Dart Web App with Access Control Measures - dart

So I am currently evaluating Dart's use as a potential language to re-write a campus organization's website. One critical aspect of this website is it's access control policies. It seems that anything written within the Dart web apps could potentially be compromised, and thus led me to asking the following question.
Is it possible to securely implement access-control to pages in Dart, using either just a web app or a combination of a web app and a dart-implemented server? Could it also be possible to implement that same concept using Apache with a proxy-passthrough to dart?

I don't understand what you actually want to achieve with a proxy-passthrough.
When you create a single page app in Dart all client code is loaded to the client. This is normally no security concern. When a view is shown it usually loads data from a server. Here you enforce security.
You can require the user to authenticate and decide in the server code if or which data you serve for this user or what update command you allow the user to execute. You can just return an error when the user invokes a function that he is not allowed to use.


Using Azure AD to secure a aspnet webapi

I'm writing an application that will be the backend for a react website. The website is to be used by our customers, but we will fully control the permissions of the user. We have decided to use Azure AD to secure requests, but will also be exposing the API for end users to use directly if desired.
My understanding is in Azure AD I will have to create an application that will allow web based implicit authentication (for the react site), as well as a native application that will allow a dameon based application to authenticate to the API.
This I believe means I will have two audience ids in my application.
I'm trying to get claims to include groups, and I can see if I edit the meta data of both applicaitons in azure AD to include "groupMembershipClaims": "SecurityGroup" I can get claims with the group IDs in, but no names.
I think I can also use appRoles to set roles the application uses, but I've yet to get that to come through as claims in the JWT, but I'm assuming it can be done, however I'd need to setup the roles on each applicaiton, then add the user twice which isn't really ideal. I also think that because my app is multi-teanated that external users could use this to set their own permissions, which isn't what I want to do.
Sorry I'm just totally lost and the documentation is beyond confusing given how frequently this appears to change!
TLDR: Do I need two applicaitons configured in azure ad, and if so whats the best way to set permissions (claims). Also is oAuth 2 the right choice here, or should I look at open id?
Right away I gotta fix one misunderstanding.
Daemon apps usually have to be registered as Web/API, i.e. publicClient: false.
That's because a native app can't have client secrets.
Of course the daemon can't run on a user's device then.
Since that's what a native app. An app that runs on a user's device.
This I believe means I will have two audience ids in my application.
You will have two applications, at least. If you want, the back-end and React front can share one app (with implicit flow enabled). And the daemon will need another registration.
I'm trying to get claims to include groups, and I can see if I edit the meta data of both applicaitons in azure AD to include "groupMembershipClaims": "SecurityGroup" I can get claims with the group IDs in, but no names.
Yes, ids are included only. If you need names, you go to Graph API to get them. But why do you need them? For display? Otherwise, you need to be using the ids to setup permissions. Names always change and then your code breaks.
I think I can also use appRoles to set roles the application uses, but I've yet to get that to come through as claims in the JWT, but I'm assuming it can be done, however I'd need to setup the roles on each applicaiton, then add the user twice which isn't really ideal. I also think that because my app is multi-teanated that external users could use this to set their own permissions, which isn't what I want to do.
Your thoughts for multi-tenant scenarios are correct. If you did want to implement these though, I made an article on it: https://joonasw.net/view/defining-permissions-and-roles-in-aad.
Why would you need to setup the roles in multiple apps though? Wouldn't they only apply in the web app?
If the native app is a daemon, there is no user.
Overall, I can see your problem. You have people from other orgs, who want access to your app, but you want to control their access rights.
Honestly, the best way might be to make the app single-tenant in some tenant which you control. Then invite the external users there as guests (there's an API for this). Then you can assign them roles by using groups or appRoles.
If I misunderstood something, drop a comment and I'll fix up my answer.
Azure AD is of course a powerful system, though I also find the OAuth aspects confusing since these aspects are very mixed up:
Standards Based OAuth 2.0 and Open Id Connect
Microsoft Vendor Specific Behaviour
This is not an area I know much about - Juunas seems like a great guy to help you with this.
I struggled through this a while back for a tutorial based OAuth blog I'm writing. Maybe some of the stuff I learned and wrote up is useful to you.
My sample shows how to use the Implicit Flow in an SPA to log the user in via Azure AD, then how to validate received tokens in a custom API:
Code Sample
Write Up
Not sure how much of this is relevant to your use case, but I hope it helps a little on the tech side of things...

How to integrate OAuth with a single page application?

