Rails smart_listing configuration - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to setup the smart_listing gem in my app. Where and how can I configure the default per page number of pagination results. In the docs of smart_listing is mentioned that it uses kaminari.

If you don't already have a config/initializers/kaminari_config.rb file, run Kaminari's config generator:
bundle exec rails generate kaminari:config
This will create config/initializers/kaminari_config.rb with the default content:
Kaminari.configure do |config|
# config.default_per_page = 25
# config.max_per_page = nil
# config.window = 4
# config.outer_window = 0
# config.left = 0
# config.right = 0
# config.page_method_name = :page
# config.param_name = :page
Simply uncomment and edit the configuration options you are interested in changing.
SmartListing provides it's own configuration options for pagination in config/initializers/smart_listing.rb:
SmartListing.configure do |config|
#:param_names => { # param names
#:page => :page,
#:per_page => :per_page,
#:sort => :sort,
#:array => false, # controls whether smart list should be using arrays or AR collections
#:max_count => nil, # limit number of rows
#:unlimited_per_page => false, # allow infinite page size
#:paginate => true, # allow pagination
#:memorize_per_page => false, # save per page settings in the cookie
#:page_sizes => DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZES, # set available page sizes array
#:kaminari_options => {:theme => "smart_listing"}, # Kaminari's paginate helper options
config.constants :classes, {
#:main => "smart-listing",
#:editable => "editable",
#:content => "content",
#:loading => "loading",
#:status => "smart-listing-status",
#:item_actions => "actions",
#:new_item_placeholder => "new-item-placeholder",
#:new_item_action => "new-item-action",
#:new_item_button => "btn",
#:hidden => "hidden",
#:autoselect => "autoselect",
#:callback => "callback",
#:pagination_per_page => "pagination-per-page text-center",
#:pagination_count => "count",
#:inline_editing => "info",
#:no_records => "no-records",
#:limit => "smart-listing-limit",
#:limit_alert => "smart-listing-limit-alert",
#:controls => "smart-listing-controls",
#:controls_reset => "reset",
#:filtering => "filter",
#:filtering_search => "glyphicon-search",
#:filtering_cancel => "glyphicon-remove",
#:filtering_disabled => "disabled",
#:sortable => "sortable",
#:icon_new => "glyphicon glyphicon-plus",
#:icon_edit => "glyphicon glyphicon-pencil",
#:icon_trash => "glyphicon glyphicon-trash",
#:icon_inactive => "glyphicon glyphicon-circle",
#:icon_show => "glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt",
#:icon_sort_none => "glyphicon glyphicon-resize-vertical",
#:icon_sort_up => "glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up",
#:icon_sort_down => "glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down",
config.constants :data_attributes, {
#:main => "smart-listing",
#:confirmation => "confirmation",
#:id => "id",
#:href => "href",
#:callback_href => "callback-href",
#:max_count => "max-count",
#:inline_edit_backup => "smart-listing-edit-backup",
#:params => "params",
#:observed => "observed",
#:href => "href",
#:autoshow => "autoshow",
#:popover => "slpopover",
config.constants :selectors, {
#:item_action_destroy => "a.destroy",
#:edit_cancel => "button.cancel",
#:row => "tr",
#:head => "thead",
#:filtering_icon => "i"
Uncomment the page_sizes line and replace DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZES with an array like [10, 20, 50, 100]

No need to comment out page_sizes in initializers/smart_listing.rb.
You can just define per_page value in controller, eg:
users_scope = User.all.includes(:bio)
users_scope = users_scope.like(params[:filter]) if params[:filter]
#users = smart_listing_create :users, users_scope, partial: "users/list", page_sizes: [5, 7, 13, 26]
smart_listing v1.1.2


Time frame for displaying user count is not working in Rails 4.2

I am having a dashboard which shows the user created / deleted count of today, yesterday, this week, this month etc;
For this they wrote a condition in controller to get these counts and also scopes in model.
The above scenario is working fine in Rails 3.2 but not working in Rails 4.2.
This is my code:
def get_user_counts(conditions = {})
includes = []
if conditions.empty?
