Find type of groovy/grails property - grails

I am editing the scaffolding templates for a grails application.
One of my domain classes has the following property:
Set<GlobalRole> globalRoles
where GlobalRole is an enum. The link is one-to-many:
static hasMany = [globalRoles: GlobalRole]
As default scaffolding shows the roles as a comma separated string - my aim is to show it as a list. To this aim I need to find out if a property (globalRoles) is of type Set to differentiate the generation of the scaffolding.
if (User.globalRoles.type instanceof Set){
// do something else
However: this statement is 'falsified' and therefore not working.
Am I missing something here?

you are trying to get the static User.globalRoles field which is wrong of course. You shall be using reflection / meta-programming:
if( User.hasMetaProperty( 'globalRoles' ) && Set.inAssignableFrom( User.getMetaProperty( 'globalRoles' ).type ){


Grails: How do i select from a list of previously created objects in my view?

Let's say i have the following classes:
package test
class Person {
String name
static hasMany = [stuff:Stuff]
static constraints = {
package test
class Stuff {
String stuff
static belongsTo = Person
static constraints = {
When i implement the view for Person i want to be able to select from a list of previously created stuff. How do i achieve that? I see that, when i use scaffolding Grails generates that drop down menu where i can do that but since i a designing my own views i would like to understand how that is done.
Thank you.
Probably good to start be reviewing the documentation for the select tag here:
A simple example to present a list of all Stuff would look like:
<g:select name="stuffSelect" from="${Stuff.list()}" optionKey="id" optionValue="stuff"/>
This should give you a dropdown of all Stuff in your database, displaying the String value to the user, but submitting the DB ID when the form submits.
I'm pretty sure you can use the generate-all command in grails, to see what the scaffolding code looks like:
Using this command should generate Controllers, views, etc. so you can see how the scaffolded code works. Don't worry about being able to go back to generated scaffold code, just delete the stuff created by generate-all, and grails will autogenerate it at runtime like it does now.

Grails Scaffolding

I am recently working on grails and would like to know how to do more complex scaffolding
For example, if I want to Scaffold a class
class Book{
Author a
Publisher p
// ....
Author class
class Author{
String firstName
String lastName
// ...
Publisher class
class Publisher{
String name
String address
// ....
Now if I have a BookController
class BookController{
static scaffold = true;
I have a layout of
Author Publisher
However if I want a layout with
AuthorID AuthorFirstName AuthorLastName PublisherName PublisherAddress
I have looked through the, however, I am unable to set it to the given property. I would like to know I am able to accomplish it? A tutorial would be helpful.
The scaffolding plugin within Grails is not designed to handle these types of complex views out of the box. You have a few options:
Use the install-templates command and modify the scaffolding templates to handle your needs.
Re-design your domain class to use embedded Author and Publisher. This will change the scaffolding output, but it also will change a lot more too. I wouldn't use this option unless you understand all the changes this will make to your domain model.
Generate the code using scaffolding then customize the output to suit your needs.
Of the three options presented here I would recommend the third as it makes the most sense to address the narrow scope of your issue.
You could also use transients. But transients aren't displayed by default.
You need to modify the templates and explicitly hide otherwise hidden fields using constraints i.e. id
NOTE: code below untested, for illustration purposes only.
//optional, but allows code completion in IDE ;-P
String authorName
String getAuthorName(){
return a.firstName + ' ' + a.lastName
static transients = [authorName:String]
static constraints = {

constraints in grails

Hi I am having some trouble getting my constraints to work in my grails project. I am trying to just make sure that the field for Site_ID is not left blank but it still accepts an blank input. Also I am trying to set the order in which the fields appear but even that is not reflecting on the page when I try it out. Here is the code:
package translation
class J2_Translations {
String Site_ID
String I18NKey
static constraints = {
and here is my code for the controller, I am not doing anything special I just want the constraints to work
package translation
class J2_TranslationsController {
def scaffold = J2_Translations
Grails is a convention-over-configuration framework. Make sure you follow the standard Java naming conventions. Properties should be named with camel-case identifiers with the leading character in lowercase. For example:
String siteId
String i18nKey

ASP.NET MVC based CMS - dynamic generation of form helpers

I am working on an ASP.NET MVC based CMS that presents a rather extreme case. The system must allow the user to add custom content types based on different fields, and for every field, one can add options and validations. The thing is that everything is stored in a complex DB and extracted at runtime using LINQ.
I am pretty fresh with ASP>NET MVC so the following dilemma came to mind
How should I make the content creation view so that form helpers are not predefined int he view code but are loaded based on the type of the field ? Do I have to create a factory class that checks the value of the type property of the field, and then returns a helper based on that or there's a better way to do it. This one seems pretty rigid to me , because anytime I make a change in the Fieldtypes table, I will have to make sure to create a check for that new type too.
public class CType {
string Name; //e.g Post Article etc
List<ContentData> data ;
public class ContentData {
string Data; // Basically this is the data stored for each field
FieldInstance fieldInstance;
public class FieldInstance {
string Title; // e.g Title Body etc.
FieldType Type ; // e.g textbox textarea image checkbox etc
public class FieldType {
string Type; // e.g textbox textarea image checkbox etc
I see an HTML Helper in your future. The HTML Helper can work through your Model at runtime and output the appropriate HTML for the View. If you go that route, I suggest you get to know the StringBuilder and TagBuilder classes. They'll simplify things and help make your HTML Helper much more readable.
I did not know about the concept of templated helpers. This is what happens when you're new to something. Pretty much, this is what fixed my problem,printer%29.aspx

How can I use a custom ValidationAttribute to ensure two properties match?

We're using xVal and the standard DataAnnotationsValidationRunner described here to collect validation errors from our domain objects and view models in ASP.NET MVC. I'd like to have a way to have that validation runner identify when two properties don't match through the use of custom DataAnnotations.
Right now I'm forced into doing it outside of the runner, this way:
if (!(model.FieldOne == model.FieldTwo))
errors.Add(new ErrorInfo("FieldTwo", "FieldOne must match FieldTwo", model.FieldTwo));
My question is: can this be done using property-level validation attributes, or am I forced into using class-level attributes (in which case, I'd have to modify the runner...and my follow up question would be how best to retrieve them in that case).
UPDATE: I finally figured out how to write the object query to implement the suggestion in the selected answer; I concat the results of this query with the results of the standard validation runner, if anyone was curious. Note that I changed the TypeId to be the confirm field property.
var classErrorQuery =
from attribute in
instance.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof (ValidationAttribute), false).Cast
where !attribute.IsValid(instance)
select new ErrorInfo(attribute.TypeId.ToString(), attribute.FormatErrorMessage(string.Empty), instance);
see Writing a CompareTo DataAnnotation Attribute
and also you can check The AccountMOdel in the default project of MVC2, There is an attribute PropertiesMustMatchAttribute applied to the ChangePasswordModel to validate that the NewPassword and ConfirmPassword Match
