Consume Windows service from WebAPI - windows-services

Is it possible to consume WebAPi into windows service. Because WebAPI is http protocol, so iam not sure weather i will consume WebApi.
I tried search for consuming WebAPI with Windows service. I can't even find single examples.
Can any face similar kind of scenario

Yes we can able able to consume WebAPi inside the Windows service. Since it is windows based service we need consume it with HttpClient object.


Web Api Performance gain over MVC

I have a MVC web application and I make some ajax calls from the client to get back json data. Right now I just use MVC Action methods to return this data. I was wondering if I should be using the ASP.Net Web Api for these.
I understand that if I was building a REST solution I should be using it.
But in this case would it be justified to add the extra complexity? Is there any speed gain? I don't really need the Content Negotiation feature or the OData Support.
According to the post here (and the benchmark it references), Web API is a bit faster. Web api performance? Web api support both JSON and xml. Web Api is for implement rest web service on top of MVC application. It would add extra complexity for the application but you implement web api related method in separate controller.
Rest web services are usually faster than Normal SOAP web services.
In your case if your clients are just a web client no need to implement web services. But If you need to share service for different client (widows applications, windows services, third party applications) implement rest service using web API

Consume Secured web service in Asp.Net MVC

I'm working on mvc
I want to consume secured web service in my project
In previous I can consume unsecured web service (asmx) by calling wsdl to create proxy class ,now
I tried to create proxy class for the service by using wsdl.exe by using the following formula
Wsdl /language:language /protocol:protocol /namespace:myNameSpace /out:filename /username:username /password:password /domain:domain
But I had the following error
Error: There was an error processing 'https:// .asmx?wsdl'.
- There was an error downloading 'https:// .asmx?wsdl'
- Unable to connect to the remote server
- A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network ??.???.???.??:???
Can you tell me how can I consume secured web service in my project
I dont know what sort of service you are talking about but I suspect you are Adding it as a Service/Web reference. If thats the case then assuming its called WebService1 and that the security you are talking about it basic authentication then:
WebService1 svc = new WebService1();
svc.AuthenticationHeaderValue = new WebService1.AuthenticationHeader();
svc.AuthenticationHeaderValue.UserName = "username";
svc.AuthenticationHeaderValue.Password = "password";
Try that. As I said I dont have much info on what you are trying to do so its a guess.
First of all it doesn't matter you are in MVC or any other technology.
If you can call https webservice using simple code, it will do wonders for you.
So first try calling simple HTTPS web service, google and play around it.
For learning purpose and to gain more knowledge, check these links
How to call HTTPS web service method from a .net console application?
Calling a https web service (C#)

Best choice for robust self hosting server: WCF vs. ASP.NET Web Api

We currently have an .NET 4 application that consists of Windows Service running in the background and local or remote clients (only 1-3 normally).
The clients have a WPF GUI and need some data from the windows service. Therefore, we use WCF with NamedPipe binding for a local client and NetTcp binding for remote clients. This works, but we often have problems with endpoints that are not reachable (channel faulted or not found etc.). We already try to rebuild faulted connections but it seems to be pretty fragile...
Now enter Web Api: It looks like a HTTP based stack might be more robust (no channels, no endpoints, can be self-hosted in windows service as well). There seems to be no problems with broken channels because each request is handled individually. So if something fails, you just repeat the request. (And we have experience with ASP.NET MVC from other apps, so this not new to us).
Now we are thinking what might be our best bet. Is it better to "harden" our existing WCF service (one service interface with about 15 operations) or to move the interface to Web Api and run it as HTTP requests (with JSON data)? Performance is not our main issue here...
Any ideas?
I recommend you stick with WCF (SOAP) services for your WPF application rather than moving to the Web API. There are a number of reasons for this. First I think we need to consider what the new Web API is trying to address - namely to provide a framework for supporting RESTful/HTTP/hypermedia services. This is likely to be a good fit for building applications that make heavy use of HTTP such as web, mobile and JavaScript applications, where you want to maximise the "reach" or interopability of your services (irrespective of platform). This is not to say that you can't use it for WPF clients but in your case, where all traffic is local to your domain, it makes more sense to stick with your current implementation.
The binding choices you have made for your services / clients sound ok to me. I would focus on why your channels are faulting and address these issues. You may also want to consider hosting your services via IIS and use WAS to expose your non-HTTP endpoints. I have had much success with this in the past and for the most part has been pretty stable. It also takes away a few of the headaches with managing your own host. If you are concerned about the TCP binding faults, then just create a new HTTP or wsHTTP endpoint and use that instead. This will provide you exactly the same transport the web api uses without having to change your programming model.

