Can Montgomery multiplication be used to speed up the computation of (large number)! % (some prime) - modulo

This question originates in a comment I almost wrote below this question, where Zack is computing the factorial of a large number modulo a large number (that we will assume to be prime for the sake of this question). Zack is using the traditional computation of factorial, taking the remainder at each multiplication.
I almost commented that an alternative to consider was Montgomery multiplication, but thinking more about it, I have only seen this technique used to speed up several multiplications by the same multiplicand (in particular, to speed up the computation of an mod p).
My question is: can Montgomery multiplication be used to speed up the computation of n! mod p for large n and p?

Naively, no; you need to transform each of the n terms of the product into the "Montgomery space", so you have n full reductions mod m, the same as the "usual" algorithm.
However, a factorial isn't just an arbitrary product of n terms; it's much more structured. In particular, if you already have the "Montgomerized" kr mod m, then you can use a very cheap reduction to get (k+1)r mod m.
So this is perfectly feasible, though I haven't seen it done before. I went ahead and wrote a quick-and-dirty implementation (very untested, I wouldn't trust it very far at all):
// returns m^-1 mod 2**64 via clever 2-adic arithmetic (
uint64_t inverse(uint64_t m) {
assert(m % 2 == 1);
uint64_t minv = 2 - m;
uint64_t m_1 = m - 1;
for (int i=1; i<6; i+=1) { m_1 *= m_1; minv *= (1 + m_1); }
return minv;
uint64_t montgomery_reduce(__uint128_t x, uint64_t minv, uint64_t m) {
return x + (__uint128_t)((uint64_t)x*-minv)*m >> 64;
uint64_t montgomery_multiply(uint64_t x, uint64_t y, uint64_t minv, uint64_t m) {
return montgomery_reduce(full_product(x, y), minv, m);
uint64_t montgomery_factorial(uint64_t x, uint64_t m) {
assert(x < m && m % 2 == 1);
uint64_t minv = inverse(m); // m^-1 mod 2**64
uint64_t r_mod_m = -m % m; // 2**64 mod m
uint64_t mont_term = r_mod_m;
uint64_t mont_result = r_mod_m;
for (uint64_t k=2; k<=x; k++) {
// Compute the montgomerized product term: kr mod m = (k-1)r + r mod m.
mont_term += r_mod_m;
if (mont_term >= m) mont_term -= m;
// Update the result by multiplying in the new term.
mont_result = montgomery_multiply(mont_result, mont_term, minv, m);
// Final reduction
return montgomery_reduce(mont_result, minv, m);
and benchmarked it against the usual implementation:
__uint128_t full_product(uint64_t x, uint64_t y) {
return (__uint128_t)x*y;
uint64_t naive_factorial(uint64_t x, uint64_t m) {
assert(x < m);
uint64_t result = x ? x : 1;
while (x --> 2) result = full_product(result,x) % m;
return result;
and against the usual implementation with some inline asm to fix a minor inefficiency:
uint64_t x86_asm_factorial(uint64_t x, uint64_t m) {
assert(x < m);
uint64_t result = x ? x : 1;
while (x --> 2) {
__asm__("mov %[result], %%rax; mul %[x]; div %[m]"
: [result] "+d" (result) : [x] "r" (x), [m] "r" (m) : "%rax", "flags");
return result;
Results were as follows on my Haswell laptop for reasonably large x:
implementation speedup
naive 1.00x
x86_asm 1.76x
montgomery 5.68x
So this really does seem to be a pretty nice win. The codegen for the Montgomery implementation is pretty decent, but could probably be improved somewhat further with hand-written assembly as well.
This is an interesting approach for "modest" x and m. Once x gets large, the various approaches that have sub-linear complexity in x will necessarily win out; factorial has so much structure that this method doesn't take advantage of.


How to Calculate CRC Starting at Last Byte

I'm trying to implement a CRC-CCITT calculator in VHDL. I was able to initially do that; however, I recently found out that data is delivered starting at the least-significant byte. In my code, data is transmitted 7 bytes at a time through a frame. So let's say we have the following data: 123456789 in ASCII or 313233343536373839 in hex. The data would be transmitted as such (with the following CRC):
-- First frame of data
RxFrame.Data <= (
1 => x"39", -- LSB
2 => x"38",
3 => x"37",
4 => x"36",
5 => x"35",
6 => x"34",
7 => x"33"
-- Second/last frame of data
RxFrame.Data <= (
1 => x"32",
2 => x"31", -- MSB
3 => xx, -- "xx" means irrelevant data, not part of CRC calculation.
