Is grails run-war suitable for production? - grails

We have a green-field deployment opportunity, and it seems simple to have grails manage the servlet container for us instead of installing it through the OS package manager.
Understanding that run-app is never suitable for deployment, is run-war a good option?

The usual way to deploy a Grails app to production is to run grails war to build a .war file and deploy that to your container. According to the docs run-war
is useful for quick deployment and/or testing
so on that basis, it seems that it's not intended for production deployments


Payara+Jenkins+VisualSVN build successful with no errors, but still not deploying to Payara applications

I have created a simple web application in Netbeans 10.0
Integrated successfully with Visual SVN. Regular commits are working fine.
Installed Payara 5
Installed Jenkins
Successfully registered Visual SVN branch in Jenkins job
Successfully configured Ant and DEPLOY TO CONTAINER plugins in Jenkins.
Registered war filename, Context path, Server Glassfish 3.x, port and hostname in Jenkins
Build Now in Jenkins
Successful build.
Logged into Payara Admin console and clicked Applications
WHOOOOOSHHHH... No application found there
There is absolutely no error any where. Tried all options including specifying Target/ Arg settings in build.xml
Nothing works.
Please help me as my job is on the stake.
*** P.S.
No where did I find any setting for Payara domain name. That could be a cause but not sure. How would Jenkins know in which Payara domain to deploy the compiled WAR file. May be I am wrong.
Thanks in anticipation.
Yesterday, I was able to deploy .war on Tomcat successfully. It went straight into webapps.
But the real issue is that when configuring Jenkins with GlassFish, Jenkins doesn't offer an input field for GlassFish Domain. Hence, compilation ends with BUILD SUCCESSFUL and FINISHED messages, but the application could not be seen in any of the Glassfish domains.

Continuous Integration with hybrid mobile app

I have a problem. I need to build a job in my Jenkins server hosted by macmini (localhost) to automatic build a deploy for my mobile hybrid apps. That's apps was building with ionic2, and need a deploy for Android (apk) and for iOS (ipa).
But when i run a build from Jenkins, with this shell command
I get this error
that's not all... because i try to execute, from the jenkins folder, the npm i and the result was this:
When i try to build my application from other "folder" and not from jenkins, they works correctly. How i can solve?
Without more information hard to say; you can either just script the things you do when you deploy "manually", or you might want to try a CLI tool like or which can auto-scan your project and configure a suitable configuration which is then easier to tweak.
In case of Bitrise CLI the base config can be generated with bitrise init in the repo root, and you can also use a visual editor to modify your configuration:
After a lot of time, just find the solution. Jenkins have a own "tools management". So i need to install, into jenkins, a property version of nodeJS, Npm and all other tools i need to deploy the application.
So, first of all you need to install property plugin (in my case nodejs).
After this, going into Jenkins Management System and configure a NodeJS version. That's all

JBoss Server and Grails 2.1.0 within STS

I've been working with a grails 1.3.7 project within STS for the last few months.
Our test and production environments use JBoss 5.1.
I upgraded our grails app to 2.1.0 recentlly and it all ran ok locally.
Major problems occured when I deployed it to our test environment (Jboss issues).
So in order to avoid this in future I would like to develop locally using JBoss also.
Is there a Eclipse/STS plugin I can use for this?
Don't think there's a specific plugin for jboss
Seems your only options now are tomcat and jetty, if you need to stick with the 'run-app' command
If you can give up the debug console and check your test info at the browser, then you can probably write a small script to auto-deploy to a local jboss server, which you can set up through eclipse workspace

How do I deploy a grails application built on hudson to JbossAS 7?

We have a grails application that we build using hudson. Hudson used to deploy the generated war to tomcat through the tomcat-manager. Now that we are moving to JBoss 7, there is no obvious step available in hudson to deploy to JBoss7. Is there are plugin for JBoss7 deployment that I can use? Or commands to perform deployments on JBoss7?
You should check this out:
Also if you prefer to use scripting: (it might be a little bit outdated now)

Effective grails plugin development

This has been very upsetting for me up till now. Here is what I am trying to do:
IDE I'm using is Intellij IDEA.
Building a grails application.
Grails application specifies two dependencies on in house grails plugins also being developed in IntelliJ as separate grails plugin projects.
Now to make any changes to plugins, I update the source code in plugin projects and use mavan-install (Maven Publisher plugin) to deploy to local Maven repository.
I have to uninstall the plugin in core grails project. Delete the plugin cache from ivy and then run the core grails project which gets the latest copy of plugin from local maven repository.
What's the effective and ideal way to achieve this? A single change makes me do some 5 minutes of labour work to even test and run core application.
Any recommendations/ best practices?
Use inline plugins for this - see section "Specifying Plugin Locations" in
By specifying the plugin project directory with grails.plugin.location.<plugin-name> as the location of the installed plugin, you can edit the real files and the changes will affect the test application, and there's no need to sync anything up.
