Is available to embed AdMob in my app that contains my youtube videos? - youtube-api

This is not programing question. I come in here from youtube API page by clicking 'Ask a Question'...;
I will make the app shows yoga videos using Youtube API. Those videos are mine. In that app, people can play my youtube videos. I will show AdMob on video list page. My plan is available?
Or, Except AdMob, I can insert AD onto video?

it is not allowed to simply play YouTube content in an app. This is called framing.


Deep linking into YouTube Upload from another iOS App

I make an app for video editing and would like to deep link from the save screen into places like YouTube and Instagram's upload screens.
Is there a way to deep-link into YouTube or YouTube Short's upload screen on the iOS app? I'm having trouble finding any deep-link URL schemes for YouTube (though I see Instagram does have some).
No such deep-link exists for youtube.

Am I separating, isolating or modifying the audio or video of a Youtube Video in my Android App?

I have a responsive website for kids. Kids can watch selected Youtube Videos in a webbrowser. To make ann Android app, I used an APK creator. This app shows my website in a fullscreen webviewer. I set it up to hide the addressbar, so kids can more safely brows the App (website). On the website are no external links, except the links from the Youtube player. The YouTube video's are loading with a normal Wordpress YouTube plugin. When hitting the YouTube logo or Video URL, the Youtube website wil show.
Now Google Plays said i am violating the rules of the YouTube Api:
"Your API Client will not, and You will not encourage or create functionality for Your users or other third parties to: (8) separate, isolate, or modify the audio or video components of any YouTube audiovisual content made available through the YouTube API;"
This I truely not understand. There is no way I want to violate anything. When I appeal for reinstatement the just saying:
"After further review, we are unable to reinstate your application. You can find out more information under Reason for Suspension in the initial removal notification from Google Play."
The initial removal notification said what I wrote above.

Open Youtube App and go back to my App

For my project, I would like to watch some Youtube video. However, when I embed Youtube's Player in a UIWebView, the quality is really low. So, I decide to play the videos on the Youtube App if she's on the phone.
My problem is that my user can't go back to my app once the video is finish.
I know there's a URL Scheme for Google Maps App that add a button to go back to your app, but I didn't find anythings for the Youtube App.
Any idea ?
There isn't any public URL Scheme for the YouTube iOS App like Google Maps has for callbacks.
You can use this SDK for embedding Youtube videos into your app:
Check out the Youtube Developer Site:, if they will enable an URL Scheme with callbacks, it will be available here.

YouTube Ads in Embedded Videos

I tried to find out about Ads on YouTube embedded videos, but didn't get any solution.
Actually, I am embedding videos from my multiple YouTube channels (we have different channels for different categories) to my website. But, I am not able to see any ads on my videos on my website. I am using YouTube Data API v3 to fetch videos on my website.
Do I have to manage Ads from YouTube Data API?
I have to manage Ads from my different YouTube channels or my YouTube account?
This has been asked before. These 2 links might help you
Embed YouTube Video with No Ads
You have to manage ads from your youtube user account, it's not allowed to manage them from the page where they're embedded
.7. modify, replace, interfere with or block advertisements placed by YouTube in the YouTube Data, YouTube audiovisual content, or the YouTube player;
from the youtube documentation here:

Youtube integration in iOS SDK

How I can integrate Youtube with iOS? Mainly I want to play private videos without asking for login. Login should be hard coded in the app and will not ask user before playing the private video.
Some YouTube videos can be played back in a MPMoviePlayerController - some cannot. When you query a video through the YouTube Data API
you'll get back all the content types available for a particular videos, including the Flash player, 3GPP, MP4 (if available), etc. You can use these URLs to load up a MPMoviePlayerController.
This is perfectly fine, but as I've said - not all videos are available to embed this way. Some videos (mainly ones that require adverts to be displayed) can't be put into native controllers.
