Accessing Ruby Hash value using a string - ruby-on-rails

I have a ruby array like below
tomcats = [
I need to pass the string as a hash index like below
tomcats.each do |tomcat_name|
obi_tomcat '#{tomcat_name}' do
Chef::Log::info("Creating tomcat instance - #{tomcat_name}")
Chef::Log::info("#{node['obi']['tomcat']['sandbox'][:name]}") // works
Chef::Log::info("#{node['obi']['tomcat']['#{tomcat_name}'][:name]}") // doesn't work
The last log throws an error since the access with #{tomcat_name} is nil. I'm new to ruby. How do I access with key as the tomcat_name ?

In normal code, you'd write:
In a string interpolation (useless here, because it's the only thing in the string in this case), it is completely the same:

#{} only works in double quote, as "#{tomcat_name}".
But you don't need the syntax here, just use [tomcat_name] directly.

When I saw this question, I'm thinking whether ruby placeholder could be put inside other placeholder in string interpolation. And I found that ruby actually support it, and most interesting thing is that you don't need to escape the " inside the string.
Although it is not very useful in this case, it still works if you write as below:
Below is an simple example of placeholder inside other placeholder:
tomcats = [
node = {
'sandbox_name' => "sandbox name",
'sandbox_acserver_name' => "sandbox_acserver name",
'sandbox_vgw_name' => "sandbox_vgw name",
tomcats.each do | tomcat |
puts "This is tomcat : #{node["#{tomcat}_name"]}"


Remove all indents and spaces from JSON string except inside its value in Ruby

My problematic string is like this:
I want to parse it as JSON object(Hash) by JSON.parse(jsonstring)
The expecting result is:
{ "test": "AAAA", "test2": "BBB\nB"}
However, I get the error:
JSON::ParserError: 809
I happend to know that indentaion code in jsonstring be escaped,
so I tried this:
escaped_jsonstring = '{\n"test":"AAAA",\n"test2":"BBB\n\n\nBBB"\n}'.gsub(/\R/, '\\n')
I still have JSON::ParserError.
Indentations outside the key or value may cause this error.
How can I remove \n(or \r any indentation code) only outside the key or value in Ruby?
which means,
try this
'{\n"test":"AAAA",\n"test2":"BBB\n\n\nBBB"\n}'.gsub(/\B(\\n)+/, "")
\n" is considered inside boundary (so i use \B), meanwhile "\n is considered outside boundary (\b), (\\n)+ to fix case '...,\n\n\n"test2":...
turn out \s\n also be considered an inside boundary ... iam not sure there's other cases ...
for now, the updated version
'{\n"test":"AAAA",\n"test2":"BBB \n\n\n BBB"\n}'
.gsub(/([{,\"]\s*)\B(\\n)+/) { $1 }
better way
i found another way to solve your problem, also using regexp, now i will scan through the input text (valid or invalid json) then filter follow the pair pattern "<key>":"<value>" and don't care anything else outside those pairs, finally output the hash
def format(json)
matches = json.scan(/\"(?<key>[^\"]+)\":\"(?<val>[^\"]+)\",*/)
format('{\n "test\n parser":"AA\nAA", \n\n"test2":"BBB ? ;\n\n\n BBB" \n}')
# {"test\n parser"=>"AA\nAA", "test2"=>"BBB ? ;\n\n\n BBB"}

How to output JSON in Rails without escaping back slashes

I need to output some JSON for a customer in a somewhat unusual format. My app is written with Rails 5.
Desired JSON:
"key": "\/Date(0000000000000)\/"
The timestamp value needs to have a \/ at both the start and end of the string. As far as I can tell, this seems to be a format commonly used in .NET services. I'm stuck trying to get the slashes to output correctly.
I reduced the problem to a vanilla Rails 5 application with a single controller action. All the permutations of escapes I can think of have failed so far.
def index
render json: {
a: '\/Date(0000000000000)\/',
b: "\/Date(0000000000000)\/",
c: '\\/Date(0000000000000)\\/',
d: "\\/Date(0000000000000)\\/"
Which outputs the following:
"a": "\\/Date(0000000000000)\\/",
"b": "/Date(0000000000000)/",
"c": "\\/Date(0000000000000)\\/",
"d": "\\/Date(0000000000000)\\/"
For the sake of discussion, assume that the format cannot be changed since it is controlled by a third party.
I have uploaded a test app to Github to demonstrate the problem.
After some brainstorming with coworkers (thanks #TheZanke), we came upon a solution that works with the native Rails JSON output.
WARNING: This code overrides some core behavior in ActiveSupport. Use at your own risk, and apply judicious unit testing!
We tracked this down to the JSON encoding in ActiveSupport. All strings eventually are encoded via the ActiveSupport::JSON.encode. We needed to find a way to short circuit that logic and simply return the unencoded string.
First we extended the EscapedString#to_json method found here.
module EscapedStringExtension
def to_json(*)
if starts_with?('noencode:')
"\"#{self}\"".gsub('noencode:', '')
module ActiveSupport::JSON::Encoding
class JSONGemEncoder
class EscapedString
prepend EscapedStringExtension
Then in the controller we add a noencode: flag to the json hash. This tells our version of to_json not to do any additional encoding.
def index
render json: {
a: '\/Date(0000000000000)\/',
b: 'noencode:\/Date(0000000000000)\/',
The rendered output shows that b gives us what we want, while a preserves the standard behavior.
$ curl http://localhost:3000/sales/index.json
Meditate on this:
Ruby treats forward-slashes the same in double-quoted and single-quoted strings.
"/" # => "/"
'/' # => "/"
In a double-quoted string "\/" means \ is escaping the following character. Because / doesn't have an escaped equivalent it results in a single forward-slash:
"\/" # => "/"
In a single-quoted string in all cases but one it means there's a back-slash followed by the literal value of the character. That single case is when you want to represent a backslash itself:
'\/' # => "\\/"
"\\/" # => "\\/"
'\\/' # => "\\/"
Learning this is one of the most confusing parts about dealing with strings in languages, and this isn't restricted to Ruby, it's something from the early days of programming.
Knowing the above:
require 'json'
puts JSON[{ "key": "\/value\/" }]
puts JSON[{ "key": '/value/' }]
puts JSON[{ "key": '\/value\/' }]
# >> {"key":"/value/"}
# >> {"key":"/value/"}
# >> {"key":"\\/value\\/"}
you should be able to make more sense of what you're seeing in your results and in the JSON output above.
I think the rules for this were originally created for C, so "Escape sequences in C" might help.
Hi I think this is the simplest way
for input {:key=>"\\/Date(0000000000000)\\/"} (printed)
first gsub will do{"key":"\\//Date(0000000000000)\\//"}
second will get you
as you needed

