Bootstrap 3 with Skrollr site getting cut off on ios? - ios

I've been creating a portfolio website for a friend. In an attempt to make the site responsive and artsy, I chose to pull in twitter bootstrap and skrollr. I noticed that in safari in iOS that the site seems to be cut off at a certain point. Has anyone else ran into this issue before? I have provided a link below in case anyone notices anything obvious.

A lot of people (including myself) are having troubles when using skrollr on mobile devices. In order to use both "fixed" and "relative/absolute" position at the same time, you have to put all the divs that are not fixed inside a div called #skrollr-body
However, the real problem is that your skrollr is being confused when getting the height of your
skrollr-body. you can try to put forceHeight: false inside your skrollr.init()
if that doesn't work, it might because skrollr doesn't know where is the end of #skrollr-body, so just put an empty div after your #skrollr-body and give it a keyframe. It should works just fine now :)


IE renders wrong glyphicons

I am building a Rails app that uses Bootstrap and its components. On one page I have a datepicker which used glyphicon-chevron-left and glyphicon-chevron-right.
However, when the site is oped on IE, surprisingly, there is a bug. Occasionally, IE renders wrong icons. The bug is really random and sometimes I struggle to reproduce it. You can see the error and the code in the picture below:
Wrong glyphicon
Has any of you encountered that? I've tried googling the problem but haven't found a soution. What could be causing that issue?
Any help will be highly appreciated!

Why does the material design dialog body have no height on an iPad

I have a web application using angularjs and material-design.
I use md-dialog for adding and editing certain records from the database. This is responsive and works as expected on my desktop for all browsers except IE (no great surprise). This is how it is supposed to look.
However, if I run the application in safari on a Mac, or any browser on iOS (including chrome), the dialog appears to be missing the contents (has no height).
While IE doesn't have exactly the same issue, it does appear to be similar. So, I believe it is an issue with how iOS renders the flex attributes. However, I am not sure and don't know how to confirm on my iPad.
My search so far has not provided any working solutions to this issue, but I have seen others ask the same question (though not through stack).
What causes this issue?
How do I fix it for an iPad?
This is how the dialog is rendered in the html:
<md-dialog-content class="flex" id="dialogContent_140" flex>
<form name="workerDialog" class="md-dialog-content ng-pristine ng-invalid-required ng-valid-mindate ng-valid-maxdate nd-valid-filtered ng-valid-valid ng-valid-minlength ng-valid-maxlength ng-valid-pattern ng-valid-unique" style>
If I modify the element and remove flex like this:
<md-dialog-content class="flex" id="dialogContent_140">
The body content appears as expected (at least on the MAC).
I can also modify the css in angular-material.min.css and remove -webkit-flex, -ms-flex, flex and achieve the same results.
-webkit-flex: 1;
-ms-flex: 1;
flex: 1;
box-sizing: border-box;
I can't completely kill flex for the rest of the application, but I have to allow this to work on an iPad.
I found the cause of my issues. Thanks to #Tran Khanh Nguyen for moving me in the right direction.
When the dialog was defined, someone added <md-dialog-content flex>. I removed flex and it fixed the issue on all devices.
For more information, with some special browser (e.g. IE, IOS browser...) we should consider to add the value for flex, like flex="auto" or flex="100", it will help anuglar-material would fine on these browsers.

Prototype.js Interferring with Jquery UI

So I am currently working with an e-commerce cms that implements Lightbox to display large product pics.
In the sidebar I have implemented my own tab group powered by jquery-ui.
The sidebar works perfectly on every page except the product pages. i soon found out the problem was the call to prototype.js used by Lightbox...When i comment out the call to the prototype script the tab group starts working again.
I have tried various things like trying to change the scope of my code and reordering when the scripts are called, but this hasn't worked...any ideas on what i could do to remedy the situation?
NOTE: I didn't include any code because i thought we could just throw around soem theory : )...if you think anything would help i can add it
thanks for any help,
The problem was i needed to use $.noConflict();
before #MichealKoper suggested this i had no idea it existed

jQuery Mobile 1.0a4.1 iPad Viewport Size

I just updated the jQuery Mobile version of our client book-in page to the latest 1.0a4.1 and I need some help debugging a window sizing issue off-site (I'm not on location).
The page runs on an iPad at the store so clients can book in their own cases. However, the page is being displayed like it's on an iPhone with huge lettering. "Emulating" with Ripple shows everything as it should, though.
I can't debug it from here and I'm not using any other CSS besides the base 1.0a4.1 stylesheets. How do I force jQuery Mobile to display the page as if on an iPad?
Here is a screenshot sent by the store clerk:
I didn't have the time to test it or try the fix, so it's still a guess, but at least based on your code inspection ;)
ok, so you put a meta viewport in your page and JQM also pops in a little
<meta content="width=device-width,minimum-scale=1,maximum-scale=1" name="viewport">.
As I said - I didn't test it, but I expect a collision. I have read somewhere that JQM was supposed to stop putting those metatags there... Try fiddling with that metatag a bit.
Also - see if the alpha4 or 4.1 release notes (on the blog) say something about viewports.
Running Media Queries

Sifr 3 Links Problem

I am currently coding a site that is using an extensive amount of sifr'ed links. The appearance of the sifr'ed text is fine, however the links only seem to work in Safari. I have seen that there are several other people having trouble with firefox with older versions of sifr, however I have updated to the latest nightly build for Sifr3.
The site is
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Make sure to not replace the <a> directly, but replace its parent element.
