Antlr grammar, implicit token definition in parser rule - parsing

A weird thing is going on. I defined the grammar and this is an excerpt.
: Letter
| Digit name
| Letter name
: Digit
| Digit numeral
: [0-9]
: [a-zA-Z]
So why does it show warnings for just two lines (Letter and Digit name) where i referenced a fragment and others below are completely fine...

Lexer rules you mark as fragments can only be used by other lexer rules, not by parser rules. Fragment rules never become a token of their own.
Be sure you understand the difference: What does "fragment" mean in ANTLR?
Also, I now see that you're doing too much in the parser. The rules name and numeral should really be a lexer rule:
: ( Digit | Letter)* Letter
: Digit+
in which case you don't need to account for a Space rule in any of your parser rules (this is about your last question which was just removed).

Just in case you are using an older version of antlr:
are not valid regular expressions in old Antlr.
replace them with
('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z')
and your issues should go away.


Parser grammar rule is being ignored

The Goal
The goal is interpret plain text content and recognise patterns e.g. Arithmetic, Comments, Units of Measurements.
Example Input
This would be entered by a user.
# This is an example comment
10 + 10
// Another comment
This is one line of text
Expected Parse Tree
The goal of my grammar is to generate a tree that would look like this (if anyone has a better method I'd be interested to hear).
Note: The 10 + 10 is being recognised as an arithmetic rule.
Current Parse Tree aka The Problem
Below is the current output from the lexer and parser.
Note: The 10 + 10 is being recognised as an text and not the arithmetic rule.
Grammar Definition
The logic of the grammar at a high levels is as follows:
Parse line by line
Determine the line content if not fall back to text
grammar ContentParser;
* Tokens
NUMBER: '-'? [0-9]+;
LPARAN: '(';
RPARAN: ')';
POW: '^';
MUL: '*';
DIV: '/';
ADD: '+';
SUB: '-';
TEXT: ~[\n\r]+;
EOL: '\r'? '\n';
* Rules
start: file;
file: line+ EOF;
line: content EOL;
: comment
| arithmetic
| text
// Custom Content Types
comment: LINE_COMMENT;
/// Example taken from ANTLR Docs
NUMBER # Number
| LPARAN inner = arithmetic RPARAN # Parentheses
| left = arithmetic operator = POW right = arithmetic # Power
| left = arithmetic operator = (MUL | DIV) right = arithmetic # MultiplicationOrDivision
| left = arithmetic operator = (ADD | SUB) right = arithmetic # AdditionOrSubtraction;
text: TEXT;
My Understanding
The content rule should check for a match of the comment rule then followed by the arithmetic rule and finally falling back to the text rule which matches any character apart from newlines.
However, I believe that the lexer is being greedy on the TEXT tokens which is causing issues but I'm not sure.
(I'm still learning ANTLR)
When you are writing a parser, it's always a good idea to print out the tokens for the input.
In the current grammar, 10 + 10 is recognized by the lexer as TEXT, which is not what is needed. The reason it is text is because that is the longest string matched by a rule. It does not matter in this case that the TEXT rule occurs after the NUMBER rule in the grammar. The rule is that Antlr lexers will always match the longest string possible of the given lexer rules. But, if it can match two or more lexer rules where the strings are of equal length, then the first rule "wins". The lexer works pretty much independently of the parser.
There is no way to reliably have spaces in a text string, and not have them in arithmetic. The fix is to push spaces and tabs into an "off-channel" stream, then reconstruct the text by looking at the start and end character indices of the first and last tokens for the text tree node. The tree is a little messier, but it does what you need.
Also, you should just name the grammar as "Context" not "ContextParser" because you end up with "" and "" when you generate the parser--rather confusing. I also took liberty to remove labeling an variables (I don't used them because I work with XPath expressions on the tree). And, I reordered and reformatted the grammar to be single line, sort alphabetically in order to find rules quicker in a text editor rather than require an IDE to navigate around.
A grammar that does all this is:
grammar Content;
arithmetic: NUMBER | LPARAN arithmetic RPARAN | arithmetic POW arithmetic | arithmetic (MUL | DIV) arithmetic | arithmetic (ADD | SUB) arithmetic ;
comment: LINE_COMMENT;
content : comment | arithmetic | text ;
file: line+ EOF;
line: content? EOL;
start: file;
text: TEXT+;
ADD: '+';
DIV: '/';
LPARAN: '(';
MUL: '*';
NUMBER: '-'? [0-9]+;
POW: '^';
RPARAN: ')';
SUB: '-';
fragment STUFF : ~[\n\r]* ;
EOL: '\r'? '\n';
WS : [ \t]+ -> channel(HIDDEN);
TEXT: .; // Must be last lexer rule, and only one char in length.

Why use the fragment modifier here?

