Ada compiler: warning variable <X> is assigned but never read - task

I have the following very simple piece of code in Ada which is giving me grief. I trimmed down the code to the minimum to show the problem, the only thing you need to know is that Some_Task is a task type:
task body TB is
Task1 : Some_Task_Ref;
Task1 := new Some_Task;
Put_Line("Main loop is running, whatever...");
delay 5.0;
end loop;
end TB;
From what I understand about task activation in Ada this should be sufficient: I'm creating a task of type "Some_Task" and I don't have to do anything with it, it will execute it's main loop without any intervention. It's not like in java where you have to call a "start" method on the task object.
But if I'm correct, why is the compiler refusing to build, giving me the error:
warning variable "Task1" is assigned but never read
Why should I be forced to "read" Task1? It's a task, all it needs to do is run... what am I missing?
Note: this seems to happen only when I use GNAT in "Gnat mode" (switch -gnatg). Unfortunately I need this mode for some advanced pragmas, but it seems it introduces some "overzelous" checks like the one causing the problem above. How can I deactivate that check?

It's a warning, not an error, and does not prevent building an executable (unless you've turned on "treat warnings as errors"). It's a hint from the compiler that you may have made a mistake in creating a variable that is never used. You can tell the compiler that you don't indend to use Task1 by declaring it as a constant, like this:
Task1 : constant Some_Task_Ref := new Some_Task;

Just to answer this question, since the answer was posted in a comment, which cannot be marked as an answer.
As Holt said (all props to him) this can be fixed by using:
pragma Warnings (Off, Some_Task_Ref) ;


Delphi code compilation error

when i compile my code i can see that some lines are not compiled. Due to this issue some codes does not execute according to the way i want.
i have attached a screenshot of the delphi IDE in the debug mode. Blue dots on the left shows the lines which are compiled and those lines without the blue dots does not function properly or not complied
As can see on the watch window that variable dPcnt value is 0 taxP, srvP, serv_charge does not have a proper value but in the code window can see that the variables have been initialized to 0
Can someone help me out to correct the issue.
It is the optimizer that has removed useless lines like
srvP := 0;
because you don't use that value before you assign a new value on line 770.
I can not see how and where the other variables are used, but I bet the reason is similar.
You can turn optimization on and off with the compiler directive {$O+} or {$O-} {$OPTIMIZATION ON} or {$OPTIMIZATION OFF}. But, please note what help says about it:
Other than for certain debugging situations, you should never have a
need to turn optimizations off. All optimizations performed by the
Delphi compiler are guaranteed not to alter the meaning of a program.
In other words, the compiler performs no "unsafe" optimizations that
require special awareness by the programmer.
If you have compiler hints turned on ({$HINTS ON}) you will see hints in the form H2077 Value assigned to '%s' never used for lines that are 'useless'.
Further info here:
H2077 Value assigned to '%s' never used #Delphi#

FAKE Fsc task is writing build products to wrong directory

I'm just learning F#, and setting up a FAKE build harness for a hello-world-like application. (Though the phrase "Hell world" does occasionally come to mind... :-) I'm using a Mac and emacs (generally trying to avoid GUI IDEs by preference).
After a bit of fiddling about with documentation, here's how I'm invoking the F# compiler via FAKE:
let buildDir = #"./build-app/" // Where application build products go
Target "CompileApp" (fun _ -> // Compile application source code
!! #"src/app/**/*.fs" // Look for F# source files
|> Seq.toList // Convert FileIncludes to string list
|> Fsc (fun p -> // which is what the Fsc task wants
{p with //
FscTarget = Exe //
Platform = AnyCpu //
Output = (buildDir + "hello-fsharp.exe") }) // *** Writing to . instead of buildDir?
) //
That uses !! to make a FileIncludes of all the sources in the usual way, then uses Seq.toList to change that to a string list of filenames, which is then handed off to the Fsc task. Simple enough, and it even seems to work:
Starting Target: CompileApp (==> SetVersions)
FSC with args:[|"-o"; "./build-app/hello-fsharp.exe"; "--target:exe"; "--platform:anycpu";
Finished Target: CompileApp
However, despite what the console output above says, the actual build products go to the top-level directory, not the build directory. The message above looks like the -o argument is being passed to the compiler with an appropriate filename, but the executable gets put in . instead of ./build-app/.
So, 2 questions:
Is this a reasonable way to be invoking the F# compiler in a FAKE build harness?
What am I misunderstanding that is causing the build products to go to the wrong place?
This, or a very similar problem, was reported in FAKE issue #521 and seems to have been fixed in FAKE pull request #601, which see.
Explanation of the Problem
As is apparently well-known to everyone but me, the F# compiler as implemented in FSharp.Compiler.Service has a practice of skipping its first argument. See FSharp.Compiler.Service/tests/service/FscTests.fs around line 127, where we see the following nicely informative comment:
// fsc parser skips the first argument by default;
// perhaps this shouldn't happen in library code.
Whether it should or should not happen, it's what does happen. Since the -o came first in the arguments generated by FscHelper, it was dutifully ignored (along with its argument, apparently). Thus the assembly went to the default place, not the place specified.
The temporary workaround was to specify --out:destinationFile in the OtherParams field of the FscParams setter in addition to the Output field; the latter is the sacrificial lamb to be ignored while the former gets the job done.
The longer term solution is to fix the arguments generated by FscHelper to have an extra throwaway argument at the front; then these 2 problems will annihilate in a puff of greasy black smoke. (It's kind of balletic in its beauty, when you think about it.) This is exactly what was just merged into the master by #forki23:
// Always prepend "fsc.exe" since fsc compiler skips the first argument
let optsArr = Array.append [|"fsc.exe"|] optsArr
So that solution should be in the newest version of FAKE (3.11.0).
The answers to my 2 questions are thus:
Yes, this appears to be a reasonable way to invoke the F# compiler.
I didn't misunderstand anything; it was just a bug and a fix is in the pipeline.
More to the point: the actual misunderstanding was that I should have checked the FAKE issues and pull requests to see if anybody else had reported this sort of thing, and that's what I'll do next time.