# nothing
elsif conditions.keys.first.include?("accounts.")
includes = [:account]
result = []
{:label => 'today', :start => Time.zone.now.beginning_of_day, :end => Time.zone.now.end_of_day},
{:label => 'yesterday', :start => 1.days.ago.beginning_of_day, :end => 1.days.ago.end_of_day},
{:label => 'this week', :start => Time.zone.now.beginning_of_week, :end => Time.zone.now.end_of_week},
{:label => 'last week', :start => 7.days.ago(Time.zone.now.beginning_of_week), :end => 7.days.ago(Time.zone.now.end_of_week)},
{:label => 'this month', :start => Time.zone.now.beginning_of_month, :end => Time.zone.now.end_of_month},
{:label => 'last month', :start => Time.zone.now.prev_month.beginning_of_month, :end => Time.zone.now.prev_month.end_of_month},
].each do |time_frame|
result << [time_frame[:label], User.includes(includes).where(conditions).only_deleted.deleted_between(time_frame[:start], time_frame[:end]).count, User.includes(includes).where(conditions).with_deleted.created_between(time_frame[:start], time_frame[:end]).count]
return result
scope :created_between, lambda { |start_at, end_at|
{ :conditions => {'users.created_at' => (start_at..end_at)} }
scope :deleted_between, lambda { |start_at, end_at|
# Don't forget to use 'count_only_deleted' or 'find_only_deleted' in combination
# with this, or you'll always return zero users. :with_deleted and :only_deleted
# keys do not work in named_scope.
{ :conditions => {'users.deleted_at' => (start_at..end_at)} }
Is there any wrong in my code or need any modifications, especially in model scope? Please help.
Problem is with scopes.Eager loading of scopes in Rails 4 has been restricted.
You can change your scope like this :
scope :created_between, -> (start_at, end_at) { where(created_at: (start_at..end_at)) }

rails 3: hash attribute in a override to_xml model method

I wrote a override for the to_xml model method and right now im trying to get a hash attribute to be transformed into a set if symbol => values pair but i had no success.
the result of the intersected_categories method is a hash like:
{:"1"=>["Broken Board", false], :"2"=>["Sticking", false], :"3"=>["Bottom tier missing", false], :"4"=>["Bad I/L", false], :"5"=>["Delamination", false], :"7"=>["Sheet level - smile", false], :"8"=>["Sheet level - frown", false], :"9"=>["Missing SS", false]}
The to_xml method
def to_xml (options={})
xml = options[:builder] ||= Builder::XmlMarkup.new(:indent => options[:indent])
xml.instruct! unless options[:skip_instruct]
xml.wip #wip,
:number => self.number,
:start_time => self.wip_start_time,
:end_time => self.wip_end_time,
:line => self.system.name,
:shift => self.shift,
:crew => self.crewF,
:sm_crew => self.crewSM,
:sm_shift => self.shiftSM,
:product => self.SMMainGroup,
:product_group => self.product_group,
:sheets => self.sheets,
:interleavers => self.interleavers,
:wip_grade => self.intersected_categories,
:comment => self.comment
ive tried a couple of things with no success:
def to_xml (options={})
xml = options[:builder] ||= Builder::XmlMarkup.new(:indent => options[:indent])
xml.instruct! unless options[:skip_instruct]
#wip.intersected_categories.each do |grade|
wip_categories << {grade[1][0].to_sym => grade[0][1]}
:comment => self.comment,
wip_categories #explodes
###### another try
:interleavers => self.interleavers,
:wip_grade => self.intersected_categories,
:comment => self.comment,
self.intersected_categories.each do |grade|
<< grade[1][0].to_sym => grade[0][1] #with / without {} it keeps failing
Any idea how can i achieve what i need?