4 => xx, -- This occurs only in the last frame, when it specified in
5 => xx, -- byte 0 which bytes contain data
6 => xx,
7 => xx
-- Calculated CRC should be 0x31C3
Another example with data 0x4376669A1CFC048321313233343536373839 and its correct CRC is shown below:
-- First incoming frame of data
RxFrame.Data <= (
1 => x"39", -- LSB
2 => x"38",
3 => x"37",
4 => x"36",
5 => x"35",
6 => x"34",
7 => x"33"
-- Second incoming frame of data
RxFrame.Data <= (
1 => x"32",
2 => x"31",
3 => x"21",
4 => x"83",
5 => x"04",
6 => x"FC",
7 => x"1C"
-- Third/last incoming frame of data
RxFrame.Data <= (
1 => x"9A",
2 => x"66",
3 => x"76",
4 => x"43", -- MSB
5 => xx, -- Irrelevant data, specified in byte 0
6 => xx,
7 => xx
-- Calculated CRC should be 0x2848
Is there a concept I'm missing? Is there a way to calculate the CRC with the data being received in reverse order? I am implementing this for CANopen SDO block protocols. Thanks!
CRC calculation algorithm to verify SDO block transfer from CANopen standard
Example code to generate a CRC16 with the bytes read in reverse (last byte first), using a function to do a carryless multiply modulo the CRC polynomial. An explanation follows.
#include <stdio.h>
typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
#define POLY (0x1021u)
/* carryless multiply modulo crc polynomial */
uint16_t MpyModPoly(uint16_t a, uint16_t b) /* (a*b)%poly */
uint16_t pd = 0;
uint16_t i;
for(i = 0; i < 16; i++){
/* assumes twos complement */
pd = (pd<<1)^((0-(pd>>15))&POLY);
pd ^= (0-(b>>15))&a;
b <<= 1;
return pd;
/* generate crc in reverse byte order */
uint16_t Crc16R(uint8_t * b, size_t sz)
uint8_t *e = b + sz; /* end of bfr ptr */
uint16_t crc = 0u; /* crc */
uint16_t pdm = 0x100u; /* padding multiplier */
while(e > b){ /* generate crc */
pdm = MpyModPoly(0x100, pdm);
crc ^= MpyModPoly( *--e, pdm);
/* msg will be processed in reverse order */
static uint8_t msg[] = {0x43,0x76,0x66,0x9A,0x1C,0xFC,0x04,0x83,
int main()
uint16_t crc;
crc = Crc16R(msg, sizeof(msg));
printf("%04x\n", crc);
return 0;
Example code using X86 xmm pclmulqdq and psrlq, to emulate a 16 bit by 16 bit hardware (VHDL) carryless multiply:
/* __m128i is an intrinsic for X86 128 bit xmm register */
static __m128i poly = {.m128i_u32[0] = 0x00011021u}; /* poly */
static __m128i invpoly = {.m128i_u32[0] = 0x00008898u}; /* 2^31 / poly */
/* carryless multiply modulo crc polynomial */
/* using xmm pclmulqdq and psrlq */
uint16_t MpyModPoly(uint16_t a, uint16_t b)
__m128i ma, mb, mp, mt;
ma.m128i_u64[0] = a;
mb.m128i_u64[0] = b;
mp = _mm_clmulepi64_si128(ma, mb, 0x00); /* mp = a*b */
mt = _mm_srli_epi64(mp, 16); /* mt = mp>>16 */
mt = _mm_clmulepi64_si128(mt, invpoly, 0x00); /* mt = mt*ipoly */
mt = _mm_srli_epi64(mt, 15); /* mt = mt>>15 = (a*b)/poly */
mt = _mm_clmulepi64_si128(mt, poly, 0x00); /* mt = mt*poly */
return mp.m128i_u16[0] ^ mt.m128i_u16[0]; /* ret mp^mt */
/* external code to generate invpoly */
#define POLY (0x11021u)
static __m128i invpoly; /* 2^31 / poly */
void GenMPoly(void) /* generate __m12i8 invpoly */
