Aviary SDK crash on initializing on iOS - ios

I integrate Aviary SDK on my app to enhance my app image editor feature. I read its documents, run its sample code and it works fine. But when run on my app, I face an issue. It crashed EXC_BAD_ACCESS after run over a method
[AFOpenGLManager beginOpenGLLoad];
I followed the setup guide on Aviary document
At first, I just create a Singleton manager to manage. I call [AFOpenGLManager beginOpenGLLoad]; on init function
- (id)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
[AFOpenGLManager beginOpenGLLoad];
return self;
- (void) launchPhotoEditorWithImage:(UIImage *)editingResImage
highResolutionImage:(UIImage *)highResImage
fromController:(UIViewController *)controller
// Customize the editor's apperance. The customization options really only need to be set
once in this case since they are never changing, so we used dispatch once here.
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
[self setPhotoEditorCustomizationOptions];
// Initialize the photo editor and set its delegate
AFPhotoEditorController * photoEditor = [[[AFPhotoEditorController alloc]
initWithImage:editingResImage] autorelease];
[photoEditor setDelegate:self];
// If a high res image is passed, create the high res context with the image and the
photo editor.
if (highResImage) {
[self setupHighResContextForPhotoEditor:photoEditor withImage:highResImage];
// Present the photo editor.
[controller presentViewController:photoEditor animated:YES completion:nil];
After run over the init function, it crashed on
Do I miss somethings, the sample code run well.
Edit 1:
compileShader is called from createProgram but I can read this method
Edit 2:
I realize somethings. My app project has a lib named libmediastreamer_voip.a . I think there is misunderstanding. I mean maybe Aviary lib and libmediastreamer_voip.a lib also have the function named compileShader. So when on Aviary lib calls compileShader it runs on compileShader on Aviary lib but run into compileShader on libmediastreamer_voip.a.
I wonder I could be like that? I create a new project and integrate Avairy SDK, it works well, just integrate to my app it crashes

I am a member of the iOS team at Aviary. This is caused by a conflict between our compileShader function and yours. Our function was not properly namespaced and resulted in the conflict. We will be addressing this in the next release of the SDK.

What I think about it. Check your shader value. It should have correct shader path from your resources or somewhere else with appropriate type (GL_VERTEX_SHADER or GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER).
Seems to me you've it's nil


ObjC class method is not called. GDB playing games?

I have a custom UITableViewController that I am trying to use to manage a UITableView. The flow of my code in the main UIViewController that contains the UITableView goes like below:
_messagesTableVC = [[AllMessagesTableViewController alloc] init];
_allMessageTableView.dataSource = _messagesTableVC;
_allMessageTableView.delegate = _messagesTableVC;
[_allMessageTableView reloadData];
The AllMessagesTableViewController custom UITableViewController class is initialized, it does any processing needed and I set the _allMessageTableView (the UITableView)'s delegates to my custom class.
When I run this code, the program acts as if the custom class is not there but no errors occur. It seems as that NO methods in the custom class are called, no init, no initWithCoder, nothing (I have set breakpoints and checked ;)).
As you can see in the screenshot below, I have set a breakpoint after a custom method refreshData in the custom class that I set to return YES. I assign the return value of refreshData to a local variable test.
In the debugger:
_messagesTableVC custom class does not appear to be nil.
test does not appear to exist.
Not shown here, but when I try to run [_messagesTableVC refreshData] in the debugger it says error: Execution was interrupted, reason: Attempted to dereference an invalid ObjC Object or send it an unrecognized selector.
The process has been returned to the state before expression evaluation.. So is _messagesTableVC actually nil??
What could be causing these problems or is GDB playing games? This is a Messages app extension in case that makes any difference. Thanks.
Update: Here is the code for the custom class init and refreshData
- (instancetype)init {
self = [super init];
if (!self)
return nil;
return self;
- (BOOL)refreshData {
return YES;
Update2: I created a blank working project and copy pasted the exact files into my original project (because it is an iMessage extension to a big iOS app). It turns out the Xcode is running the older build of the app even after I cleaned the project and changed the UITableView delegate to supply a different text.
I created a Messages Extension for the same project in the past and deleted the target while keeping the files in the project. When I re-added the Messages Extension to the project, Xcode kept running the older build of the app.
I fixed the issue with Xcode running an older version of the app by:
Clean All
Delete Messages Extension target from project
Backup existing Message Extension code to a directory outside the project. Then delete the Messages app group and directory from the project.
Delete the Messages Extension build scheme from project.
Delete project Derived Data directory.
Restart Xcode, create new Messages Extension target in project, and import saved code.

iOS - How does Cordova invoke objective c function?