Current xml:
<wip number="123h11008" start_time="2014-05-13 09:21:00 -0500" end_time="" line="cl1" shift="1" crew="A" sm_crew="A" sm_shift="1" product="1111111" product_group="G2" sheets="0" interleavers="0" wip_grade="{:"2"=>["Bottom Tier Missing", false], :"3"=>["Falling", false], :"4"=>["Broken Boards", false], :"5"=>["Crown", false], :"6"=>["DIP", false], :"7"=>["Green Boards", false], :"8"=>["Delamination", false], :"9"=>["Bad I/L", false]}" comment=""/>
expected xml:
<wip number="123h11008" start_time="2014-05-13 09:21:00 -0500" end_time="" line="cl1" shift="1" crew="A" sm_crew="A" sm_shift="1" product="1111111" product_group="G2" sheets="0" interleavers="0" Bottom Tier Missing=false Falling = false Broken Boards = false Crown = false DIP = false Green Boards = false Delamination = false Bad I/L = false comment=""/>
xml.wip #wip, {
:number => self.number,
:start_time => self.wip_start_time,
:end_time => self.wip_end_time,
:line => self.system.name,
:shift => self.shift,
:crew => self.crewF,
:sm_crew => self.crewSM,
:sm_shift => self.shiftSM,
:product => self.SMMainGroup,
:product_group => self.product_group,
:sheets => self.sheets,
:interleavers => self.interleavers,
:comment => self.comment }.merge(Hash(self.intersected_categories.values))

Ruby Hash creation

I am a newbie in Ruby and I am trying to learn Ruby these day. I was going through Hash today and got stuck in problem related to Hash
I have the following Hash
{"key1" => ["param_1","param_2"], "key2" => ["param_3","param_4"], "key3" => "param_5", "key4" => "param_6","key5" => ["param_7","param_8"]}
and I want to convert the above Hash into the following.
{"my_hash" => [ {"name" => "key1","value" => ["param_1","param_2"]},
{"name" => "key2","value" => ["param_3","param_4"]},
{"name" => "key3","value" => ["param_5"]},
{"name" => "key4","value" => ["param_6"]},
{"name" => "key5","value" => ["param_7","param_8"]}
Can someone show me how can i do it in Ruby in a efficient way.
hsh = {"key1" => ["param_1","param_2"],
"key2" => ["param_3","param_4"], "key3" => "param_5",
"key4" => "param_6","key5" => ["param_7","param_8"]}
hsh.map{|k,v| {name: k,value: Array(v) }}
# => [{:name=>"key1", :value=>["param_1", "param_2"]},
# {:name=>"key2", :value=>["param_3", "param_4"]},
# {:name=>"key3", :value=>["param_5"]},
# {:name=>"key4", :value=>["param_6"]},
# {:name=>"key5", :value=>["param_7", "param_8"]}]
hsh = {"key1" => ["param_1","param_2"],
"key2" => ["param_3","param_4"], "key3" => "param_5",
"key4" => "param_6","key5" => ["param_7","param_8"]}
hsh.map{|k,v| {"name" => k,"value" => Array(v) }}
# => [{"name"=>"key1", "value"=>["param_1", "param_2"]},
# {"name"=>"key2", "value"=>["param_3", "param_4"]},
# {"name"=>"key3", "value"=>["param_5"]},
# {"name"=>"key4", "value"=>["param_6"]},
# {"name"=>"key5", "value"=>["param_7", "param_8"]}]

Ruby On Rails Mail Routine Not sending

I Have a ROR IF statement that is supposed to look up a record and then send emails based on the login can anyone tell me what is wrong in the syntax?
this is now working but there is two test cases that return ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound (Couldn't find SignOn with userw1 = xxx#example.com):
app/models/order.rb:219:in `submit_order'
class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
# NOTE: ensure that you always setup methods here to include and filter on
# query_account_number as a security measure.
establish_connection "web_#{RAILS_ENV}"
has_many :order_details, :dependent => :destroy, :order => 'id DESC'
def self.delete_item query_account_number, login, id
order = Order.first(:conditions => {:account_number => query_account_number, :login => login})
detail = order.order_details.first(:conditions => {:id => id})
