Solution For Monitoring and Maintaining App's Size on Disc - ios

I'm building an app that makes extensive use of CoreData and a lot of my models have UIImage and NSData properties (for images and videos). Since it's not a great idea to store that data directly into CoreData, I built a file manager class that writes the files into different buckets in the documents directory depends on the context in which was created and media type.
My question now is how do I manage the documents directory? Is there a way to detect how much space the app has used up out of its total allocated space? Additionally, what is the best way to go about cleaning those directories; do I check every time a file is written or only on app launch, ect ect.

Is there a way to detect how much space the app has used up out of its total allocated space?
Apps don't have a limit on total allocated space, they're limited by the amount of space on the device. You can find out how much space you're using for these files by using NSFileManager to scan the directories. There are several methods that do this in different ways-- check out enumeratorAtPath:, for example. For each file, use a method like attributesOfItemAtPath:error: to get the file size.
Better would be to track the file sizes as you create and delete files. Keep a running total, stored in user defaults. When you create a new file, increase it by the amount of new data. When you remove a file, decrease the running total.
Additionally, what is the best way to go about cleaning those directories; do I check every time a file is written or only on app launch, ect ect.
If these files are local data that's inherently part of the associated Core Data object, the sensible approach is to delete a file when its Core Data object is deleted. The managed object needs the data file, so don't delete the file if you still use the object. That means there must be some way to link the two, but I'm assuming that's already true since you say that these files are used by managed objects somehow.
If the files are something like cached data that's easily re-created or re-downloaded, you should put them in the location returned by NSTemporaryDirectory(). Then iOS can delete them when it thinks the space is needed. You can also clear out old files whenever it seems appropriate, by scanning for older files or ones that haven't been used in a while (the details depend on exactly how you use the files).


Size limit that an iOS app can dynamically expand to?

I am implementing an iOS app, where in a certain scenario, the app will download number of images from our server and store image data into a file and have the reference in a plist file and placed in documents directory. I would like to know what is the limit of the app can expand the size when its running on iOS device? I am asking this because, my app may download 100 images from server and store their image data into a file file, that will expand the app size more dynamically.
Please advise.
The only limit is the amount of free space on the device, there is no other limit. But Apple might reject your app if you are storing lots of data you can re-download in the documents directory. The rules state that data the app can re-download must not be stored in places where it is backed up to iCloud. That would mean you have to store it in the Library/Caches folder or set the NSURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey resource value.
If you store data in the caches directory you must be prepared to download it again at any time since the system might decide to clear that folder at any time if it's low on disk space.
If you follow these simple rules you can store as much data as you want to. But here is another issue: I wouldn't recommend storing large amounts of binary data as a property list file. A better approach would be to store each image in its own file. If you store them all in a single property list file you have to load them all at once which requires a lot of memory and takes more time.

Storing CoreData to RackSpace

I am developing an app on xCode 5, iOS 7. I have some data stored in CoreData. My requirement is to upload that data to RackSpace. Whats the best way to do this?
Where can I find .sqlite file associated with CoreData?
The SQLite file is wherever you put it. There's no magic to it, you have to tell Core Data exactly where you want the file. You do this when you call addPersistentStoreWithType:configuration:URL:options:error:. The URL argument is the location of the SQLite file.
If you try and use the file directly, make sure that:
You shut down your Core Data stack completely before doing so, to make sure that all unsaved data has been flushed to disk. That means no managed objects, managed object contexts, or persistent store coordinators in memory anywhere.
Make sure to get the SQLite journal files. If your store file were named Foo.sqlite, they will be named Foo.sqlite-wal and Foo.sqlite-shm and will be located in the same directory. If you don't get these files, most or all of your data will be missing.
However simply uploading the file is not a good solution for syncing data. To sync data, you'd have to download a copy of the data, load that, and compare every object in the file with every object that's already on the phone. It's not impossible but it's definitely making things much more difficult than necessary. There are many options that can simplify the process, including full service providers like Parse, SDKs that let you use one of a variety of back ends like, and others.

iOS app: Pre-populated large database not allowed - alternatives?

