SpriteKit moving Nodes faster with time - ios

I want to spawn the Objects faster with time, for e.g. I got a Object added every 1.5 seconds. This Object is moving to X = -100 with Duration = 5. After 30 seconds it should move faster.
-(id)initWithSize:(CGSize)size {
if (self = [super initWithSize:size]) {
SKAction * Spawn = [SKAction performSelector:#selector(Enemy) onTarget:self];
SKAction * Delay = [SKAction waitForDuration:1.5];
SKAction * SpawnThenDelay = [SKAction sequence:#[Spawn, Delay]];
SKAction * SpawnThenDelayForever = [SKAction repeatActionForever:SpawnThenDelay];
[self runAction:SpawnThenDelayForever];
- (void)Enemy {
Enemy = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:#"Enemy.png"];
Enemy.size = CGSizeMake(85, 85);
Enemy.zPosition = 2;
Enemy.name = #"Enemy";
Enemy.physicsBody = [SKPhysicsBody bodyWithRectangleOfSize:CGSizeMake(50, 50)];
Enemy.physicsBody.dynamic = NO;
Enemy.physicsBody.allowsRotation = NO;
Enemy.physicsBody.usesPreciseCollisionDetection = YES;
Enemy.physicsBody.restitution = 0;
Enemy.physicsBody.categoryBitMask = EnemyCategory;
Enemy.physicsBody.collisionBitMask = StoneCategory;
Enemy.physicsBody.contactTestBitMask = StoneCategory;
Enemy.position = CGPointMake(self.frame.size.width * 1.25, self.frame.size.height / 2.2);
SKAction * actionMove = [SKAction moveToX:-100 duration:5];
SKAction * actionMoveDone = [SKAction removeFromParent];
[Enemy runAction:[SKAction repeatActionForever:[SKAction sequence:#[actionMove,actionMoveDone]]]];
[self addChild:Enemy];

every SKAction has a property speed and by defult every action runs with a speed of 1 so you can increase speed property acc to your game situation

You could store your enemy speed as global variable and add a NSTimer with a 30 seconds interval and every 30 seconds, the timer executes a function that adds a certain value to the speed of the enemy. But make sure there's a speed limit otherwise it will be too fast.
#import <SpriteKit/SpriteKit.h>
#interface MyScene : SKScene {
NSTimer *timer;
int SpeedVar;
int MaxSpeed;
int IncreaseSpeedValue;
-(id)initWithSize:(CGSize)size {
if (self = [super initWithSize:size]) {
timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:30.0 target:self selector:#selector(increaseSpeed) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
SpeedVar = -100; //Normal speed of your enemy
MaxSpeed = -300; //Maximum speed of your enemy
IncreaseSpeedValue = 15; //Increase speed by this value every 30sec
return self;
-(void)increaseSpeed {
if (SpeedVar > MaxSpeed)
SpeedVar -= IncreaseSpeedValue;
else {
[timer invalidate];
timer = nil;