How does cordova trigger objective-c native method. For example- When a user taps on submit button (html button), app needs to invoke native objective c function called 'dataSubmitted'.
Does Cordova monitor webview navigation and based on URL tags call method internally?
Is there any way JavaScript can interact with Obj-c native methods except monitoring webview navigations?
There are two ways to communicate with native language from JS.
1. Go to MainViewController.m -> find a function named webViewDidFinishLoad
and add the follwing code snippet..
- (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView*)theWebView
NSString *pageUrl = [theWebView.request.URL absoluteString];
if ([pageUrl containsString:#"xyz"]) {
// xyz for xyz.html
}else if ([pageUrl containsString:#"abc"]) {
// abc for abc.html
self.webView = theWebView;
return [super webViewDidFinishLoad:theWebView];
Develop your own native plugin with cordova.exec ;
There are a few libraries available to communicate between Javascript and Objective-C it seems:
WebViewJavascriptBridge: https://github.com/marcuswestin/WebViewJavascriptBridge
GAJavaScript: https://github.com/newyankeecodeshop/GAJavaScript
I suggest you to check out this beautiful SO Post which explains Javascript & Objective-C interactions in detail.

iOS Today Extension created as .app rather than .appex

I'm trying to add a Today Extension to a project I've been working on for quite some time. In fact the app is in the AppStore already and I'm looking to enhance it with a Today Extension.
The problem is that the Extension won't launch at all. Not on the device nor on the simulator.
EDIT: just skip the next sections and read on at the last EDIT as I think I found the problem. I just not sure how to fix it.
I've done a test project following a tutorial and it works just fine. The environment seem(!) to be identical. Xcode 6.1.1, iOS 8.1 on the device and simulator.
My project is Objective-C based. For the Extension I’ve tried both Objective-C and Swift targets. On both occasions all three (four with obj-C) files were created as expected (storyboard, viewController and PLIST).
Having done nothing more (as with the example project) I'm trying to launch the widget with the widget scheme selected. With the test projects the widget would launch while it won't with the actual project.
I put a println()/NSLog in the viewDidLoad of the widgets viewController to see if anything happens but nothing.
Happy to provide code or settings but at this pointing time I've no idea where to start.
I just realised that with the test project the today view would launch/appear automatically when the widget gets run from Xcode. With my actual project I'm just getting the HomeScreen and have to pull down the Today view myself. So, really nothing at all happens regarding the widget while everything looks identical compared to the test project.
Any help is appreciated.
EDIT: Here is something I came across which might constitute the problem. The widget never gets launched really and gets stuck at ´Waiting to Attach´ in Xcode's Debug navigator. While other seemed to have had the same problem all potential solutions I found so far did't work for me.
EDIT: I noticed that when I add a Today widget as a target the binary is named .app. All test projects I did the binary gets created as .appex. All the information on the web suggests that it should be named .appex really. Where does this come from and how do I alter this?
I had the same problem.
The following steps helped:
selected target Today Extortion -> Build Settings -> line Wrapper Extension add (change) value to appex
Same problem happened today when I created a Notification Content extension in an old project.(2016, Xcode8 iOS10)
Finally I found the cause:
"Wrapper Extension" in Build Settings of the project was “app”, and when the new target of extension was created, "Wrapper Extension” inherited from the project settings as “app”.
Clearing the project setting before adding an extention target will make Xcode creat an extention as “appex” automatically.
I am herewith sharing the step and source code.
Step 1:- App extension must have a containing app - you can't just create an app extension to be downloaded from the store, first create a regular app to contain the app extension. For the sake of this demonstration just create a new single view project and leave it untouched. Go to File-> New-> Project and select Single view application under iOS -> Applications call it 'ExtendableApp'.
Step 2:- If you want to create your custom experience simply set your ExtensionViewController to inherit from UIViewController, Once your extension is activated all the regular viewDidLoad, viewDidAppear, etc will be called.
Step 3:- In your controller storyboard create outlets for button, I am herewith describing 3 buttons.
Step 4:- In ExtensionViewController.m write
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
self.preferredContentSize = CGSizeMake(self.view.frame.size.width, 60.0f);
// Do any additional setup after loading the view from its nib.
Step 5:- I am assuming that you have set the outlets and IB Action of your buttons in extension storyboard
- (IBAction) mActionButtonTapped :(UIButton *) sender {
switch (sender.tag) {
case 0: {
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:#"IDENTIFIER_1://"];
[self.extensionContext openURL:url completionHandler:nil];
case 1: {
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:#"IDENTIFIER_2://"];
[self.extensionContext openURL:url completionHandler:nil];
case 2: {
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:#"IDENTIFIER_3://"];
[self.extensionContext openURL:url completionHandler:nil];
Step 6:- In your project write these code in appDelete.m
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application handleOpenURL:(NSURL *)url {
[self appExtensionCallBack:url.absoluteString];
return YES;
- (void) appExtensionCallBack :(NSString *)urlString {
if ([urlString isEqualToString:#"IDENTIFIER_1://"]) {
[self.tabBarController setSelectedIndex:0];
} else if ([urlString isEqualToString:#"IDENTIFIER_2://"]) {
[self.tabBarController setSelectedIndex:1];
} else if ([urlString isEqualToString:#"IDENTIFIER_3://"]) {
[self.tabBarController setSelectedIndex:2];
Note :- I am using Tab Bar Controller in my project, You can give own respected controller.
- (void) moveToControllerScene {
UIStoryboard *storyboard = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:STORY_BOARD_IDENTIFIER bundle:nil];
YOUR_CONTROLLER_OBJECT *obj = [storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"YOUR_CONTROLLER_OBJECT"];
[navController pushViewController:obj animated:YES];
Step 7:- For testing the Extension in real device you have to make a separate App ID and Provisioning profile. Delete appropriate provisioning profile in extension and ur project.

