BreezeJS custom SaveResult containing additional deleted entities - breeze

We are parsing the SaveBundle on the server and returning a custom SaveResult. We want to be able to notify the client of additional changed entities as a result of processing the SaveBundle.
For example we have a SaveBundle from the client containing 1 entity to be deleted which when we parse and process on the server we actually delete 2 entities.
As far as we can tell the SaveResult does not contain any properties that would allow us to indicate an entity was 'deleted', rather than say 'modified'.
Is there a way to return additional entity changes through the SaveResult? Or is the only solution to refresh the data by resubmitting a Breeze query client side after the save changes?

I 'think' that if you return the deleted entities with their foreign keys set to null or empty (in the case of non-nullable guids etc.) in the SaveResult then Breeze client-side will detect this and mark them as deleted
I couldn't find anything explicitly in the documentation or the source about this though

here is your answer:
var result = context.SaveChanges(saveBundle);
//create your own EntityInfo object and fill it with the the entity and it's state
var entityInfo = new EntityInfo();
//add it to the result
//return the result
return result;
Breeze client will then treat that entity like any other entity returned from you normal save proc.
Hope this helps


The difference between Find and Any for Attached entity

I have a function that get a Book entity, and checks whether it already exists in the database.
If it already exists, the function needs to update the entity in context.
So when I use the Find function to check whether it exists, the following error is thrown:
Attaching an entity of type 'Books' failed because another entity of the same type already has the same primary key value. This can happen when using the 'Attach' method or setting the state of an entity to 'Unchanged' or 'Modified' if any entities in the graph have conflicting key values. This may be because some entities are new and have not yet received database-generated key values. In this case use the 'Add' method or the 'Added' entity state to track the graph and then set the state of non-new entities to 'Unchanged' or 'Modified' as appropriate.
But when I use the Any function to check that, the code work fine.
My guess is that the Find function Attach the entity (to context) but Any not doing it.
Can someone give an explanation please?
The Find function:
public IHttpActionResult PutBook(Books book)
if(db.Books.Find( == null)
db.Entry(book).State = EntityState.Modified;
The Any function:
public IHttpActionResult PutBook(Books book)
if (db.Books.Any(b =>
db.Entry(book).State = EntityState.Modified;
Sorry if I have English errors.
Yes, Find fetches an entity from the database and attaches it to the context if it's not already in its cache. So at that point there is a Book instance in the context's cache and then you try to attach another instance to it. That's not allowed, because EF's cache is designed as an identity map.
The second snippet obviously doesn't materialize a Book instance: it runs a SQL query that only returns a bool.

What is the right way to append entity from one manager to another in breeze?

What is the right way to append entity from one manager to another?
Straight forward attempts result in overwriting entities or in warning about the same entity key...
var entity = em1.getEntities()[0];
// assume em2 already has entities
I believe there should be some in-build functionality for appending entries to another non empty manager or for generating an unique key for selected manager.
Any suggestions?
I did read the documentation and tried to do it via exportEntities and exportEntities:
var entity = em1.getEntities()[0];
var export = em1.exportEntities([entity], false);
//here em2 already has entity with the same key as entity that I want to add
var import = em2.importEntities(export, { mergeStrategy: breeze.MergeStrategy.Disallowed });
This gives me an error: A MergeStrategy of 'Disallowed' prevents Picture:#Macaw.Whitelabel.WebAPI.Models--1 from being merged
I really don't understand how to append entities....
I did discover that manually assigning id of the attached entity solves the problem and error disappears.
Is there a way to make it not manually but using breeze?

Determine which entity properties have been modified in BeforeEntitySave

Using a custom EFContextProvider, I want to check which properties have been modified on an entity before it saves, so that I can implement:
Security: The client has permission to change only certain properties of an entity.
Auditing: Whenever certain properties are changed, the change needs to be logged.
There are suggestions on SO to use OriginalValuesMap to determine the modified properties, see here and here. If the original value differs from the new value, the property has been modified. However, these original values are supplied by the client, and thus can be forged to match the new values, bypassing this check.
The first SO question I linked suggests this is not an issue, because if the original values are forged in such a way, those properties won't be saved anyway:
For any other "unchanged" property, which we are not using in any way, we don't need to worry if it has been tampered with because, even if it has, the tampered value will not be persisted to the database
This is untrue however, as long as all modified properties on the entity have their original values forged. For example, the following code will bypass server-side security checks based on OriginalValuesMap and still save to the database:
manager.fetchEntityByKey('Employee', 42).then(function (result) {
var employee = result.entity;
employee.Salary(1000000); // do you think HR will notice?
delete employee.entityAspect.originalValues.Salary;
return manager.saveChanges();
When Breeze .NET receives the entity, it adds the entity to an Entity Framework context in Modified state, and with no properties marked as modified, Entity Framework's behaviour is to save all the supplied property values to the database.
IMO this is a security bug in EFContextProvider.HandleModified, where it overrides the EF entity state to Modified (there is even a comment in that method warning not to do so). In any case, what is the correct way to determine which properties have changed and are about to be saved?
In your Context intercept Save and check if it is legal save or not. For the sake of explanation, let's say you want to save entity of type RestrictedClass and you defined table RestrictedClasses which imitates table in your database.
public override int SaveChanges()
foreach (
var entry in
.Where((e => (e.State == (EntityState) Breeze.WebApi.EntityState.Modified))))
if (entry.Entity.GetType() == typeof(RestrictedClass))
var entity = entry.Entity as RestrictedClass;
var originalEntities = RestrictedClasses.Where(e => e.Id = entity.Id).toList();
if (originalEntities.Count == 0) continue; // user is trying to add, illegal since it says it's modified, you do different check for EntityState.Added
var originalEntity = originalEntities[0]; // there should be only one, unique ID
//.... now you check differences between entity and originalEntity and decide whether it's legal or not based on user role.

