One of my TopShelf-hosted Windows services is creating duplicate log files that look like this:
A similar problem has been described on StackOverflow before - the solutions in 10639682 didn't work for me, but 579688 suggests it could be caused by initialising the logging system twice.
I'm using the TopShelf Log4Net plugin, but I'm also doing my own log4net logging and need access to the ILog instance before the service has actually started, so my code looks like this:
public static void Main(string[] args) {
var log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(MyService));
var container = new Container();
RegisterComponents(container, log);
log.InfoFormat("Starting MyService");
public static void RunService(Container container) {
HostFactory.Run(x => {
x.Service<PortalAdaptor>(s => {
s.ConstructUsing(name => container.Resolve<MyService>());
s.WhenStarted(f => f.Start());
s.WhenStopped(f => f.Stop());
x.SetDescription("My Service");
x.SetDisplayName("My Service");
I've done a little digging, and it appears that calling x.UseLog4Net() in my RunService method is actually running XmlConfigurator.Configure() again - see Log4NetLogWriterFactory, line 62 in the TopShelf code.
Am I correct in thinking that calling XmlConfigurator.Configure() twice could be the cause of my duplicate log file issues?
If so - how can I either inject an existing config into TopShelf, OR get the TopShelf initialization to run before I start my service so I can start logging before the service starts?
Call Hostfactory.New instead of HostFactory.Run to get a reference to the host, do your logging, then call the Run() method on the host:
var host = HostFactory.New(configureService);
var log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(MyService));
log.InfoFormat("Starting MyService");
An alternative approache would be that once you have done your initial logging, call LogManager.ResetConfiguration to clear the configuration and allow TopShelf to reload it:
Resets all values contained in the repository instance to their
defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets the level
of all non-root loggers to null, sets their additivity flag to true
and sets the level of the root logger to Debug. Moreover, message
disabling is set to its default "off" value.
I have a Windows service for test purposes that i want to migrate to Service Fabric. The service does nothing more than writing to a txt-file on my drive when it starts and when it stops. It works fine when i manually start and stop the service after installing it on my machine. Can i achieve the same result on service fabric or does the implementation be different?
I have created a guest executable with the service and deployed it to a local cluster following this guide.
First of all, I don't like this answer. After playing with it, I'm convinced the best way is to just port the code to a service fabric app. I would love to see a better "bolt-on" solution, but I haven't found any others. Every answer I've seen says "just run the exe as a Guest Executable", but a Windows Service exe doesn't "just run". It needs to be ran as a Windows Service which calls the OnStart entry point of the Service class (which inherits from ServiceBase).
The code below will allow your Windows Service to run in Service Fabric, but Service Fabric seems to report WARNINGS! So it's FAR from perfect.
It shouldn't require any changes to your OnStart or OnStop methods, however it does require some basic plumbing to work. This is also helpful if you wish to debug your windows services, as it allows you to pass in a /console command line argument and have it run in a console window.
First, either create your own ServiceBase class, or simply paste this code into your Service class (by default it's called Service1.cs in a C# Windows Service project):
// Expose public method to call the protected OnStart method
public void StartConsole(string[] args)
// Plumbing...
// Allocate a console, otherwise we can't properly terminate the console to call OnStop
// Yuck, better way?
StaticInstance = this;
// Handle CTRL+C, CTRL+BREAK, etc (call OnStop)
SetConsoleCtrlHandler(new HandlerRoutine(ConsoleCtrlCheck), true);
// Start service code
// Expose public method to call protected OnStop method
public void StopConsole()
public static Service1 StaticInstance;
private static bool ConsoleCtrlCheck(CtrlTypes ctrlType)
switch (ctrlType)
case CtrlTypes.CTRL_C_EVENT:
case CtrlTypes.CTRL_BREAK_EVENT:
case CtrlTypes.CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT:
return false;
return true;
private static extern bool AllocConsole();
public static extern bool SetConsoleCtrlHandler(HandlerRoutine Handler, bool Add);
public delegate bool HandlerRoutine(CtrlTypes CtrlType);
public enum CtrlTypes
Now change your Main method in Program.cs to look like this:
static void Main(string[] args)
var service = new Service1();
if (args.Length > 0 && args.Any(x => x.Equals("/console", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
new ServiceBase[]
You may need to rename 'Service1' to whatever your service class is called.
When calling it through Service Fabric, make sure it's passing in the /console argument in ServiceManifest.xml:
<CodePackage Name="Code" Version="1.0.0">
If you wish to use this as a debuggable Windows Service, you can also set your 'Command line arguments' to /console under the Project settings > Debug tab.
A better option is to use TopShelf. This will work without warnings in Service Fabric, however it does require some code refactoring as it becomes a Console project instead of a Windows Service project.
I have been using Proto.Actor and specifically the ActorFactory to spawn actors. To be able to use these features I need to add services.AddProtoActor() to the ConfigureServices method of my startup class.
However, now I want to transition to using StructureMap as my IoC container, but the two do not appear to play nicely together - when I add the following code from guides I have found online:
public IServiceProvider ConfigureIoC(IServiceCollection services)
// static class method that scans assemblies
IContainer container = IocContainer.SetupContainer();
container.Configure(config =>
return container.GetInstance<IServiceProvider>();
When it tries to run config.Populate I get the following error:
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the
range of valid values. Parameter name: EventStream must have at
least one public constructor to be plugged in by StructureMap
Does anyone have any ideas how to get the IActorFactory created correctly as a singleton in StructureMap (or have a workaround)?
