Umbraco Site Publishing - umbraco

I am using umbraco v 4.11.6 (Assembly version: 1.0.4834.19775) the issue is every time the server shuts down or restarts I need to republish the pages which are not loaded.
So please let me know the root cause for this issue if anyone knows or any other things that can be done to over come from this
Thanks in Advance

In version 4.6 there was an issue which had the same behavior when the SQL database was not available at boot time of the website. But with version 4.11 this should be fixed a long time.
I would investigate the logs (~/app_data/logs/). You might find some clue there. Append logs to your post if you can not find the issue.
This might be a problem with some ApplicationEventHandlers not running properly. Or with write permissions on the proper folders. Try adding more logs to the code, so you are sure what runs (and what doesn't).
If you can not find the answer, try the umbraco forums :


Jenkins Gradle failure with Could not write cache value to '/home/bldadm/.gradle/daemon/4.8/registry.bin'

I saw some previous posted questions and their possible answers like Error:Could not read cache value from '/Users/gsp/.gradle/daemon/2.10/registry.bin' but even after deleting the folder 4.8 and rebuild and sync still getting the same error, I don't know what else the problem could be. any hint for help is appreciated. My error is could not write not could not read not even sure if deleting the version folder was a solution in the first place.
Just in case anyone have the same issue, I found out the problem was I can't write on the bldadm, I just have to fill it up which I don't have the right to do, then after discussing the issue with one of our cloud engineers they said The home dir needs to be increased, and they did which solved the issue,
There is another option.
you can delete the daemon directory that under .gradle (in my case I changed her name).
this is how it work for me.

Neo4j - Saved Scripts in Browser Interface Not Saving

I'm just curious - have any fellow Neo4j-ers ever encountered this behavior?
Right now, I've got 30 queries in the 'Saved Scripts' part of the Neo4j browser interface. When I try to save another, it will remain there until the the page is reloaded/refreshed - it then disappears.
I thought that 30 might be some soft limit determined in a Neo4j configuration file (/etc/neo4j/neo4.conf) but I can't find any statements in the file relating to this. If it's at all pertinent, I'm running x64 CentOS 7 as a VM - this is where my Neo4j has been configured. I've checked the debug logs and I don't see any warnings or errors relevant to this issue.
Is this behavior normal? If so, is there a way to change it?
I solved the problem. Just needed to reboot the VM apparently.
Still not sure what the root cause of this is - but rebooting was, in this case, the remedy.

Gitlab Pages delivers random content

I am experiencing weird behavior with the Pages feature of GitLab Omnibus package running on an Ubuntu 16.04 virtual machine. Some projects use Pages with Jekyll built by GitLab CI, which has been working as expected since it was first published with Gitlab CE.
For a couple of days now, visiting any of the homepages of those sites shows the content of just one of the projects. Each of them should of course show different content, but they all show the same. Even stranger: the content shown on each of the sites changes over time to one of the other projects, and I can not see whether this is deterministic.
Restarting the build processes of each of the projects did not fix this, neither did gitlab-ctl reconfigure, stop and start, nor rebooting the entire VM.
To investigate on that issue, I edited (which I assume is) the resulting file of the build process at /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/pages/www/ Not in the first place, but later on during the already stated "rotating" content, the edits showed up on the webpage.
So what is going on there? Is this some caching issue? Is it malconfiguration? Is it a bug? Please help me find and fix the problem, as those are production websites.
Looks like this is actually an issue

Termination caused websites executing no more

I had a perfectly well running mvc application and I was debugging message sending via SignalRand I decided to stop debugging and went to edit some code. However, there was an error saying something about IIS termination and whether I want to do that because something (I assume - the application) cannot be stopped. (I am really sorry, but I didn't read it at the time). So now I try to relaunch my program and it just won't open. The website is trying to be opened but the loading circle in chrome just kept on spinning forever.
What I tried to do was:
1. restarted VS - didn't help
2. restarted PC - didn't help
3. created a new project, brought all files to it and launched it and it worked!
So then it worked for ~10 minutes or so and then just stopped again (this time no error message or anything). I tried changing a port in the settings of the project. Didn't work. Tried changing back and it launched successfully. For a minute or so... :(
So finally, I tried putting a break point right at the
public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
protected void Application_Start()
-> {
The breakpoint was hit, it successfully passed the next line
and just disappeared at
Many times I tried and it always disappears at the same location. Going deeper is not an option since this is system method. I suspect something can be problematic with that, but I am not experienced with much configuration of
P.S. many times VS was acting strange and even tho I set the breakpoint at the place I marked above, it showed the breakpoint with a message that it won't be hit because the source differs from the current code (But I didn't change a thing since before the very first crash! The only place I modified a few symbols at was at MyHub.cs which is an extended class for a Hub for SignalR)
Lastly, I tried deleting everything from bin folder so it got fully rebuilt, but without any success to revive my application.
What could be a possible problem, maybe someone had anything at least similar to this? Or maybe someone would be kind to help me at choosing better keywords while searching in google because "IIS termination" and "AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas(); not working" didn't bring me much :(
This is a known bug:
We have been unable to successfully reproduce this issue on our servers. We've seen that using a different web server will resolve the issue. If you're able to post a reproduction project to the linked Issue, chances are it will be resolved promptly.
Apparently, the solution I marked isn't the exact thing that helped me. This link was the thing that miraculously helped me and I was able to finally get back to work. However, I found the winning link because of N. Taylor Mullen, so he deserves the full credit :) But letting others know if anyone comes to this question :)

Wamp server has deleted my Service Package

I just when to continue with my web site in Flash builder and there was an error. When I looked into it my Service folder which held my PHP script is missing and unfortunately I hadn't backed up for some months.
Has anyone had this issue and is there a way to get it back? it just disappeared :(
C:\wamp\www\index-debug\services\CustomerService.php is missing
Never happened to me. You can use "Handy Recovery" or "recuva" to get your file back. Good luck with that
