MVC redirect changing domain -

I am trying to redirect to a page in MVC website so I have the following code in my controller:
return Redirect("/test");
I am running my site locally through IIS on a domain of test.local and when I hit this controller I would expect to go off to http://test.local/test but instead, for some reason, it is redirecting me to http://localhost/test
Does anyone know how I can make it stay on the same domain without having to put the domain name into the redirect or do I have to include the domain name as well?
Please note as well that I am unable to use RedirectToRoute or RedirectToAction as the url is a separate application (under the same domain as the current site)

I have created a extension method that provides to redirect on the same domain. Maybe this helps
public static class ControllerExtension
public static string FullyQualifiedApplicationPath
//Return variable declaration
var appPath = string.Empty;
//Getting the current context of HTTP request
var context = HttpContext.Current;
//Checking the current context content
if (context != null)
//Formatting the fully qualified website url/name
appPath = string.Format("{0}://{1}{2}{3}",
context.Request.Url.Port == 80
? string.Empty
: ":" + context.Request.Url.Port,
if (!appPath.EndsWith("/"))
appPath += "/";
return appPath;
public static RedirectResult RedirectSameDomain(this Controller controller, string url)
return new RedirectResult(FullyQualifiedApplicationPath + url);
You can use it like this
return this.RedirectSameDomain("/test");
Thanks to SO User Brian Hasden for FullyQualifiedApplicationPath and his answer on How can I get the root domain URI in ASP.NET?


How to make ASP.NET Core MVC routes generation relative?

Context - the application
I'm developing an ASP.NET Core application using netcoreapp2.2 (dotnet core 2.2). This application is distributed as a Docker image and it's working well. It's an Add-On for HASS.IO, an automated environment for Home Assistant based on docker. Everything works well.
The missing feature in my app: HASS.IO's ingress
But... I want to make use of a HASS.IO feature called Ingress:
The goal of this feature is to allow Home Assistant to route the http traffic to the add-on without having to manage the authentication part and without requiring the system owner to setup a port mapping on its firewall for the communication. So it's a very nice feature.
MVC routing paths are absolute
To use HASS.IO ingress, the application needs to provide relative paths for navigation. By example, when the user is loading the url, the add-on container will receive a / http request. It means all navigation in the app must be relative.
By example, while on the root page ( translated to a HTTP GET / for the container), we add the following razor code:
<a asp-action="myAction" asp-route-id="123">this is a link</a>
We'll get a resulting html like this, which is wrong in this case:
this is a link <!-- THIS IS A WRONG LINK! -->
It's wrong because it's getting translated to by the browser while the correct address would be
To fix this, I need the resulting html to be like that:
<!-- THIS WOULD BE THE RIGHT LINK [option A] -->
this is a link
<!-- THIS WOULD BE GOOD TOO [option B] -->
this is a link
The problem to solve
[option A]
Is there a way to setup the MVC's routing engine to output relative paths instead of absolute ones? That would solve my problem.
It also means when you're on and you want to go home, the result should be
Return home
[option B]
Another approach would be to find a way to discover the actual absolute path and find a way to prepend it in the MVC's routing mechanism.
I found the solution to my own question. I don't know if it's the best way to do it, but it worked!
1. Create a wrapper for the existing IUrlHelper
This one converts absolute paths to relative ones...
private class RelativeUrlHelper : IUrlHelper
private readonly IUrlHelper _inner;
private readonly HttpContext _contextHttpContext;
public RelativeUrlHelper(IUrlHelper inner, HttpContext contextHttpContext)
_inner = inner;
_contextHttpContext = contextHttpContext;
private string MakeUrlRelative(string url)
if (url.Length == 0 || url[0] != '/')
return url; // that's an url going elsewhere: no need to be relative
if (url.Length > 2 && url[1] == '/')
return url; // That's a "//" url, means it's like an absolute one using the same scheme
// This is not a well-optimized algorithm, but it works!
// You're welcome to improve it.
var deepness = _contextHttpContext.Request.Path.Value.Split('/').Length - 2;
if (deepness == 0)
return url.Substring(1);
for (var i = 0; i < deepness; i++)
url = i == 0 ? ".." + url : "../" + url;
return url;
public string Action(UrlActionContext actionContext)
return MakeUrlRelative(_inner.Action(actionContext));
public string Content(string contentPath)
return MakeUrlRelative(_inner.Content(contentPath));
public bool IsLocalUrl(string url)
if (url?.StartsWith("../") ?? false)
return true;
return _inner.IsLocalUrl(url);
public string RouteUrl(UrlRouteContext routeContext) => _inner.RouteUrl(routeContext);
public string Link(string routeName, object values) => _inner.Link(routeName, values);
public ActionContext ActionContext => _inner.ActionContext;
2. Create a wrapper for IUrlHelperFactory
public class RelativeUrlHelperFactory : IUrlHelperFactory
private readonly IUrlHelperFactory _previous;
public RelativeUrlHelperFactory(IUrlHelperFactory previous)
_previous = previous;
public IUrlHelper GetUrlHelper(ActionContext context)
var inner = _previous.GetUrlHelper(context);
return new RelativeUrlHelper(inner, context.HttpContext);
3. Wrap the IUrlHelper in DI/IoC
Put this in the ConfigureServices() of the Startup.cs file:
services.Decorate<IUrlHelperFactory>((previous, _) => new RelativeUrlHelperFactory(previous));
IMPORTANT: You need to install the nuget package Scrutor for that
I posted my solution as a PR there:

Manipulate the url using routing

In my website I have the following route defined:
name: "Specific Product",
url: "product/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
In that way I want customers to be able to add the ID of the product and go to the product page.
SEO advisors have said that it would be better if we could add a description of the product on the URL, like product-name or something. So the URL should look something like:
Of course the description is stored in the db and I cannot do that with a url rewrite (or can I?)
Should I add a redirection on my controller (this would seem to do the job, but it just doesn't feel right)
On a few sites I checked they do respond with a 301 Moved Permanently. Is that really the best approach?
As per Stephen Muecke's comment I checked on what is happening on SO.
The suggested url was my own Manipulate the url using routing and i opened the console to see any redirections. Here is a screenshot:
So, first of all very special thanks to #StephenMuecke for giving the hint for slugs and also the url he suggested.
I would like to post my approach which is a mix of that url and several other articles.
My goal was to be able to have the user enter a url like:
and when the page loads to show in the address bar something like:
I checked several web sites that have this behaviour and it seems that a 301 Moved Permanently response is used in all i checked. Even SO as shown in my question uses 301 to add the title of the question. I thought that there would be a different approach that would not need the second round trip....
So the total solution i used in this case was:
I created a SlugRouteHandler class which looks like:
public class SlugRouteHandler : MvcRouteHandler
protected override IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext requestContext)
var url = requestContext.HttpContext.Request.Path.TrimStart('/');
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url))
var slug = (string)requestContext.RouteData.Values["slug"];
int id;
//i care to transform only the urls that have a plain product id. If anything else is in the url i do not mind, it looks ok....
if (Int32.TryParse(slug, out id))
//get the product from the db to get the description
var product = dc.Products.Where(x => x.ID == id).FirstOrDefault();
//if the product exists then proceed with the transformation.
//if it does not exist then we could addd proper handling for 404 response here.
if (product != null)
//get the description of the product
//SEOFriendly is an extension i have to remove special characters, replace spaces with dashes, turn capital case to lower and a whole bunch of transformations the SEO audit has requested
var description = String.Concat(, "-", id).SEOFriendly();
//transform the url
var newUrl = String.Concat("/product/",description);
return new RedirectHandler(newUrl);
return base.GetHttpHandler(requestContext);
From the above i need to also create a RedirectHandler class to handle the redirections. This is actually a direct copy from here
public class RedirectHandler : IHttpHandler
private string newUrl;
public RedirectHandler(string newUrl)
this.newUrl = newUrl;
public bool IsReusable
get { return true; }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext httpContext)
httpContext.Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently";
httpContext.Response.StatusCode = 301;
httpContext.Response.AppendHeader("Location", newUrl);
With this 2 classes i can transform product ids to SEO friendly urls.
In order to use these i need to modify my route to use the SlugRouteHandler class, which leads to :
Call SlugRouteHandler class from the route
name: "Specific Product",
url: "product/{slug}",
defaults: new { controller = "Product", action = "Index" }
).RouteHandler = new SlugRouteHandler();
Here comes the use of the link #StephenMuecke mentioned in his comment.
We need to find a way to map the new SEO friendly url to our actual controller. My controller accepts an integer id but the url will provide a string.
We need to create an Action filter to handle the new param passed before calling the controller
public class SlugToIdAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
var slug = filterContext.RouteData.Values["slug"] as string;
if (slug != null)
//my transformed url will always end in '-1234' so i split the param on '-' and get the last portion of it. That is my id.
//if an id is not supplied, meaning the param is not ending in a number i will just continue and let something else handle the error
int id;
Int32.TryParse(slug.Split('-').Last(), out id);
if (id != 0)
//the controller expects an id and here we will provide it
filterContext.ActionParameters["id"] = id;
Now what happens is that the controller will be able to accept a non numeric id which ends in a number and provide its view without modifying the content of the controller. We will only need to add the filter attribute on the controller as shown in the next step.
I really do not care if the product name is actually the product name. You could try fetching the following urls:
and you would still get the product with id 123, though the urls are different.
Next step is to let the controller know that it has to use a special filer
public ActionResult Index(int id)