uint32_t N = 0x10000u; /* numerator = x^16 */
uint32_t Q = 0; /* quotient = 0 */
for(size_t i = 0; i <= 15; i++){ /* 31 - 16 = 15 */
Q <<= 1;
Q |= 1;
N ^= POLY;
N <<= 1;
invpoly.m128i_u16[0] = Q;
Explanation: consider the data as separate strings of ever increasing length, padded with zeroes at the end. For the first few bytes of your example, the logic would calculate
CRC = CRC16({39})
CRC ^= CRC16({38 00})
CRC ^= CRC16({37 00 00})
CRC ^= CRC16({36 00 00 00})
To speed up this calculation, rather than actually pad with n zero bytes, you can do a carryless multiply of a CRC by 2^{n·8} modulo POLY, where POLY is the 17 bit polynomial used for CRC16:
CRC = CRC16({39})
CRC ^= (CRC16({38}) · (2^08 % POLY)) % POLY
CRC ^= (CRC16({37}) · (2^10 % POLY)) % POLY
CRC ^= (CRC16({36}) · (2^18 % POLY)) % POLY
A carryless multiply modulo POLY is equivalent to what CRC16 does, so this translates into pseudo code (all values in hex, 2^8 = 100)
CRC = 0
PDM = 100 ;padding multiplier
PDM = (100 · PDM) % POLY ;main loop (2 lines per byte)
CRC ^= ( 39 · PDM) % POLY
PDM = (100 · PDM) % POLY
CRC ^= ( 38 · PDM) % POLY
PDM = (100 · PDM) % POLY
CRC ^= ( 37 · PDM) % POLY
PDM = (100 · PDM) % POLY
CRC ^= ( 36 · PDM) % POLY
Implementing (A · B) % POLY is based on binary math:
(A · B) % POLY = (A · B) ^ (((A · B) / POLY) · POLY)
Where multiply is carryless (XOR instead of add) and divide is borrowless (XOR instead of subtract). Since the divide is borrowless, and most significant term of POLY is x^16, the quotient
Q = (A · B) / POLY
only depends on the upper 16 bits of (A · B). Dividing by POLY uses multiplication by the 16 bit constant IPOLY = (2^31)/POLY followed by a right shift:
Q = (A · B) / POLY = (((A · B) >> 16) · IPOLY) >> 15
The process uses a 16 bit by 16 bit carryless multiply, producing a 31 bit product.
POLY = 0x11021u ; CRC polynomial (17 bit)
IPOLY = 0x08898u ; 2^31 / POLY
; generated by external software
MpyModPoly(A, B)
MP = A · B ; MP = A · B
MT = MP >> 16 ; MT = MP >> 16
MT = MT >> 15 ; MT = (A · B) / POLY
MT = MT · POLY ; MT = ((A · B) / POLY) * POLY
return MP xor MT ; (A·B) ^ (((A · B) / POLY) · POLY)
A hardware based carryless multiply would look something like this 4 bit · 4 bit example.
p[] = [a3 a2 a1 a0] · [b3 b2 b1 b0]
p[] is a 7 bit product generated with 7 parallel circuits.
The time for multiply would be worst case propagation time for p3.
p6 = a3&b3
p5 = a3&b2 ^ a2&b3
p4 = a3&b1 ^ a2&b2 ^ a1&b3
p3 = a3&b0 ^ a2&b1 ^ a1&b2 ^ a0&b3
p2 = a2&b0 ^ a1&b1 ^ a0&b2
p1 = a1&b0 ^ a0&b1
p0 = a0&b0
If the xor gates available only have 2 bit inputs, the logic can
be split up. For example:
p3 = (a3&b0 ^ a2&b1) ^ (a1&b2 ^ a0&b3)
I don't know if your VHDL toolset includes a library for carryless multiply. For a 16 bit by 16 bit multiply resulting in a 31 bit product (p30 to p00), p15 has 16 outputs from the 16 ands (in parallel), which could be xor'ed using a tree like structure, 8 xors in parallel feeding into 4 xors in parallel feeding into 2 xor's in parallel into a single xor. So the propagation time would be 1 and and 4 xor propagation times.