Tidy long string in Ruby

I have a method in Ruby, which needs an API URL:
request_url = "{ENV['REV']}&key=#{ENV['KEY']}&locale=en_US&currencyCode=#{currency}&arrivalDate=#{check_in}&departureDate=#{check_out}&includeDetails=true&includeRoomImages=true&room1=#{total_guests}"
I want to format it to be more readable. It should take arguments.
request_url = "
But of course there's line break. I tried heredoc, but I want it to be in one line.
I would prefer to not build URI queries by joining strings, because that might lead to URLs that are not correctly encoded (see a list of characters that need to be encoded in URIs).
There is the Hash#to_query method in Ruby on Rails that does exactly what you need and it ensure that the parameters are correctly URI encoded:
base_url = ''
arguments = {
rev: ENV['REV'],
key: ENV['KEY'],
locale: 'en_US',
currencyCode: currency,
arrivalDate: check_in,
departureDate: check_out,
includeDetails: true,
includeRoomImages: true,
room1: total_guests
request_url = "#{base_url}?#{arguments.to_query}"
You could use an array and join the strings:
request_url = [
Even easier, you can use the %W array shorthand notation so you don't have to write out all the quotes and commas:
request_url = %W(
Edit: Of course, spickermann makes a very good point above on better ways to accomplish this specifically for URLs. However, if you're not constructing a URL and just working with strings, the above methods should work fine.
You can extend strings in Ruby using the line continuation operator. Example:
request_url = "" \
"&rev=#{ENV['REV']}" \

ruby regex with quotes

I'm trying to pass more than one regex parameter for parts of a string that needs to be replaced. Here's the string:
str = "stands in hall "Let's go get to first period everyone" Students continue moving to seats."
Here is the expected string:
str = "stands in hall "Let's go get to first period everyone" Students continue moving to seats."
This is what I tried:
str.gsub(/'|"/, "'" => "\'", """ => "\"")
This is what I got:
"stands in hall \"Let's go get to first period everyone\" Students continue moving to seats."
How do I get the quotes in while sending in two regex parameters using gsub?
This is an HTML unescaping problem.
require 'cgi'
This gives you the correct answer.
From my comments on this question:
Your updated version is correct. The only reason the slashes are in your final line of code is that it's an escape sequence so that you don't mistakenly think the first slash is used to terminate the string. Try assigning your output and printing it:
str1 = str.gsub(/'|"/, "'" => "\'", """ => "\"")
puts str1
and you'll see that the slashes are gone when str1 is printed using puts.
The difference is that autoevaluating variables within irb (which is what I assume you're doing to execute this sample code) automatically calls the inspect method, which for string variables shows the string in its entirety.
Because I did not understand unescaping characters I found an alternative solution that might be the "rails-way"
Can you use <%= raw 'some_html' %>
My final solution ended up being this instead of messy regex and requiring CGI
<%= raw evidence_score.description %>
Unescaping HTML string in Rails

Regex in Ruby: expression not found

I'm having trouble with a regex in Ruby (on Rails). I'm relatively new to this.
The test string is:$ProdLarge$
I am trying to remove "$ProdLarge$". In other words, the $ signs and anything between.
My regular expression is:
Rubular says my expression is ok.
But when I run my code, the app says it isn't finding a match. Code below:
some_array.each do |x|
logger.debug "scan #{x.scan('\$\w+\$')}"
logger.debug "String? #{x.instance_of?(String)}"
My logger debug line shows a result of "[]". String is confirmed as being true. And the gsub line has no effect.
What do I need to correct?
Use /regex/ instead of 'regex':
> "$ProdLarge$".gsub(/\$\w+\$/, 'scl=1')
=> ""
Don't use a regex for this task, use a tool designed for it, URI. To remove the query:
require 'uri'
url = URI.parse('$ProdLarge$')
url.query = nil
puts url.to_s
To change to a different query use this instead of url.query = nil:
url.query = 'scl=1'
puts url.to_s
URI will automatically encode values if necessary, saving you the trouble. If you need even more URL management power, look at Addressable::URI.
