Replace all underscores in filenames using Ant? - ant

What would be the best way to do this using an Ant task:
Start with a bunch of text files with names like this:
and turn them into this:
I actually need to change the identically-named folder that each text file is contained in also, that is, to start with this folder/file structure:
and turn it into this:
but I can handle that if I know how to rewrite the text file names.
I would know how to replace all underscores with plus signs in the contents of a file, using replaceregexp, but how do I do this to the folder and file names themselves?
I've used a mapper to rewrite folder and file names in the past, for example:
<target name="dita_wrap" description="Wraps each file in a folder with the same name as the file, copies all to new location">
<copy todir="output" verbose="true">
<fileset dir="source"
includes="*/*.dita" />
<regexpmapper handledirsep="true" from="^(.*)/([^/]*)\.dita$"
to="\1/\2/\2.dita" />
However getting something like that to capture and replace each underscore in a filename, no matter how many underscores there might be, is eluding me. Any advice?

You need a <filtermapper>, for example:
<copy todir="output" verbose="true">
<fileset dir="source" includes="*/*.txt" />
<replacestring from="_" to="+"/>
Works for me:
$> find . -type f


yguard not updating properties file in the jar

I have jar file having some properties files in it like and Following is my ant script for yguard. Everything else is working but the properties file updation.
<target name="yguard">
<taskdef name="yguard" classname="com.yworks.yguard.YGuardTask" classpath="lib/yguard.jar" />
<inoutpairs resources="none">
<fileset dir="${basedir}">
<include name="MyApp.jar" />
<mapper type="glob" from="MyApp.jar" to="MyAppObs.jar" />
<pathelement location="lib/log4j-1.2.17.jar" />
<rename conservemanifest="true" mainclass="com.amit.Application" >
<adjust replaceContent="true" >
<include name="**/*.properties" />
</target> file
com.amit.Application.param1 = something
I found some question in stackoverflow but they didn't help. One place it was mentioned that the file (like jsp, xml, properties) should be in the jar file which I already have. But my yguard obfuscated file just get the files copied as it is.
I tried many combinations with rename & adjust tags but nothing worked for me.
Following post I already visited
Is it possible to manage logs through Obfuscation with yGuard?
How to include obfuscated jar file into a war file
Apparently you want yGuard to obfuscate the name of the field param1, because com.amit.Application is obviously your entry point and yGuard excludes the given main class automatically. So basically you want the outcome to be something like
com.amit.Application.AÖÜF = something
This isn't possible, because yGuard can only adjust class names in property files, as state here: yGuard Manual

How to load a list of files as resources in an Ant task?

I've looked all over the net as to how I can load a list of files that contain spaces and don't yet exist with an Ant task.
I have a file that contains one file path per line, like so:
dir1/dir2/dir with spaces/file1.js
dir1/dir2/dir with spaces/dir3/file2.js
Since the paths have spaces I cannot use:
<filelist files="..." />
The files also don't exist yet, so it seems like I can't use
<includesfile name="..." />
Any ideas would be greatly appreaciated.
You can use a resourcelist for this. For example, if your list of files are in a file called 'files.txt':
<resourcelist id="files">
<file file="files.txt"/>
<touch mkdirs="true">
<resources refid="files" />
For me this yields:
[touch] Creating .../filelist/dir1/dir2/dir with spaces/file1.js
[touch] Creating .../filelist/dir1/dir2/dir with spaces/dir3/file2.js
[touch] Creating .../filelist/dir1/file1.js
The reason this works is that a <resourcelist> treats each line in the file read as a separate resource, so line separators rather than commas or spaces divide the items.

