Why I cannot execute the following code? (It throws the exception: NotSupportedException)
I probably missed some configurations, could you please indicate what should I have to do?
(I am working with a SimpleMembershipProvider)
The simple providers do not support many of the old APIs, and will return NotSupportedException if called.
Unsupported MembershipProvider functions are:
GetUser (by providerUserKey)
You can find more details here: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/637428/SimpleMembershipProvider-vs-MembershipProvider
When I tried to use ResilienceDecorator.executeCallable() to enable circuit breaker, I have to throw out ResilienceRuntimeException in my callable to make the circuit break work. Sample code as below. Without it, circuit breaker is always closed. is this the right way to do it?
response = ResilienceDecorator.executeCallable(() -> {
HttpResponse response1 = tryHttpClient.get().execute(request);
if (response1.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 404){
throw new ResilienceRuntimeException("404 error is raised when calling SB api");
return response1;
e -> {LOG.warn("resiliience fallback call: " + e); return response1;});
I am asking since I don't see any document of it. Also when I check how destination configuration in SCP is retrieved, I saw the following code in com.sap.cloud.sdk.cloudplatform.connectivity.DestinationService . It doesn't throw out ResilienceRuntimeException, when using ResilienceDecorator.executeCallable(). so my question is do I need to throw out ResilienceRuntimeException or not to make circuit breaker work? if I don't need, anything wrong in my code?
return (String)ResilienceDecorator.executeCallable(() -> {
XsuaaCredentials xsuaaCredentials = (new ServiceCredentialsRetriever()).getClientCredentials("destination");
AccessToken accessToken;
if (propagateUser) {
accessToken = xsuaaService.retrieveAccessTokenViaUserTokenExchange(xsuaaCredentials.getXsuaaUri(), xsuaaCredentials.getCredentials(), useProviderTenant);
} else {
accessToken = xsuaaService.retrieveAccessTokenViaClientCredentialsGrant(xsuaaCredentials.getXsuaaUri(), xsuaaCredentials.getCredentials(), useProviderTenant);
return this.fetchDestinationsJson(servicePath, accessToken);
}, ResilienceConfiguration.of(DestinationService.class).isolationMode(ResilienceIsolationMode.TENANT_OPTIONAL).timeLimiterConfiguration(TimeLimiterConfiguration.of().timeoutDuration(Duration.ofSeconds(6L))).circuitBreakerConfiguration(CircuitBreakerConfiguration.of().waitDuration(Duration.ofSeconds(6L))));
I'm not the most experienced in this specific part, but looking at your code it seems fine to me. When a server returns 404 Not found it's not an indication of a service failure or error, but that resource is simply not found. If in your case 404 means that an error took place and the request has to be retried with a resilient approach, you have to throw that exception to inform Resilience4J that smth went wrong.
While we're working on improving our documentation, I recommend you take a look at the existing tutorial explaining resilience within the SAP Cloud SDK context. There we also throw ResilienceRuntimeException for clarity:
public List<BusinessPartner> execute() {
return ResilienceDecorator.executeSupplier(this::run, myResilienceConfig, e -> {
logger.warn("Fallback called because of exception.", e);
return Collections.emptyList();
private List<BusinessPartner> run() {
try {
return businessPartnerService
.orderBy(BusinessPartner.LAST_NAME, Order.ASC)
} catch (ODataException e) {
throw new ResilienceRuntimeException(e);
Regarding the code snippet from the DestinationService, I believe that fetchDestinationsJson() method throws an implicit exception thus letting Resilience4J know that smth went wrong. While in your case HttpClient won't throw anything when receiving 404 as it's a correct response code as any other.
I also think that checking CircuitsBreaker examples from Resilience4J library might be helpful.
I hope it helps:)
No you do not have to throw a ResilienceRuntimeException. In fact the SDK only uses that to wrap checked and unchecked exceptions into an unchecked exception which wraps all kinds of failures that occur within a resilient call.
Please expand your question with more details, I'll then expand this answer:
Which version of the SDK are you using?
How (and how often) do you invoke the decorated callable? Please expand the code block.
Please specify the exact behaviour you observe. What exception is thrown when you invoke the decorated callable? If the circuit breaker opens this should be a CallNotPermittedException wrapped inside a ResilienceRuntimeException
Reduce the callable to simply throw an exception in order to simplify the code
Reduce the resilience configuration to only use a circuit breaker (leverage ResilienceConfiguration.empty()). If that works add stuff back in again until it doesn't.
For reference also please find the documentation of resilience4j which the SDK uses under the hood to perform resilient operations.
