XCODE ipad storyboard giving from keyboard layout - ios

With my ipad app i want the user to have enter some values, by selecting numbers on the keyboard.
I only want to present them with the numpad, since letters don't make any sense (it's a simple calculation app).
I choose the numpad as keyboard, see:
But for some reason i still get the default QWERTY keyboard presented. Any help is verrrrry much appreciated, i am a total noob in ios development ;-)

iPad does not have a nuberpad like iPhone but you can restrict users from typing anything other than numbers in the keypad Check this or if you want to have only numbers you can create your own customise keyboard this may give you an idea on how to create one .Hopefully this solves your issue.


Simulate Braille display

We've received reports from users that our app doesn't work correctly in iOS VoiceOver when using a Braille display. I've tested our app on iOS VoiceOver with sound, and it works correctly.
Is there a way to simulate a Braille display to reproduce this issue?
I noticed you said the radio buttons are the issue. This is sadly an iOS 12.x accessibility issue, and one I reported repeatedly to Apple. ALL radio buttons, checkboxes, text areas, and text fields which do not use external labels in text appear as unlabeled on the braille display.
This issue started at iOS 12.0, and as of yet (iOS 12.1.2) still exists. Note that, as described, when only using voice the issue doesn't exist it's solely braille display. There's no way developers can fix it directly - it's up to Apple.
There's a developer side workaround: Use normal text above the control to label it. Unelegant, I know.
Then there's a user side workaround: 4 times tap with 3 fingers copies last spoken text to clipboard, which will display the correct label for each control, but is obviously tedious.
Lastly, I found that if jumping to bottom of screen and scrolling up, the labels appear on the braille display - but disappear when scrolling back down. The displayed label belongs to the control above it.
Regards - a frustrated deafblind user & developer who can only use braille display and is slowly losing faith in Apple's accessibility.
PS. PLEASE report this to apple using the device feedback or some other way so this issue might get more attention - it's a HUGE accessibility issue for braille display users, so something Apple really should fix...

Numeric keyboard for ipad

I am using the numeric keyboard for ipad and iPhone. The problem is it displays correctly on iphone but on ipad it has the option to type the non numeric characters as well.
I have already validated the input and filtering it so that only the numeric data get typed in but i want to remove that alphabet part totally from the keyboard view. I have read many articles suggesting that i would need to implement the custom keyboard. Is there any other way than the custom keyboard that i can do it quickly. My coding platform is swift.
Any help would be appreciate able.

How to lock keyboard to Simplified Chinese Handwriting?

I want to lock my keyboard to just simplified chinese handwriting. How do I do this?
The problem is that I am trying to create a Chinese quiz app in Xcode 6 using swift and I want the quiz-takers to write in the character to match the English word using a chinese handwriting keyboard. I do not know how to program this and other questions asked like this do not seem to yield a useful result for me.
You can't lock the keyboard unless you present your own custom keyboard. Once again, you have to take into account those with physical keyboards as well (who can bypass your custom keyboard).
A good recommendation is to use a custom handwriting recogniser that links to a label (to prevent keyboard intervention).

Number keyboard in iPad?

Is it possible to display keyboard consisting of only numbers from 0-9 in iPad?, i don't want the keyboard to display anything else. I know there is this KeyboardType:Number Pad that we can in the .xib file, but it displays all other extra characters including numbers. I want to use this concept in displaying keyboard for PIN login for my iPad application that I'm working on. Thank you
You need to implement your own keyboard if you want this on iPad.
There are many examples out there:
You may be looking for: UIKeyboardTypeDecimalPad which will display numbers and a decimal point.
This is a useful resource: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UIKit/Reference/UITextInputTraits_Protocol/index.html#//apple_ref/c/tdef/UIKeyboardType

Would a physical keyboard prevent a inputAccessoryView from appearing?

I've added an inputAccessoryView to the iOS keyboard for certain UITextFields in my app. This accessory view provides essential functionality to the user (some buttons that are displayed nowhere else in my app). My understanding (which could be completely wrong) is that if a physical (bluetooth) keyboard is available iOS will not clutter the screen with the software keyboard. If that's the case, users of my app with a physical keyboard will be missing some functionality and I'll need to account for that. So the first question is, is that something I have to worry about? Thanks.
The input accessory view should appear at the bottom of the screen if a physical keyboard is used, so they will still be able to access the functionality. If you want to try this in the simulator, check the Simulate Hardware Keyboard option under the Hardware menu.