Keeping track of SKNodes for a category

I have a function that adds enemies to my scene that get called by an timing interval
How can I keep track of the number of enemies on the Scene to limit the amount of enemies I have in each level?
**In my update function **
CFTimeInterval timeSinceLastEnemy = currentTime - self.lastEnemyUpdateTime;
self.lastEnemyUpdateTime = currentTime;
if (timeSinceLastEnemy > 1) { // more than a second since last update
timeSinceLastEnemy = 1.0 / 60.0;
self.lastEnemyUpdateTime = currentTime;
[self spwanEnemyWithTime:timeSinceLastEnemy];
**The timer and The method to add enemies **
- (void)spwanEnemyWithTime:(CFTimeInterval)timeSinceLast {
self.lastEnemySpawn += timeSinceLast;
if (self.lastEnemySpawn > 0.6) {
self.lastEnemySpawn = 0;
[self spawnEnemy];
-(void) spawnEnemy {
SKSpriteNode *enemy = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed: enemySprite];
int minX = 5;
int maxX = self.frame.size.width;
int rangeX = maxX - minX;
int actualX = (arc4random() % rangeX) + minX;
// Create the enemy slightly off-screen along the upper edge,
enemy.physicsBody = [SKPhysicsBody bodyWithRectangleOfSize:CGSizeMake(enemy.size.height - 10 , enemy.size.width)];
enemy.physicsBody.dynamic = YES;
enemy.physicsBody.categoryBitMask = enemyCategory;
enemy.physicsBody.contactTestBitMask = bulletCategory;
enemy.physicsBody.collisionBitMask = 0;
// and along a random position along the X axis as calculated above
enemy.position = CGPointMake(actualX, self.frame.size.height + enemy.size.height);
[self addChild:enemy];
enemy.xScale = 0.2;
enemy.yScale = 0.2;
enemy.zPosition = 4;
// Create the actions
SKAction * actionMove = [SKAction moveToY:(0 - enemy.size.height) duration:4];
SKAction * actionMoveDone = [SKAction removeFromParent];
[enemy runAction:[SKAction sequence:#[actionMove, actionMoveDone]]];
I confess I couldn't grasp what you are doing with the double timers, so I will assume that portion works as you want it to. for the enemy count couldn't this be as simple as incrementing a counter on your spawnEnemy and decrementing the counter when the enemy removes itself from the scene?
You'll have to double check my Obj-c I haven't used it in a while.
int enemyCount = 0;
-(void) spawnEnemy {
enemyCount += 1
// Create the actions
SKAction *actionMove = [SKAction moveToY:(0 - enemy.size.height) duration:4];
SKAction *actionMoveDone = [SKAction removeFromParent];
SKAction *decrementCount = [SKAction runBlock: ^(void) {
enemyCount -= 1;
[enemy runAction:[SKAction sequence:#[actionMove, actionMoveDone, decrementCount]]];
FYI you have a typo in your method "spwanEnemyWithTime"

SpriteKit - Adding a timer

I'd like to add a timer to a simple SpriteKit game. Using the code suggested in an existing answer ("Spritekit - Creating a timer") causes 5 errors (s. comments below). Maybe there are other ideas, too!
Thanks a lot!
This is my .m file:
#implementation GameScene {
BOOL updateLabel;
SKLabelNode *timerLabel;
int timer;
- (id)initWithSize:(CGSize)size {
if (self = [super initWithSize:size]) {
self.backgroundColor = [SKColor whiteColor];
timer = 0;
updateLabel = false;
timerLabel = [SKLabelNode labelNodeWithFontNamed:#"Chalkduster"];
timerLabel.text = #"0";
timerLabel.fontSize = 48;
timerLabel.fontColor = [SKColor greenColor];
timerLabel.position = CGPointMake(700,50);
[self addChild: timerLabel];
return self;
-(void) didMoveToView:(SKView *)view {
The following code gives me the trouble:
id wait = [SKAction waitForDuration:1.0];//Redefinition of 'wait' as different kind of symbol
id run = [SKAction runBlock:^{//Initializer element is not a compile-time constant
timer ++;
updateLabel = true;
[node runAction:[SKAction repeatActionForever:[SKAction sequence:#[wait, run]]];//1. Expected identifier or '('; 2. Use of undeclared identifier 'node'; 3. Collection element of type 'pid_t (int *)' is not an Objective-C object
-(void)update:(CFTimeInterval)currentTime {
if(updateLabel == true){
timerLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i",timer];
updateLabel = false;
int timer = 0;
SKLabelNode timerLabel;
- (id)initWithSize:(CGSize)size {
if (self = [super initWithSize:size]) {
SKAction *wait = [SKAction waitForDuration:1];
SKAction *performSelector = [SKAction performSelector:#selector(timerLabel) onTarget:self];
SKAction *removeChild = [SKAction runBlock:^{
[timerLabel removeFromParent];
SKAction *increaseTimer = [SKAction runBlock:^{
SKAction *sequence = [SKAction sequence:#[removeChild, performSelector, wait, increaseTimer]];
SKAction *repeat = [SKAction repeatActionForever:sequence];
[self runAction:repeat];
return self;
timerLabel = [SKLabelNode labelNodeWithFontNamed:#"Chalkduster"];
timerLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i", timer];
timerLabel.fontSize = 48;
timerLabel.fontColor = [SKColor greenColor];
timerLabel.position = CGPointMake(700,50);
[self addChild: timerLabel];
Try to call with perform selector. I hope this will work.I didn't test.