Here is an example in C that you can adapt. Since you mentioned VHDL, this is a bit-wise implementation suitable for casting into gates and flip-flops. However, if cycles are more precious to you than memory and gates, then there is also a byte-wise table-driven version that would run in 1/8 the number of cycles.
What this does is the inverse of what is done in a normal CRC calculation. It then applies the same size input in zeros with a normal CRC to get what the normal CRC would have been on that input. Running the zeros through takes the same number of cycles as the inverse CRC, i.e. O(n) where n is the size of the input. If that latency is too large, that can be reduced to O(log n) cycles, with some investment in gates.
#include <stddef.h>
// Update crc with the CRC-16/XMODEM of n zero bytes. (This can be done in
// O(log n) time or cycles instead of O(n), with a little more effort.)
static unsigned crc16x_zeros_bit(unsigned crc, size_t n) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
crc = crc & 0x8000 ? (crc << 1) ^ 0x1021 : crc << 1;
return crc & 0xffff;
// Update crc with the CRC-16/XMODEM of the len bytes at mem in reverse. If mem
// is NULL, then return the initial value for the CRC. When done,
// crc16x_zeros_bit() must be used to apply the total length of zero bytes, in
// order to get what the CRC would have been if it were calculated on the bytes
// fed in the opposite order.
static unsigned crc16x_inverse_bit(unsigned crc, void const *mem, size_t len) {
unsigned char const *data = mem;
if (data == NULL)
return 0;
crc &= 0xffff;
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
crc = crc & 1 ? (crc >> 1) ^ 0x8810 : crc >> 1;
crc ^= (unsigned)data[i] << 8;
return crc;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
// Do framed example.
unsigned crc = crc16x_inverse_bit(0, NULL, 0);
crc = crc16x_inverse_bit(crc, (void const *)"9876543", 7);
crc = crc16x_inverse_bit(crc, (void const *)"21", 2);
crc = crc16x_zeros_bit(crc, 9);
printf("%04x\n", crc);
// Do another one.
crc = crc16x_inverse_bit(0, NULL, 0);
crc = crc16x_inverse_bit(crc, (void const *)"9876543", 7);
crc = crc16x_inverse_bit(crc, (void const *)"21!\x83\x04\xfc\x1c", 7);
crc = crc16x_inverse_bit(crc, (void const *)"\x9a" "fvC", 4);
crc = crc16x_zeros_bit(crc, 18);
printf("%04x\n", crc);
return 0;
Here is the O(log n) version of crc16x_zeros_bit():
// Return a(x) multiplied by b(x) modulo p(x), where p(x) is the CRC
// polynomial. For speed, a cannot be zero.
static inline unsigned multmodp(unsigned a, unsigned b) {
unsigned p = 0;
for (;;) {
if (a & 1) {
p ^= b;
if (a == 1)
a >>= 1;
b = b & 0x8000 ? (b << 1) ^ 0x1021 : b << 1;
return p & 0xffff;
// Return x^(8n) modulo p(x).
static unsigned x2nmodp(size_t n) {
unsigned p = 1; // x^0 == 1
unsigned q = 0x10; // x^2^2
while (n) {
q = multmodp(q, q); // x^2^k mod p(x), k = 3,4,...
if (n & 1)
p = multmodp(q, p);
n >>= 1;
return p;
// Update crc with the CRC-16/XMODEM of n zero bytes.
static unsigned crc16x_zeros_bit(unsigned crc, size_t n) {
return multmodp(x2nmodp(n), crc);

Is it possible to convince clang to auto-vectorize this code without using intrinsics?

Imagine I have this naive function to detect sphere overlap. The point of this question is not really to discuss the best way to do hit testing on spheres, so this is just for illustration.
inline bool sphere_hit(float x1, float y1, float z1, float r1,
float x2, float y2, float z2, float r2) {
float xd = (x1 - x2);
float yd = (y1 - y2);
float zd = (z1 - z2);
float max_dist = (r1 + r2);
return xd * xd + yd * yd + zd * zd < max_dist * max_dist;
And I call it in a nested loop, as follows:
std::vector<float> xs, ys, zs, rs;
int n_spheres;
// <snip>
int n_hits = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_spheres; ++i) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < n_spheres; ++j) {
if (sphere_hit(xs[i], ys[i], zs[i], rs[i],
xs[j], ys[j], zs[j], rs[j])) {
std::printf("total hits: %d\n", n_hits);
Now, clang (with -O3 -march=native) is smart enough to figure out how to vectorize (and unroll) this loop into 256-bit avx2 instructions. Awesome!