Erlang Bit Syntax pattern matching works in shell but not as passed argument

I am trying to make a simple UDP packet decoder.
<<Opts:8,MobIdLength:8,MobId:64,MobIdType:8,MgeType:8,SeqNum:16,Rest/binary>> = Packet,
Packet is passed by a receive loop:
rcv_loop(Socket) ->
inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}, binary]),
io:format("rcvr started:~n"),
{udp, Socket, Host, Port, Bin} ->
I keep getting(following error edited 9/7/12 9:30 EST):
** exception error: no match of right hand side value
in function udp_server:packet_decoder/1
called as udp_server:packet_decoder(<<131,8,53,134,150,4,149,0,80,15,
in call from udp_server:rcv_loop/1
in call from udp_server:init/0
If I create the same variable in the Erlang shell as a binary, i.e.
Packet = <<131,8,53,134,150,4,149,0,80,15,1,2,1,2,0,16,80,71,115,52,80,71,115,53,24,63,227,197,211,228,89,72,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16,0,5,5,32,1,4,255,159,15,18,28,0,34,62,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,47,67>>.
<<Opts:8,MobIdLength:8,MobId:64,MobIdType:8,MgeType:8,SeqNum:16,Rest/binary>> = Packet.
It works just fine. Is there some subtlety in passing this to a function that I am missing? I have tried what I think is everything(except the right way). I tried setting the type and size. I also just tried
<<Rest/binary>> = Packet.
To no avail. Any help much appreciated.
The error you are getting when you run your code does not match your code. The error you are getting:
** exception error: no match of right hand side value ...
is a badmatch error and comes from an explicit = match where the pattern does not match the value from the RHS. There is no = in the code for rcv_loop/1. This implies that the loop you are running is not this code. So there are some questions to be asked:
When you have recompiled the module containing rcv_loop/1 have you restarted the loop so you run the new code? This is not done automagically.
Are you sure you are loading/running the code you think you are? I know this question sounds stupid but it is very easy, and not uncommon, to work on one version of the code and load another. You need to get the paths right.
The other things about mentioned about your code would not give this error. The calls to io:format/2 are wrong but would result in errors when you make the actual calls to io:format/2. Using the variable Socket as you do is not an error, it just means that you only want to receive UDP packets from just that socket.
EDIT : the first part of my answer was completely wrong so in order to not mislead, I deleted it.
Like spotted Alexey Kachayev io:format takes as second parameter a list, so :
<<Opts:8,MobIdLength:8,MobId:64,MobIdType:8,MgeType:8,SeqNum:16,Rest/binary>> = Packet,
I figured it out(kinda). I had been working on this in erlide in eclipse which had worked fine for all of the other parts of the. I tried compiling it from the erl shell and it worked fine. There must be some minor difference in the way eclipse is representing the source or the way it invokes the erlang compiler and shell. I will take it up with Thanks for the help!