MVC3 Redirect Loop

I have been searching for a solution to this issue for over 10 hours with no answer. In my application I am using the [requirehttps] attribute. When clicking an action method decorated with this attribute I get “cannot display the webpage" in IE. After digging into that issue I saw that I was receiving infinite 302 calls in Fiddler, which would eventually timeout and cause that error. So I decided to create a custom attribute and physically create the https call. I am using IIS Express and successfully created a certificate and binded the port. If I call this URL directly through the browser everything works fine. This is the code I have been using to redirect the request.
public class HttpsAttribute : System.Web.Mvc.RequireHttpsAttribute
public bool RequireSecure = false;
public override void OnAuthorization(System.Web.Mvc.AuthorizationContext filterContext){
var builder = new UriBuilder(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url);
if (RequireSecure){
// redirect to HTTP version of page
builder.Scheme = Uri.UriSchemeHttps;
builder.Port = 44300;
filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult(builder.Uri.ToString());
// non secure requested
if (filterContext.HttpContext.Request.IsSecureConnection){
protected virtual void HandleNonHttpRequest(AuthorizationContext filterContext){
if (String.Equals(filterContext.HttpContext.Request.HttpMethod, "GET", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)){
// redirect to HTTP version of page
string url = "http://" + filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Url.Host + filterContext.HttpContext.Request.RawUrl;
filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult(url);
When I set a breakpoint to find out what the builder value is, it is correct. And it is from here I receive an infinite redirect loop. The strange thing is that the first request is never correct when I look at the URL within the browser. It is as if UriBuilder is not sending the correct URL. Any ideas? This is driving me nuts.
The redirect loop is occurring because the code is only checking if the HTTPS redirect is required, not if the current request is already HTTPS (i.e. the redirect has already happened).
if (RequireSecure && !filterContext.HttpContext.Request.IsSecureConnection){
// redirect to HTTP version of page
builder.Scheme = Uri.UriSchemeHttps;
builder.Port = 44300;
filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult(builder.Uri.ToString());
// non secure requested
if (filterContext.HttpContext.Request.IsSecureConnection){
Although the RequireHttps should work correctly for this, unless you need to redirect to the port specified.
Refactored attribute
public class HttpsAttribute : System.Web.Mvc.RequireHttpsAttribute
public bool RequireSecure = false;
public override void OnAuthorization(System.Web.Mvc.AuthorizationContext filterContext)
var requestUri = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url;
var requestIsSecure = HttpContext.Current.Request.IsSecureConnection;
if (RequireSecure && !requestIsSecure)
filterContext.Result = Redirect(requestUri, Uri.UriSchemeHttps, 44300);
else if (!RequireSecure && requestIsSecure)
filterContext.Result = Redirect(requestUri, Uri.UriSchemeHttp, 80);
private RedirectResult Redirect(Uri uri, string scheme, int port)
return new RedirectResult(new UriBuilder(uri) { Scheme = scheme, Port = port }.Uri.ToString());