Adding a start and end screen in ios game

I am having trouble having my game begin paused so that the player has to press a button to start the game. I also have collision detection working, so when the two objects collide they just fall off of the screen. Here is my current code:
- (instancetype)initWithSize:(CGSize)size {
if (self = [super initWithSize:size]) {
self.physicsWorld.contactDelegate = self;
[self buildBackground];
[self startScrolling];
_firstPosition = CGPointMake(self.frame.size.width * 0.817f, self.frame.size.height * .40f);
_squirrelSprite = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:#"squirrel"];
_squirrelSprite.position = _firstPosition;
_atFirstPosition = YES;
_squirrelSprite.physicsBody = [SKPhysicsBody bodyWithCircleOfRadius:10];
_squirrelSprite.physicsBody.categoryBitMask = squirrelHitCategory;
_squirrelSprite.physicsBody.contactTestBitMask = nutHitCategory;
_squirrelSprite.physicsBody.collisionBitMask = nutHitCategory;
_squirrelSprite.physicsBody.affectedByGravity = NO;
self.physicsWorld.contactDelegate = self;
[self addChild:_squirrelSprite];
// Declare SKAction that waits 2 seconds
SKAction *wait = [SKAction waitForDuration:3.0];
// Declare SKAction block to generate the sprites
SKAction *createSpriteBlock = [SKAction runBlock:^{
const BOOL isHeads = arc4random_uniform(100) < 50;
NSString* spriteName = isHeads ? #"lightnut.png" : #"darknut.png";
SKSpriteNode *nut = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:spriteName];
BOOL heads = arc4random_uniform(100) < 50;
nut.position = (heads)? CGPointMake(257,600) : CGPointMake(50,600);
nut.physicsBody = [SKPhysicsBody bodyWithRectangleOfSize:CGSizeMake(200,160)];
nut.physicsBody.categoryBitMask = nutHitCategory;
nut.physicsBody.contactTestBitMask = squirrelHitCategory;
nut.physicsBody.collisionBitMask = squirrelHitCategory;
nut.physicsBody.affectedByGravity = NO;
self.physicsWorld.contactDelegate = self;
[self addChild: nut];
SKAction *moveNodeUp = [SKAction moveByX:0.0 y:-700.0 duration:1.3];
[nut runAction: moveNodeUp];
// Combine the actions
SKAction *waitThenRunBlock = [SKAction sequence:#[wait,createSpriteBlock]];
// Lather, rinse, repeat
[self runAction:[SKAction repeatActionForever:waitThenRunBlock]];
return self;
My touchesBegan:
- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
if (_atFirstPosition)
SKAction *moveNodeLeft = [SKAction moveByX:-207.8 y:0.0 duration:0.85];
[_squirrelSprite runAction: moveNodeLeft withKey:#"moveleft"];
} else {
SKAction *moveNodeRight = [SKAction moveByX:207.8 y:0.0 duration:0.85];
[_squirrelSprite runAction: moveNodeRight withKey:#"moveright"];
_atFirstPosition = !_atFirstPosition;
_squirrelSprite.xScale *= -1.0;
Finally, my didBeginContact:
-(void)didBeginContact:(SKPhysicsContact *)contact
SKPhysicsBody *firstBody, *secondBody;
firstBody = contact.bodyA;
secondBody = contact.bodyB;
if(firstBody.categoryBitMask == squirrelHitCategory || secondBody.categoryBitMask == nutHitCategory)
I've been trying to figure this out for the last 2 weeks and I have read many tutorials and code to start the game with a simple start button and end screen, but nothing has worked. Any help is greatly appreciated!
I would use a navigation controller and have your start button on the root view and have that button push a viewcontroller that presents your game.