Deleting files matching a placeholders in another directory tree

I have two directory trees:
Using Ant, I want to do three things. First, I want to copy any files from "template" into "source", such that all files not starting with "DELETE-" are replaced. For example, "source/aaa/bbb/ccc/file01.txt" would be replaced. This is straightforward with:
<copy todir="source" verbose="true" overwrite="true">
<fileset dir="template">
<exclude name="**/DELETE-*"/>
Second, I want to delete all files in the "source" tree whose name matches a "DELETE-" file in the corresponding directory of the "template" tree. For example, both "source/aaa/bbb/file03.txt" and "source/file01.txt" will be deleted. I have been able to accomplish this with:
<delete verbose="true">
<fileset dir="source">
<present present="both" targetdir="template">
<mapper type="regexp" from="(.*[/\\])?([^/\\]+)" to="\1DELETE-\2"/>
Third, I'd like to delete any directories (empty or not) whose names match in the same way. For example, "template/aaa/DELETE-ddd" and all file(s) under it would be deleted. I'm not sure how to construct a fileset that matches directories (and all the files under them) in the "source" tree where the directory has a DELETE-* file in the "template" tree.
Is this third task even possible with Ant (1.7.1)? I'd preferrably like to do this without writing any custom ant tasks/selectors.
It seems the root issue that makes this difficult is that ant drives selectors/filesets based on files found within the target directory of fileset. Normally, however, one would want to drive things from the list of DELETE-* marker files.
The best solution I've found so far does require some custom code. I chose the <groovy> task, but also could have used <script>.
The gist: create a fileset, use groovy to add a series of excludes that skip files and directories with a DELETE-* marker, then perform the copy. This accomplishes the second and third task from my question.
<fileset id="source_files" dir="source"/>
<!-- add exclude patterns to fileset that will skip any files with a DELETE-* marker -->
def excludes = []
new File( "template" ).eachFileRecurse(){ File templateFile ->
if( =~ /DELETE-*/ ){
// file path relative to template dir
def relativeFile = templateFile.toString().substring( "template".length() )
// filename with DELETE- prefix removed
def withoutPrefix = relativeFile.replaceFirst( "DELETE-", "")
// add wildcard to match all files under directories
def exclude = withoutPrefix + "/**"
excludes << exclude
def fileSet = project.getReference("source_files")
fileSet.appendExcludes(excludes as String[])
<!-- create a baseline copy, excluding files with DELETE-* markers in the template directories -->
<copy todir="target">
<fileset refid="source_files"/>
To delete a directory and its contents use delete with nested fileset, i.e. :
<delete includeemptydirs="true">
<fileset dir="your/root/directory" defaultexcludes="false">
<include name="**/DELETE-*/**" />
With attribute includeemptydirs="true" the directories will be deleted too.

ant copy from absolute path read from xml

My problem is, I have to read the source path for a copy job from an xml file and then copy all files in that dir read from the xml file to another dir.
Since code is more than words:
<xmltask source="${projectfile}">
<copy path="Project/RecentResultsInfo/ResultsDirectoryOfRecentLoadTest/text()" property="recentdir" attrValue="true"/>
<copy todir="${targetdirectory}">
<fileset dir="${recentdir}"/>
The output when running this target is:
C:\develop\build.xml:44: Warning: Could not find resource file "C:\develop\C:\Programme\tool\test_90\" to copy.
It seems in fileset it does not recognize, that recentdir holds a full path inside. The written xml from the application has a newline before and after the path in the xml file that is read with the path. So ant does not recognize the path since theres a newline in front of it.
Is there anything like trim for ant?
Can anybody help me getting ant to accept that path?
Done it now by using Ant-Contrib, but that is used in this project anyway.
<xmltask source="${projectfile}">
<copy path="Project/RecentResultsInfo/ResultsDirectoryOfRecentLoadTest/text()" property="recentdirraw" attrValue="true"/>
<!-- replace newlines and whitespace from read path -->
<propertyregex property="recentdir" input="${recentdirraw}" regexp="^[ \t\n]+|[ \t\n]+$" replace="" casesensitive="false" />
<copy todir="${targetdirectory}">
<fileset dir="${recentdir}"/>
Simply modifying the property with a regex trimming the text by striping of whitespace and newlines.
As far as I can see, the copy element in xmltask provides a trim attribute.
trims leading/trailing spaces when writing to properties
Does that work?

Can I send Ant 'replace' task output to a new file?

