Does OpenGL ES 2.0 have a steeper learning curve than Metal? - ios

I'm very interested in 3D graphics and heard many developers raving about Metal.
Can someone who has worked with Metal and OpenGL ES 2.0 comment on how the learning curve compares to OpenGL ES 2.0?
As a beginner who aims to stay loyal to iOS, is Metal easier to learn and master than OpenGL ES 2.0 or is it harder because it is more advanced?
I hope this question will be useful to many as I am trying to figure out where to start.

As a beginner, you might be better served by starting with 3D graphics at a higher level. SceneKit for OS X and iOS lets you describe a 3D scene in terms of its content -- geometry, materials (textures/shading), lights, and cameras -- and load assets created with 3D modeling tools. SceneKit is built on OpenGL (ES), so it uses a lot of the same concepts. As you become familiar with those concepts, you can use SceneKit to work your way into the OpenGL world a bit at a time:
use shader modifiers to write GPU shader code that extends SceneKit's
use custom programs to write complete shaders that replace SceneKit's, or techniques to write shaders that postprocess SceneKit's rendering
create custom geometry from your own vertex data with geometry sources & elements
use a node renderer delegate to write your own OpenGL client code that works within a scene
You'll find more info about all of these by watching the SceneKit videos from WWDC: What's New in SceneKit and Building a Game with SceneKit.
Otherwise... OpenGL (ES) and Metal don't have very different learning curves in and of themselves. In fact, I'd consider Metal more approachable than OpenGL in some ways -- for example, many things you can do in GL have implicit and hard-to-predict performance costs, and the Metal analogues of those tasks are much more clear about their impact on CPU or GPU time is and allow you to decide when expensive work gets done.
On the other hand, Metal is brand new -- there aren't yet a lot of third-party resources to help you learn it. And lot of the hard things about learning 3D graphics are very similar whether you're working in Metal, OpenGL, DirectX, or another platform/API. Once you learn the important stuff -- there are plenty of books and online tutorials for that, but StackOverflow isn't the best way to go looking for them -- getting up to speed with Metal or with OpenGL ES on a specific platform is pretty easy.

Coming from an OpenGL-ES background, I had a good look at the Metal APIs. I believe that the learning curve for Metal is steeper, not because it's a new API, but because it introduces low level constructs which developers previously didn't need to worry about.
If you compare fixed pipeline Open-GL with shader oriented Open GL flavours (On mobile: ES 1.x compared with ES 2.x, 3.x), and finally with Metal, what you have is increasingly powerful, increasingly generic APIs detached from the intuitive constructs (triangles, vertices, lamps) which constitute Open-GL's historical foundation.
Bear in mind that creating a more usable API isn't the main goal of Metal. The goal of this framework is helping developers to get rid of driver overheads.


Is possible to use Metal API for compute simultaneously with OpenGL ES 3.0 for graphics?

I would want to port some OpenCL sample using Metal as compute API (as iOS doesn't support ES 3.1 compute shaders still) and OpenGL ES as graphics API, as sample uses OCL/OGL interop seems easiest way to port..
questions is a app can make use of Metal and OpenGL ES APIs simultaneously and if and how interop is achieved i.e. OpenGL mapping a buffer object of data compute by Metal..
Yes, you can use openGL and Metal API simultaneously, but keep in mind, any intercommunication between two layers leads to overhead of host/gpu memory traffic: you have to copy textures and buffers between Metal/OpenGL representations. I think the best way to utilize gpu is use one of these technology stack. Moreover all what you can do with opengl shaders you can do with metal kernels. In general, as i can judge after year of practice with Metal, it is more comfortable and convenient API then OpenGL. Enjoy with Metal, join us:)