When using OAuth (2) I need a redirection endpoint in my application that the OAuth-offering service can redirect to, once I have been authenticated.
How do I handle this in a single page application? Of course, a redirect to the OAuth-offering service is not nice here, and it may not even be possible to redirect back.
I know that OAuth also supports a username / password based token generation. This works perfectly with an AJAX call, but requires my single page application to ask for a username and password.
How do you usually handle this?
Most of the time, a redirect is okay even for SPA because users don't like to put their X service credentials on any other website than X. An alternative will be to use an small popup window, you can check what Discourse does. IMHO a redirect is better than a popup.
Google Some providers support the resource owner flow which is what you described as sending username and password, but this is not nice. These are the problems I see:
Asking google credentials to users in your site will be a no-go for some users.
The resource owner flows need the client_secret too and this is something that you must NOT put in your client side javascript. If you instantiate the resource owner flow from your server-side application and your application is not in the same geographically region than the user, the user will get a warning "hey someone is trying to access with your credentials from India".
OAuth describes a client-side flow called implicit flow. Using this flow you don't need any interaction in your server-side and you don't need the client_secret. The OAuth provider redirects to your application with a "#access_token=xx". It is called implicit because you don't need to exchange authorization code per access token, you get an access_token directly.
Google implement the implicit flow, check: Using OAuth2 for Client-Side apps.
If you want to use the implicit flow with some provider that doesn't support it like Github, you can use an authentication broker like Auth0.
disclaimer: I work for Auth0.
What José F. Romaniello said is correct. However, your question is broad and thus I feel any offered conclusions are just generalities at this point.
Application state
For example, without knowing how complex your application state is at the time you want to let your users log in, nobody can know for sure if using a redirection is even practical at all. Consider that you might be willing to let the user log in very late in his workflow/application usage, at a point where your application holds state that you really don't want to serialize and save for no good reason. Let alone write code to rebuild it.
Note: You will see plenty of advice to simply ignore this on the web. This is because many people store most of the state of their application in server-side session storage and very little on their (thin) client. Sometimes by mistake, sometimes it really makes sense -- be sure it does for you if you choose to ignore it. If you're developing a thick client, it usually doesn't.
Popup dialogs
I realize that popups have a bad rep on the web because of all their misuses, but one has to consider good uses. In this case, they serve exactly the same purposes as trusted dialogs in other types of systems (think Windows UAC, fd.o polkit, etc). These interfaces all make themselves recognizable and use their underlying platform's features to make sure that they can't be spoofed and that input nor display can't be intercepted by the unprivileged application. The exact parallel is that the browser chrome and particularly the certificate padlock can't be spoofed, and that the single-origin policy prevents the application from accessing the popup's DOM. Interaction between the dialog (popup) and the application can happen using cross-document messaging or other techniques.
This is probably the optimal way, at least until the browsers somehow standardize privilege authorization, if they ever do. Even then, authorization processes for certain resource providers may not fit standardized practices, so flexible custom dialogs as we see today may just be necessary.
Same-window transitions
With this in mind, it's true that the aesthetics behind a popup are subjective. In the future, browsers might provide APIs to allow a document to be loaded on an existing window without unloading the existing document, then allow the new document to unload and restore the previous document. Whether the "hidden" application keeps running or is frozen (akin to how virtualization technologies can freeze processes) is another debate. This would allow the same procedure than what you get with popups. There is no proposal to do this that I know of.
Note: You can simulate this by somehow making all your application state easily serializable, and having a procedure that stores and restores it in/from local storage (or a remote server). You can then use old-school redirections. As implied in the beginning though, this is potentially very intrusive to the application code.
Yet another alternative of course is to open a new tab instead, communicate with it exactly like you would a popup, then close it the same way.
On taking user credentials from the unprivileged application
Of course it can only work if your users trust you enough not to send the credentials to your server (or anywhere they don't want them to end up). If you open-source your code and do deterministic builds/minimization, it's theoretically possible for users to audit or have someone audit the code, then automatically verify that you didn't tamper with the runtime version -- thus gaining their trust. Tooling to do this on the web is nonexistent AFAIK.
That being said, sometimes you want to use OAuth with an identity provider under you control/authority/brand. In this case, this whole discussion is moot -- the user trusts you already.
In the end, it comes down to (1) how thick your client is, and (2) what you want the UX to be like.
OAuth2 has 4 flows a.k.a. grant types, each serving a specific purpose:
Authorization Code (the one you alluded to, which requires redirection)
Client Credential
Resource Owner Password Credential
The short answer is: use Implicit flow.
Why? Choosing a flow or grant type relies on whether any part of your code can remain private, thus is capable of storing a secret key. If so, you can choose the most secure OAuth2 flow - Authorization Code, otherwise you will need to compromise on a less secure OAuth2 flow. e.g., for single-page application (SPA) that will be Implicit flow.
Client Credential flow only works if the web service and the user are the same entity, i.e., the web service serves only that specific user, while Resource Owner Password Credential flow is least secure and used as last resort since the user is required to give her social login credentials to the service.
To fully understand the difference between recommended Implicit flow and Authorization Code flow (the one that you alluded to and requires redirection), take a look at the flow side-by-side:
This diagram was taken from: https://blog.oauth.io/introduction-oauth2-flow-diagrams/