detail.destroy if detail
# Here we would delete the order, but have chosen to leave it so they do not have
# questionable gaps in IDs.
def self.verify_upc1 upc_rule, upc1
"Invalid UPC Prefix" unless Item.first(:conditions => ["rul31c = ? AND CONCAT(TRIM(comi1c), 'A') = ?", upc_rule, upc1 + "A"],
:select => "style")
def self.verify_upc2 upc_rule, upc1, upc2
"Invalid UPC Prefix or Subnumber" unless Item.first(:conditions => ["rul31c = ? AND CONCAT(TRIM(comi1c), CONCAT(TRIM(arsb1c), 'A')) = ?", upc_rule, upc1 + upc2 + "A"],
:select => "style")
def self.verify_style upc_rule, style
"Invalid Style" unless Item.first(:conditions => ["rul31c = ? AND CONCAT(TRIM(style), 'A') = ?", upc_rule, style + "A"],
:select => "style")
def self.update_quantity query_account_number, login, id, quantity
if quantity.to_i > 0
order = Order.first(:conditions => {:account_number => query_account_number, :login => login})
detail = order.order_details.first(:conditions => {:id => id})
if detail
detail.quantity = quantity.to_i
def self.update_order_note query_account_number, login, order_note
order = Order.first(:conditions => {:account_number => query_account_number, :login => login})
order.note = order_note
def self.update_order_item_note query_account_number, login, id, note
order = Order.first(:conditions => {:account_number => query_account_number, :login => login})
detail = order.order_details.first(:conditions => {:id => id})
if detail
detail.note = note
def self.add_item query_account_number, login, quantity, upc1, upc2, price_code, upc_rule
if quantity.to_i > 0
order = Order.first(:conditions => {:account_number => query_account_number, :login => login})
order = Order.add_order_header(query_account_number, login) if order.blank?
if order
item = Item.first(:conditions => ["rul31c = ? AND CONCAT(TRIM(comi1c), CONCAT(TRIM(arsb1c), 'A')) = ?", upc_rule, upc1 + upc2 + "A"],
:select => "style, color, size, pnum35, cono35, comi1c, arsb1c, ptyp35")
price = Price.first(:conditions => {:catnwp => item.pnum35, :conowp => item.cono35, :listwp => price_code}, :select => "prcewp") unless item.blank?
if item and price
order_detail = OrderDetail.new(:style => item.style,
:order_id => order.id,
:quantity => quantity,
:color => item.color,
:size => item.size)
# Return a cart item hash
cart_contents = []
cart_contents << {:style => item.style,
:color => item.color,
:size => item.size,
:quantity => quantity,
:name => ProItem.short_description(item.style),
:price => price.prcewp,
:type => item.ptyp35,
:upc => item.comi1c + item.arsb1c,
:id => order_detail.id}
def self.order_info_update query_account_number, login, info
order = Order.first(:conditions => {:account_number => query_account_number, :login => login})
if order
if info.has_key?("name")
order.name = info[:name]
order.address1 = info[:address1]
order.address2 = info[:address2]
order.address3 = info[:address3]
order.city = info[:city]
order.state = info[:state]
order.zip = info[:zip]
if info.has_key?("po_number")
order.po_number = info[:po_number]
# where does po number go???
def self.mailing_address query_account_number, login
o = Order.first(:conditions => {:account_number => query_account_number, :login => login})
{:name => o.name, :address1 => o.address1, :address2 => o.address2, :address3 => o.address3, :city => o.city, :state => o.state, :zip => o.zip} if o
def self.order_note query_account_number, login
o = Order.first(:conditions => {:account_number => query_account_number, :login => login}, :select => "note")
o.note if o
def self.cart_contents query_account_number, login, price_code, upc_rule
# TODO: what to do if item changed since they put it in cart?
# Perhaps we expire a cart after a while, but, that still is not a perfect solution.
# Ideally here we go through each style, make sure it is still valid for the customer, and
# check color/size as well.
order_items = Order.first(:conditions => {:account_number => query_account_number, :login => login} )
if order_items
cart_contents = []
order_items.order_details.each do |oi|
as400_item = Item.first(:conditions => {:rul31c => upc_rule, :style => oi.style.ljust(9), :color => oi.color, :size => oi.size },
:select => "pnum35, cono35, ptyp35, comi1c, arsb1c")
price = Price.first(:conditions => {:catnwp => as400_item.pnum35, :conowp => as400_item.cono35, :listwp => price_code}, :select => "prcewp") unless as400_item.blank?