I've seen the use of fragment quite frequently within a Lexing rule, but not quite sure what its use is, or why it cannot just be removed. For example in the following rule:
: DECIMAL ([Ee] [+-]?[0-9]+)?
fragment DECIMAL
: [0-9]+ ('.' [0-9]*)? | '.' [0-9]+
When I remove the fragment I still get the same parse tree. So what exactly is the use of using fragment or is it mainly an annotative type of thing?
As another example from this tutorial page:
Fragments are reusable parts of lexer rules which cannot match on their own - they need to be referenced from a lexer rule.
| '0' [Xx] HEX_DIGIT+
fragment DIGIT: [0-9];
fragment HEX_DIGIT: [0-9A-Fa-f];
I see no difference from using the following two approaches:
And without fragments:
Could someone please explain why these would be useful then?
The fragment declaration prevents the part from being recognized as a token. That might not be necessary very often, but it can definitely save you from hard-to-find bugs.
Let's take the second example in your post, without the fragment modifiers:
expression: INTEGER ;
| '0' [Xx] HEX_DIGIT+
DIGIT: [0-9];
HEX_DIGIT: [0-9A-Fa-f];
Now, we decide that we want to add variables to the grammar:
expression: INTEGER | IDENTIFIER ;
| '0' [Xx] HEX_DIGIT+
DIGIT: [0-9];
HEX_DIGIT: [0-9A-Fa-f];
LETTER: [A-Za-z] ;
Do you see the bug?
The parser won't handle the input a, although it has no trouble with ax or i. That's because the tokeniser will interpret a as a HEX_DIGIT, not an IDENTIFIER.
Of course, I could have prevented that by putting HEX_DIGIT after IDENTIFIER, but that's more thinking about lexer rule ordering than I really want to do. I'd like the implementation details of IDENTIFIER and INTEGER to not interfere with each other, thank you very much.
Correctly flagging non-token fragments, like LETTER, DIGIT and HEX_DIGIT saves me from having to think about whether a fragment might somehow manage to high-jack a token definition somewhere else in the file.
Here's a possibly more pernicious example, based on your first example:
EXPONENT: [Ee] [+-]? [0-9]+ ;
DECIMAL : [0-9]+ ('.' [0-9]*)? | '.' [0-9]+ ;
Once I add expressions to that grammar, I'll find that f+17 is fine, but e+17 is a syntax error. Why? Because it is recognised as an EXPONENT, rather than being parsed as an expression. No reordering of lexical rules will prevent that. But adding the fragment modifiers does the trick.

ANTLR4: How can I recognize words from an alphabet?

I am new to Antl4. I have an antlr grammar file that consists of something similar to:
consonant : 'b' | 'c' | 'd' | 'f' ;
vowel : 'a' | 'e' | 'i' ;
connector : ':' | '-' ;
cseq : (consonant)+ ;
vseq : (vowel)+ ;
prefix : cseq vseq ;
word : (cseq vseq | cseq)+ ;
From my understanding, even though these lines are at the bottom of a file, they're still considered rules. My parse tree captures each individual letter instead of treating them as lexical items - or words. How can I change these rules into lexer statements?
A couple of things to keep in mind.
parser rules are rules beginning with lower case letters
lexer rules are those whose name begins with an uppercase character (fairly common convention is to make then all uppercase)
if you put a literal character in a parser rule (all of your rules are parser rules, as they begin with lower case characters), ANTLR will synthesize a TOKEN rule for those characters.
Since it appears that you want a word to be a lexical item (i.e. Token), you could do something along the lines of:
fragment CONSONANT : 'b' | 'c' | 'd' | 'f' ;
fragment VOWEL : 'a' | 'e' | 'i' ;
CONNECTOR : ':' | '-' ; // not sure what you intend for this
fragment CSEQ: CONSONANT+ ;
fragment VSEQ : VOWEL+ ;
PREFIX : CSEQ VSEQ ; // not sure what you intend for this
(That's making quite a few assumptions about your intention.)
Main point, if you want WORDs to be single tokens, they need to be defined as a Lexer rule.
If you want to compose rules for Lexer rules, you can define fragment rules. These rules can be used to compose Lexer rules, but will not, themselves, be recognized as tokens.
With the changes here, you should be able to use WORD in a parser rule, and have all the characters that make up your WORD in a single Token.