Need some Instruction about WCF SOAP Service and ASP.NET MVC

This is my homework, the hard one!
I need to build an online quiz, using ASP.NET MVC, include a desktop version (WPF) that can share the data with the web version using a XML Web Service - WCF. My teacher does not specific what kind of XML Web Service, after some research I choose SOAP because SOAP is a W3C recommendation and here is my plan:
A. When user write a quiz, in the Web site oe Desktop app, the submitsion will send data to WCF service. A list of different type of Item send to the server and save it to database.
B. When user do a quiz, all the data will submit to WCF service, and the total point is return by WCF service too.
After do some research on MSDN, I see that WCF can handle SOAP, but I can't find any document that show me how to do that. Either I'm very new to SOAP to process A and B action.
I have found some documents about using WCF with Entity framework and Code First:
These documents help me to build a Web service and retrieve data from my database, I think that is not in SOAP style.
SO now, I think what I need is:
Some recommends about what kind of XML Web Service.
Some documents show me how to handle SOAP with WCF if you say SOAP is ok for may app.
Thanks you alot for sharing!
I'm not going to do your homework for you fully... but I'll get you started on how to consume a WCF service the easy way.
First, WCF can use SOAP, JSON, or many other transport methods. By default if you are using a application and it calls a WCF service it uses SOAP. The XML that WCF uses is much more complex than a simple SOAP call you might hand build.
Second, to consume a WCF service from a app you can have Visual Studio create you "proxy" code that handles all the nitty gritty xml stuff for you.
To accomplish that, in Visual Studio in the Solution Explorer right click on the project name and click "Add Service Reference". Type in the URL of your service (http://localhost:9821/service.svc). It will auto discover the WCF service information there. Note the "Namespace". That Namespace is where the proxy code is kept.
If your service namespace was "MyService", then in your application code you would "imports/using" that namespace.
AKA: Imports MyService
Then your code would use it:
Dim serviceclient as new MyService.ServiceClient

What is the difference between making calls to mvc controller methods and WCF WEB API Rest Service Calls?

What is the difference between making calls to mvc controller methods and WCF WEB API Rest Service Calls?
I can create an mvc controller post method that will allow me to execute any code i need.
I can also create a WCF Web API REST Service with MVC.
What is the difference between these two approaches to accessing data ?
More specifically what are the advantages of utilizing WCF in this scenario ?
WCF Web API handles XML and JSON out of the box whereas you'll have to create your XML and JSON "by hand" (read: using the Serializers) when using MVC - this is only one of the benefits of WCF Web API over MVC.
Another one is the level of separation WCF Web API offers e.g. implementing your service logic vs. content negotiation.
Yet you can easily use IoC containers and unit test your APIs being created using WCF Web API.
WCF Web API mainly has been created to build ReSTful API's whereas MVC just allows it to create them too - thus with WCF Web API you'll feel more comfortable creating ReST APIs.
If you're planning to start a project from scratch as an Web (ReST) Api, you should start with WCF Web API.
If you're planning to start with a Website that also offers ReSTful Services, you should suggest MVC.
You should also regard this tweet from Glenn Block.
You could accomplish a typical REST API with either one.
Usually the issue boils down to (1) what specific features you need and (2) what technology you are more familiar with.
There are some features of WCF that are really neat and not available in MVC (like binary serializations, the ability to host without IIS, et cetera) but those are not typically requirements in a REST API.
Overall I would say:
If you have an WCF implementation already in place and want to expose it as a REST API go for it with WCF.
If you already have an MVC site and want to expose it as a REST API stick with MVC.