My SAPui5 web app throws this error in Chrome's console:
The following problem occurred: HTTP request failed500,Internal Server Error,{"error":{
"code":"/IWBEP/CM_MGW_RT/053","message":{"lang":"en","value":"Default changeset impleme
ntation allows only one operation"},"innererror":{"application":{"component_id":"CA","s
saction":"For backend administrators: run transaction /IWFND/ERROR_LOG on SAP Gateway h
ub system and search for entries with the timestamp above for more details","SAP_Note":
"See SAP Note 1797736 for error analysis (https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/179
7736)"},"errordetails":[{"code":"/IWBEP/CX_MGW_TECH_EXCEPTION","message":"Default chang
eset implementation allows only one operation","propertyref":"","severity":"error","tar
get":""}]}}} -
According to some posts on the internet, the problem is caused by the conflict between these methods:
Most people advice to redefine the methods /iwbep/if_mgw_appl_srv_runtime~changeset_begin and /iwbep/if_mgw_appl_srv_runtime~changeset_end.
This is my /iwbep/if_mgw_appl_srv_runtime~changeset_begin method:
METHOD /iwbep/if_mgw_appl_srv_runtime~changeset_begin.
* Default Implementation:
* - Local Update Task
* - Only one operation in each changeset
* - No deferred processing: Immediate process changset operation
IF lines( it_operation_info ) > 1.
RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE /iwbep/cx_mgw_tech_exception
textid = /iwbep/cx_mgw_tech_exception=>changeset_default_violation
method = gcs_methods-changeset_begin.
CLEAR cv_defer_mode.
The problem is, in SE80, after the redefinition of /iwbep/if_mgw_appl_srv_runtime~changeset_begin when I try to check that method and activate it, SAP throws this error:
Can you tell me how can /iwbep/if_mgw_appl_srv_runtime~changeset_begin's redefinition cause such error?
FYI. gcs_methods is a private constant. It might be causing the problem.
A subclass cannot use a private member of its superclass (unless the superclass said the subclass is its friend).
As the superclass is generated, you have to duplicate the constant in your own program.
We had the same issue recently and redefined the method like this:
METHOD /iwbep/if_mgw_core_srv_runtime~changeset_begin.
IF line_exists( it_operation_info[ entity_type = 'ENTITY_TYPE' ] ).
cv_defer_mode = abap_true.
I'm no expert on this topic, but this implementation fixed our problem.
What the issue with your private constant is, however, I cannot tell.
The error is the inactive methods on the class interface. A simple code check tells all the erros of this implementation.
I am new to Android development with Xamarin.Android and I would like to understand how to have the next issue fixed.
Sometimes after restoring my Android application from background I was facing the next error:
Unable to find the default constructor on type MainMenuFragment. The MainMenuFragment is used by the application NavigationDrawerActivity to allow users to switch between different Fragments inside the app.
In order to solve it, I added a default constructor to the MainMenuFragment as described inside the next links:
Xamarin Limitations - 2.1. Missing constructors
Added a default constructor, should fix the issue.
public class MainMenuFragment : DialogFragment
readonly NavigationDrawerActivity navigationDrawer;
#region Constructors
public MainMenuFragment () {} // Default constructor...
public MainMenuFragment (NavigationDrawerActivity navigationDrawer, IMenuType launchMenu = null)
if (navigationDrawer == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("navigationDrawer");
this.navigationDrawer = navigationDrawer;
Fragment UpdateTopFragmentForCurrentMenu (Fragment newMenuRootFragment = null)
Fragment currentMenuRootFragment = navigationDrawer.CurrentFragment; // issued line.
But now sometime in the future, the MainMenuFragment gets initialized using its default constructor and at the first time it tries to access its navigationDrawer it throws a System.NullReferenceException:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at MainMenuFragment.UpdateTopFragmentForCurrentMenu (Android.App.Fragment) <0x00018>
at MainMenuFragment.OpenMenu (IMenuType,bool) <0x0006b>
at MainMenuFragment.OnCreate (Android.OS.Bundle) <0x00053>
at Android.App.Fragment.n_OnCreate_Landroid_os_Bundle_ (intptr,intptr,intptr) <0x0005b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) object.3919a6ec-60c1-49fd-b101-86191363dc45 (intptr,intptr,intptr) <0x00043>
How can I have a default constructor implemented without facing this null reference exception?
You're programming like a C# developer, thats what the problem is :) I faced these same hurdles learning monodroid.
