Asp.Net MVC 5 saving rss feed to database -

I am getting rss feed from a another website and in case that website shut down, I don't want to get an error. So in order to avoid from error I am trying to save rss feeds to database and if the rss server shuts down I will be able to get feed from my database.
I also want to keep only 6 feed in database. If new feed comes I want to delete the last feed by PublishDate
public static List<Rss.News> GetRssFeed(ApplicationDbContext db)
XDocument feedXml = XDocument.Load("
var feeds = from feed in feedXml.Descendants("item")
select new Rss.News
Title = feed.Element("title").Value,
Link = feed.Element("link").Value,
Description = feed.Element("description").Value,
int counter = 0;
var itemE = db.News.FirstOrDefault();
if (itemE != feeds.First())
foreach (var itemC in feeds)
if (!db.News.Contains(itemC))
counter += 1;
if (counter == 6) { break; }
return feeds.ToList();
catch (Exception)
// i will get data from database here.
I am getting this error when I run this code:
Unable to create a constant value of type
'...Models.Rss+News'. Only primitive types or enumeration
types are supported in this context.

The error is resulting from this line:
if (!db.News.Contains(itemC))
In order to do this type of evaluation at the database level, Entity Framework must be able to convert item being compared (itemC) into a constant value, which it cannot do with this type, hence your error. You can try casting db.News to a list, first, which would switch the evaluation over to in-memory instead at the the database, i.e.:
var news = db.News.ToList();
if (news.Contains(itemC))
However, you'll have to evaluate how that might affect your application's performance. Alternatively, you simply query on a particular value that you determine as the "key" for lookup. For example, you might say that Link will only ever match if it's the same item, so based on that:
if (!db.News.Any(m => m.Link == itemC.Link))


Add Pagination MVC and Azure table storage

Iam trying to apply Pagination to my MVC application. Iam using Azure table storage
Here is what I have tried:-
public List<T> GetPagination(string partitionKey, int start, int take)
List<T> entities = new List<T>();
TableQuery<T> query = new TableQuery<T>().Where(TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("PartitionKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, partitionKey.ToLower()));
entities = Table.ExecuteQuery(query).Skip(start).Take(take).ToList();
return entities;
public ActionResult Index()
key= System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request[Constants.Key];
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
return RedirectToAction("NoContext", "Error");
var items= _StorageHelper.GetPagination(key,0,3);
ItemCollection itemCollection = new ItemCollection();
itemCollection .Items= Mapper.Map<List<ItemChart>, List<ItemModel>>(items);
itemCollection .Items.ForEach(g => g.Object = g.Object.Replace(key, ""));
return View(itemCollection);
This currently gives me the first 3 entries from my data. Now how can I show and implement the "Previous" and "Next" to show the rest of the entries on next page? How do I implement the rest of the controller and HTML page?
Any help is appreciated.
When it comes to pagination, there are a few things to consider:
Not all LINQ operators (and in turn OData query options) are supported for Table Service. For example Skip is not supported. For a list of supported operators, please see this link:
The way pagination works with Table Service is that when you query your table to fetch some data, maximum number of entities that can be returned by table service is 1000. There's no guarantee that always 1000 entities will be returned. It may be less than 1000 or even 0 depending on how you're querying. However if there are more results available, Table Service returns something called a Continuation Token. You must use this token to fetch next set of results from table service. Please see this link for more information on query timeout and pagination:
Taking these two factors into consideration, you can't really implement a paging solution where a user can directly jump to a particular page (for example, user is sitting on page 1 and then the user can't go to page 4). At the most you can implement next page, previous page and first page kind of functionality.
To implement next page kind of functionality, store the continuation token returned by table service and use that in your query.
To implement previous page kind of functionality, you must store all the continuation tokens returned in an array or something and keep track of which page a user is on currently (that would be the current page index). When a user wants to go to previous page, you just get the continuation token for the previous index (i.e. current page index - 1) and use that in your query.
To implement first page kind of functionality, just issue your query without continuation token.
Do take a look at ExecuteQuerySegmented method in Storage Client Library if you want to implement pagination.
Please see the sample code below. For the sake of simplicity, I have only kept first page and next page functionality:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Auth;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Queue;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Table;
namespace TablePaginationSample
class Program
static string accountName = "";
static string accountKey = "";
static string tableName = "";
static int maxEntitiesToFetch = 10;
static TableContinuationToken token = null;
static void Main(string[] args)
var cloudStorageAccount = new CloudStorageAccount(new StorageCredentials(accountName, accountKey), true);
var cloudTableClient = cloudStorageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();
var table = cloudTableClient.GetTableReference(tableName);
Console.WriteLine("Press \"N\" to go to next page\nPress \"F\" to go first page\nPress any other key to exit program");
var query = new TableQuery().Take(maxEntitiesToFetch);
var continueLoop = true;
Console.WriteLine("Fetching entities. Please wait....");
var queryResult = table.ExecuteQuerySegmented(query, token);
token = queryResult.ContinuationToken;
var entities = queryResult.Results;
foreach (var entity in entities)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("PartitionKey = {0}; RowKey = {1}", entity.PartitionKey, entity.RowKey));
if (token == null)//No more token available. We've reached end of table
Console.WriteLine("All entities have been fetched. The program will now terminate.");
Console.WriteLine("More entities available. Press \"N\" to go to next page or Press \"F\" to go first page or Press any other key to exit program.");
var key = Console.ReadKey();
case 'N':
case 'n':
case 'F':
case 'f':
token = null;
continueLoop = false;
} while (continueLoop);
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to terminate the application.");

Why isn't my updated observable List reflected in the template?