cart_contents << {:style => oi.style,
:color => oi.color,
:size => oi.size,
:quantity => oi.quantity,
:name => ProItem.short_description(oi.style),
:price => price.prcewp,
:type => as400_item.ptyp35,
:note => oi.note,
:upc => as400_item.comi1c + as400_item.arsb1c,
:id => oi.id} if as400_item and price
end unless order_items.blank?
def self.cart_contents_count query_account_number, login
order_items = Order.first(:conditions => {:account_number => query_account_number, :login => login} )
count = 0
order_items.order_details.each {|oi| count += oi.quantity } if order_items
def self.cart_contents_total query_account_number, login, price_code, upc_rule
order_items = Order.first(:conditions => {:account_number => query_account_number, :login => login} )
total = 0
order_items.order_details.each do |oi|
as400_item = Item.first(:conditions => {:rul31c => upc_rule, :style => oi.style.ljust(9), :color => oi.color, :size => oi.size },
:select => "pnum35, cono35, ptyp35")
price = 0
if !as400_item.blank?
price = Price.first(:conditions => {:catnwp => as400_item.pnum35, :conowp => as400_item.cono35, :listwp => price_code}, :select => "prcewp")
total += (oi.quantity * price.prcewp.to_f)
end if order_items
def self.add_order_details query_account_number, login, items, notes = Hash.new
result = false
if items
# If there is not an order record, create one. Basically we only
# allow one open order per login at a time, and if there is
# one already, we continue to append order_detail records to it.
order = Order.first(:conditions => {:account_number => query_account_number, :login => login.upcase})
order = Order.add_order_header(query_account_number, login) if order.blank?
items.each do |key, value|
if value.to_i > 0
result = true
style = key[0..8]
color = key[9..11]
size = key[12..14]
order_detail = OrderDetail.new(:style => style,
:order_id => order.id,
:quantity => value,
:color => color,
:size => size,
:note => (notes ? notes[key] : ''))
end if order
def self.submit_order query_account_number, login, price_code, distributor_number
o = Order.first(:conditions => {:account_number => query_account_number, :login => login})
# TODO: transaction or some error handling
if o
# Find all associated records we need.
customer = Customer.first(:conditions => {:cusn05 => query_account_number}, :select => "cono05, cgp405, slmn05, list20" )
sign_on = SignOn.first(:conditions => {:userw1 => login.upcase},
:select => "idnow1, bsnamw1, accntw1, prfdstw1, cntacw1, bsadd1w1, bsadd2w1, bsadd3w1, bscityw1, bsstcdw1, bszipw1, acctypw1")
distributor = Distributor.first(:conditions => {:cusnp1 => distributor_number}, :select => "cnam05, emailp1")
if sign_on.acctypw1.strip == "DS"
rec = SignOn.find_by_userw1!(login)
webid = rec.prfdstw1
elsif sign_on.acctypw1.strip == "DSD"
rec = SignOn.find_by_userw1!(login)
webid = rec.prfdstw1
#cnt = Weboel23.count(:all,:conditions => {:act223 => mp})
weboel23 = Weboel23.first(:conditions => {:act223 => webid}, :select => "emal23")
# weboel23 = Weboel23.each(:conditions => {:act223 => mp}, :select => "emal23")
#approval = weboel23.emal23
#establish_connection "as400_#{RAILS_ENV}"
#f.puts "prfdstw1"
#f.puts rec = SignOn.find_by_userw1!(login)
#f.puts "type="+elephant
#f.puts "email="+approval0
# s = find_by_sql ["SELECT EMAL23 emal23 FROM WEBOEL23 WHERE ACT223 = ?", distributor_number]
# d << { :id => s[0].emal23 } unless s.blank?
if customer and sign_on
as400_order_id = "WB" + o.id.to_s.rjust(8, "0")
total = 0
count = 0
line = 1 # Start at 1 per Ron Hoopes 2/14/2011
o.order_details.each do |oi|
item = Item.first(:conditions => {:rul31c => customer.cgp405, :style => oi.style.ljust(9), :color => oi.color, :size => oi.size },
:select => "comi1c, arsb1c, chdt1c, pnum35, cono35, pdes35")
price = Price.first(:conditions => {:catnwp => item.pnum35, :conowp => item.cono35, :listwp => price_code}, :select => "prcewp") unless item.blank?