The Ant replace task does an in-place replacement without creating a new file.
The below snippet replaces tokens in any of the '*.xml' files with the corresponding values from the '' file.
<replace dir="${projects.prj.dir}/config"
includes="*.xml" summary="true" />
I want those files that had their tokens replaced to be created named after a pattern (e.g.) '*.xml.filtered', and keep the original files.
Is this possible in Ant with some smart combination of tasks?
There are a couple of ways to get close to what you want without copying to a temporary directory and copying back.
If the source files can be changed so that the parts to be replaced can be delimited with begin and end tokens, as in #date# (# is the default token, but it can be changed) then you can use the copy task with a globmapper and a filterset:
<copy todir="config">
<fileset dir="config" includes="*.xml" />
<globmapper from="*.xml" to="*.xml.filtered" />
<filterset filtersfile="" />
If contains FOO = bar, then any occurrence of #FOO# in a source xml file file be replaced with bar in the target.
Note that the source and target directories are the same, the globmapper means the target files and named with the suffix .filtered. It's possible (and more usual) to copy files into a different target directory)
If the source file can't be changed to add begin and end tokens, a possible alternative would be to use a filterchain with one or more replacestring filters instead of the filterset:
<copy todir="config">
<fileset dir="config" includes="*.xml" />
<globmapper from="*.xml" to="*.xml.filtered" />
<replacestring from="foo" to="bar" />
<!-- extra replacestring elements here as required -->
This will replace any occurrence of foo with bar, anywhere in the file, which is more like the behaviour of the replace task. Unfortunately this way means you need to include all your replacements in the build file itself, you can't have them in a separate properties file.
In both cases the copy task will only copy source files that are newer than the target files, so unnecessary work won't be done.
Copy then replace
A third possibility (that has just occured to me whilst writing up the other two) would be to perform the copy first to the renamed files, then run the replace task specifying the renamed files:
<copy todir="config">
<fileset dir="config" includes="*.xml" />
<globmapper from="*.xml" to="*.xml.filtered" />
<replace dir="config" replacefilterfile="" summary="true"
includes="*.xml.filtered" />
This might be the closest solution to the original requirement. The downside is that the replace task will be run each time on the renamed files. This could be a problem for some replacement patterns (admittedly they would be odd ones like foo=foofoo, but they would be okay with the first two methods) and you will be doing unnecessary work when the dependencies don't change.
The replace task doesn't observe dependencies, instead it carries out the replacement by writing a temporary file for each input file. If the temporary file is the same as the input file, it is discarded. A temporary file that differs from the input file is renamed to replace that input. This means all the files are processed, even if none of them need be - hence it can be inefficient.
The original solution to this question was to carry out a copy-replace-copy. The second copy isn't needed though, as a mapper can be used in the first. In the copy, dependencies can be used to restrict processing to just the files that have changed - by means of a depend selector in an explicit fileset:
<copy todir="${projects.prj.dir}">
<fileset dir="${projects.prj.dir}">
<include name="*.xml" />
<depend targetdir="${projects.prj.dir}">
<mapper type="glob" from="*.xml" to="*.xml.filtered" />
<mapper type="glob" from="*.xml" to="*.xml.filtered" />
That will restrict the copy fileset to just those files that have changed. An alternative syntax for the mappers is:
<globmapper from="*.xml" to="*.xml.filtered" />
The simplest replace would then be:
<replace dir="${projects.prj.dir}"
includes="*.xml.filtered" />
That will still process all the files though, even if none of them need undergo replacements. The replace task has an implicit fileset and can operate on an explicit fileset, but unlike similar tasks the implicit fileset is not optional, hence to take advantage of selectors in an explicit fileset you must make the implicit one 'do nothing' - hence the .dummy file here:
<replace dir="${projects.prj.dir}"
includes=".dummy" />
<fileset dir="${projects.prj.dir}" includes="*.xml.filtered">
<different targetdir="${projects.prj.dir}">
<globmapper from="*.xml.filtered" to="*.xml" />
That will prevent the replace task from needlessly processing files that have previously undergone substitution. It doesn't, however, prevent processing of files that haven't changed and don't need substitution.
Beyond that, I'm not sure there is a way to 'code golf' this problem to reduce the number of steps to one.
There isn't a multiple string replacement filter that can be used in a copy task to achieve the same affect as replace, which is a shame because that feels like it would be the right solution.
One other approach would be to generate the xml for a series of replace string filters and then have Ant execute that. But that will be more complex than the existing solution, and prone to problems with replacement strings that, if pasted into an xml fragment will result in something that can't be parsed.
Yet another approach would be to write a custom task or script task to do the work. If there are many files and the copy-replace solution is judged to be too slow, then this might be the way to go. But again, that approach is less simple than the existing solution.
If the requirement is to minimise the work done in the processing, rather than to come up with the shortest Ant solution, then this approach might do.
Make a fileset containing a list of inputs that have changed.
From that fileset create a comma-separated list of corresponding filtered files.
Carry out the copy on the fileset.
Carry out the replace on the comma-separated list.
A wrinkle here is that the implicit fileset in the replace task will fall back to processing everything if no files have changed. To overcome this we insert a dummy file name.
<fileset id="changed" dir="${projects.prj.dir}" includes="*.xml">
<depend targetdir="${projects.prj.dir}">
<globmapper from="*.xml" to="*.xml.filtered" />
<pathconvert property="replace.includes" refid="changed">
<map from=".xml" to=".xml.filtered" />
<copy todir="${projects.prj.dir}" preservelastmodified="true">
<fileset refid="changed" />
<globmapper from="*.xml" to="*.xml.filtered" />
<replace dir="${projects.prj.dir}"
includes=".dummy,${replace.includes}" summary="true" />