How to make object change in contact

I have a object in the scene which is determine by:
SKSpriteNode* object = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithTexture:_objectTexture];
[object setScale:2];
object.position = CGPointMake(0, y);
object.physicsBody = [SKPhysicsBody bodyWithRectangleOfSize:object.size];
object.physicsBody.dynamic = NO;
then if my character hit it, it will stay there. Now, I want whenever the character hit the object, the object also move its upper half. How it moves depends on the index.
if index value in range 1, object change texture
if index value in range 2, object and character reflex by normal physical contact law
if index value in range 3, object broken into half
I tried to put
object.physicsBody.dynamic = YES;
then I saw it pulled down and disappear by gravity.
How do I set object dynamic and condition to satisfy the above need?
Thanks a lot for your help !
Added (as requested): My delegate method:
#interface MyScene () <SKPhysicsContactDelegate> {
SKSpriteNode* _character;
SKTexture* _object1;
SKTexture* _object2;
SKAction* _moveObjects;
SKNode* _moving;
SKNode* _objects;
BOOL _canRestart;
NSInteger _index;
SKTexture* characterTexture;
SKSpriteNode* _characterSprite;
later part (not sure if it is relevant)
if (self = [super initWithSize:size]) {
/*Setup Scene here */
self.physicsWorld.gravity = CGVectorMake(0.0, -6.0);
self.physicsWorld.contactDelegate = self;
My objects are moved on scence by:
CGFloat distanceToMove = self.frame.size.width + 2 * _object1.size.width;
SKAction* moveObjects = [SKAction moveByX:-distanceToMove y:0 duration:0.01* distanceToMove];
SKAction* removeObjects = [SKAction removeFromParent];
_moveObjectsAndRemove = [SKAction sequence:#[moveObjects,removeObjects]];
Ps: add didBeginContact:
-(void)didBeginContact:(SKPhysicsContact *)contact{
if (_moving.speed > 0) {
//Score node
if ((contact.bodyA.categoryBitMask & scoreCategory) == scoreCategory || (contact.bodyB.categoryBitMask & scoreCategory) == scoreCategory)
// Add a little visual
[_scoreLabelNode runAction:[SKAction sequence:#[[SKAction scaleTo:1.5 duration:0.1], [SKAction scaleTo:1.0 duration:0.1]]]];
//Collided with world
_moving.speed = 0;
_character.physicsBody.collisionBitMask = worldCategory;
[_character runAction:[SKAction rotateByAngle:M_PI * _character.position.y*0.01 duration:_character.position.y * 0.03] completion:^{_character.speed = 0; }];
You need to set
object.physicsBody.affectedByGravity = NO;

