Notepad++ inserts text on enter - lua

I may have accidentally turned on a weird setting within Notepad++. When I press enter after certain lines, it autofills strange text. Take a look.
Has anyone ever seen anything like this? Restarting notepad doesn't fix it. Any insight would be appreciated.

This can be caused by the plugin NppCalc, when ActiveCalc is on.
You may have accidentally turned it on with Ctrl-Shift-C if that is still assigned to ActiveCalc.
Turning ActiveCalc off (either with Ctrl-Shift-C again or by unchecking Plugins -> NppCalc -> Active Calc) should solve the problem.

I'd reset the configuration, or take a look at it manually.
It should be under:
You could copy the folder so you have a backup, then move files one by one until you find out which file has the offending setting in it, then narrow it down from there.


iOS xib file difference comparison

I pulled code from github and run code, and see the code change as listed in the picture. Please help me clarify what is this info is about, why this happens and does it have any side-effects. Thanks very much!
It's nothing to worry about. When you open an xib it just updates the version number. It has no effect on the resulting xib and you can either revert the change or push it to your repo.
Only effect it may have is causing conflicts when using version control but they're easy to resolve conflicts. It doesn't matter which version you decide to keep.

Xcode - Invalid character in source file (Replace " " with " ")

I have a question about Xcode (Swift). Sometimes when I write an if statement. Something like this:
if(a == 2){
//do Sth
} else {
//do Sth
Xcode throws me an error: "Invalid character in source file"
I know it is no big deal and fixed by clicking on "Fix-it" but I want
to know what is the problem. That doesn't make sense to me...
My Xcode is on 7.2 and I am using Swift - I don't know if this is just a Swift problem.
For me it's the ESC key - it's completely reproducible! If I go to search and hit ESC in the search window I also find the occurrences marked - and can replace those with nothing. But it's not shown even with "Show invisible"!
final solution: Bind ESC keybinding to "Cancel". It's that simple.
I was having this problem. The way I solved it is by 1) copying whatever you have into Sublime Text or another code editor and having a look (you may need to enable viewing hidden characters). Mine had a code in there DC2 which is some sort of ASCII control character. For me it was caused by the fact that I had put the playground into manual execute and bound a keyboard shortcut to it that seemed to be entering that control character every time I executed it using the shortcut. I just changed the shortcut and removed the ASCII characters as I was able to see them in Sublime Text. (The link in the comments to the OP concerning left to right mode made no sense and didn't work for me.)
I encountered this problem when I was using a non-Apple keyboard with my iMac. Probably your case too. They add unnecessary control characters! One way to fix it in Xcode ischoose from the menu Editor>Show Invisibles and see if there are any unwanted characters where the error is being thrown and remove them.
Editor->Show Invisibles did not show the character that was causing a problem for me. No-break-space (u00a0) will be shown as a space with no "dot" indicator. However, that's really hard to see and I completely missed it the first time. Zoom helps.
One way I found to detect invalid characters is to use Visual Studio Code and enable the settings:
"editor.renderControlCharacters": true
"editor.renderWhitespace": "all"
This has the same visibility issue with no-break-space as Xcode, however it does show other special characters.
To make it more obvious and possibly detect more invalid characters, install the extension "ascii-unicode-escape" and follow the instructions.
I don't understand why Xcode allows these invalid characters, inserts them into your source files for no reason, and doesn't even give an option to detect them! I'm trying to write code, not secrets in invisible ink, damnit!! I guess it's less of an issue for compiled code, which will show an error, but not so convenient with shader code.
I'm having the same issue. I found a solution after extensive testing. Hopefully it could save others extensive hours of researching into this terrible Xcode experience.
The problem is I have a FILCO Minila keyboard, which has the 'App' key right next to 'left arrow'. I would accidentally hit 'App' when typing really fast, and it enters a 'DEL'(Data Link Escape, Unicode 0010) invisible character. It could only be seen when copy-pasted to Sublime. It's not even visible under Xcode's own 'Editor -> Show Invisibles'(Talking about good user experience...)
Magically this doesn't happen to Sublime or VSCode, only to Xcode. So no excuses for Xcode I guess?
The fix is to download Karabiner, an advanced keymapper for macOS, and invalidate the 'App' key or map it to something else. Karabiner would also invalidate your keymapping in the system default keyboard config. So you would have to remap stuff like 'cmd', 'alt' if you've customized them. If so, be sure to map both left & right modifier keys in Karabiner, because according to Karabiner's key event viewer, the system default keymap would map left_alt & left_cmd to right_cmd and right_alt... Just annoying as hell...
It took me 2 months to realize this problem and 2 hours to actually find out it's the 'app' key that's the culprit and fix it.
I'm using XCode 10.1.
With Xcode: Xcode does not help even after showing invisibles.
Then you can copy the code to Sublime Text => you will see these invisible characters which are the <0x0f>. Click the image to see in details.
With Sublime Text 3, it works!
=> Then you know where to remove the redundancies. Hope that helps!
Are you using the option ⌥ key for any keyboard shortcuts? This was my issue. It seems combining the option key with other keys can insert hidden characters.
For me, this happened when I used the ⌃+⌥+p shortcut in Xcode to resume the SwiftUI preview canvas. It added a 0x10 character. I discovered this, as other posters have recommended, by pasting the code from Xcode into Sublime Text.
(NB: I should have been using ⌘+⌥+p).