Restart Delphi Application Programmatically

It should not be possible to run multiple instances of my application. Therefore the project source contains:
CreateMutex (nil, False, PChar (ID));
if (GetLastError = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) then
Now I want to restart my application programmatically. The usual way would be:
AppName := PChar(Application.ExeName) ;
ShellExecute(Handle,'open', AppName, nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL) ;
But this won't work in my case because of the mutex. Even if I release the mutex before starting the second instace it won't work because shutdown takes some time and two instance cannot run in parallel (because of common resources and other effects).
Is there a way to restart an application with such characteristics? (If possible without an additional executable)
Thanks in advance.
Perhaps you should think outside the box. Instead of futzing with the mutex / instance logic, you could simply create another executable that waits for your app to close then starts it again. As an added bonus, you can later use this mechanism to, for example, update some of your main app's binaries. It's also much easier to run it elevated instead of maintaining different integrity levels inside the same app, etc.
Why can't you just release the mutex before attempting to restart? If by some chance another instance gets going before the one you explicitly invoke with the restart that doesn't matter, you'll still have your app up and running again with whatever changes effected that required the restart. I don't think you need any of the complexity of the other solutions.
Include in your ShellExecute some parameter, for example, /WaitForShutDown and create one more mutex. In your program, before the initialization, for example, in its .dpr file, insert something like:
if (Pos('/WaitForShutDown', CmdLine) <> 0) then
WaitForSingleObject(ShutDownMutexHandle, INFINITE);
Also, in your program, after all the finalizations and releasing your common resources, include something like
OK. Now I belive that I know where is your problem...
You have problems with program units finalization!
Try to add at program section as first unit my bottom RestartMutex unit.
program MyProgramName;
unit RestartMutex;
Restart: boolean = false;
MutexHandle: cardinal;
AppName: PChar;
ID = 'MyProgram';
MutexHandle := CreateMutex (nil, False, PChar (ID));
if (GetLastError = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) then
if Restart then
AppName := PChar('MyProgramName.exe') ;
ShellExecute(0,'open', AppName, nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL) ;
When you want to restart application just set variable Restart to true and than terminate an application.
So, because is RestartMutex added as first in program section, this will couse that finalisation of unit RestartMutex will hepped nearly at the end of closing an application and all other units will do finalization before unit RestartMutex, that mean the Application can start safe again!
You could pass a command line argument like "restart" and run a Sleep() before you try to acquire the Mutex or try to acquire the mutex in a loop that sleeps a while.
Also you could set up communication between both processes, but that might be overkill.
hi take a look a the following article by Zarko Gajic - there you will get some ideas, sample code and even a whole component to use.
Your ReleaseMutex is probably failing since you're passing 'False' for 'bInitialOwner' while calling CreateMutex. Either have the initial ownership of the mutex, or call CloseHandle instead of 'ReleaseMutex' passing your mutex handle.
checkout this way:
Simply runs a new application and kills the currernt one;
(beating the sleep idea)
if you want to make sure the original process is really terminated/closed before you create the mutex, then one idea is to pass the PID to the new process (command line is the easiest, any other IPC method works as well), then use OpenProcess(SYNCHRONIZE, false, pid) and WaitForSingleObject (I'd use a loop with a timeout (100 ms is a good value) and act accordingly if the original process takes too long to close)
What I ended up doing, beside the above, was to also create a RestartSelf procedure in the same unit with the mutex, and do the logic there, in order to keep the single instance and restart logic in the same place (the parameter being hardcoded, you don't want hardcoded stuff to be scattered around your application(s).

Skip sourcecode in background (kibitz) compiler

I have a problem with the background compiler in Delphi7: in my project there is a single line of code that causes the background compiler to stop with an error message so that no CodeCompletion is possible. The normal compiler and the syntax check have no problem with this code and the resulting application is correct.
My question is if there is any way to skip this codeline when the background compilation is performed (e.g. compiler directive).
Example code to reproduce the error:
procedure ProduceKibitzError;
v : Variant;
v.End; // This line stops kibitz compiler
This code is placed in a unit "Error.pas" which is used in the main unit.
If you try to call CodeCompletion in the main-unit, it stops with the message "Error.pas could not be compiled" (real message is in german).
Interestingly the error only occurs until the project is compiled or syntax check is performed for the first time.
After compilation the CodeCompletion is working and Delphi has to be restarted to reproduce the error.
Adding an empty Assembler block with an end label is a solution for the problem.
Here is the changed example code that doesn't stop the background compiler:
procedure ProduceKibitzError;
v : Variant;
Many thanks,
The background compiler does not do procedure body analysis when parsing to get to the position of the cursor. Instead, it uses simple syntax matching (such as begin/end pairs). If simple syntax matching indicates that the final end in the unit has been met, then it exits early.
This is what's happening with your example. The first End token is not escaped by the late binding logic because it's not being parsed by the real expression compiler, and instead it's being read as the end of the procedure. The second end looks like the end of the unit, and the background compiler never sees any further.
Added: You might try adding an empty asm/end block to this routine. It prevents the kibitz compiler skipping procedure analysis. Graphics.pas has an asm/end block with an ##end label, and the compiler handles asm/end blocks specially because of it.
Looks like the background compilation doesn't know what to do with the late binding.
Do you know which COM type library is used to make the call on the object? It would benefit both the compilation and the application's performance if you could export and use the pascal-wrapper unit based on the type library. (See Import Type Library option in the main menu)
Try escaping the token with & ?