Sprite wont spawn [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post.
Closed 9 years ago.
Improve this question
This code spawns a monster, but no enemy.
I expect an enemy to be spawned, why doesn't it?
#import "MyScene.h"
#import "GameOverScene.h"
static const uint32_t projectileCategory = 0x1 << 0;
static const uint32_t monsterCategory = 0x1 << 1;
static const uint32_t enemyCategory = 0x1 << 1;
// 1
#interface MyScene () <SKPhysicsContactDelegate>
#property (nonatomic) SKSpriteNode * player;
#property (nonatomic) NSTimeInterval lastSpawnTimeInterval;
#property (nonatomic) NSTimeInterval lastUpdateTimeInterval;
#property (nonatomic) int monstersDestroyed;
#property (nonatomic) int enemysDestroyed;
static inline CGPoint rwAdd(CGPoint a, CGPoint b) {
return CGPointMake(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y);
static inline CGPoint rwSub(CGPoint a, CGPoint b) {
return CGPointMake(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y);
static inline CGPoint rwMult(CGPoint a, float b) {
return CGPointMake(a.x * b, a.y * b);
static inline float rwLength(CGPoint a) {
return sqrtf(a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y);
// Makes a vector have a length of 1
static inline CGPoint rwNormalize(CGPoint a) {
float length = rwLength(a);
return CGPointMake(a.x / length, a.y / length);
#implementation MyScene
-(id)initWithSize:(CGSize)size {
if (self = [super initWithSize:size]) {
// 2
NSLog(#"Size: %#", NSStringFromCGSize(size));
// 3
self.backgroundColor = [SKColor colorWithRed:1.0 green:1.0 blue:1.0 alpha:1.0];
// 4
self.player = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:#"player"];
self.player.position = CGPointMake(self.player.size.width/2, self.frame.size.height/2);
[self addChild:self.player];
self.physicsWorld.gravity = CGVectorMake(0,0);
self.physicsWorld.contactDelegate = self;
return self;
-(void)addMonster {
// Create sprite
SKSpriteNode * monster = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:#"monster"];
monster.physicsBody = [SKPhysicsBody bodyWithRectangleOfSize:monster.size]; // 1
monster.physicsBody.dynamic = YES; // 2
monster.physicsBody.categoryBitMask = monsterCategory; // 3
monster.physicsBody.contactTestBitMask = projectileCategory; // 4
monster.physicsBody.collisionBitMask = 0; // 5
// Determine where to spawn the monster along the Y axis
int minY = monster.size.height / 2;
int maxY = self.frame.size.height - monster.size.height / 2;
int rangeY = maxY - minY;
int actualY = (arc4random() % rangeY) + minY;
// Create the monster slightly off-screen along the right edge,
// and along a random position along the Y axis as calculated above
monster.position = CGPointMake(self.frame.size.width + monster.size.width/2, actualY);
[self addChild:monster];
// Determine speed of the monster
int minDuration = 2.0;
int maxDuration = 4.0;
int rangeDuration = maxDuration - minDuration;
int actualDuration = (arc4random() % rangeDuration) + minDuration;
// Create the actions
SKAction * actionMove = [SKAction moveTo:CGPointMake(-monster.size.width/2, actualY) duration:actualDuration];
SKAction * actionMoveDone = [SKAction removeFromParent];
SKAction * loseAction = [SKAction runBlock:^{
SKTransition *reveal = [SKTransition flipHorizontalWithDuration:0.5];
SKScene * gameOverScene = [[GameOverScene alloc] initWithSize:self.size won:NO];
[self.view presentScene:gameOverScene transition: reveal];
[monster runAction:[SKAction sequence:#[actionMove, loseAction, actionMoveDone]]];
- (void)updateWithTimeSinceLastUpdate:(CFTimeInterval)timeSinceLast {
self.lastSpawnTimeInterval += timeSinceLast;
if (self.lastSpawnTimeInterval > 1) {
self.lastSpawnTimeInterval = 0;
[self addMonster];
- (void)update:(NSTimeInterval)currentTime {
// Handle time delta.
// If we drop below 60fps, we still want everything to move the same distance.
CFTimeInterval timeSinceLast = currentTime - self.lastUpdateTimeInterval;
self.lastUpdateTimeInterval = currentTime;
if (timeSinceLast > 1) { // more than a second since last update
timeSinceLast = 1.0 / 60.0;
self.lastUpdateTimeInterval = currentTime;
[self updateWithTimeSinceLastUpdate:timeSinceLast];
-(void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
[self runAction:[SKAction playSoundFileNamed:#"pew-pew-lei.caf" waitForCompletion:NO]];
// 1 - Choose one of the touches to work with
UITouch * touch = [touches anyObject];
CGPoint location = [touch locationInNode:self];
// 2 - Set up initial location of projectile
SKSpriteNode * projectile = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:#"projectile"];
projectile.position = self.player.position;