However, if I do anything more complicated than increment the number of hits, for example calling some arbitrary function handle_hit(i, j), clang instead emits a naive scalar version.
Hits should be very rare, so what I think should happen is checking on every vectorized loop iteration if the value is true for any of the lanes, and jumping to some scalar slow path if so. This should be possible with vcmpltps followed by vmovmskps. However, I can't get clang to emit this code, even if I surround the call to sphere_hit with __builtin_expect(..., 0).
Indeed it is possible to convince clang to vectorize this code. With compiler options
-Rpass-analysis=loop-vectorize -Rpass=loop-vectorize -Rpass-missed=loop-vectorize, clang claims that the floating point operations are vectorized, which is confirmed by the Godbolt output. (The red underlined fors are not errors, but vectorization reports).
Vectorization is possible by storing the results of sphere_hit as chars to a temporary array hitx8.
Afterwards, 8 sphere_hit results are tested per iteration by reading the 8 chars back from memory as one uint64_t a. This should be quite efficient since the condition a!=0
(see code below) is still rare since sphere hits are very rare. Moreover, array hitx8 is likely in L1 or L2 cache most of the time.
I didn't test the code for correctness, but at least the auto-vectorization idea should work.
/* clang -Ofast -Wall -march=broadwell -Rpass-analysis=loop-vectorize -Rpass=loop-vectorize -Rpass-missed=loop-vectorize */
char sphere_hit(float x1, float y1, float z1, float r1,
float x2, float y2, float z2, float r2);
void handle_hit(int i, int j);
void vectorized_code(float* __restrict xs, float* __restrict ys, float* __restrict zs, float* __restrict rs, char* __restrict hitx8, int n_spheres){
unsigned long long int a;
for (int i = 0; i < n_spheres; ++i) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < n_spheres; ++j){
/* Store the boolean results temporarily in char array hitx8. */
/* The indices of hitx8 are shifted by i+1, so the loop */
/* starts with hitx8[0] */
/* char array hitx8 should have n_spheres + 8 elements */
hitx8[j-i-1] = sphere_hit(xs[i], ys[i], zs[i], rs[i],
xs[j], ys[j], zs[j], rs[j]);
for (int j = n_spheres; j < n_spheres+8; ++j){
/* Add 8 extra zeros at the end of hitx8. */
hitx8[j-i-1] = 0; /* hitx8 is 8 elements longer than xs */
for (int j = i + 1; j < n_spheres; j=j+8){
/* Check 8 sphere hits in parallel: */
/* one `unsigned long long int a` contains 8 boolean values here */
/* The condition a!=0 is still rare since sphere hits are very rare. */
if (a!=0ull){
if (hitx8[j-i-1+0] != 0) handle_hit(i,j+0);
if (hitx8[j-i-1+1] != 0) handle_hit(i,j+1);
if (hitx8[j-i-1+2] != 0) handle_hit(i,j+2);
if (hitx8[j-i-1+3] != 0) handle_hit(i,j+3);
if (hitx8[j-i-1+4] != 0) handle_hit(i,j+4);
if (hitx8[j-i-1+5] != 0) handle_hit(i,j+5);
if (hitx8[j-i-1+6] != 0) handle_hit(i,j+6);
if (hitx8[j-i-1+7] != 0) handle_hit(i,j+7);
inline char sphere_hit(float x1, float y1, float z1, float r1,
float x2, float y2, float z2, float r2) {
float xd = (x1 - x2);
float yd = (y1 - y2);
float zd = (z1 - z2);
float max_dist = (r1 + r2);
return xd * xd + yd * yd + zd * zd < max_dist * max_dist;

A mod B, A and B are very large numbers

I want to know if A and B are relatively prime using Euclidean Algorithm. A and B are large numbers that cannot be stored in any data type(in C), so they are stored in a linked list. In the algorithm, the operator % is used. My question is, is there a way to compute for A mod B without actually directly using the % operator. I found out that % is distributive over addition:
A%B = ((a1%B)+(a2%B))%B.