Ordering lexer rules in a grammar using ANTLR4

I'm using ANTLR4 to generate a parser. I am new to parser grammars. I've read the very helpful ANTLR Mega Tutorial but I am still stuck on how to properly order (and/or write) my lexer and parser rules.
I want the parser to be able to handle something like this:
Hello << name >>, how are you?
At runtime I will replace "<< name >>" with the user's name.
So mostly I am parsing text words (and punctuation, symbols, etc), except with the occasional "<< something >>" tag, which I am calling a "func" in my lexer rules.
Here is my grammar:
doc: item* EOF ;
item: (func | WORD) PUNCT? ;
func: '<<' ID '>>' ;
WS : [ \t\n\r] -> skip ;
fragment LETTER : [a-zA-Z] ;
fragment DIGIT : [0-9] ;
fragment CHAR : (LETTER | DIGIT | SYMB ) ;
PUNCT : [.,?!] ;
fragment SYMB : ~[a-zA-Z0-9.,?! |{}<>] ;
Side note: I added "PUNCT?" at the end of the "item" rule because it is possible, such as in the example sentence I gave above, to have a comma appear right after a "func". But since you can also have a comma after a "WORD" then I decided to put the punctuation in "item" instead of in both of "func" and "WORD".
If I run this parser on the above sentence, I get a parse tree that looks like this:
Anything highlighted in red is a parse error.
So it is not recognizing the "ID" inside the double angle brackets as an "ID". Presumably this is because "WORD" comes first in my list of lexer rules. However, I have no rule that says "<< WORD >>", only a rule that says "<< ID >>", so I'm not clear on why that is happening.
If I swap the order of "ID" and "WORD" in my grammar, so now they are in this order:
And run the parser, I get a parse tree like this:
So now the "func" and "ID" rules are being handled appropriately, but none of the "WORD"s are being recognized.
How do I get past this conundrum?
I suppose one option might be to change the "func" rule to "<< WORD >>" and just treat everything as words, doing away with "ID". But I wanted to differentiate a text word from a variable identifier (for instance, no special characters are allowed in a variable identifier).
Thanks for any help!
From The Definitive ANTLR 4 Reference :
ANTLR resolves lexical ambiguities by
matching the input string to the rule specified first in the grammar.
With your grammar (in Question.g4) and a t.text file containing
Hello << name >>, how are you at nine o'clock?
the execution of
$ grun Question doc -tokens -diagnostics t.text
line 1:9 mismatched input 'name' expecting ID
line 1:14 extraneous input '>>' expecting {<EOF>, '<<', WORD, PUNCT}
Now change WORD to word in the item rule, and add a word rule :
item: (func | word) PUNCT? ;
word: WORD | ID ;
and put ID before WORD :
The tokens are now
and there is no more error. As the -gui graphic shows, you have now branches identified as word or func.
As "500 - Internal Server Error" already mentioned in his comment ANTLR will match lexer rules in the order they are defined in the grammar (the topmost rule will be matched first) and if a certain input has been matched ANTLR won't try to match it differently.
In your case the WORD and ID rule can both match input like abc but as WORD is declared first abc will always be matched as a WORD and never as an ID. In fact ID will never be matched as there is no valid input as an ID that can not be matched by WORD.
However if your only goal is to replace whatever is in between << and >> you'd be better off using regular expressions. However if you still want to use ANTLR for it you should reduce your grammar to only care about the essentials. That is to distinguish between any input and input in between << and >>. Therefore your grammar should look something like this:
INTERESTING: '<<' .*? '>>' ;
UNINTERESTING: (~[<])+ | '<' ;
Or you could skip the UNINTERESTING completely.

Ignoring whitespace (in certain parts) in Antlr4

I am not so familiar with antlr. I am using version 4 and I have a grammar where whitespace is not important in some parts (but it might be in others, or rather its luck).
So say we have the following grammar
grammar Foo;
program : A* ;
A : ID '#' ID '(' IDList ')' ';' ;
ID : [a-zA-Z]+ ;
IDList : ID (',' IDList)* ;
WS : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ;
and a test input
foo#baz ( z,Z) ;
The first line is parsed correctly whereas the second one is not.
I don't want to polute my rules with the places where whitespace is not relevant, since my actual grammar is more complicated than the toy example. In case it's not clear the part ID'#'ID should not have a whitespace. Whitespace in any other position shouldn't matter at all.
Even though you are skipping WS, lexer rules are still sensitive to the existence of the whitespace characters. Skip simply means that no token is generated for consumption by the parser. Thus, the lexer Addr rule explicitly does not permit any interior whitespace characters.
Conversely, the a and idList parser rules never see interior whitespace tokens so those rules are insensitive to the occurrence of whitespace characters occurring between the generated tokens.
grammar Foo;
program : a* EOF ; // EOF will require parsing the entire input
a : Addr LParen IDList RParen Semi ;
idList : ID (Comma ID)* ; // simpler equivalent construct
Addr : ID '#' ID ;
ID : [a-zA-Z]+ ;
WS : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ;
Define ID '#' ID as lexer token rather than as parser token.
A : AID '(' IDList ')' ';' ;
AID : [a-zA-Z]+ '#' [a-zA-Z]+;
Other options
enable/disable whitespaces in your token stream, e.g. here
enable/disable whitespaces with lexer modes (may be a problem because lexer modes are triggered on context, which is not easy to determine in your case)