Take a look at the examples out there, in java, you'll see almost all the time they initialize using a static method like object.NewInstance() which returns object. This is how they initialize their views/receivers/fragments. At that point they populate the Arguments property and store that in the fragment. You need to remove all your constructors EXCEPT the empty ones and use arguments to pass your data around. If you try to do this using constructors and regular oo concepts you'll be in for a world of hurt. Arguments.putExtra and all those methods are there. It makes things a little verbose but once you get the hang of it you'll start creating some helper methods etc.
Once you get that sorted, you'll need to figure out if you need to recreate your fragments everytime the activity is resumed and if not, mark them as RetainInstance = true as well as get them onto a fragmentmanager which will help you retain all your state.
If you haven't built on android before it's weird and certainly not what I expected. But it's reeaaallly cool, much more awesome than I expected too. And same with Xamarin.
Great similar question: Best practice for instantiating a new Android Fragment
In a controller I have this finder
And works.
Works even if I write
But if i write
and session.email is not defined (ergo is null) it throw exception
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: myapp.User.findByEmail() is applicable for argument types: () values: []
Is this behavior right?
If i evaluate "session.email" it give me null so I think it must work as it do when I write
Even more strange....
If I run this code in groovy console:
import myapp.User
It return a user that has null email but if I run the same code a second time it return
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: myapp.User.findByEmail() is applicable for argument types: () values: []
You can't use standard findBySomething dynamic finders to search for null values, you need to use the findBySomethingIsNull version instead. Try
def user = (session.email ? User.findByEmail(session.email)
: User.findByEmailIsNull())
Note that even if User.findByEmail(null) worked correctly every time, it would not necessarily give you the correct results on all databases as a findBySomething(null) would translate to
WHERE something = null
in the underlying SQL query, and according to the SQL spec null is not equal to anything else (not even to null). You have to use something is null in SQL to match null values, which is what findBySomethingIsNull() translates to.
You could write a static utility method in the User class to gather this check into one place
public static User byOptEmail(val) {
if(val == null) {
return User.findByEmailIsNull()
and then use User.byOptEmail(session.email) in your controllers.
Jeff Brown from grails nabble forum has identified my problem. It's a GORM bug. see jira
More info on this thread
This jira too
I tried with debugger and it looks it should be working, as you write. Maybe the groovy itself is a little bit confused here, try to help it this way:
User.findByEmail( session['email'] )
I want to prepare some data after user login system. After some google, I implemented a ApplicationListener to listen AuthenticationSuccessEvent:
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener;
import org.springframework.security.authentication.event.AuthenticationSuccessEvent;
import org.springframework.security.core.userdetails.UserDetails;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
public class MyApplicationListener implements
ApplicationListener<AuthenticationSuccessEvent> {
public void onApplicationEvent(AuthenticationSuccessEvent event) {
UserDetails userDetails = (UserDetails) event.getAuthentication()
System.out.println("Successed login:" + userDetails.getUsername());
I updated to Spring 3.0 RELEASE, and Spring Security 3.0.0.RC2. But I can never get called for AuthenticationSuccessEvent:( (I tried other event, such as AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent, it worked).
I use my own authentication-manager and do nothing about the event:
Do I need to podcast the event by myself?
Thank you.
You don't specify the details of your configuration. You state that you use your own authentication-manager - does this mean you are configuring the ProviderManager explicitly using Spring Bean configuration?
If so, you need to configure the AuthenticationEventPublisher on the ProviderManager, as the default implementation is a null implementation, which doesn't publish events.
The bean declaration for the default implementation is like this:
<bean id="defaultAuthEventPublisher" class="org.springframework.security.authentication.DefaultAuthenticationEventPublisher"/>
You'll then need to map this bean to the appropriate property on the ProviderManager:
If you aren't declaring your own ProviderManager, unfortunately there is not a way to enable this functionality using the security namespace style of configuration. Hope that answers your question!
I'm using Spring-Security 2.0.4, but I think it's pretty the same.
From what that I saw the ProviderManager is the one that publish the event in case of successful authentication.
Few questions that might help:
Do you use the standard ProviderManager (org.springframework.security.providers.ProviderManager) or supply one of your own?
Maybe the #Component doesn't work?, maybe (just for testing) you can try the regular addListener() function.
The best way to understand what happens is to Ito debug Spring security (locate a break point in ProviderManager), I use to do it a lot and find it pretty useful.
Maybe you want to listen for the InteractiveAuthenticationSuccessEvent. OpenID for example emits that event only. See also SEC-1534.
I have the same problem and I found a few things that might help.
I think that we should include the following listener in web.xml
If you wonder if your problem is in the listener detection or the publising you may tray to lauch events yourself.
AuthenticationSuccessEvent event = new AuthenticationSuccessEvent(