Restrict access to web service to only allow mobile clients

I'm currently building a mobile application (iOS at first), which needs a backend web service to communicate with.
Since this service will be exposing data that I only want to be accessed by my mobile clients, I would like to restrict the access to the service.
However I'm in a bit of a doubt as to how this should be implemented. Since my app doesn't require authentication, I can't just authenticate against the service with these credentials. Somehow I need to be able to identify if the request is coming from a trusted client (i.e. my app), and this of course leads to the thought that one could just use certificates. But couldn't this certificate just be extracted from the app and hence misused?
Currently my app is based on iOS, but later on android and WP will come as well.
The web service I'm expecting to develop in nodejs, though this is not a final decision - it will however be a RESTful service.
Any advice on best practice is appreciated!
Simple answer: You cannot prevent just anybody from acecssing your web site from a non-mobile client. You can, however, make it harder.
Send a nonstandard HTTP header
Set some unique query parameter
Send an interesting (or subtly non-interesting) User Agent string
(you can probably think of a few more)
Implement a challenge/response protocol to identify your client
(Ab)use HTTP as a transport for your own encrypted content
(you can probably think of a few more)
Of course anybody could extract the data, decompile your code, replay your HTTP requests, and whatnot. But at some point, being able to access a free Web application wouldn't be worth the effort that'd be required to reverse-engineer your app.
There's a more basic question here, however. What would be the harm of accessing your site with some other client? You haven't said; and without that information it's basically impossible to recommend an appropriate solution.

OAuth for multuple internal apps and main site

I have one main Asp.net MVC application, I also have a help site and quite a few internal apps (that I need to build - reporting, stats, support tickets).
Question: Can OAuth be used in this way? i.e. a user can be authenticated to use all apps (if they have access to that app)?
Ideally all or most of the other apps will be implemented in Ruby or Node.js - so I am hoping I can achieve this with OAuth.
As long as all of your apps run under the same top level domain, it should not be strictly neccessary to use OAuth or similar to obtain a shared session. Instead you could rely on a plain session cookie. You could run some kind of middleware in between your app and the user.
Only if the main app is providing a REST API that you may want to use on various client apps, where some of them run in external environments / domains, making use of OAuth may be relevant.

secure rest API for running user "apps" in an iframe

I want to let users create "apps" (like Facebook apps) for my website, and I'm trying to figure out the best way to make it secure.
I have a REST api
i want to run the user apps in an iframe on my own site (not a safe markup language like FBML)
I was first looking at oAuth but this seems overkill for my solution. The "apps" don't need to be run on external sites or in desktop apps or anything. The user would stay on my site at all times but see the user submitted "app" through the iframe.
So when I call the app the first time through the iframe, I can pass it some variables so it knows which logged in user is using it on my site. It can then use this user session in it's own API calls to customize the display.
If the call is passed in the clear, I don't want someone to be able to intercept the session and impersonate the user.
Does anyone know a good way to do this or good write up on it? Thanks!
For modern browsers, use the cross-window messaging interface provided by HTML 5
For older browsers, emulate the above messaging interface by creating a third IFrame on the same domain as your application, below the second external IFrame. You can then have bidirectional messaging from the 2nd to the 3rd and from the 1st to the 2nd by modifying the fragment part of the URL. The 3rd and 1st IFrames can communicate bidirectionally in javascript, because you're hosting them on the same domain.
You should be able to wrap both of the above methods into a single script, and maybe source one of these messaging layers to save you some time:
http ://json-rpc.org/wiki/implementations
If you have a REST API, you have no need for an iframe, in fact, iframes are considered very poor practice in modern web applications. An iframe would be useful if you have content on an external site that is not easily manipulated with javascript on the client side, or with your application on the server side. This content is usually in the format of an HTML document.
You've already stated that you have a REST API, so you can likely manipulate the data returned by a resource in any way you see fit. For instance, if the resource responds to JSON or XML requests, you could format and organize that data via Javascript from the client (web browser) or you could use your web framework to gather the data from the REST API and manipulate/organize it, making the result available to your application.
In order to secure the data as it is transferred back and forth between the client and the server, you could provide an API Token (lots of sites do this, e.g. Github, Lighthouse, etc.) for each user from the service provider and require users in your application to provide their API Token. The token could be passed in the HTTP headers to the REST service provider separating the token from the request and response data. HTTPS (SSL) is a must for this type of traffic to prevent eavesdropping.
Let me know if this is too general, I could give you a few specific examples.