if item and price
WebOrderDetail.create(:conowd => customer.cono05,
:uniqwd => as400_order_id,
:linewd => line,
:itemwd => oi.style.ljust(9) + oi.color + oi.size,
:barcwd => item.comi1c.strip + item.arsb1c.strip + item.chdt1c.strip,
:altiwd => "",
:itmdwd => item.pdes35,
:qtywd => oi.quantity,
:uprcwd => price.prcewp.to_f.round_to(2),
:listwd => customer.list20,
:dtdrwd => "0",
:dcd1wd => "",
:dsc1wd => "0",
:dcd2wd => "",
:dsc2wd => "0")
# Create any order ITEM notes.
unless oi.note.blank?
oi.note.scan(/.{1,70}/).each_with_index do |note, index|
WebOrderNote.create(:conown => customer.cono05,
:textwn => note,
:uniqwn => as400_order_id,
:linewn => line,
:seqwn => index)
count += oi.quantity.to_i
total += oi.quantity.to_i * price.prcewp.to_f.round_to(2)
line += 1
# Create any order notes.
unless o.note.blank?
o.note.scan(/.{1,70}/).each_with_index do |note, index|
WebOrderNote.create(:conown => customer.cono05,
:textwn => note,
:uniqwn => as400_order_id,
:linewn => 0,
:seqwn => index)
# Coastal's definition a current century is off by one, hence the math for the date.
as400_order_header = WebOrder.new(:conowc => customer.cono05,
:uniqwc => as400_order_id,
:idnowc => sign_on.idnow1,
:namewc => o.name,
:addr1wc => o.address1,
:addr2wc => o.address2,
:addr3wc => o.address3,
:citywc => o.city,
:statewc => o.state,
:zipcdwc => o.zip,
:cusnwc => query_account_number,
:dtordwc => Utilities.to_db2_date(Date.today),
:shpdtwc => Utilities.to_db2_date(Date.today),
:cusowc => o.po_number.blank? ? as400_order_id : o.po_number,
:slmnwc => customer.slmn05,
:rulewc => customer.cgp405,
:listwc => customer.list20,
:valuewc => total.to_f.round_to(2),
:statwc => "")
if as400_order_header.save
# Sent confirmation email, if required. Only send it for users that chose a distributor,
# whether they had to choose one or not. We determine this by looking at the account number
# in the sign_on and comparing it with the order number we are using for the order. If
# that is different, it indicates that they chose a distributor.
# These are used in the email body, key for the hash is the replacement tags, capitalized, &
# prepended and appended with '##', e.g. ##NAME## - and any underlines are replaced with space
email_details = {"name" => sign_on.bsnamw1,
"order_number" => as400_order_id,
"order_total" => format('$%.2f', total),
"order_count" => count.to_s,
"order_date" => Date.today.to_s,
"distributor_name" => (distributor ? distributor.cnam05 : ""),
"distributor_contact" => "UNKNOWN",
"customer_name" => sign_on.bsnamw1,
"customer_address" => sign_on.bsadd1w1.strip + (!sign_on.bsadd2w1.blank? ? "<br>" + sign_on.bsadd2w1.strip : "") + (!sign_on.bsadd3w1.blank? ? "<br>" + sign_on.bsadd3w1.strip : ""),
"customer_city" => sign_on.bscityw1,
"customer_state" => sign_on.bsstcdw1,
"customer_zip" => sign_on.bszipw1,
"customer_contact" => sign_on.cntacw1}
Mailer.deliver_order_coastal_notify_email("Coastal Pet Online Ordering<noreply#coastalpet.com>", "Order Confirmation", email_details)
# Per Dana 6/30/2012, JUST DS
if sign_on.acctypw1.strip == "DS" or sign_on.acctypw1.strip == "DSD"
# If there is no distributor email address, the mailer model will substitute in the admin's email from their settings
Mailer.deliver_order_distributor_approval_email(distributor ? distributor.emailp1 : "", "Coastal Pet Online Ordering<noreply#coastalpet.com>", "Order Confirmation #{approval0} #{approval1}", email_details)
if approval0!=""
