Finding Razor partial views in the area EditorTemplates folder -

I am starting to use EditorFor helper method to render my razor partial views, but I couldn't get the partials in the Areas folder to work.
Here is the path to the partial:
The partial is really simple with only one "div" tag to do the testing.
Try to use in my page view (~\Areas\Products\Views\EditPage.cshtml) as
#Html.EditorFor(m => m.ProductEditModel, "_Edit")
Visual studio tells me that "Cannot resolve template '_Edit'".
Now, if I move the partial to the root view folder:
It works, Visual studio has no problems to resolve the template, and the div is renderred correctly in my browser.
I also tried to customize the RazorViewEngine, did not work either
namespace MySite.Web
public class RazorViewEngine : System.Web.Mvc.RazorViewEngine
public RazorViewEngine()
: this(null)
public RazorViewEngine(IViewPageActivator viewPageActivator)
: base(viewPageActivator)
AreaPartialViewLocationFormats = new[]
Just wondering what did I do wrong? BTW, I am using MVC3 at the moment, can't upgrate to MVC4 due to some old components.

When calling a partial view or view from a different area in MVC, specify the full path of the partial view or view. Since MVC is based on convention, by convention it will look in the same area the calling code in the view (or controller) resides for any partial views or views referenced, unless a specific path is used. Try using the full path to reference the partial view when it is located in the products area:
#Html.EditorFor(m => m.ProductEditModel, "~/Areas/Products/Views/Shared/EditorTemplates/_Edit.cshtml")
Since the view referenced is a shared view it doesn't matter if you specify the full path if you are in the same area. However, if you are trying to access a view within a different directory than the view trying to reference it and this directory is not named shared you will need to specify the full path regardless of area. It is similar when the controller calls the view; if a controller from the same area as the referenced view specifies the short name for the view and this view is from a parent directory named different than its own (ignoring the "controller" suffix) the view engine will not find your view. Unless of course the parent directory for the view is in the shared folder.
Whether it's in the controller or a view you can't use the "short name" across areas because the view engine has a convention for where to look when the path isn't used. Areas are meant to do this to keep your code separated, or decoupled if you will, at a high level by default. So any decision to "cross the barrier" should be thought about mindfully, but certainly not discouraged. It's all about convention.

I am answering my own question now.. My page view path was not correct. Since my area is Products, controller is ProductController, my page view should be placed in ~\Areas\Products\Views\Product\EditPage.cshtml, that way, it matches what the view engine expects, and the partial will be corrected resolved.


.net MVC proper way to link to views within an area

I have a .Net MVC app with a couple areas, one of which is called Admin. When I execute /Admin/Home/Index, the Index() method in the Admin area Home controller executes and the correct Index.cshtml is returned. So far, so good.
My issue is related to _Layout.cshtml. I want the layout to be different for each area and for the main site. To that end I have added _ViewStart.cshtml to my Admin area's Views folder, and within that _ViewStart I have the following:
Layout = "/Areas/Admin/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
Again, so far, so good, but using a fully qualified path seems inelegant and I have to think there is a better way.
A similar question was asked here:
Area doesn't use the right view
The one answer that was given says that the fully qualified path is the way to go, though it was not marked as the answer by the OP.
So my question is this. Is it necessary to use a fully qualified path to reference views within an area? Is it not possible to do this in an area:
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
Based on the controller that is executing, is the view engine not capable of resolving that I want the view from the area's shared folder and not the view from the main site's shared folder?
Your Views inside of the Areas will automatically look to the Views folder in that area for a _ViewStart.cshtml or a _ViewImports.cshtml file. My advice in your case would be to put a _ViewStart.cshtml file into your Area's View folders (Not in their Shared folders!) and have it reference the _Layout file of your choice such as:
Layout = "_Layout";