But the problem still persists because I will still be doing %B operations.
You need calculate a % b without the % operator. OK? By definition the modulo operation finds the remainder after division of one number by another.
In python:
# mod = a % b
def mod(a, b):
return a-b*int(a/b)
>>> x = [mod(i,j) for j in range(1,100) for i in range(1,100)]
>>> y = [i % j for j in range(1,100) for i in range(1,100)]
>>> x == y
In C++:
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
unsigned int mod(unsigned int a, unsigned int b) {
return (unsigned int)(a-b*floor(a/b));
int main() {
for (unsigned int i=1; i<=sizeof(unsigned int); ++i)
for (unsigned int j=1; j<=sizeof(unsigned int); ++j)
if (mod(i,j) != i%j)
cout << "Somthing wrong!!";
cout << "Proved for all unsigned int!";
return 0;
Proved for all unsigned int!
Now, just extend the result to your big numbers...!!!

interface OpenCV's Mat containers with blas for matrix multiplication

I am processing UHD (2160 x 3840) images.
One of the processing I do consist to process a Sobel filtering on X and Y axis then I have to multiply every output matrix by it's transpose and then I process the gradient image as the square root of the sum of the gradient.
So : S = sqrt( S_x * S_x^t + S_y * S_y^t).
Due to dimension of the image OpenCV take up to twenty seconds to process that without multithreading and ten with multithreading.
I know there OpenCV call OpenCL in order to speed up the filtering operations so I think it can take a long time in order to try to gain performance from the filtering step.
For the matrix multiplication I experience a kind of unstability from the OpenCV's OpenCL gemm kernel implementation.
So I would like to try to use OpenBLAS insted.
My questions are :
I wrote the following code but I face some issue for interface OpenCV's Mat objects :
template<class _Ty>
void mm(cv::Mat& A,cv::Mat& B,cv::Mat& C)
static_assert(true,"support matrix_multiply is only defined for floating precision numbers.");
inline void mm<float>(cv::Mat& A,cv::Mat& B,cv::Mat& C)
const int M = A.rows;
const int N = B.cols;
const int K = A.cols;
cblas_sgemm( CblasRowMajor ,// 1
CblasNoTrans, // 2 TRANSA
CblasNoTrans, // 3 TRANSB
M, // 4 M
N, // 5 N
K, // 6 K
1., // 7 ALPHA
A.ptr<float>(),//8 A
A.rows, //9 LDA
B.ptr<float>(),//10 B
B.rows, //11 LDB
0., //12 BETA
C.ptr<float>(),//13 C
C.rows); //14 LDC
inline void mm<double>(cv::Mat& A,cv::Mat& B,cv::Mat& C)
void matrix_multiply(cv::InputArray _src1, cv::InputArray _src2, cv::OutputArray _dst)
CV_DbgAssert( (_src1.isMat() || _src1.isUMat()) && (_src1.kind() == _src2.kind()) &&
(_src1.depth() == _src2.depth()) && (_src1.depth() == CV_32F) && (_src1.depth() == _src1.type()) &&
(_src1.rows() == _src2.cols())
cv::Mat src1 = _src1.getMat();
cv::Mat src2 = _src2.getMat();
cv::Mat dst;
bool cpy(false);
if(_dst.rows() == _src1.rows() && _dst.cols() == _src2.cols() && _dst.type() == _src1.type())
dst = _dst.getMat();
dst = cv::Mat::zeros(src1.rows,src2.cols,src1.type());
cpy = true;
I tried to organize the datas as specified here :
without succes.
This is my main issue
I was thinking in order to try to speed up a little my implementation to apply the divide and conquer approach illustrated here :
But for only four submatrix.
Does any one tried some similar approach or got a better way to gain performance in matrix multiplication (without using GPU) ?
Thank you in advance for any help.
I found a solution to the question 1).
I based my first implementation on the documentation of the BLAS library.
BLAS has been written in Fortran language, in this language the index start at 1 and not at 0 like in C or C++.
Another thing is many libraries wrote in Fortran language organize their memory in column order (e.g. BLAS,LAPACK) rather than most of the C or C++ library (e.g. OpenCV) organize the memory in row order.