Linear Algebra library using OpenGL ES 2.0 for iOS

Does anyone know of a linear algebra library for iOS that uses OpenGL ES 2.0 under the covers?
Specifically, I am looking for a way to do matrix multiplication on arbitrary-sized matrices (e.g., much larger than 4x4, more like 5,000 x 100,000) using the GPUs on iOS devices.
Is there a specific reason you're asking for "uses OpenGL ES 2.0 under the covers?" Or do you just want a fast, hardware optimized linear algebra library such as BLAS, which is built into iOS?
MetalPerformanceShaders.framework provides some tuned BLAS-like functions. It is not GLES. It is metal and runs on the GPU. See MetalPerformanceShaders/MPSMatrixMultiplication.h
OpenGL on iOS is probably the wrong way to go. Metal support on iOS would be the better way to go if you're going GPU.
You could use Apple's support for Metal Compute shaders. I've written high-performance code for my PhD in it. An early experiment I made calculating some fractals using Metal might give you some ideas to start
Ultimately, this question is too broad. What do you intend to use the library for, or how do you intend to use it? Is it a one off multiplication? Have you tested with current libraries and found the performance to be too slow? If so, by how much?
In general, you can run educational or purely informational experiments on performance of algorithm X on CPU vs. GPU vs. specialized hardware, but most often you run up against Amdahl's law and your code vs. a team of experts in the field.
You can also look into the Accelerate framework which offers BLAS.
Apple, according to the WWDC 2014 talk What's new in the Accelerate Framework, has hand tuned the Linear Algebra libraries targeted at their current generation hardware. They aren't just fast, but energy efficient. There are newer talks as well.

Learning WebGL and three.js [closed]

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I'm new and starting to learn about 3D computer graphics in web browsers. I'm interested in making 3D games in a browser. For anyone who has learned both WebGL and three.js...
Is knowledge of WebGL required to use three.js?
What are the advantages of using three.js vs. WebGL?
Since you have big ambitions, you have to invest the time to learn the fundamentals. It is not a matter of what you learn first -- you can learn them simultaneously if you want to. (That's what I did.)
This means that you need to understand:
WebGL concepts
The underlying mathematical concepts
Three.js. Three.js does an excellent job of abstracting away many of the details of WebGL, so personally, I'd suggest using Three.js for your project. But remember, Three.js is in alpha, and it is changing frequently, so you have to be prepared for that. Most people learn Three.js by studying the examples. Avoid outdated books and tutorials, and avoid examples from the net that link to old versions of the library.
WebGL. If you use Three.js, you don't need to know how to program in WebGL, you just need to understand the WebGL concepts. That means, that you just need to be able to read someone else's WebGL code and understand what you read. That is a lot easier than being expected to write a WebGL program yourself from scratch. You can learn the WebGL concepts sufficiently well using any of the tutorials on the net, such as the beginner's tutorial at and Learning WebGL.
Math. Again, you at least need to understand the concepts. Three good books are:
3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development by Fletcher Dunn and Ian Parberry
Essential Mathematics for Games and Interactive Applications: A Programmer’s Guide by James M. Van Verth and Lars M. Bishop
Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics by Eric Lengyel
There is a very good online course - Interactive 3D Graphics at on THREE.js. This course includes assignments also to get hands-on experience.
It covers all the basic concepts of Three.js and Computer Graphics
My personal thoughts are the following:
If you have plenty time, you could learn both, but note that WebGL is much lower level than Three.js.
For a first 3d project, experts suggest using a library like Three.js in order to get used to the terms and the general 3d model.
Whichever direction you choose to go, I suggest you learn/polish up on your linear algebra skills. Then go ahead and learn or polish up your understanding about MVP dimensions (Model View Projection). Three.JS can abstract much of that away, but I think it's key that one understands those concepts well before getting serious about any 3D development.
I wrote an introductory article about MVP when I was first learning 3D programming with OpenGL. I realized that until I was able to explain what those transformation matrices are, and how they relate to the various dimensions/spaces, I really didn't know any 3D programming at all, though I could render objects to the screen.
Since your goal is to create games, I think you'll benefit much from learning some raw WebGL first, even if you end up using a framework like Three.js to help you write your code later.
"WebGL is a 2D API and not a 3D API"
This article describes the fundamental differences between WebGL & 3d libraries like three.js.
Which made my choice between WebGL or Three.js a no-brainer.
I came from a Unity3D background as well as Papervision3D back in the day, so I had a good understanding of how to deal with 3D space. Three.js is the way to go for your initial jump into learning how to deal with WebGL projects. The api is very good, it's very powerful and if you're coming from another 3D technology, you'll be up and running with very little time.
I spent a lot of time with's examples - there's a ton of them and they're very good at getting you off and running in the right direction. The docs are decent enough, especially if you're comparing them to other webGL 3D api's out there.
You might also consider getting the free version of Unity3D and the free collada (was free when I got it) exporter from their app store (Window>App store). I found it easy enough to setup my scene in Unity and export it to Collada for use with Three.js.
Also, I posted this class that I use with Three.js called neo ( ). Just add it to your project, then call Neo.JackIntoThree() and it will add the methods/properties to Object3D for use in your project. Things like DrawAllAxis() are invaluable when debugging your scene etc.
Hands down though, Three.js is a great way to go - it's flexible enough to let you write your own shaders/objects etc, and powerful enough right out of the box to help you accomplish your goals.
I picked up three.js, but also jumped into GLSL and experimented a lot with three.js shaderMaterial. One way of going about it - three.js still abstracts much of the stuff for you, but it also gives you a very clean, low level access to all the rendering (projection, animation) capabilities.
This way, you can follow even something like this awesome open-gl tutorial. You don't have to set up the matrices, typed arrays, because three already sets it up for you, updating them when needed. The shader though, you can write from scratch - a simple color rendering would be two lines of GLSL. There is also a post processing plug-in for three.js that sets up all the buffers, full screen quads and stuff you need to do the effects, but the shader can be very simple to begin with.
Since programmable shaders are the essence of modern 3d graphics, i hope my answer is not missing the point :) Sooner or later, anyone who does this needs to at least understand what goes on under the hood, it's the nature of the beast. Also, understanding the 4th dimension in homogeneous space is probably important as well.
This book is good for WebGL.
I just learnt a little of both and I feel that understand the basics of webgl, I think an introduction on webgl is sufficient and then jump into three js. It will be pretty easy once you understand the underlying concepts of WebGL.
Useful links:
Best Intro I have read:
Comprehensive tutorials:

Learn DirectX or Game engine?

I started learning DirectX 11 with C++. It's hard, but I think I'm doing good.
I discovered UDK (Unreal game engine), and read that many good games like Mass Effect 1-3 was made in that engine. I consider why I should learn DirectX, when many games are already made in game engines, and it's a lot easier.
What are the pros and cons by learning DirectX?
DirectX gives the capability to push pixels on screen. Anything beyond that - physics, map models, dev tools, file formats, music, AI, networking code - is still your problem. On the other hand, a game engine provides a comprehensive solution for most of the things you will need, but at a cost (technical constraints, learning curve, and often non-trivial amounts of $$).
It really depends on your goals and needs.
If you goal is to learn Graphics programming then you should choose DirectX 11 because it gives you access to low level graphics programming.
On the other hand if you want to jump right to gameplay programming UDK will allow you to step over low level graphics programming and get your hands on gameplay.
If you want to learn physics, audio, networking programming, you should take a look at Ogre3D (it's a graphics engine that as the name suggests handles the graphics, all you have to do is programming physics, gameplay).

vertex shaders vs vertex

I have a question - I am learning OpenGL ES 2.0 from this tutorial and moving across this website, I have build nice app, with spinning polygon.
I find another guide where he used vertex shaders. What are the differences between them. What else I can make with shaders?
The difference is that the first tutorial uses OpenGL ES 1.1, and the second uses OpenGL ES 2.0. 1.1 used the fixed-function pipeline to do all of its rendering, while 2.0 exclusively uses shaders.
All of those matrix functions? glLoadIdentity, glFrustum, glRotate? They're gone in 2.0. Instead, you write a program (shader) that executes on the GPU itself. The shader responsible for transforming vertex positions is called the "vertex shader".
So the vertex shader replaces all of the automatic matrix transforms with a much more flexible, user-driven, computation system.
In a nutshell, OpenGL ES 1.1 is (much) easier to get into, while OpenGL ES 2.0 is much more flexible and probably potentially a lot faster. There are some things you just can't do in 1.1.
OpenGL ES 1.1 and 2.0 are completely mutually incompatible, so choose wisely.
There is much more material out there to learn 1.1 than there is for 2.0.
From my understanding of it, Vertices are representations of points on the 3D things you render, while Vertex Shaders are a means to temporarily modify a Vertex before rendering. Vertex Shaders run on your video card (gpu), so you can perform many actions in parallel (e.g. perform the same function on all of the vertices in your scene)- this takes a lot of burden off of your cpu.