Problems returning PartialViews from controller

I am using MVC 4 and I have some areas in my project and some Views and Partial Views within each area:
AdminArea => one area and so on
Customer.cshtml => my View
_CustomerDetails.cshtml => my partial View
In my controller, CustomerController I have the following code that fails:
return PartialView("_CustomerDetails", model) => fails to find my partial view.
However, if I call
return PartialView("~/Areas/AdminArea/Views/Customer/_CustomerDetails.cshtml", model)
the code executes successfully.
My Views (not partial views) all work ok. I even have some some partial views (also in the same area) that render ok without specifying the full path, but for some reason, for the most of them the above code fails in constructor saying that:
The partial view '_CustomerDetails' was not found or no view engine supports the searched locations. The following locations were searched:
~/Views/Customer/_CustomerDetails.cshtml a.s.o. ... => and is searching in global not in Admin area.
Is there any way to fix this problem without having to specify the full path to my PartialViews in code? (like passing area="Admin" like I do in the .cshtml file).
I am not using any custom ViewEngine and I have called AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas() in Global.asax.cs.
I am really sorry for even posting this question:
The call from the controller worked fine, but the problem was that I was calling from javascript to get the PartialView through an action and I didn't specify the full name for that action. That's why the partial view wasn't returned since the method responsible for returning it wasn't being called at all.
Sorry about that: the code is a bit complex and I got lost in details around Ajax calls.
seems weird, try adding a view from controller action method i.e right click action method in controller, add view, make a view a partial view and see where it adds it.. check if it is the same location as you are putting, if not there is some structure prob/bug.

"Cannot Resolve Partial View X" in Umbraco 6 Html.Partial

I'm using Umbraco 6, and am using the new MVC architecture. I have a document type view template, which has a view model, which is instantiated and has it's properties populated from the controller. One of these properties is a collection, and in the view template I iterate through the collection and render out a Partial View with a separate view model, using 'Html.Partial("partialName", modelObject)'
The weird problem I'm having is that firstly, in Visual Studio I get a ReSharper warning telling me that it cannot resolve a partial view with that name (I have checked 50 times and I've spelt it correctly). Additionally when I then navigate to the page, I get the trusty ol' "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" YSOD.
I have debugged the code, and the controller action is hit fine, the logic to instantiate the view model for the document type template works fine, and populates the properties correctly, I've also made sure the properties are still set inside the view and the loop for rendering out the collection items correctly instantiates a view model object per collection item and sets the properties correctly. It breaks when it hits the Html.Partial.
Document Type View Code below:
#foreach (KeyValuePair<decimal, IPublishedContent> result in Model.Results)
PropertySearchResultViewModel model = ObjectMapper.SearchResultToViewModel(result);
Html.RenderPartial("PropertySearchResultDesktop", model);
Partial View Code below:
#using Production.Umbraco.Extensions.Models.ViewModels;
#inherits UmbracoViewPage<PropertySearchResultViewModel>
<article id="property-result-#Model.Node.Id.ToLower()">
<p>Distance: #Model.Distance Miles</p>
Here is a screenshot of my VS Solution tree:
The 'NewHomes.cshtml' document type view template is returned from the NewHomesController and the view is calling the 'PropertySearchResultDesktop.cshtml' partial view, which was created from the Umbraco back office, and was placed their automatically.
The Umbraco website says that you can and should place your partial views here
But no matter what I try to do, it just wont render the partial. I've seen one other question about this on SO but the answer was just to place it in MacroPartials instead, which I dont want to do as part of the benefit of using Partial Views in Umbraco 6 is that they inherit from UmbracoViewPage with a strongly typed model declaration, which MacroPartials don't.
Has anyone encountered this before?
Fixed. The issue was with the model I was passing to the document type view from the controller.
In the Umbraco documentation it says, you can create a controller to hijack the Umbraco route and serve up your own view with a custom model, like so:
public ActionResult Index(RenderModel model)
SearchResultsViewModel viewModel = new SearchResultsViewModel
return CurrentTemplate(viewModel);
and in my view I had:
#inherits UmbracoViewPage<SearchResultsViewModel>
However, it seems as though, in order to do that, you must make sure your custom view model in inherits from RenderModel with a constructor that takes RenderModel as a parameter and then sets some properties on the base object, like so:
public class SearchResultsViewModel :RenderModel
public SearchResultsViewModel(RenderModel model) : base(model.Content, model.CurrentCulture)
Previously, my view model had not inherited from anything and had a parameterless constructor.
This article led me to the right answer.
Also, as a side note, I still get the ReSharper warning of "Cannot resolve partial view PropertySearchResultDesktop" but I think that's a ReSharper bug rather than an error.
Even with a full path and file extension in the call, it still complains.
I do find it odd though that while debugging, even with my old controller code, no exception was thrown at the model binding stage or inside the controller, or in the view until it go to the Html.Partial call.
Anyway, I hope this helps anyone having the same issue.