After taking these two properties in count I modified my code to :
template<class _Ty>
void mm(cv::Mat& A,cv::Mat& B,cv::Mat& C)
static_assert(true,"The function gemm is only defined for floating precision numbers.");
void mm<float>(cv::Mat& A,cv::Mat& B,cv::Mat& C)
const int M = A.cols+1;
const int N = B.rows;
const int K = A.cols;
cblas_sgemm( CblasRowMajor ,// 1
CblasNoTrans, // 2 TRANSA
CblasNoTrans, // 3 TRANSB
M, // 4 M
N, // 5 N
K, // 6 K
1., // 7 ALPHA
A.ptr<float>(),//8 A
A.step1(), //9 LDA
B.ptr<float>(),//10 B
B.step1(), //11 LDB
0., //12 BETA
C.ptr<float>(),//13 C
C.step1()); //14 LDC
void mm<double>(cv::Mat& A,cv::Mat& B,cv::Mat& C)
const int M = A.cols+1;
const int N = B.rows;
const int K = A.cols;
cblas_dgemm( CblasRowMajor ,// 1
CblasNoTrans, // 2 TRANSA
CblasNoTrans, // 3 TRANSB
M, // 4 M
N, // 5 N
K, // 6 K
1., // 7 ALPHA
A.ptr<double>(),//8 A
A.step1(), //9 LDA
B.ptr<double>(),//10 B
B.step1(), //11 LDB
0., //12 BETA
C.ptr<double>(),//13 C
C.step1()); //14 LDC
And every thing work well.
Without additional multithreading or divide and conquer approach I was able to reduce the processing time of one step of my code from 150 ms to 500 us.
So it fix every thing for me :).

Accessing global memory in CUDA is slow

I have a CUDA kernel doing some computation on a local variable (in register), and after it gets computed, its value gets written into a global array p:
__global__ void dd( float* p, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ )
i = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x,
j = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y,
k = blockIdx.z*blockDim.z + threadIdx.z,
idx = j*dimX*dimY + j*dimX +i;
if (i >= dimX || j >= dimY || k >= dimZ)
float val = 0;
val = SomeComputationOnVal();
p[idx ]= val;
Unfortunately, this function executes very slow.
However, it runs very fast if I do this:
__global__ void dd( float* p, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ )
i = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x,
j = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y,
k = blockIdx.z*blockDim.z + threadIdx.z,
idx = j*dimX*dimY + j*dimX +i;
if (i >= dimX || j >= dimY || k >= dimZ)
float val = 0;
//val = SomeComputationOnVal();
p[idx ]= val;
It also runs very fast if I do this:
__global__ void dd( float* p, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ )
i = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x,
j = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y,
k = blockIdx.z*blockDim.z + threadIdx.z,
idx = j*dimX*dimY + j*dimX +i;
if (i >= dimX || j >= dimY || k >= dimZ)
float val = 0;
val = SomeComputationOnVal();
// p[idx ]= val;
So I am confused, and have no idea how to solve this problem. I have used NSight step in, and did not find access violations.
Here is how I launch the kernel (dimX:924; dimY: 16: dimZ: 1120):
gridSize(dimX/blockSize.x+1,dimY/blockSize.y, dimZ/blockSize.z);
float* dev_p; cudaMalloc((void**)&dev_p, dimX*dimY*dimZ*sizeof(float));
dd<<<gridSize, blockSize>>>( dev_p,dimX,dimY,dimZ);
Could anyone please gives some pointers? Because it does not make much sense to me. All computation of val is fast, and the final step is to move val into p. p never gets involved in the computation, and it only shows up once. So why is it so slow?
The computations are basically a loop over a 512 X 512 matrix. It is pretty fair amount of computation I'd say.
The computations you perform in the SomeComputationOnVal are extremely expensive. Each thread reads at least 1MB of data which is off cache (or in L2 at best for a small part should k vary in a small range) which totals for your run about 16 TB of data. Even on a high end gpu, it would take about 2 minutes to run, at the minimum. Not to mention everything that could slow this down.
Your function does not write any data in global memory and has no boundary effect. The compiler may decide to optimize out the method call should you not use the output.
Hence cases two and three not doing calculation are very fast. Writing 64 MB on gpu memory, with coesced threads is very fast (milliseconds range).
You can verify the generated ptx to see if code gets optimized out. Use the --keep option in nvcc and search for ptx files.
