather than a Decl and if I try to do more matching with the type then I can't use isSameOrDerived which returns a Matcher<CXXRecordDecl>. A similar problem occurs when trying to use hasCanonicalType:
.../RedundantStringCStrCheck.cpp:193:40: error: invalid initialization of reference of type ‘const clang::ast_matchers:
:internal::Matcher<clang::QualType>&’ from expression of type ‘clang::ast_matchers::internal::BindableMatcher<clang::Decl>’
193 | expr(hasCanonicalType(cxxRecordDecl(isSameOrDerivedFrom("::MyBase"))));
MyTypedef is defined from MyBase so its Canonical Type should be MyBase. More information about canonical type:
This is the example from LibASTMatchersReference , it uses hasType().
Thien Tran provided the pointer which led me to the right answer. Here's my original expression
const auto MyBaseExpr =
I was trying to use:
const auto MyBaseExpr =
but the description of hasCanonicalType in LibASTMatchersReference shows that it takes and returns Matcher<QualType> yet cxxRecordDecl has type Matcher<Decl>, so this did not compile.
The mismatch of types can be corrected by inserting a call to hasDeclaration. It's then also necessary to keep the call to hasType in order to turn the Matcher<QualType> result of hasCanonicalType back into something that can be passed to expr.
After all that I ended up with:
const auto MyBaseExpr =
which seems to work perfectly.

Why jsonDecode in Dart has no type and no documentation?

As you can see in, it has no type and no documentation. I don't know which methods I can invoke on the result neither I don't know which type to but on a parameter that should be a json object.
Why is Dart like this? And what are the advantages?
It does have documentation, and you are linking to it.
If you want it to have more documentation, then that is reasonable. The returned value is admittedly not documented very well.
The function jsonDecode is a shorthand for json.decode, which again forwards to JsonDecoder.convert.
It returns a "JSON value" object which depends on the JSON source that it decodes.
A "JSON value" can be any of:
* null
* an int
* a double
* a String
* a bool (true or false)
* a List<dynamic> containing zero or more JSON values.
* a Map<String, dynamic> mapping keys to JSON values.
Those are also the same values that are accepted by the JsonEncoder which converts object structures to JSON strings.
Since these types have no common superclass other than Object, the function cannot have a return type which is more specific than dynamic or Object.
The chosen return type is dynamic because the dynamic type allows the receiver to optimistically call any member on the value. They might know that the value will always be a map, so they can just do jsonParse(jsonSource)["key"] to look up a value. Obviously, if the source was not a JSON object, that call will fail.
If you don't know which type the result is, you have to check:
var data = jsonDecode(jsonSource);
if (data is Map<String, dynamic>) {
something something data["key"] something
} else if (data is List<dynamic>) {
something something list[2] something
} else ... etc ...
A valid JSON file is actually a valid Dart expression too. The value returned by jsonDecode is similar to the value you would get if you wrote the JSON code directly as Dart code (in Dart 1 it was exactly the same, in Dart 2, the Dart code might infer a more precise type for maps and lists).

Apply not applicable with ParDo and DoFn using Apache Beam

I am implementing a Pub/Sub to BigQuery pipeline. It looks similar to How to create read transform using ParDo and DoFn in Apache Beam, but here, I have already a PCollection created.
I am following what is described in the Apache Beam documentation to implement a ParDo operation to prepare a table row using the following pipeline:
static class convertToTableRowFn extends DoFn<PubsubMessage, TableRow> {
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) {
PubsubMessage message = c.element();
// Retrieve data from message
String rawData = message.getData();
Instant timestamp = new Instant(new Date());
// Prepare TableRow
TableRow row = new TableRow().set("message", rawData).set("ts_reception", timestamp);
// Read input from Pub/Sub
pipeline.apply("Read from Pub/Sub",PubsubIO.readMessagesWithAttributes().fromTopic(topicPath))
.apply("Prepare raw data for insertion", ParDo.of(new convertToTableRowFn()))
.apply("Insert in Big Query", BigQueryIO.writeTableRows().to(BQTable));
I found the DoFn function in a gist.
I keep getting the following error:
The method apply(String, PTransform<? super PCollection<PubsubMessage>,OutputT>) in the type PCollection<PubsubMessage> is not applicable for the arguments (String, ParDo.SingleOutput<PubsubMessage,TableRow>)
I always understood that a ParDo/DoFn operations is a element-wise PTransform operation, am I wrong ? I never got this type of error in Python, so I'm a bit confused about why this is happening.
You're right, ParDos are element-wise transforms and your approach looks correct.
What you're seeing is the compilation error. Something like this happens when the argument type of the apply() method that was inferred by java compiler doesn't match the type of the actual input, e.g. convertToTableRowFn.
From the error you're seeing it looks like java infers that the second parameter for apply() is of type PTransform<? super PCollection<PubsubMessage>,OutputT>, while you're passing the subclass of ParDo.SingleOutput<PubsubMessage,TableRow> instead (your convertToTableRowFn). Looking at the definition of SingleOutput your convertToTableRowFn is basically a PTransform<PCollection<? extends PubsubMessage>, PCollection<TableRow>>. And java fails to use it in apply where it expects PTransform<? super PCollection<PubsubMessage>,OutputT>.
What looks suspicious is that java didn't infer the OutputT to PCollection<TableRow>. One reason it would fail to do so if you have other errors. Are you sure you don't have other errors as well?
For example, looking at convertToTableRowFn you're calling message.getData() which doesn't exist when I'm trying to do it and it fails compilation there. In my case I need to do something like this instead: rawData = new String(message.getPayload(), Charset.defaultCharset()). Also .to(BQTable)) expects a string (e.g. a string representing the BQ table name) as an argument, and you're passing some unknown symbol BQTable (maybe it exists in your program somewhere though and this is not a problem in your case).
After I fix these two errors your code compiles for me, apply() is fully inferred and the types are compatible.

Invalid coercion: () as xs:string in xdmp:xslt-eval

I am making use of MarkLogic's ability to call XQuery functions in the XSL transform.
Let's say I have an XQuery library with a function whose signature looks like the following. This is for illustrative purposes only.
declare function my-func:ex-join($first as xs:string, $last as xs:string) as xs:string
fn:concat($first, '-', $last)
From XQuery, I can call this function with empty sequence as parameters, with no issues, i.e.
ex-join((), '1244')
The function will just return an empty sequence, but I don't get any errors. If I try to all this function from with in my XSL transform,as in:
<xsl:value-of select="my-func:ex-join(//node/value/text(), 'something')"/>
If the /node/value does not exist, and an empty sequence is passed in, I get the coercion error.
Does anyone have suggestions to work around the coercion problem, outside of checking the values in XSL prior to the select? These are auto-generated XSL templates, which would mean a lot of coded checks.
Attempts to invoke that function in XQuery would fail too. It is probably due to function mapping that you don't notice this though. Put the following at the top of your XQuery code:
declare option xdmp:mapping "false";
Next to this, you only need to change the signature of your function to accept empty-sequences. Replace as xs:string with as xs:string?:
declare function my-func:ex-join($first as xs:string?, $last as xs:string?) as xs:string
fn:concat will accept empty sequences as arguments, so no further changes required to make it work..
