CI tool with code metrics for ruby on rails application - ruby-on-rails

I need to integrate a CI(continues integration)+CD(continuous deployment) tool for my ruby on rails application.
It would be great if it has the following features.
Code metric tool like (metric_fu)
Gitlab,Gitlub for repository managements.
Following are the list of CI tool I'm consider.
​please help me to compare the feature of these CI tools......

(full disclosure, I work for ThoughtWorks)
I'd replace CruiseControl.rb with or - ThoughtWorks isn't actively updating CruiseControl.rb since Go CD came out several years ago. Both of the newer tools (also from TW) are designed with CD at their core.
To the main part of your question - With any of the tools you mentioned I'd recommend calling the code metrics tool of your choice as one of the stages, and not relying on the CI/CD tool to have that knowledge natively. Generally speaking, CI/CD servers are used to orchestrate a process that relies on several other tools like build systems, metrics tools, testing tools etc.

Magnum CI should be great for what you need.
It also deploys to Heroku, which hosts Rails apps. So if you want it to run some tests then deploy automatically, it sounds like it could be a good fit!

I found recently and feel it suites my entire need.
Hope this may help ROR enthusiastic...


Editor suggestions with git integration

Can anyone suggest choices for a modern(ish) editor or IDE (mainly for use on Linux hosts/guests) that has good Git integration and if possible some level of vi/vim keystroke compatibility available ?
I mainly work with ansible, puppet, python (including pyspark), docker, k8s and editing via sshfs would also help, as would being able to use the ssh protocol (rather than git's own protocol) for remote git repo interaction.
I am considering Atom as I believe most or all of what I want can be accomplished through addition of various modules.
I was a big Atom user in the past but in the last few years I've moved to Visual Studio Code, the git integration is really good.
The real advantage though is the plugins, I work a lot with Puppet and the official Puppet plugin is a really good
Most of the documentation I write is in markdown so having a plugin to preview markdown saves me a lot of time.
I've just recently started doing some work with Terraform and the plugin for that has made it a breeze This is a great Docker plugin.
There is a stack of other plugins I use all the time to help with JSON, YAML, DOT and Ruby files and marking ToDo's in files.
I haven't used one but I'd expect there is a vim/vi, I come from a Solaris/Linux background so I was naturally very resistant to using any Microsoft products but VSC has won me over despite that prejudice.

will using Docker allow me to not install necessary requisites?

I am a bit confused about Docker and how can I use it. My situation is the following:
I have a project that requires the use of a requisite, in my case installing ROS2. I have installed it in my system and develop a program. No problem there.
I wish to upload it to Gitlab and use CICD there. So I am guessing I will push it to my repository and then build a pipeline where I can use as image the docker image for ROS 2. I haven't tried it yet (will do it tomorrow) but I guess that is how I should do it.
My question is, can I do something similar (or how to ) in my local machine? In other words, just use the docker image and then develop and build over there and not install the requisite in the first place?
I heartily agree that using docker to develop locally improves the development experience, primarily by obviating system specific dependency management, just as you say.
Exactly how this is done depends on how many components you need to develop simultaneously, and how you want the development environment to behave .
An obvious place to start might be docker compose, a framework for starting multiple docker containers. looks like quite a nice tutorial on the subject, and straight from the horse's mouth too.
However, your robotics project (?) may not be a very good fit for the server/client model behind the write - restart python - execute client - debug - repeat cycle in the document. To provide a better answer, we'd need a lot more understanding of how exactly your local development works - what exactly you want your development process to look like in this project might require a different solution. So add some workflow details to your question!

Good alternative for ant for use on jenkins build server

Hy there. I have a number of software projects (also iOS and OSX) which I build with Apache ant`.
Although I quite like Ant it is often too verbose and some things which should be easy are quite tricky or I have to use shell scripts along with ant.
Is there a good alternative for which is extensible, easy to use and should work well on my jenkins build server.
Thanks for your input.
Have a look at Gradle - it's quite different from Ant and may take a little while to get your head around, but I think it's going to be the new standard for build systems. One nice thing is that it has full Ant support under the hood, so you can easily get your existing Ant builds running and then port them to Gradle.
Gareth's answer of Gradle is a good one. But do take a look at what you are doing that is hard with Ant. In my experience, a fair portion of the time its "non-build" stuff. Perhaps leave Ant for the pure build stuff, and use an alternate tool for and deploy or test stuff that's snuck in there.
Although gradle looks very promising I decided to use Rake instead.
I should say that this is a biased decision since I am already using ruby for other parts in my build setup. I found a good Article by Martin Fowler
Another point is that by doing OSX development the platform-independence-aspect of Ant (or Gradle) does not have such a big weight for me.
BTW Besi's Rake answer:
JRuby's Rake+Ant integration seems like a really powerful combo:
One big advantange there, it fully supports integration with Ant, allowing step-by-step migration.. which IMHO is only viable strategy for large, existing projects.
Gradle seems similar and while it looks good; I think learning Rake could be a better investment as it's more universal outside of Java.
(The other thing I'm seriously considering is BuildR, but Jenkins doens't explicitly support it yet, so have to use scripted build steps, which seems less preferable. TODO: a BuildR plugin).

Resources for setting up Flex projects with Hudson

I'm looking into setting up a CI environment for our flex projects. I have very little experience in setting up an environment like this, but have read a lot about it and think we could benefit a lot from this in our projects. I do have experience with ANT and we're currently using it for our building. I've been looking at Hudson for a while and it looks really nice and simple while still having the power to support a proper CI environment.
So basically, my question is if anyone has experience in setting up Flex projects with Hudson? If so, please do share some info on issues, cost/benefit as well what kind of effort is required per project to get up and running with Hudson. I've googled for a while and can proudly say that I know more about both the Fast lexical analyzer and the Hudson River, but little more about the topic of this post =)
Just about anything that can be executed from a command line can be executed via hudson. If your flex app can be built via ant from the command line; it will work just fine in hudson.
This might be helpful:

What are good code deployment strategies?

I am working on a Django project. And our team follows agile practices(TDD,very short launch times etc..)
When it comes to deployment stage of a feature, we follow manual procedures to get the code deployed on to our production machine. Manual procedures in the sense, run the test cases (of the entire project) manually and run the syncdb (or any latest db changes) manually and other stuff.
This manual stuff is taking about 1/2 hour per day,everyday. So I wanted to automate this. So is there any automatic deployement system or something that takes the commands I give and do what I want or it should be done only MANUALLY?? (using a simple shell file which has got all my commands. In which case, I need to learn shell programming a bit because I don't want to update my latest code in my production machine if any test case fails. So such a sort of conditions exist for deploying, which may involve a bit of shell programming. I guess!)
I just started researching this myself and it looks like the Python-equivalent of Capistrano is Fabric, although maybe not as mature. There seem to be a growing number of people wanting to switch over simply because Capistrano is too ruby/rails centric, although I haven't seen anyone complain about Capistrano being incapable or lacking. YMMV. More info here and here.
EDIT: Looks like Fabric is undergoing a lot of changes. They're moving their homepage to
So in Agile terms, you've identified duplication in your deployment process, now you're looking for ways to refactor it. ;-)
In the Ruby/Rails world, you'd turn first to Capistrano or Vlad The Deployer, and in the Python/Django world you'd turn to the equivalent, except AFAIK there isn't one.
It seems from this post that Capistrano has been used successfully to handle Django deployment, so that's an option worth exploring.
Beyond that, why would you need shell programming? You have a super-powerful scripting language in Python - why not automate your manual process in that?