Bad Access at UIApplicationMain() if Keyboard's Correction is set to Default or Yes

In my project, there is a simple table view and search controller. Everything loads and works fine, until I type into the text field. It then crashes at UIApplicationMain(), with a stack track of several UIKeyboardInputImpl methods. On a whim, I decided to mess with the settings in IB for the Search Bar itself—turns out, setting the option for Correction to Default or Yes causes the crash. I've never seen this happen before, and I'm tempted to call this a bug in the SDK. Can anyone confirm or provide more insight?
Xcode 4 Project:
I've downloaded and checked your sample project for all available options of Correction and it didn't crash. You should try cleaning your build and derived data just in case and try again. If you are sure that the problem is reproducible I would love to know the steps I need to take to reproduce the error/crash.
Bug in the SDK…not much that I can do.

Constant breakpoints? How to remove them?

I downloaded a project made with Delphi 2009,which is also what I use,however there is one breakpoint that I just can't remove.If I try to remove it,its being executed again after the program is executed.
I met such things in other debuggers known as Hardware breakpoints,but this is not important.How do I remove the breakpoint?
EDIT: Article about those breakpoints,but It doesn't explain how to remove them.
If, for whatever reason, you can't turn these off in the IDE, as Rob says, this is persisted in the .dsk file.
You don't have to delete the file (and all of your other settings), though. you can just open it up in a text editor and find and edit the following section:
View->Debug Windows->Breakpoints.
I'm very dissapointed at those articles.They explain how to add something,but not how to remove it.
Breakpoints are stored in the dsk file for your project. Close your project, delete that file, and re-open the project. All breakpoints should be gone. (Other window-layout customizations will be gone, too. You'll have to restore those preferences manually.)

Delphi 7 keeps using old outdated form

Changed, updated, form is not used even though uses and project settings seem fine, old form files removed from disk.
Is this a bug in the IDE? I may just delete the form and copy it into another unit with a new name.
If it's using an old form it has to be getting it from somewhere--it doesn't appear out of thin air. Two scenarios come to mind:
1) It's somewhere where you don't realize. Search your system for files by that name.
2) Unless you do a build Delphi compiles based on timestamps. If the clock was wrong when it was compiled before the .dcu can have a more recent time and thus it gets skipped in compiling. I've hit this more than once with timezones.
A good way to find it is to first move the project to a different new folder and try to compile it. This should produce and error that will help you to find the culprit. If this does not work then it is settings like paths etc in your libraries that are at fault.
Also make sure that you deleted all ".dcu" files in the project before re-compiling.
No, it is not a bug in the IDE.
You are referencing that form in some setting in your project or environment, which you didn't find yet and which takes precedence to options you already tweaked.
Where do you need to go to resolve your problem? Well, that's difficult to say without looking at your development environment and your project settings.
I've had this happen before. It is always something referenced that I wasn't aware of.
You can do a grep for something from the form and see where it shows up.
Thanks for the input. The first one I tried, moving the files, mm2010, showed it was my code that was at fault.
Although the form/unit is not included in the project file (dpr), it is still referenced by some other unit. So the compiler links the res into the application. Look for the unit name you want to remove in other units' uses clauses.