So my iOS app has just been rejected because it's storing too much non-user-created data in the SQLite database, which lives in the Documents folder.
The app basically involves a relatively large library of images -- around 60-or-so megabytes of them to start, and there are also in-app purchases which each add an additional 60-or-so mb of images. Furthermore, the user can add their own images to the library.
Right now everything (images and all) is stored in an SQLite database, which is generated when the app is first launched. As the user adds more images, or purchases image packs, those images are added to the database. To the user, all the images (user-generated or not) behave the same in the app.
But Apple won't allow this: I can't have all that data stored in the SQLite database in the Documents folder unless I set it specifically NOT to back up to iCloud, as it's all recreatable data.
But if I set it to not back up, then the user-generated data won't back up either, which I definitely don't want.
Any suggestions how I might "split up" the database, such that all the user-generated stuff can be backed up, but the included-or-purchased stuff isn't?
The reason you are being rejected is not following the Data Storage Guidelines. Data created or edited by the user belongs within NSDocumentsDirectory, while application data should be stored elsewhere (i.e., the Application Support directory). These requirements are a result of how iCloud backup and disk space purging work on iOS.
For a Core Data application, this means your persistent stores must be split into two different sets of files, in two different locations. This, in turn, ends up driving much of the application architecture and data model. To have relationships between the user data and application data, for instance, you must use two different managed object model configurations and the relationship must be a fetched property.
There is more detail on how to implement this in this answer.
An alternative for your specific case would be to save the images on the file system, in the caches directory or elsewhere. User images could exist in NSDocumentsDirectory while application images could exist in NSCachesDirectory. This would remove the images from Core Data and instead your model objects would have the path to the image on the file system. This would be a short term fix to get you through submission, and would probably work.
One option will be, storing your data to a server and calling is using web service. During first launch. Or as per requirement.

Core data keep creating A Document Being Saved... folders

I am using Core Data with a prepopulated Store with an entity that has Binary Data with External Storage checkbox enabled to save some large images externally, and every time I run the app in the simulator and executing a fetch request, a new folder called "A Document Being Saved by AppName" inside Documents is created.
The folder contains some of the images I fetched when running the app.
The problem is this folder doesn't delete on application termination, and the app keeps increasing in size currently weighting several GB!
I have started this project using the default Xcode template with Core Data enabled.
Did I Miss something ?
That folder is a temporary store for the externally saved BLOBs. The folder is normally emptied when the save is finished. If you crash though during the save, then the data is left behind for you to handle. I normally delete the directories on startup. Basically, if the BLOB isn't moved into the CD hidden BLOB directory, then it isn't in the DB. In my application, I've had no problem. Your mileage may vary.
Since you're using Core Data it seems likely that you want the data that your app generates to persist, right? If so, then deleting its data store when the app terminates doesn't seem very helpful. (Also, the user really shouldn't care whether the app has actually terminated or not.) Perhaps your app should instead monitor the number of images it has stored and delete the old ones as it goes along?

How efficient iOS file system in dealing with large number of files in single folder

If I have large number of files (n x 100K individual files) what would be most efficient way to store them in iOS file system (from speed of access to the file by path point of view)? Should I dump them all in single folder or break them in multilevel folder hierarchy.
Basically this breaks in three questions:
does file access time depend on number of "sibling" files (I think
answer is yes. If I am correct file names are organized into b-tree
so it should be O(log n))?
how expensive is traversing from one folder to another along the
path (is it something like m * O( log nm ) - where m is number of
components in the path and nm is number of "siblings" at each path
component )?
What gets cached at file system level to make above assumptions incorrect?
It would be great if some one had direct experience with this kind of problem and can share some real life results.
You comments will be highly appreciated
This seems like it might provide relevant, hard data:
File System vs Core Data: the image cache test
File system cache is, as expected, faster. Core Data falls shortly behind when storing (marginally slower) but load times are way higher when performing single random accesses.
For such a simple case Core Data functionality really doesn't pay up, so stick to the file system version.
I think you should store everything is a one folder and create a hash table which include key (file name) and value (source path) pare.By creating hash table complexity with be constant log(1) and this will speed up your process as well.
The file system is not an optimal database. With that many thousands of files, you should consider using Core Data, or other database instead to store the name and contents of each file.