projectile.physicsBody = [SKPhysicsBody bodyWithCircleOfRadius:projectile.size.width/2];
projectile.physicsBody.dynamic = YES;
projectile.physicsBody.categoryBitMask = projectileCategory;
projectile.physicsBody.contactTestBitMask = monsterCategory;
projectile.physicsBody.contactTestBitMask = enemyCategory;
projectile.physicsBody.collisionBitMask = 0;
projectile.physicsBody.usesPreciseCollisionDetection = YES;
// 3- Determine offset of location to projectile
CGPoint offset = rwSub(location, projectile.position);
// 4 - Bail out if you are shooting down or backwards
if (offset.x <= 0) return;
// 5 - OK to add now - we've double checked position
[self addChild:projectile];
// 6 - Get the direction of where to shoot
CGPoint direction = rwNormalize(offset);
// 7 - Make it shoot far enough to be guaranteed off screen
CGPoint shootAmount = rwMult(direction, 1000);
// 8 - Add the shoot amount to the current position
CGPoint realDest = rwAdd(shootAmount, projectile.position);
// 9 - Create the actions
float velocity = 480.0/1.0;
float realMoveDuration = self.size.width / velocity;
SKAction * actionMove = [SKAction moveTo:realDest duration:realMoveDuration];
SKAction * actionMoveDone = [SKAction removeFromParent];
[projectile runAction:[SKAction sequence:#[actionMove, actionMoveDone]]];
- (void)projectile:(SKSpriteNode *)projectile didCollideWithMonster:(SKSpriteNode *)monster {
[projectile removeFromParent];
[monster removeFromParent];
if (self.monstersDestroyed > 80) {
SKTransition *reveal = [SKTransition flipHorizontalWithDuration:0.5];
SKScene * gameOverScene = [[GameOverScene alloc] initWithSize:self.size won:YES];
[self.view presentScene:gameOverScene transition: reveal];
- (void)didBeginContact:(SKPhysicsContact *)contact
// 1
SKPhysicsBody *firstBody, *secondBody, *thirdBody;
if (contact.bodyA.categoryBitMask < contact.bodyB.categoryBitMask)
firstBody = contact.bodyA;
secondBody = contact.bodyB;
thirdBody = contact.bodyB;
firstBody = contact.bodyB;
secondBody = contact.bodyA;
thirdBody = contact.bodyA;
// 2
if ((firstBody.categoryBitMask & projectileCategory) != 0 &&
(secondBody.categoryBitMask & enemyCategory) != 0 &&
(thirdBody.categoryBitMask & monsterCategory) != 0)
[self projectile:(SKSpriteNode *) firstBody.node didCollideWithMonster:(SKSpriteNode *) secondBody.node];
[self projectile:(SKSpriteNode *) firstBody.node didCollideWithEnemy: (SKSpriteNode *) secondBody.node];
- (void)addEnemy {
// Create sprite
SKSpriteNode * enemy = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:#"enemy"];
enemy.physicsBody = [SKPhysicsBody bodyWithRectangleOfSize:enemy.size]; // 1
enemy.physicsBody.dynamic = YES; // 2
enemy.physicsBody.categoryBitMask = enemyCategory; // 3
enemy.physicsBody.contactTestBitMask = projectileCategory; // 4
enemy.physicsBody.collisionBitMask = 0; // 5
// Determine where to spawn the monster along the Y axis
int minY = enemy.size.height / 2;
int maxY = self.frame.size.height - enemy.size.height / 2;
int rangeY = maxY - minY;
int actualY = (arc4random() % rangeY) + minY;
// Create the monster slightly off-screen along the right edge,
// and along a random position along the Y axis as calculated above
enemy.position = CGPointMake(self.frame.size.width + enemy.size.width/2, actualY);
[self addChild:enemy];
// Determine speed of the monster
int minDuration = 1.0;
int maxDuration = 6.0;
int rangeDuration = maxDuration - minDuration;
int actualDuration = (arc4random() % rangeDuration) + minDuration;
// Create the actions
SKAction * actionMove = [SKAction moveTo:CGPointMake(-enemy.size.width/2, actualY) duration:actualDuration];
SKAction * actionMoveDone = [SKAction removeFromParent];
SKAction * loseAction = [SKAction runBlock:^{
SKTransition *reveal = [SKTransition flipHorizontalWithDuration:0.5];
SKScene * gameOverScene = [[GameOverScene alloc] initWithSize:self.size won:NO];
[self.view presentScene:gameOverScene transition: reveal];
[enemy runAction:[SKAction sequence:#[actionMove, loseAction, actionMoveDone]]];
- (void)projectile:(SKSpriteNode *)projectile didCollideWithEnemy:(SKSpriteNode *)enemy {
[projectile removeFromParent];
[enemy removeFromParent];
if (self.enemysDestroyed > 80) {
SKTransition *reveal = [SKTransition flipHorizontalWithDuration:0.5];
SKScene * gameOverScene = [[GameOverScene alloc] initWithSize:self.size won:YES];
[self.view presentScene:gameOverScene transition: reveal];
I am not sure if you realize this, but you never actually call addEnemy. Look through the code. You will find a call to addMonster but never addEnemy. Implementing the method is one thing- without calling the method, whatever is inside will never run.