Vector file not found in Metaio cloud plugin viewcontroller

I have installed a Metaio SDK in my IOS app and currently i am getting an error in the MetaioCloudPluginViewController.h that the vector file is not found, i have tried to change the type from .m or .mm where i have used this sdk file but unfortunately if i would do it then the new errors are popping up such as "comparison between pointer and integer". I have changed few things in my build setting but still the result is same.
This the file which i am including in the stated viewcontroller.
#include <vector>
The below code is used in one of the viewcontroller.m file.
- (IBAction)onStartPushed:(id)sender {
// Create a new ARViewController. All channel details and properties are defined in that class.
// see ARViewController.mm for the implementation
ARViewController* metaioCloudPlugin = [[ARViewController alloc] init];
// present the viewcontroller
[self presentViewController:metaioCloudPlugin animated:YES completion:nil];
// release it, because it's retained as modalViewController
//[metaioCloudPlugin release];
Thanks for your time.
You need to rename your viewcontroller.m to viewcontroller.mm file because there is a C++ code.
Hope this helps.

How to intercept adding calls to call history in iOS?

I'm developing a tweak for jailbroken iPhones. I'm trying to intercept the process of a call being added to the call history. With a little bit search I found CTCallHistoryStoreAddCall function in CoreTelephony framework found here. When I try to use it I get an error:
Undefined symbols for architecture armv7: "_CTCallHistoryStoreAddCall"
I linked the CoreTelephony framework and the way I used it in my code was:
typedef struct __CTCall * CTCallRef;
extern "C" void CTCallHistoryStoreAddCall(CTCallRef call);
I guess that means this function does not exist anymore or if it does I'm not using it in the correct way.
How can I find the right function that is responsible for adding an incoming phone call to the call history?
Thanks in advanced.
I'm using iOSOpenDev on Xcode 5.
There is no such function. At least in iOS7.
I've posted solution for iOS7 here Hide a phone call completely in iOS (jailbreak device)
Here is the code:
//Private API from CoreTelephony.framework
void CTCallDeleteFromCallHistory(CTCallRef call);
%hook PHRecentCall
if (IsCallShouldBeDeleted(call) == YES)
//Delete call from call history
//Update MobilePhone app UI
id PHRecentsViewController = [[[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] rootViewController] tabBarViewController] recentsViewController];
if ([PHRecentsViewController isViewLoaded])
[PHRecentsViewController resetCachedIndexes];
[PHRecentsViewController _reloadTableViewAndNavigationBar];
//Try uncommenting this, may be it will work. Should make the code faster.
//return nil;
return %orig;
Tweak hooks class inside MobilePhone app so bundle filter is com.apple.mobilephone.
IsCallShouldBeDeleted is pseudo function that determines whether a call should be deleted. You can remove it or implement your own. It's there just to make the code more clear.
On iOS6 class names are different but code is exactly the same - Apple just renamed the classes. I use that solution since iOS4. Also on iOS4 it requires a bit more code as there was no CTCallDeleteFromCallHistory function.
You are encountering this error because the CoreTelephony framework is not being linked to your program. To fix this, add the following to your makefile:
Note that you have to replace PROJECT_NAME with your own project's name.