Mailer.deliver_order_confirmation_email(login, "Coastal Pet Online Ordering<noreply#coastalpet.com>", "Order Confirmation", email_details)
Mailer.deliver_order_distributor_approval_email(approval0, "Coastal Pet Online Ordering<noreply#coastalpet.com>", "Order Confirmation ", email_details)
Mailer.deliver_order_coastal_notify_email("Coastal Pet Online Ordering<noreply#coastalpet.com>", "Order Confirmation", email_details)
if approval1!=""
Mailer.deliver_order_confirmation_email(login, "Coastal Pet Online Ordering<noreply#coastalpet.com>", "Order Confirmation", email_details)
Mailer.deliver_order_distributor_approval_email(approval1, "Coastal Pet Online Ordering<noreply#coastalpet.com>", "Order Confirmation ", email_details)
Mailer.deliver_order_coastal_notify_email("Coastal Pet Online Ordering<noreply#coastalpet.com>", "Order Confirmation", email_details)
if approval2!=""
Mailer.deliver_order_confirmation_email(login, "Coastal Pet Online Ordering<noreply#coastalpet.com>", "Order Confirmation", email_details)
Mailer.deliver_order_distributor_approval_email(approval2, "Coastal Pet Online Ordering<noreply#coastalpet.com>", "Order Confirmation ", email_details)
Mailer.deliver_order_coastal_notify_email("Coastal Pet Online Ordering<noreply#coastalpet.com>", "Order Confirmation", email_details)
if approval3!=""
Mailer.deliver_order_confirmation_email(login, "Coastal Pet Online Ordering<noreply#coastalpet.com>", "Order Confirmation", email_details)
Mailer.deliver_order_distributor_approval_email(approval3, "Coastal Pet Online Ordering<noreply#coastalpet.com>", "Order Confirmation ", email_details)
Mailer.deliver_order_coastal_notify_email("Coastal Pet Online Ordering<noreply#coastalpet.com>", "Order Confirmation", email_details)
if approval4!=""
Mailer.deliver_order_confirmation_email(login, "Coastal Pet Online Ordering<noreply#coastalpet.com>", "Order Confirmation", email_details)
Mailer.deliver_order_distributor_approval_email(approval4, "Coastal Pet Online Ordering<noreply#coastalpet.com>", "Order Confirmation ", email_details)
Mailer.deliver_order_coastal_notify_email("Coastal Pet Online Ordering<noreply#coastalpet.com>", "Order Confirmation", email_details)
Mailer.deliver_order_distributor_approval_email(weboel23 ? weboel23.emal23: "", "Coastal Pet Online Ordering<noreply#coastalpet.com>", "*Order Confirmation", email_details)
Mailer.deliver_order_distributor_approval_email("robert.kendall#coastalpet.com", "Coastal Pet Online Ordering<noreply#coastalpet.com>", "*Order Confirmation", email_details)
# Al ways notify Coastal staff
# Update the last ordered date (used for reminders)
def self.count_user_orders query_account_number, login
count = Order.first(:conditions => {:account_number => query_account_number, :login => login})
count.order_details.count unless count.blank? or count == 0
def self.reorder(order_number, login, query_account_number, upc_rule, price_code, mode)
warnings = ""
# If we are not in check mode, then blank out cart
self.empty_cart(query_account_number, login) if mode != "check"
# Get the previous order
oo = WebOrder.get_previous_order(order_number, login)
# Go through each line item
oo.each do |ooi|
# Verify it still exists in the AS400 and is same price
# Note that this reports back a -1 if it cannot find the
# same style+color+size option, otherwise just reports
# price if it finds it.
current_price = Item.check_item_exists(query_account_number, ooi[:style], ooi[:color], ooi[:size], upc_rule, price_code)