I've got:
On attached, my-app gets the user and loads the app.user. In the meantime, community-list is attached (even before app.user is loaded) and so I haven't been able to get the user's starred communities yet. Therefore, the solution I'm working on is as follows.
In community-list.attached():
app.changes.listen((List<ChangeRecord> records) {
if (app.user != null) {
Elsewhere in community-list is said metho:
// This is triggered by an app.changes.listen.
void getUserStarredCommunities() {
// Determine if this user has starred the community.
communities.forEach((community) {
var starredCommunityRef = new db.Firebase(firebaseLocation + '/users/' + app.user.username + '/communities/' + community['id']);
starredCommunityRef.onValue.listen((e) {
if (e.snapshot.val() == null) {
community['userStarred'] = false;
} else {
community['userStarred'] = true;
Note that communities is an observable list in community-list:
#observable List communities = toObservable([]);
Which is initially populated in community-list.attached():
getCommunities() {
var f = new db.Firebase(firebaseLocation + '/communities');
var communityRef = f.limit(20);
communityRef.onChildAdded.listen((e) {
var community = e.snapshot.val();
// If no updated date, use the created date.
if (community['updatedDate'] == null) {
community['updatedDate'] = DateTime.parse(community['createdDate']);
// is Firebase's ID, i.e. "the name of the Firebase location"
// So we'll add that to our local item list.
community['id'] =;
// Insert each new community into the list.
// Sort the list by the item's updatedDate, then reverse it.
communities.sort((m1, m2) => m1["updatedDate"].compareTo(m2["updatedDate"]));
communities = communities.reversed.toList();
In summary, I load the list of communities even before I have a user, but once I have a user I want to update each community (Map) in the list of communities with the userStarred = true/false, which I then use in my community-list template.
Alas, it doesn't seem like the List updates. How do I achieve this?
This whole app.changes.listen business is expensive. What's the proper practice in a case like this, where an element is loaded before I load objects (like app.user) that will modify it in some way.
toList() creates a copy of the list. You need to apply toObservable again to get an observable list.
communities = toObservable(communities.reversed.toList());
This also assigns a new list to communities which is covered by #observable.
I think it should trigger anyway
2) You update your communities explicitly. It shouldn't be necessary to listen for changes. You can call a method containing
if (app.user != null) {
explicitly each time you change the list.
You also call Firebase for each community when a change in communities occurs. I don't know Firebase but it seems you send a request to a server each time which is of course expensive.
You should remember for what user+community combination you already made the call and use the remembered result instead.
With app.changes.listen you listen to any updated of any #observable field in your component. If you have other observable fields beside communities this method might be called too often.
If you are only interested in changes to communities you should put this code into a method like
communitiesChanged(oldVal, newVal) {
if (app.user != null) {
but the better option is to not listen to changes and another method name and call it explicitly as state above anyways if possible.

how to store data into temporary instead of database

i want to insert my data into temporary in mvc
I dont want to store data directly into database
For an example, as u visit to a mall and buy 5-6 things, so first it wont store all data in database, instead it stores into somewhere in application.
Like this what logic may i use to make this type of site
public ActionResult Education_Detail(Education objEducation)
sp.Reg_Can_Education(ref objEducation);
objEducation.CorColl = (CourseCollection)TempData["objCourseColl"];
TempData["objCourseColl"] = objEducation.CorColl;
for (int item = 0; item < objEducation.CorColl.Count; item++)
if (objEducation.CorColl.Item(item).CourseId.ToString() == objEducation.objCourse.CourseId)
objEducation.objCourse.CourseNm = objEducation.CorColl.Item(item).CourseNm.ToString();
if (objEducation.objCourse.CourseNm != null)
Thank you
Store your data in cookie or session and when user check out store it to database.

db4o: how can we get the data for only one object?

How can DB4o users get back the data for only one object?
(This is akin to getting the data for only one row of a traditional relational database table.)
With DB4o, I only know how to get the data back for a class of objects but not simply one unique object instance.
just query objects and get first item out of the result (the same like in relational database)
to get it by Guid ID:
using (IObjectContainer session = this.GetNewSession())
Dummy result = (from Dummy item in session
where item.Id == Guid.Parse("....")
select item).FirstOrDefault()
the result will be either null if item doesn't exist or the object found
other option is to get it directly by internal ID such as (or even UUID):
long id = ....;
using (IObjectContainer session = this.GetNewSession())
Dummy result = (Dummy)session.Ext().GetByID(id);
I have answered my own question (I believe):
Solution #1:
public List<Object> getListOfObjects(final Object o){
List<Object> result = db.query(new Predicate<Object>(){
public boolean match (Object arg0){
return true;
return false;
return result;
Solution #2:
public ObjectSet<Class<?>> getListOfObjects(Object o){
Query q = db.query();
ObjectSet<Class<?>> set = q.execute();
return set;
Maybe someone knows if one of these solutions is better than the other, or whatever.

SPWeb.Fields is empty when iterating through SPWebCollection

I'm writing a command line application that checks the SPFieldCollection returned by the SPWeb.Fields property, but it's not behaving as I'd like. I have hundreds of SPWebs and it's definitely touching them all, but for all but the initial SPWeb, it's returning an empty Fields property. What am I doing wrong?
string siteUrl = "http://webroot/sitecoll";
using (SPSite siteCol = new SPSite(siteUrl))
using(SPWeb outerWeb = siteCol.OpenWeb())
foreach (SPWeb innerWeb in siteCol.AllWebs)
LogMessageToFile(String.Format("Checking {0}", innerWeb.Url)); //executed for each of the hundreds of innerWebs
if (innerWeb.Fields.ContainsField("Year"))
// Never accessed after the first time through because innerWeb.Fields is empty
SPweb.Fields live at the site collection level.
Unless you specifically create the fields at the subsite levels you will get 0 returned.