In the end, using StructureMap removes the need I had for the ActorFactory itself. So instead of getting the actor's PID from the factory I have two lines:
var props = Actor.FromProducer(() => container.GetInstance<MyActorType>());
var pid = Actor.Spawn(props);
I am getting Missing type map configuration error when I call Mapper.Map(object,object);
Here is my current setup.
Global.asax.cs - Calling
Configuration.cs -
Mapper.Initialize(cfg =>
cfg.AddProfile(new ExportProfile());
public class ExportProfile : Profile
protected override void Configure()
Import Task file:
var JobDTOSpec = new class JobDTO();
// Fill in JobDTOSpec object with appropriate fields.
JobDTOSpec.property1 = "hello";
..... more properties.
// JobDTO and JobSpec class are identical as well.
var JobSpec = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map(JobDTO, new JobSpec()); <-- Error occurs.
This error does not occur on each task job(WCF Service call). We are currently running 100's of task job. Mapping works fine for first 30 minutes or so. After that we started getting Mapping configuration error.
My Question is : Is there any way Automapper would loose itss memory because server(iis) is being overloaded of thousands of jobs and forgets mapping.(we were hitting our WCF service around 2GB memory on IIS). Is there any limit after certain calls Mapping would reset it's mapping memory and in a mean time if server gets call would it not recognize/remember mapping types?. What else could cause this error with memory issue or under heavy server load.
Make sure you call base.CreateMap, not Mapper.CreateMap in your Profile class.
I want to replace the default IDataBus implementation (which writes to the filesystem) with one which writes to a db (so it can run on AWS). To this end I have a config extension:
public static class ConfigureSqlServerDataBus
public static Configure SqlServerDataBus(this Configure config)
var dataBus = new SqlServerDataBus();
return config;
to allow me to configure the bus. But obviously my SqlServerDataBus has a dependency on something which tells it where to write (An IRepository implementation in this case).
Usually I would ask for the dependency through the constructor, but as the config of the service bus is done through the IWantCustomInitialization which will use Activator to create the instance I can't. My understanding is that NServiceBus will use property injection to satisfy the dependencies but it doesn't seem to do this. I have a couple of calls like this after my configuration is done:
.Start(() => Configure.Instance.ForInstallationOn<NServiceBus.Installation.Environments.Windows>().Install());
but my setters for the SqlServerDataBus are never called, although the Put method is.
Can someone point out what I'm doing wrong?
You can't change the configuration after the bus has already been started. To move your config calls into the fluent initialization code, use the RunCustomAction method.
Alternatively, you can write a new class which implements INeedInitialization and make your config calls in there. This class will be invoked at the right time.
What is the preferred way to remove a default pipeline contributor (OpenRasta 2.0.3)?
I haven't found a lot on that on the net, but one way seems to be writing a custom DependencyRegistrar, i.e. deriving from DefaultDependencyRegistrar and then e.g. overriding AddDefaultContributors(). Apart from that I doubt that it's the best way to remove just a single pipeline contributor, it seems to need additional per-host (ASP vs. InMemory) work, whereas I would consider messing with pipeline handlers to be a host-agnostic affair.
But even if I'd go this route, this guy here seems to have tried it without success:
I tried similar things, but so far couldn't make my custom registrar replace the default.
So what's the simplest and best way to remove a default pipeline contributor, preferable in a host agnostic way? Is there a working example somewhere?
No, you just need to derive from the registrar and use the protected members that are available to imperatively remove the types you don't want auto-registered.
The registrar needs to be registered in your container before you provide it to OpenRasta, otherwise the type has been resolved already.
Answering myself with working code snippets as they might be helpful to others.
So it looks like removing default pipeline contributors cannot be done
in a host agnostic way (although I don't see why OpenRasta could not
be modified to allow for easy deletion of handlers in the future).
The 2 classes that need to be written are in fact independent of the
host(s) used:
public class MyDependencyRegistrar : DefaultDependencyRegistrar
protected override void AddDefaultContributors()
// If we remove the only contributor for the 'well-known'
// IHandlerSelection stage, like done above, we need to add
// another one implements IHandlerSelection, otherwise
// we'll run into errors (and what's the point of a pipeline
// without a handler selector anyway?). So let's do that here:
In order to make that Registrar available, we need to create an accessor
like the following, which then needs to be set in the various hosts:
public class MyDependencyResolverAccessor : IDependencyResolverAccessor
InternalDependencyResolver resolver;
public IDependencyResolver Resolver
if (resolver == null)
resolver = new InternalDependencyResolver();
resolver.AddDependency<IDependencyRegistrar, MyDependencyRegistrar>();
return resolver;
For Asp.Net, this seems to work for me:
public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication
void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
OpenRastaModule.Host.DependencyResolverAccessor =
new MyDependencyResolverAccessor();
For InMemoryHost, which I use for integration testing and in-process access
of my handlers, I haven't found a way around copying the whole class
InMemoryHost and modifying it to my needs. In fact, we don't need
MyDependencyResolverAccessor in this case, as InMemoryHost implements
IDependencyResolverAccessor already. So here's how it could look like. Only the
last line was actually added to the existing code in InMemoryHost:
public class TwinMemoryHost : IHost, IDependencyResolverAccessor, IDisposable
readonly IConfigurationSource _configuration;
bool _isDisposed;
public TwinMemoryHost(IConfigurationSource configuration)
_configuration = configuration;
Resolver = new InternalDependencyResolver();
Resolver.AddDependency<IDependencyRegistrar, MyDependencyRegistrar>();