sitecore mvc ControllerRenderer and the context item Layout

Just playing around with Sitecore 7 and MVC, and I try to get the rendering basics working.
So far, I have been able to create a View Rendering (and mapped to the relevant .cshtml file) within the Renderings section, and applied these to the presentation details of the item (in much the same way you do with ASPX Layouts/ASCX Sublayouts).
I have also been able to map the Item to a controller (using the Controller and Action fields on the item), have the Index action on the controller (inherited from SitecoreController) return the view ~/Views/Home/Index.
The issue I can't seem to wrap my head around is merging the two rendering methods. I want to be able to create controllers that map to an Item, but render the item using the ViewRenderer, rather than using the default MVC conventing of return View(), so that I can:
Specify the location of the view files within a multi-site environment by setting the path parameter of the rendering; and
Have content authors/managers manage the renderings the way that the Layout/Sublayout does with place holders.
Does anyone know of a way that this can be achieved?
Have you taken a look at Controller Renderings in Sitecore MVC? These give you the ability to map a controller class to a Sitecore presentation item that can be statically or dynamically bound to your layout details.
This post has a reasonable overview of how to get started with controller renderings.
As for specifying the location of View files for multi-site environments you can pass the path to the razor file into the Controller View method, for example:
return View("~/Areas/SampleArea/Views/SampleArea/Index.cshtml");
I hope this helps.

ASP.NET MVC: Multiple View Folders and _ViewStart.cshtml file

I have an MVC project that requires there to be 2 different View folders. One is at ~/Views/ and one at ~/Framework/Views/. This is done by creating a custom view engine based on the razor view engine like this:
public class MyViewEngine : RazorViewEngine
private static string[] AdditionalViewLocations = new[]{
public MyViewEngine()
base.PartialViewLocationFormats = base.PartialViewLocationFormats.Union(AdditionalViewLocations).ToArray();
base.ViewLocationFormats = base.ViewLocationFormats.Union(AdditionalViewLocations).ToArray();
base.MasterLocationFormats = base.MasterLocationFormats.Union(AdditionalViewLocations).ToArray();
The problem is that I want to use a different _ViewStart.cshtml file in each of the 2 Views folder (i.e. ~/Views/_ViewStart.cshtml for views found in the ~/Views/ folder and ~/Framework/Views/_ViewStart.cshtml for views found in the ~/Framework/Views/ Folder), however the View Engine just uses the first one it finds which is the original one in ~/Views/.
Is this possible to do?
Thank you
This is definitely possible, I think you just missed something.
I have tested this myself using the view engine you supplied (copied and pasted verbatim). I am not seeing the same behavior as you. I have two _ViewStart.cshtml files, one at ~/Framework/Views/_ViewStart.cshtml, and one at ~/Views/_ViewStart.cshtml.
When I run a view within ~/Framework/Views/, it uses the _ViewStart.cshtml in the Framework folder. When I run a view within ~/Views/, it uses the _ViewStart.cshtml in the Views folder.
Double checking the code in RazorViewEngine using DotPeek also confirms that this is exactly how it should behave. The view engine starts checking in for a file named _ViewStart.cshtml within the same folder as the view being rendered, and then walks up the directory tree until it gets to the root of the application.
The selection of _ViewStart is hierarchical, but you've added ~/Framework/Views parallel to ~/Views. I don't think Razor is set up to actually do what you want (i.e. two completely parallel view locations). If you were to put Framework into the main Views folder, your _ViewStarts would load properly, though.