Custom Authorize attribute HttpContext.Request.RawUrl unexpected results

We're building an application that is a Silverlight client application, but we've created an MVC controller and a few simple views to handle authentication and hosting of the Silverlight control for this application. As part of the security implementation, I've created a custom Authorization filter attribute to handle this, but am getting some unexpected results trying to properly handle redirection after authentication.
For example, our Silverlight application's navigation framework allows users to deep-link to individual pages within the application itself, such as What I want, is to be able to force a user to login to view this page, but then successfully redirect them back to it after successful authentication. My problem is with getting the full, requested URL to redirect the user to from within my custom authorization filter attribute class.
This is what my attribute code looks like:
public class RequiresAuthenticationAttribute : FilterAttribute, IAuthorizationFilter
protected bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
var cookie = Cookie.Get(SilverlightApplication.Name);
if (SilverlightApplication.RequiresLogin)
((cookie == null) ||
(cookie["Username"] != httpContext.User.Identity.Name) ||
(cookie["ApplicationName"] != SilverlightApplication.Name) ||
(Convert.ToDateTime(cookie["Timeout"]) >= DateTime.Now));
return false;
public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
if (filterContext != null && AuthorizeCore(filterContext.HttpContext))
var redirectPath = "~/login{0}";
var returnUrl = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.RawUrl;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(returnUrl) || returnUrl == "/")
redirectPath = string.Format(redirectPath, string.Empty);
redirectPath = string.Format(redirectPath, string.Format("?returnUrl={0}", returnUrl));
filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult(redirectPath);
So in this case, if I browse directly to, in the OnAuthorize method, where I'm grabbing the filterContext.HttpContext.Request.RawUrl property, I would expect it's value to be "/#/Product/171", but it's not. It's always just "/". Does that property not include page level links? Am I missing something?
The # sign in URLs (also called the fragment part of an URL) is only used by browsers to navigate between history and links. Everything following this sign is never sent to the server and there's no way to get it in a server side script.

More control on ASP.Net MVC's Authorize; to keep AJAX requests AJAXy

I have some action methods behind an Authorize like:
[AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post), Authorize]
public ActionResult Create(int siteId, Comment comment) {
The problem I have is that I'm sending a request through AJAX to Comment/Create with
which helps identify the request as AJAX. When the user is not logged in and hits the Authorize wall it gets redirected to
which breaks the AJAX workflow. I need to be redirected to
Any ideas how that can be achieved? Any ways to gain more control over what happens when Authorization is requested?
Thanks to Lewis comments I was able to reach this solution (which is far from perfect, posted with my own comments, if you have the fixes feel free to edit and remove this phrase), but it works:
public class AjaxAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute {
override public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext) {
// Only do something if we are about to give a HttpUnauthorizedResult and we are in AJAX mode.
if (filterContext.Result is HttpUnauthorizedResult && filterContext.HttpContext.Request.IsAjaxRequest()) {
// TODO: fix the URL building:
// 1- Use some class to build URLs just in case LoginUrl actually has some query already.
// 2- When leaving Result as a HttpUnauthorizedResult, ASP.Net actually does some nice automatic stuff, like adding a ReturnURL, when hardcodding the URL here, that is lost.
String url = System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.LoginUrl + "?X-Requested-With=XMLHttpRequest";
filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult(url);
Recently I ran into exactly the same problem and used the code posted by J. Pablo Fernández
with a modification to account for return URLs. Here it is:
public class AuthorizeAttribute : System.Web.Mvc.AuthorizeAttribute
override public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
// Only do something if we are about to give a HttpUnauthorizedResult and we are in AJAX mode.
if (filterContext.Result is HttpUnauthorizedResult && filterContext.HttpContext.Request.IsAjaxRequest())
// TODO: fix the URL building:
// 1- Use some class to build URLs just in case LoginUrl actually has some query already.
HttpRequestBase request = filterContext.HttpContext.Request;
string returnUrl = request.Path;
bool queryStringPresent = request.QueryString.Count > 0;
if (queryStringPresent || request.Form.Count > 0)
returnUrl += '?' + request.QueryString.ToString();
if (queryStringPresent)
returnUrl += '&';
returnUrl += request.Form;
String url = System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.LoginUrl +
"?X-Requested-With=XMLHttpRequest&ReturnUrl=" +
filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult(url);
Instead of using the authorize attribute, I've been doing something like the following.
public ActionResult SomeCall(string someData)
if (Request.IsAjaxRequest() == false)
// TODO: do the intended thing.
// This should only work with AJAX requests, so redirect
// the user to an appropriate location.
return RedirectToAction("Action", "Controller", new { id = ?? });
I think the right way to handle this would be in your Javascript making the AJAX call.
If the user needs to be authorized (or authenticated as your code implies) and isn't, you should inform them and maybe not allow them to try and comment in the first place.
However, if that doesn't suit your needs.
You could try and write your own authorize action filter, maybe inheriting from the one that comes with the MVC framework but redirects how you want it to. It's fairly straightforward.