# If item was not found, we can't add it.
# We could spend more time to determine if it was the color, or size, or that
# the style itself is not available, but it seems reasonable enough to
# present it this way. Really should not be doing this "presentation" in
# the model, but we don't have views setup for Ajax so we have to give the
# controller the text we want rendered.
if current_price == -1
warnings += "SKU "+ ooi[:style].to_s + ooi[:color].to_s + ooi[:size].to_s + " is no longer available<br />"
# If price did not match, append to list of warnings
if current_price.to_f.round_to(2) != ooi[:price].to_f.round_to(2)
warnings += "SKU "+ ooi[:style].to_s + ooi[:color].to_s + ooi[:size].to_s + " price is " +
ActionController::Base.helpers.number_to_currency(current_price) + " and it was " +
ActionController::Base.helpers.number_to_currency(ooi[:price]) + "<br />"
# If not in check mode, add item to cart
# In this case, we don't care that the price did
# not match, we still add it.
populate_cart(query_account_number, login, ooi[:style], ooi[:color], ooi[:size], ooi[:quantity], ooi[:line_item_note], ooi[:order_note]) if mode != "check"
mode == "check" ? warnings : ""
def self.empty_cart query_account_number, login
order = Order.first(:conditions => {:account_number => query_account_number, :login => login})
order.destroy if order
def self.populate_cart query_account_number, login, style, color, size, quantity, note, order_note
# If there is not an order record, create one. Basically we only
# allow one open order per login at a time, and if there is
# one already, we continue to append order_detail records to it.
order = Order.first(:conditions => {:account_number => query_account_number, :login => login.upcase})
order = Order.add_order_header(query_account_number, login) if order.blank?
# These can be null for kits, and we don't like nulls in the database for this
color = "" if color.blank?
size = "" if size.blank?
if order
order.note = order_note # yeah we do this each time but while inefficient it works
order_detail = OrderDetail.new(:style => style,
:order_id => order.id,
:quantity => quantity,
:color => color,
:size => size,
:note => note)
def self.add_order_header query_account_number, login
# Default address info to sign_on
sign_on = SignOn.first(:conditions => {:userw1 => login.upcase}, :select => "bsnamw1, bsadd1w1, bsadd2w1, bsadd3w1, bscityw1, bsstcdw1, bszipw1")
if sign_on
order = Order.new(:login => login,
:account_number => query_account_number,
:name => sign_on.bsnamw1,
:address1 => sign_on.bsadd1w1,
:address2 => sign_on.bsadd2w1,
:address3 => sign_on.bsadd3w1,
:city => sign_on.bscityw1,
:state => sign_on.bsstcdw1,
:zip => sign_on.bszipw1)

How to send custom parameter from jqgrid to rails controller?

I use jqgrid in my rails to show data in my web
and I want to decide which data to show depends on which page the user is surfing
here's the code
<%=raw jqgrid("people_list", "people", "/people",
[ { :field => "pid", :label => "pid" ,:editable => true},
{ :field => "name", :label => "name" ,:editable => true},
{ :field => "gender", :label => "gender" ,:editable => true},
{ :field => "birthday", :label => "birthday" ,:editable => true}
] ,
{:autowidth=>true,:add => true,:edit => true,:delete => true,:view => true,:edit_url => post_data_people_url,:sortable_rows => 'true'
def index
index_columns ||= [:pid,:name,:gender,:birthday,:school]
current_page = params[:page] ? params[:page].to_i : 1
rows_per_page = params[:rows] ? params[:rows].to_i : 10
conditions={:page => current_page, :per_page => rows_per_page}
conditions[:order] = params["sidx"] + " " + params["sord"] unless (params[:sidx].blank? || params[:sord].blank?)
if params[:_search] == "true"
#temp = Person.limit(0).all
KlassesPeople.where(:klass_id => 1).each do |stu|########
#temp.concat( Person.where(:id => stu.person_id) )
#people = #temp.paginate(conditions)
respond_with(#people) do |format|
format.json { render :json => #people.to_jqgrid_json(index_columns, current_page, rows_per_page, total_entries)}
I want to pass the value of klass id from the jqgrid to the controller to determine the value of klass_id in the line with "########"
any idea?
I don't know how to format the code for you but you can use the postData parameter to pass a value to your controler every time the jqGrid would get data.
postData: { KeyName: KeyValue },
If you need to set this value dynamically you can set it via something like:
$('#gridName').jqGrid('setGridParam', { postData: { KeyName: KeyValue });