Deleting and then adding a new identical entity throws an error

I have a model called a DeviceAccount. It is a join table that allows me to create many to many relationships.
I have a function that creates a new DeviceAccount by handing it an account & a device to join. See here:
var createDeviceAccount = function (account, device) {
var initialValues = {
account: account,
device: device
return manager.createEntity(entityNames.deviceAccount, initialValues);
I have a function to delete a DeviceAccount. See here:
var deleteDeviceAccount = function (account, device) {
var baseQuery = entityQuery.from('DeviceAccounts');
var p1 = new breeze.Predicate('device', 'eq', device);
var p2 = new breeze.Predicate("account", "eq", account);
var modQuery = baseQuery.where(p1.and(p2));
var results = manager.executeQueryLocally(modQuery);
If I locally create, remove, create, remove the same device/account pair there is no problem.
If I take a device/account pair that exists on the server I can remove it fine, but when I add it again I recieve the following error:
Uncaught Error: This key is already attached:
If I follow this in more depth I can see that removing a local device changes the entityState to be 'Detached' and if I remove a device that also exists on the server its entityState gets changed to be 'Deleted'. I can't follow much further than this and I was hoping someone could explain why this could be happening?
Just to be clear, deleting an entity via entityAspect.setDeleted causes its entityState to be set to "Deleted". This action marks the entity for deletion on the next save and also removes it from any navigation collections on the client. The entity is still being tracked by the EntityManager after this operation.
In contrast, detaching an entity via entityAspect.setDetached removes it from the entityManager cache completely. This also removes the entity from any navigation collections on the client, but will have NO effect on the server during an EntityManager.saveChanges call, because the EntityManager no longer "knows" about the entity. Think of "detaching" as telling the EntityManager to completely forget about an entity, as if it had never been queried in the first place.
"Deleting" an entity followed by "re-adding" the same entity is problematic because this would cause the EntityManager to have two incarnations of the same entity; a deleted version and an added version. Therefore the EntityManager throws the exception that you are seeing.
I think what you want to do is delete and add a "new" clone entity with a different id.
Hope this makes sense!
The reason this happens is that Breeze is keeping track of that entity until you have fully removed it from the server to keep you from creating a new entity with the same ID, which of course will throw a server exception since you can't do that.
If you called saveChanges() on your entityManager before you tried to recreate it, then Breeze will go out to the server, remove the entity from the DB, return the promise, and completely detach the entity from the local cache since it no longer exists on the server.
You could set the entityState to detached manually, but then if you try to saveChanges and that ID already exists on the server it will throw an error.
Best Option
Pass the entity into the saveChanges method in an array -
function saveSucceeded() {
console.log('Entity removed from server');
Now after saveSucceeded has completed you can create a new entity with that ID

multiple deserialization of same object should or not create new instances?

In my scenario i've a MVC on iis serializing objects from entity framework where i've overridden GetHashCode and Equal methods since the Id of those objects is immutable once committed to the database.
i also have some client, who can't reach the database, but connect to iis to get those entities serialized via json and deserialize them locally using newtonsoft.json.
When i deserialize them in the clients for a second time, to refresh the data in them, i was expecting the existing instances to be updated automatically.
I'm expecting a little too much?
Should i write some clone method to copy properties and check a cache for existing ids?
Did i wrote something wrong in the Equal and GetHashCode methods?
For instance:
I've a blog entity with a title in the database
The client connect to iis
get a json string containing {"Id" : 1, "Name" : "blogName"}
deserialize it and store it locally
add post to the blog in the same way to an observable collection in the class blog i've used client side
Someone or something Change the blog name in the database
The client try to refresh
get the json string containing {"Id" : 1, "Name" : "newBlogName"}
deserialize it to a new instance of class blog, with same id
What's next? copy the new instance name to the old one, ore there's a better way?
Yes, you expect too much. You can attach new entity (because entity framework context doesn't know about this entity, because you get it from somewhere outside dbcontext) and then save it.
Answer here
//This place is where you can deserialize your entity
var existingBlog = new Blog { BlogId = 1, Name = "ADO.NET Blog" };
using (var context = new BloggingContext())
// Do some more work...
I think the best solution is to have two database one server side and one client side, with the same shared entity framework but different connection strings, with the keep object reference setted and use the network only to sync the databases and then query it client side.
