Adding iOS Dictation (microphone) Button to Keyboard - ios

I am currently making my UISearchBar first responder and the following keyboard is produced (sorry, my rep isn't high enough to post images):
I plan on using a third-party API to implement speech-to-text. In order to make the user experience as friendly and familiar as possible, I'd like to add the microphone/diction button on the keyboard just to the left of the space bar, and use some sort of delegate methods to watch for the pressing of the button to make the API calls.
Here's the keyboard I want:
How would I go about doing this, if it is even possible?


VoiceOver does not repeat typed character on custom text view with UITextInput

I have custom text view that implement UITextInput. Everything works except the voiceover does not repeat the characters I typed using soft keyboard.
Is there any additional API or services I need to implement in order to make it work?
Unfortunately, now it seems that VoiceOver cannot announce the soft keyboard feedback made by native code.
But it possible to get VoiceOver feedback at text field of WebView().
So, I'm making iOS App by this way.

iOS App: Possible to make keyboard recommendations?

In an iOS application, is it possible to make own keyboard suggestions if the user taps a specific UITextField? The suggestion should only appear if the UITextField is empty.
By keyboard recommendations I mean the Predictive Keyboard:
Swift code is preferred.
I don't think you can provide suggestions to the actual keyboard so they get presented, but what you can do is write your own inputAccessoryView to be there instead, and handle the tapping/appending of text yourself, and possibly disable the completion from the keyboard. This is essentially what the messaging apps do to present a bar with buttons to add photos and attachments when writing.
Since you don't mention what you're trying to accomplish I don't know if this would make sense. Let me know if you want me to elaborate on how to do this in code.

What is the process to include a Custom Keyboard in my iOS app

First of all I'm not looking for code or how to do it, just the process.
I don't fully understand how Custom Keyboards work in iOS8-up and I would like to include a simple custom numeric keyboard in my app. In the past I have created static keyboards with multiple UIButtons which are visible all the time, this time however I want a custom 9 digit keyboard with the same behavior as one of the default keyboards in iOS, in other words, the keyboard will show when a UITextField is tapped and hide when the resignFirstResponder method is called. I want this to be the default and ONLY keyboard used in my app.
What are my alternatives to adopt the behavior described above?
Do I need to create a Custom Keyboard extension?
Can someone describe the process to include a custom keyboard that acts as the default keybaord WITHIN your app?
Again I'm not looking for how to do it just the process.

iOS keylogger for jailbroken devices

I want to know how to implement a keylogger for iOS jailbroken iPhones and prevent being logged by others.
1. Implementing a keylogger in iOS (jailbreak)
I have thought of two ways to do this,
First way:
I hook _endedEditing method of class UITextField and save the text of the textfield somewhere. The advantage of this way is it's easy and it's not depending on what you typed. So if you have copied some text in the textfield, you would know that too. The problem is It's not called for text boxes in html webpages like google search bar or some programs that there keyboard doesn't hide.
Second way:
I should hook the keyboard buttons press method and save there labels. The keystrokes should be slit every time the keyboard hides. There is a problem here for me: First of all I can't find the right method of the right class to hook. I've found UIKeyboardButton that inherits from UIButton but when I hook any method of that it's not called, I don't know why!
So how can I implement a keylogger for iOS?
2. Preventing an app being keylogged by a third party app/tweak
Now the second part of my question; There is a keylogger in cydia named iKeyMonitor that logs keystrokes and it's good at its job. The suprising thing here is that it can't log whatever is typed in iFile app! I even have tested this with the first way I mentioned above and I can't receive any text when I type anything in iFile. How does iFile do this and how can we do the same thing for our app?

Disabling Split Option in iOS5 Keyboard

I am facing problem in my app because of the new split keyboard option in iOS5.
Is there any way we can hide or disable this option in objective C?.
Thanks in advance.
Seems like the split keyboard does not use the same functions as regular keyboard. see here.
missing kb notifications
Here's the problem: You can iterate through the keyboard subviews and hide the button but you can't control the state of the keyboard when going from one app to the next. It would get really tricky and sneaky to force the private api to call when the application did enter foreground and the keyboard became active.
You could do this but apple may deny you from the store.
Fix your view to account for the keyboard movement. Your users will dock or unsplit the keyboard when there's clear disruption in the UI due to the keyboard placement.
Other solutions could be to move the entire view that requires keyboard placement to be docked or undocked using the notifications. See other posting here: StackOverflow article
