CoronaSDK APK OBB GooblePlay alignment - alignment

I have an application with a size of 81 MB. I had to divide it into APK file and OBB. APK has a size of 6.2 MB, while OBB 75.1 MB. I do not know how to publish the application in now GooglePlay. Already signed APK file. But I can not use the command zipalign on the APK (can not find the files that are in the OBB). I do not know how in this situation so divided publish the application.

Just add OBB file as expansion file on screen AFTER apk upload.
Only files in APK are lua scripts, all assets are in expansion file.


Kivy buildozer 64 bit apk not being accepted by google play store

Google Play Store was not accepting my 32 bit apk. So I followed the instruction from this link to change the android.arch to arm64-v8a in the buildozer spec file.
I did exactly that. Here are all the steps that I took:
1. Change android.arch from armeabi-v7a to arm64-v8a. Save the spec file.
2. Run sudo buildozer android release . Get an unsigned apk file.
3. Run zipalign -v -p 4 kindact-0.1-release-unsigned.apk kindact-0.1-release-unsigned-aligned.apk to get an aligned apk.
4. Copy that file along with the key file into a folder contained apksigner.
5. Run sudo ./apksigner sign --ks my-release-key.jks --out kindact-release.apk kindact-0.1-release-unsigned-aligned.apk to get a signed apk.
6. Upload that file to the App Releases in Google Play Store.
I get the same error "This release is not compliant with the Google Play 64-bit requirement.The following APKs or App Bundles are available to 64-bit devices, but they only have 32-bit native code: 7212." as in the 32 bit version, before editing the buildozer spec file.
On the same Google Play Store page, I click on the dropdown of the apk and the Native platforms is still showing armeabi-v7a.
I try uploading 1 32 bit apk and 1 64 bit apk as suggested here Kivy and Google Play 64-bit but still get the same error.
What did I do wrong? Please help.

New to React and trying to compile an APK but failing

I'm trying to setup a build process that can run when our dev commits to the GitLab repository. I'm trying to get this thing to build the APK and the method that I'm using for this is suggested by this thread the error I'm getting is here which implies that the file aapt doesn't exist. Although investigating that path it most certainly exists so I have no idea what I'm doing wrong here.
The docker container that I'm using as a base is /runmymind/docker-android-sdk/:latest then I'm using this dockerfile at /chamunks/ReactNativeAndroid/
I'm not entirely certain how I'm failing at this as I've never compiled an android app before but this process being as crazy as it is makes me wonder how anyone ever builds an android app.
You can try deleting android/build and android/app/build directories and then call gradle to build and install the app.
For Debug you should call these in your project root directory;
(cd android/ && ./gradlew assembleDebug)
(cd android/ && ./gradlew installDebug)
For Release you should call these in your project root directory. This option needs a generated .keystore file. The produced .apk files are under android/app/build/outputs/apk path;
(cd android/ && ./gradlew assembleRelease)
(cd android/ && ./gradlew installRelease)
You might also try reinstalling your android-sdk. You might have a problem with version 23.0.3.

The binary being analyzed must be an executable

This seems to be a proble with permissions on how forge packages the IPA ( wild guess )
anyhow I also found that phonegap build users are having the same issue
I'm using Windows.
It looks like Apple might have changed their validation for IPA files, Trigger will have to look into this and update the way IPAs are created.
In the mean time IPAs are actually just zip files, you should be able to unzip it, make the Forge binary executable and zip it back up. I've not tried this so it might not work, but its worth a try until there is a better fix.
To do so using a command line on a mac you should be able to run the following commands (I assume you have access to a mac to use application loader). bad.ipa is the ipa file you tried to submit which didn't work, and good.ipa is the resulting ipa file which you should hopefully be able to submit.
unzip bad.ipa
chmod a+x Payload/
zip -r good.ipa Payload
You need to give executable permission mentioned file
This is what i did when i have same issue with google Admob library
chmod +x libGoogleAnalytics_debug.a
and compile again and upload ipa back to itunes connect.

How to compile CUDA SDK Sample?

I failed to compile conjugate gradient solver. I downloaded the whole archieve that contains libraries, makefile and other stuff but the compiler lacks some header files. How to include all files I downloaded? Maybe I need to add some path or copy folder "common" to /usr/local/cuda/include/
To download and build a cuda sample directly, the following steps worked for me:
tar -xzvf conjugateGradient.tar.gz
cd 7_CUDALibraries/conjugateGradient
# to execute the program:
This assumes a standard cuda 5 install is available at /usr/local/cuda.
It does not assume that any samples are previously installed.
I tested this on a machine with CUDA 5 and RHEL 5.5
If this does not work, please post details of the error output you received.
If you want to use some other sample than the example given here, the download links can be obtained here.

DEB Package add preinst after compiled

My buddy wrote a custom patch about a year ago for my iPad that allows me to use certain apps despite being jail broken. Unfortunately it no longer works but I figured out that it can be fixed by creating a few directories manually before installing the deb package.
Is it possible to bundle this preinst code with my existing deb file so that the directories are created automatically before the install fails? Please note that I do not have the original source code of the deb package.
Sure. Extract the contents of the Debian package (using dpkg -x), then create a file named preinst in the DEBIAN directory. This has to be an executable (or a shell script) with proper permissions; usualluy 0755 is good enough. The contents may be as follows:
mkdir -p /path/to/folder
Then re-create the package using dpkg-deb --build, and it should be fine now.
